The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3188: Dead end


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"If you want to kill me, you will pass me first."

Seeing the crisis of Wang Feng's situation, the tortoise shell rushed forward without hesitation, and stood in front of Wang Feng.

Before, Wang Feng stood in front to protect him, but now Wang Feng is already injured, and the tortoise shell must stand up, because if he does not stand up, I am afraid that no one can protect Wang Feng.

"What are you, do you think you can stop so many of us alone?"

Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Su Yao sneered, and then the six of them rushed together again.

Although it hasn't been long since the tortoise shell broke through to the late Blood Saint Realm, it doesn't mean that he will be afraid of the other party. The person next to him is Wang Feng. If he retreats at this moment, the injured person must be Wang Feng.

It was his duty to protect Wang Feng, so even if he was injured, he could not retreat.

One person to six people, this is almost like a man's arm blocking a car, how could the tortoise shell be their opponent.

So when their power came into contact with each other, the tortoise shell flew out directly. Behind the tortoise shell, Wang Feng also flew out with him. The two of them smashed into the formation at the same time, breaking several times. Formation.

When the tortoise shell made an effort to resist these people, Wang Feng also exerted his strength. Otherwise, the tortoise shell will definitely suffer severe trauma now. How can he score part of the damage, otherwise, if the tortoise shell loses the power to fight again, just rely on it. Wang Feng was alone, and he couldn't get back the situation at all.


His body seemed to have been hit by a star, and that violent power erupted in his body, and Wang Feng couldn't suppress his injuries at all, and directly spewed blood.

And beside Wang Feng, the tortoise shell was the same as him, unable to suppress the injury, spewing blood.

"It looks like we are in danger today." Looking at Wang Feng, the tortoise's face showed a wry smile.

"I will never give up until the last moment. This formation cannot hold us back."

While talking, Wang Feng's bloodline reversed, and he stood up again. ,

This Su Yao wants to kill him, but Wang Feng will never fall down so easily. He has never been a person who gives up lightly. The situation has not yet reached its end, so he has to struggle a bit. .

The power of cultivation erupted, and Wang Feng focused his eyes on this circle and broke several formations in an instant, but there are really too many formations here. When he and the turtle shell were trapped, they had all the formations outside. Motivated, wanting to go out is very difficult.

"General, it's useless. In order to trap you, I spent such a high price. If you get out so easily, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

"Boy, you kill the people in our palace, you should think that there will be such a day, I will take revenge on my senior brother."

At this time, a dry old man came to Wang Feng's face and made a sound.

All the 18 bronze men in their palace were trained by your majesty. Privately, they were all regarded as seniors. Now that Wang Feng killed one of them, he naturally offended the others invisibly.

It's like if someone kills Wang Feng's senior, Wang Feng will definitely avenge them. This is the same reason.

"You people who helped Emperor Su Honggou are helping the king to abuse him. You are looking for your own death. Don't blame me if you die."

"I don't blame you, then you go down and be my brother."

"You are not qualified enough with your straw bag senior, and are you really confident to kill me?"

While speaking, Wang Feng raised his hand and hit the old man with a punch.

"One person can't kill you, two can always?"

Hearing what Wang Feng said, another old man sneered and joined in.

"And I."

"And I."

"Our five brothers are now joining hands to kill you. It is considered that you have the power to reach the sky, and you have only death now."

In a short moment, all these five people joined forces, preparing to kill Wang Feng.

"If I didn't die here today, it will be you who will die in the future."

Five people were killed at the same time, and Wang Feng's pressure was so intense that he was only at the Blood Saint Stage cultivation base.

Being able to fight with them for such a long time is actually an act against the sky, and being able to deal with the two Blood Saint Realm late immortality, Wang Feng is proud of himself.

But now the people who are going to kill him are five advanced blood saint realm masters. Wang Feng is doing his best. What can he do to save himself?

"Wang Feng, you must survive."

When Wang Feng was about to go desperately with these people to come and burn the jade, suddenly the tortoise shell rushed.

Just rushing in, the tortoise shell suddenly revealed its own prototype, which is also his body.

He was originally cultivated by the mysterious turtle, and his defense is very overbearing. Now so many masters are going to kill the two of them. No matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to deal with six people at the same time, unless they have Emperor Yongzhen and them. That level of cultivation.

It's a pity that now Wang Feng can't even break through the late Blood Saint Realm, let alone a higher level of cultivation.

So now, in order to protect Wang Feng, this tortoise shell can only use his body to help Wang Feng resist these injuries.


Although the defensive power of the tortoise shell was greatly enhanced after the body was transformed, the five powerful players of the late blood saint realm took action at the same time. This tortoise shell also paid a heavy price, and its mouth sprayed a river of blood directly. For a moment he had already suffered severe damage.

"Turtle shell."

Seeing this scene Wang Feng was also shocked, he wanted to save the turtle shell.

"Leave me alone, go!"

Hearing Wang Feng’s words, the mouth of the tortoise shell let out a loud roar. Since he had already stood in front of these people, he was naturally determined to die. In this critical situation, he could only use his own Life exchanged for Wang Feng an opportunity to leave here.

As long as Wang Feng survives, in the future, once he breaks through to the late Blood Saint It is not strange even if he kills three in and three out in the palace, so this tortoise shell will save Wang Feng’s life anyway. .

As soon as the voice fell, a large amount of blood spurted from the mouth of the tortoise shell, resisting the attack of the five masters, and the tortoise shell could not last long.

"Since we all came together when we came, we have to go together now, and the big deal is that we will all be buried here today!"

If Wang Feng left now, the tortoise shell would definitely die here, and Wang Feng would not even be able to **** the body.

The tortoise shell almost died this time. At that time, Wang Feng was unable to save him, but now the tortoise shell is alive in front of him. If he is asked to watch the tortoise shell being killed by Su Yao and others, he can't do it.

Didn't Su Yao and others want their lives? Then Wang Feng gave it to him, to see if he has the qualifications!

Copying the lines in his mind on the scroll can turn the scroll into a magic weapon with strong attacking power. Now Wang Feng wants to engrave all these lines on his body. He must use his own body as the basis, and he must make his own body. Become a magic weapon!

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