The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3145: Crazy turtle shell

"I can't kill you, can't I still keep you?"

Seeing the other party's shot, the eyes of the tortoise's shell instantly became gloomy.

Wang Feng has never killed a cultivator of the late Blood Saint Realm, and he has done the same, so if they can kill this person today, they would have created a history from nothing.


There was almost no dodge, and the tortoise shell did not resist at this moment. He allowed the opponent to attack him. The reason for doing so was entirely because the tortoise shell kept in mind what Wang Feng said just now.

He would rather use his injury in exchange for the opportunity to restrain the opponent, as long as he can win, what is the point of being injured?

A late-stage blow of the Blood Saint Realm was definitely not so easy to resist. The tortoise shell was vomiting blood on the surface at this moment, and his body had already suffered a certain amount of damage at this moment.

But no matter how badly he suffered, the tortoise shell didn't matter now, because his goal had already been achieved.

Forcibly using his injuries in exchange for the opportunity to trap the opponent, the turtle shell was still very successful. At this moment, he stretched out his hands and instantly hugged the person.

"Wang Feng, take advantage of it now."

After hugging the opponent, the tortoise shell made a sound, and then his cultivation strength exploded, and the opponent's hands were tightly bound.


There was almost no need to shout with the tortoise shell. When Wang Feng saw that the tortoise shell had successfully restrained the other person, Wang Feng had already come to this person.

The eyes seemed to be stained with blood, and two terrifying rays of light shot out from Wang Feng's eyes and went straight to the head of the general.

The head is a very important part of a person, because there is a person's soul hidden inside.

The heart is no longer the most important organ when the cultivation base reaches their level. The most important thing is the soul. As long as the soul is immortal, this physical body can be reborn at any time.

So as long as the opponent's soul is destroyed, even if the opponent possesses the strongest strength, it will be in vain.

"So you turned out to be a fake Highness."

Hearing the tortoise shell calling out Wang Feng's voice, the general of the Divine Army was trembling with anger. This Su Yao is a prince, with a golden body. How could it be possible for a person to come to this satellite region alone.

You know that this satellite domain is very chaotic now, what if he dies here?

And even if he wants to come, he can never be two people, right?

It can only be said that this **** army general did not observe carefully before, otherwise he would not be deceived.

Wang Feng’s cultivation is in the middle of the blood sacred realm, while Su Yao is in the late blood of the sacred realm. It is good for Wang Feng to become Su Yao, even his appearance and breath are almost the same, but Wang Feng can’t change his realm. So if this person observed carefully before, he might find that Wang Feng was an impersonator.

It is a pity that now he has no chance.

"Even if it's fake, that would deceive you, isn't it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the power of the Eye of Destruction exploded, instantly annihilating this person's head, and even the soul in it was severely damaged.

Everything happened in an instant. Wang Feng didn't give the other party a chance to leave. Looking at the remnant soul left by the other party, Wang Feng directly released the little things in his Dantian.

At this moment, these little things were led by the life force released by Wang Feng and went straight to the soul of the other party.

"You two bastards, you deceived me so much."

The head was completely annihilated at this moment, and the soul of this person was also severely damaged at this moment, and the whole person was plunged into a frenzy.

"Even Su Yao can be deceived, so what do you count?" Wang Feng sneered, and then he took a step forward and instantly came to this man's remnant soul.

The real fire of the sun continuously swept out from Wang Feng's body, instantly enveloping this person's soul.

In the sight of Wang Feng's destruction, his soul itself had already suffered severe damage. If it were not for his tyrannical cultivation, he might have fallen on the spot.

But he did not fall, and he can't escape Wang Feng's palm now.

Because he himself is already in a state of serious injury, what else can he use to fight Wang Feng?

He had imagined that he had many ways to die, and even died in battle on the battlefield.

But what he didn't expect was that not only did he not die on the battlefield, but he died in the hands of someone younger than himself and even weaker than himself. He really couldn't accept such a situation.

"Unexpectedly, I was defeated by someone like you." Looking at Wang Feng, this person also knew that there was no hope to escape, and let Wang Feng's real fire envelop himself.

He has suffered an irreversible serious injury, and it is basically impossible to escape, and even if Wang Feng can't catch up with him, wouldn't the tortoise shell of the late Blood Saint Realm still catch up with him?

"What? Do you feel aggrieved?" Wang Feng asked calmly when he heard the other party's words.

"I am not only aggrieved, but I am even more unwilling. I once thought that my enemy would kill me on the battlefield, and I also thought about being killed by people of the same level, but what I never expected was that I It fell into the hands of someone like you."

"What's the use of saying these things now? If you don't come to provoke us, then you have nothing to do, but you just want to come to us, and even say bad words, so you have ended up like this. , That’s completely self-blaming."

After talking about this, Wang Feng paused for a while, and then said: "And you don't have to feel aggrieved, because many people from your outer dynasty died in my hands, including your national teachers and important officials of the court. "


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the general of the Divine Army seemed to be struck by thunder, and his entire facial expression became stiff.

He didn't expect that he would accidentally bump into the assassin of the national teacher.


Looking at Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, the general of the Divine Army was really shocked.

"Even the national division is dead in our You said that your general is more important than that of the national division?"

Said that Wang Feng's flame temperature increased again, saying: "So you die in my hands as a good death. There are a lot of people in front of you waiting for you to go to **** and meet them."

"It has taken me 500,000 years to cultivate at this level in my entire life, but now I am about to die in the hands of a villain like you. I am not reconciled, not reconciled."

While speaking, a terrifying aura spurted from the body of the general of the gods army. He actually wanted to blew himself up to drag Wang Feng on the road.

"I want to explode, I'm afraid I think too much."

Seeing that the other party was about to explode, Wang Feng also regretted having said so many useless words to him. Wouldn't it be over if he clicked and killed him earlier?

However, it was not too late to make up for it. When Wang Feng sensed that the opponent was about to explode, Wang Feng flicked his arm forward, and suddenly a cold light broke out of his hand, hitting the soul of the general.

Like a deflated ball, the sword that Wang Feng threw out pierced the spirit of the general of the gods, causing his self-destruction to be forcibly interrupted.

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