The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3155: Army merger

"Well, I have already said what I should say. As for what you want to do in the future, it is entirely up to you. If you don't want to be bullied, then resist. If one person can't beat others, then two. I don't I hope to see your reputation as the Flame Army in the combined army in the future!"

"The general can rest assured, even if we die, we must resolutely defend our flame army!"

At this time, a soldier spoke, blushing with a thick neck, and looking very excited.

"From now on, you will be a soldier."

"Thank you general, thank you general."

Hearing this, this soldier can be said to be overjoyed. You must know that in this army, most of the changes in this position are accompanied by credit. If you want to improve your status, you must obtain credit, such as meritorious service.

But as it is now, it is the first time to be canonized just by saying a word.

"Go out a lot to promote the strength of our Flame Army, so I also have face on my face." Wang Feng's puppet continued to speak.

To put it bluntly, Wang Feng asked them to go out to promote the strength of the Flame Army, that is, they are deliberately pretending to be forced. If you know that pretending to be too much, you will be beaten, so Wang Feng did this to let them go out to offend people, and then cause chaos. .

Openly let them go out to find other people's trouble, then Wang Feng's puppet must be in great trouble, so now he can only guide a little bit, as long as others join hands to oppress them, then it is reasonable for them to resist, right?

"Okay, I have already said what I should say, I hope you can keep this general's words firmly in your heart, and don't go out and lose my face of the Flame Army!"


Hearing the words of Wang Feng's puppet, the people below rang together.

"that's it?"

Beside Wang Feng, the tortoise shell asked.

"Sometimes we can't make things too obvious, otherwise the puppets we control might be exposed at once, and keeping them should be useful."

"You let them go out and pretend to be forceful. I can't want it for a day, oh no, at most, they will make enemies everywhere. I'm afraid things will be fun then."

"The more enemies you make, the better, so that after the army merges, there will be more situations. At that time, once Su Yao sees such a situation, I don't know how he will feel."

"If I were Su Yao, I think I would be mad."

"Okay, let's do this for the first time, and then we can wait for Emperor Yongzhen to come back from the Li family."

This Emperor Yongzhen has a cultivation base that surpasses the Blood Saint Realm, and only he can truly match Su Hong. If he does not come out, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell actually don't have much action to do.

Because they didn't dare to go to this imperial city, it would be difficult for them to do things in this subsidiary star field, unless it was like the wolf star that day, they directly broke away from the control of the outer dynasty and flew to the unknown starry sky.

But looking at the entire satellite domain, who can compare with the Soviet army on the wolf star that day?

In addition, there is now an army from the main star in each satellite domain. If Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell want to do things in this environment, it is basically impossible, so now they are still at ease in this Li family waiting. Let the Emperor Yongzhen come back.

As long as he comes back, they should have a plan for how they will act next.

Although Wang Feng and Turtle Shell had a certain amount of combat effectiveness, the two of them were weak after all. Besides, if no one could contain Su Hong, then the two of them could be in danger at any time.

Even the tortoise shell has already broken through to the late Blood Saint Realm, and now Wang Feng's heart is also ruthless, he also wants to break through to the latter Blood Saint Realm.

Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell are now in a state of nothing to do, and above the main star, Su Yao’s policy is gradually being implemented. All major armies have now received news of a merger. There are countless moments. The soldiers were in an uproar.

You must know that separating them into their respective camps is no longer a matter of one or two days. Since many soldiers entered the system, the five camps have been separated, and even your Majesty has not made any changes.

But now Su Yao wants all the soldiers to gather together, and it is still so without warning, many people can't accept it for a while.

There are many oppositions. After all, many armies have always been in a competitive relationship. If they are merged together, there will definitely be great contradictions, and even civil wars are possible.

It's a pity that Su Yao was very determined. He didn't listen to others' persuasion at all, and he single-mindedly wanted the five armies to merge.

The senior officials crushed people to death, let alone a prince like Su Yao, so at his request, the fusion did not stop at all, but continued.

In about two days or so, all the soldiers were relocated to a new business, where the straight-line distance from the imperial city was no more than 100,000 miles, and the speed of support could be very fast.

At the beginning of the integration, because there were many big men present, many soldiers also behaved No one dared to step beyond the thunder pool, because if they were caught by these big men, then They are afraid that they will be over in the next life.

Seeing that the many soldiers were very abiding by the rules, many people thought that the fusion proceeded very smoothly, but on the second day, after all the big men were almost gone, the problem appeared.

The most important contradiction is that everyone compares with each other, especially this flame army is unique among them, thinking that he is the invincible boss in the world, causing other armies to stare at them.

All this must be blamed on Wang Feng's teaching. If it hadn't been for Wang Feng's previous puppets, perhaps these people would not be so arrogant.

But now they are not afraid of other people at all in order to strengthen the momentum of the Flame Army, even if they do it, they are not afraid.

"Hit me, kill the flame army, these pretending to be forced."

The soldiers of the Flame Army proclaimed the strength of their Flame Army everywhere, as if their momentum would overwhelm the God Army.

Under such circumstances, someone finally couldn't stand it and started to attack them.

Pretending to be too forceful, this flame army will be targeted sooner or later.

"Kill them."

Last time the Flame Army achieved victory in training through conspiracy and tricks, and now they have used this incident to attack other armies. This clay figure is still three-point angry, not to mention these soldiers.

So now that the Flame Army is so hateful, what can they do if they hit each other?

With just this fight, the problem is serious, because Wang Feng's puppet has said that the Flame Army is not a bully, and will never be bullied by others.

Therefore, seeing many people besieging them, the people of the Flame Army also began a fierce resistance.

The entire military camp is now as lively as a vegetable market. I am afraid that thousands of people have already participated in the battle.

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