Seeing that the general had already entered the vortex first, Su Yao did not have any doubts and walked in with him.

He thought that there were a large number of soldiers behind the whirlpool, but when he stepped in, he realized that there was a cave in it. The place was blood red, and the **** smell that was so strong that it could not be removed almost smoked Su Yao Gagging.

But he didn't have time to get sick, because he was going to be attacked by the killing array as soon as he stepped forward. Now he can do nothing but defense.

"Asshole, asshole!"

Seeing that the general who had stepped forward earlier had been completely shredded under the power of this killing formation, Su Yao finally understood what had happened.

To put it nicely is to prepare a safe place for many soldiers, but now they are completely pushed into hell.

Everyone who comes in will die, and even the number of soldiers can't withstand such consumption.

The person just said that there was a **** smell here, and Su Yao didn't care much, but now it seems that he is too careless.

Who set up such a bureau? Pushed all their soldiers into the abyss?

Moreover, what makes Su Yao more difficult to understand is why the general he personally set up has also come here, and also killed himself?

Could it be that he didn't know that behind this whirlpool was a terrible hell?

Or is he now being manipulated?

He didn't believe that the general didn't know the inside story, so the most powerful explanation was that the general was manipulated and became a puppet of others, otherwise how could he have killed himself here abruptly.

But now it's useless to think about it. If Su Yao wants to go out, he must break this formation, otherwise he will have to be abruptly consumed here.

"Don't hesitate, everyone, continue to line up to get inside."

When the general led Su Yao into the formation, Wang Feng did not hesitate, and immediately controlled his puppet to make a sound.

At the moment, two old men from the late Blood Saint Realm came to this place, and if Su Yao was added, it would be three later Blood Saint Realms. Wang Feng knew that once this happened, it would be difficult to kill soldiers.

So now he is in the mind that as many as he can kill, he arranges soldiers to go in and die.

The people that Wang Feng controls now include the current commander of the Qing Feather Army, so his words are still very useful for the Qing Feather Army people, and soon these Qing Feather Army soldiers began to line up to the whirlpool.

Seeing this scene, this tortoise shell also admires Wang Feng's boldness. There are two old monsters of the late Blood Saint Realm in this place. He even wants these soldiers to die. Isn't he afraid of being discovered?

"Why does anyone come in?"

In this formation, Su Yao also discovered that there were a large number of soldiers coming in behind him. Their cultivation base was too weak. They were immediately annihilated by the power of the killing formation, even Su Yao could not save them.

"Who let you in?"

Su Yao roared, but no one responded to him.

Because these soldiers just came in and died, and they didn't even have a chance to speak, how could they respond to him.

However, this Su Yao now had the strength of the late Blood Saint Realm anyway, so under his full force, he still saved a soldier and detained it by his side.

"Who did you call in?" Looking at the soldier, Su Yao asked while resisting the power of the killing formation.

"Yes... the general."

Perceiving the horror of this place, even the tone of the soldier's speech was trembling, obviously he was scared.

How could he not be afraid when he came in such a scene.

"Why did your general send you here? It's a jerk."

You must know that soldiers are the guarantee of the security of an empire. The existence of the army is indispensable for the fact that the Tianwai Empire has been able to prosper for so many years. They have put down many rebellions.

But now the soldiers of the army are being massacred innocently like this. As the prince of the empire, it is impossible for Su Yao to say that it is not heartbroken. ,

But he can't save these people at all now, he can only let go of this person and attack this formation with all his strength.

If he wants to save people, he can only break this formation, otherwise these soldiers will die as many as they come.

It's just that the formation was set by Wang Feng, and this Su Yao didn't understand the formation. He could only break the formation with his own brute force, but breaking the formation with brute force was the most inferior way to deal with it, and it was the most thankless.

The harder he attacks, the power of this killing formation will increase simultaneously, and he has no way to come out easily.

He couldn't break the formation, the people behind this didn't know what happened before, they were still walking towards this vortex.

As long as Su Yao can't get out of the inside for a moment, then the people outside will continue to die. It's like a battle of time, racing against time.

"Get ready to retreat."

At this moment, Wang Feng's voice rang in the ears of the tortoise shell, and then he gradually moved closer to this formation.

This Su Yao has the cultivation base of the late Blood Saint Realm. Although he used brute force to break the formation, his brute force is also destroying the formation a little bit. Wang Feng knew that this formation would definitely not last long. It is even more difficult to kill Su Yao, as long as the formation is broken, Wang Feng and the turtle shell must leave.

After all, the Three Blood Saint Realm late stages were not so easy to deal with. Putting down the prince Su Yao, just the old man would be enough for Wang Feng and the turtle shell to drink a pot.

Therefore, the situation is not good, it is better to go first.

Although Su Yao broke through to the late Blood Saint Realm by a coincidence, his combat effectiveness has indeed improved a lot compared to before. Wang Feng's formation itself is a bit rough, and it is even more impossible to block Su Yao.

So he will come out of it sooner or later.


Just when this formation was about to break, Wang Feng spoke, and then he immediately took away the container used to absorb the blood of this formation.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell did not hesitate at all and turned around and left.


Seeing that both Wang Feng and the tortoise shell showed abnormal appearances at the same time, the two elders at the late Blood Saint Realm level immediately noticed that something was wrong.

But when they reacted, it was too late.

Since the people who control these people have been discovered by Su Yao, there is no need to keep these puppet Wangfeng.

At this moment, Wang Feng's thoughts are the same as tortoise shells. When they are about to leave, they directly detonate the puppets they control.

Detonating the puppets can stop these two old guys in the late Blood Saint Realm, and also can kill those soldiers in a large range.

Anyway, this army has become such a ghost, and it doesn't make much sense to continue to control the puppets here, so now Wang Feng and the turtle shell directly detonated all these puppets.

Their role should also be played out.

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