The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3152: Forced into submission

The news of the prince's indecent assault on the concubine couldn't be hidden at all. Soon many people knew about it, and even the news was still spreading, which had a very strong negative impact on Su Yao.

It's a pity that there is this old immortal guard, otherwise this Su Yao would have killed the imperial concubine a hundred times.

"Go, we can move around."

A day later, Wang Feng walked out of the room and said.

"Where are we going?" Looking at Wang Feng, the turtle shell asked.

"Naturally to inquire about the news."

Although Wang Feng asked the Li family to inquire about the news for himself, this kind of news belonging to the palace might be locked by them, so Wang Feng had to go to the intelligence agency to find out the whereabouts of Su Yao.

If the news is really blocked, then Wang Feng can just use this intelligence agency to spread it a bit.

Last time Wang Feng consumed a huge amount of resources in their organization, and then Wang Feng even gave their person in charge a pill that could improve his cultivation.

It's a pity that the pill is not an ordinary pill. It contains a poison that Wang Feng specially prepared for this person. There is no sign of this poison, but if Wang Feng wants to, the poison can be tortured in an instant. People don't want to live, so even if Wang Feng doesn't use any resources now, he can still let this person work for himself.

Because his life is already under his control, Wang Feng is still afraid that he will not make any waves.

Really thought his pill was so delicious?

When I came to the base of the underground intelligence agency where Wang Feng and Turtle Shell visited before, because Wang Feng and Turtle Shell were already big customers here, the people here immediately sent a message to the person in charge when they saw them.

Not long after, the person in charge here who had been promoted to the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm appeared with a smile on his face.

But when he saw that the current breath of the tortoise shell had reached the late stage of the Blood Holy Realm, his pupils couldn't help but shrank sharply.

We must know that when he and Wang Feng met last time, they were only in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm, but now one of them has already broken through to the latter stage of the Blood Saint Realm. Is this change too fast?

You must know that the weight of the late Blood Saint Realm is too heavy, and it is not comparable to the middle Blood Saint Realm.

It was only a short time since it was gone, and such a big change has already taken place.

However, this person in charge is also someone who has seen the world. After a brief shock, he quickly returned to normal and said, "The two are here today, but what's the matter?"

"If there is nothing wrong, we will naturally not come here." At this time, Wang Feng took the conversation and said: "Are you going to let the two of us talk to you here?"

"Of course it can't."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person seemed to have just reacted, and he quickly made a gesture of please, saying: "The two are my most honorable guests, please come in."

"Let all your people go down."

Still in the room last time, Wang Feng said.

"You all go down first."

Hearing what Wang Feng said, this person didn’t think much about it. He felt that Wang Feng came here to find him because there should be something very confidential to talk about. Although everyone around him is in the same organization, Wang Feng doesn’t want to let something happen When these people hear, he will naturally give satisfaction.


Hearing what the person in charge said, these people did not dare to stay here for a long time, and all turned and left here.

After they had all gone, Wang Feng said: "I came to you this time, in fact, I want to ask you some news."

"I wonder what kind of news you want to inquire about?"

"I want to inquire about news from the palace."

"This..." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the man's face was embarrassed and said: "This palace is no better than an ordinary place. It is also very difficult for us to get the news inside."

"Difficulty is hard, but I think if you want to make it, it shouldn't be difficult? Or maybe you already know the news."

"Can you be more specific?"

"I want to know the news about Su Yao, who should you know Su Yao?"

"Imperial prince, how could I not know this, don't laugh."

"Since you know, then I won't be oblivious. I want to know the news about Su Yao, all the news related to him."

"According to our regulations, if you want to know the news, you have to pay first. You should know this?"

"I have consumed enough resources with you, why? I don't want to tell me if I know something?"

"The rules are dead, and people are alive. Wouldn't you be a little flexible?" At this time the turtle shell also agreed.

"Two, our cooperation has always been very pleasant before. We have our own rules here. If we want to know the news, we have to pay the price. Otherwise, what is the meaning of our existence?"

"Do you want a price?" Wang Feng smiled when he heard this, and then he said: "Try to touch your belly."

"Small belly?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person's heart instinctively flashed badly, and even instantly remembered the pill that Wang Feng had given himself last time.

At that time, he felt that there was a problem with the pill, but he wanted to break through the realm too much, so he only took the pill after checking it, but now it seems that he eats more than just the pill. , It's my own freedom.

Gently pressing his lower abdomen, a violent sensation suddenly struck, making this person's complexion change.

I saw him shouting: "What the **** did you do to me?"

"We all know what I have done to you. If you don't listen to me now, I believe that within a quarter of an hour, your body will slowly become a pool of ...There is a problem with the pill you gave me last time."

Lifting his finger at Wang Feng, this person's body was trembling slightly, because he didn't expect the other party to be so vicious.

The person who can attack the royal family is indeed not an ordinary person, and he has even calculated himself.

"Since you know there is a problem, you should understand how to do it now. The next time it may not be as simple as a severe pain."

"Give me the antidote."

Looking at Wang Feng, the man shouted in a low voice.

"If you want an antidote, it's okay, but you have to do something for me. When I think you are useless, I will naturally give you the antidote."

"You bastard."

Hearing this, the blue veins on the man's forehead violently. He never dreamed that Wang Feng was so vicious that he would poison himself.

It's a pity that he is now like a fish on the chopping board, to be slaughtered.

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