The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3172: Sky Eye

"It seems that we all underestimated you. You can wound your Highness in the middle of Blood Saint Realm." An old man said, and then the four of them quickly surrounded Wang Feng.

The left and right sides completely blocked Wang Feng's path, and it seemed that Wang Feng had fallen into a desperate situation.

After all, no matter how powerful he is alone, how could he be an opponent of so many people.

"General, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I underestimated you."

Seeing Wang Feng being surrounded, Su Yao also came back from a distance, with blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, but at this moment his face was cold and looked very evil.

"I reminded you a long time ago, but if you don't take my words seriously, then I can only hurt you." Wang Feng shrugged helplessly and said.

"General, now you have reached a deadlock, do you regret it?" Su Yao asked at this time.

"Regret, my intestines are all regretful." Wang Feng said, and then he said: "I regret that I gave up when I could kill you, or you wouldn't stand here now."

"You are just too greedy and lack of human heart. You have to blame yourself for the fate you are now."

"is it?"

Wang Feng shook his head, and then he said: "If you are really qualified to keep me, then it will be your ability, but the problem is that you can't keep me."

The members of the Li family are almost gone under the arrangement of the tortoise shell. You must know that the monk who uses the tortoise shell at the same time will be directly pushed into the wind when fighting two blood holy realms at the same time.

But the cultivators who prevented the Li family from fleeing were all cultivated in the middle of the Blood Holy Realm, so the tortoise shell was more than enough to deal with them.

As long as the turtle shell and others have successfully retreated, Wang Feng can leave at any time.

The last time the Eye of Destruction increased the power of Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction. Now that so many masters surround Wang Feng at the same time, he can completely use his Eye of Destruction to leave.

And in the current situation, he can only use the Eye of Destruction, because apart from this thing, Wang Feng has no way to get out of himself.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Su Yao was afraid that it would change after the delay, and at this moment he directly let the people around Wang Feng do it.

"come on."

Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, he directly burst out his own eyes of destruction.

A terrifying light burst out from Wang Feng's eyes, instantly covering the void in front of him.

More than five rays of light erupted from Wang Feng's eyes, causing the void in front of him to collapse in an instant, and the two old men in front of him were unresistible and were instantly submerged in it.


A scream of screams came from the collapsed void, and the two old men suffered a huge blow in Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction. Even if they were immortal, they would have to die for half their lives.

They didn't even think of Wang Feng's sudden eruption, and even to them, Wang Feng is now a desperate person who has been forced into a dead end. How much resistance can he have?

But it was because of their contempt that they paid a heavy price.

"Goodbye everyone."

Seeing that these two people were swallowed by his own eyes of destruction in an instant, he did not hesitate at all, and instantly turned into a ray of light and swept toward the sky.

And just after he left, the other two old men who were staying behind Wang Feng reacted. At this moment, they did not hesitate at all and pursued Wang Feng.

The threat of Wang Feng is really too great. If he can't be removed, he will develop into a major problem for the empire sooner or later. Therefore, the two men are chasing fast now, and they don't want to let Wang Feng go.

After the three of them had already flown away, Su Yao looked at the two blood-stained old men who came out of the collapsed void like a waking up from a dream.

"How is this possible? How is it possible?"

There was a muttering sound in his mouth, Su Yao couldn't even dream that Wang Feng could be so tyrannical. The two old blood saints in the late stage, the 18 bronze men under the father's throne could not stop a Wang Feng.

He is only in the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm, and he doesn't even have a cultivation base in the latter stage of the Blood Saint Realm.

"Stop me."

Wang Feng used the gap of their shock to escape from the Li family, but behind him, the two old men were chasing after him, and they didn't mean to let Wang Feng go. They were like two pieces of brown candy. Stick to Wang Feng.

"If you let me stop, I will stop, then I'm very shameless?" Wang Feng sneered, and then he sent a message to the turtle shell.

With Wang Feng's current cultivation base, he should have no problem dealing with a monk in the late Blood Saint Realm.

But once two people attacked Wang Feng at the same time, Wang Feng might also be in danger, so how could he stay and stand still at this moment? He wouldn't be so stupid.

Under Wang Feng's delay, the tortoise shell had successfully shielded some members of the Li family from fleeing, so now Wang Feng is going to summon the tortoise shell here and join him to deal with the two old men.

As long as the tortoise shell comes, and the two of them are one-on-one, there is still a chance of winning.

"You have committed a heinous crime, and the sin is unforgivable. Even if you escape to the end of the world, you can't escape." At this time an old man shouted.

"Any joke, let's catch up with me."

What the old undead said, Wang Feng could hardly pay attention. At this moment, he was waiting for the turtle shell to come.

As long as the tortoise shell comes, then why does he have to flee again? A dignified battle is enough.

Wang Feng’s movement speed is very fast, but the two old men chasing behind him are equally slow, and because their cultivation base is one end higher than Wang Feng, their speed is obviously faster, and the distance between Wang Feng and them is shortening little by little. , It may not be long before Wang Feng will be caught up by these two men.

But before they could catch up with Wang Feng, the voice of the tortoise shell sounded in the sky: "Don't be afraid of them, I'm here."

"I've been waiting for you for a long Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng didn't run away anymore, but came to a sudden brake in the void.

When Wang Feng stopped, it was too abrupt, and the two old men almost didn't react.

However, seeing the two of them rushing towards Wang Feng, the two elders did not hesitate. They all raised their hands and wanted to attack Wang Feng.

Although the opponent has come to help, as long as they kill Wang Feng in an instant, the helper that the opponent rushes over may be useless.

It's just that Wang Feng is not so easy to kill. When the two old men shot, Wang Feng also followed suit.

Wanting to deal with two advanced blood saint realm masters at the same time, Wang Feng had no choice but to continue using Eye of Destruction, otherwise he could not stop these two people.

Casting the Eye of Destruction before was already very burdensome for Wang Feng, and now if he casts the Eye of Destruction again, he may not be able to bear it.

But for the sake of his own life, even if it is overdraft, Wang Feng has to do this, desperately, who is afraid of whom?

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