The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3135: Kill 4 parties


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When others begged for mercy, Wang Feng should have allowed them to make a living in a humanitarian mind. No matter how bad they were, he would kill the owner and let the others go.

It is a pity that Wang Feng has eaten too much at this kind of loss. Today he can let others go, so tomorrow the other party may directly become a mad dog that can rush to bite him.

Moreover, when he killed other people's family members, they must hate themselves deeply, so this threat Wang Feng can't stay.

The blame is that they are standing in this Su Hong team.


After killing everyone in this place, Wang Feng had just walked out, and he suddenly saw the tortoise shell appearing in blood.

Wang Feng came to kill the important people in this mansion, while the tortoise shell was to kill their subordinates. This tortoise shell was used by evil spirits, so with the cooperation of him and evil spirits, it was completely The crushing force directly killed the servants of this mansion, and basically no one was his opponent.

This battle can be described as easy, it ended so soon.

"Go to the next one." Wang Feng said, and then he stopped talking, but took the tortoise shell to the residence of the next high court official.

In this way, under the cooperation of Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell, they killed one important court official after another. Without these people, the court would definitely be without a leader. Then naturally it would be like scattered sand, and it would not be easy to gather together.


Seeing that his goal was almost killed, Wang Feng didn't want to stay in this city because he had to take a certain risk to stay here, and he didn't want to be blocked by Su Hong in the end.

So when the things that should be done are done, they should naturally go.

"It's really fun."

Looking at Wang Feng, the tortoise shell showed a smile.

"This time we killed more than a dozen high-ranking officials in this empire. This time, their leadership will definitely have a big problem. We can wait for the show."

Beside the tortoise shell, Wang Feng said.

"It's a pity that our cultivation base hasn't improved. If we can all break through to the late Blood Saint Realm, that's fine."

"This blood Saint Realm late stage can't stop us for a lifetime, there will always be a breakthrough day." Wang Feng took a deep breath and said.

This time he also thought he would break through when he was fighting, but the facts proved that he really thought too much, this blood Saint Realm late stage was not so good to break through.

There is still some distance between him and this realm. If anyone can break through to the late Blood Holy Realm, then there are definitely too many advanced Blood Holy Realm masters in this world. It is precisely because this realm is very difficult to improve, so it will appear so full. precious.

The imperial city swayed around, and Wang Feng took the lives of many people. The next day, the dynasty is bound to usher in a turmoil. As for what it will become, it depends on whether there are any careerists.

Right now Su Hong was dragged down, and the palace had no masters. If there were any monks in the late Blood Saint Realm who were willing to lead the team, it would be possible for them to occupy the palace.

Once the palace is occupied, that matter has to be seen.

As long as this news spreads, I believe that people all over the world will be in an uproar. This kind of scene Wang Feng is very happy to hear, see if there is such a person.

The masters in this imperial city are like clouds, and there are not no people in the late Blood Saint Realm, so as long as they are willing to blend in, it can be regarded as Wang Feng's intention.

"Let's pay attention to the dog emperor and their battle." When the main star was about to appear, Wang Feng said.

The battle between Emperor Yongzhen and Su Hong is related to the future destiny of the Tianwai Dynasty. As long as either side wins, the situation may change drastically.

"The dog emperor, unexpectedly found some ants to humiliate me."

In the starry sky, the emperor Yongzhen made a sound. At this moment, he is no longer in his peak period, and even the clothes on his chest have been stained with blood like plum blossoms, that is his own blood.

Although these Su Hong's dog legs are not as high as his cultivation base, they can join hands to hold him, and then create an opportunity for Su Hong to kill him.

So after several battles, Emperor Yongzhen suffered a serious loss.

Killed almost half of the opponent's people, but he also suffered heavy losses. He knew that Su Hong wanted to use these people's lives in exchange for him. These people are at best the second-class strength of this palace.

Their death did not have much impact on the palace, and Su Hong alone was enough.

I have to say that Su Hong's abacus is still very good, because he understands that as long as he kills the Yongzhen Emperor, there will be no one in the whole world to threaten his rule, so what is the death of his subordinates? He just wanted to kill the other party.

As long as he can kill Emperor Yongzhen, half of his country is gone, then he doesn't care, and he can get back what he loses, but if he can't kill the other party and keep fighting like this, he is the only one who will suffer.

He didn't know that there was a riot in the empire, but now he has to face the Yongzhen Emperor, and he is completely lacking in skills.

So he desperately wants to end this battle.

He spent a lot of time and resources cultivating his subordinates in the past, and now they come to exchange for the opportunity to kill each other, which can be regarded as repaying him.

"This is not a humiliation, this is a slaying game!"

Looking at Emperor Yongzhen, Su Hong's mouth showed a scornful smile, and then he took advantage of the gap to attack this Emperor Yongzhen again.

Emperor Yongzhen was busy dealing with the late blood sacred cultivators coming from the palace. When this Su Hong attack swept through, it was almost too late for him to resist. He could only use his body to resist. This Su Hong's blow.

In the distant starry sky, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell happened to see this scene, their faces were shocked.

The battle here has been fought like this now, this Su Hong even beat Emperor Yongzhen to vomit blood.


This Su Hong's power was too stubborn. With such a punch, Emperor Yongzhen couldn't bear it even if he was an iron man, so now he was flying out, not Su Hong's opponent.

I am afraid that this battle will soon come out with a result.

"Today you will definitely die."

Looking at the Yongzhen Emperor, Su Hong's mouth made a cold voice, and then his figure flashed and came to the Yongzhen Emperor.

His moving speed is too Even Wang Feng's Sky Eye can't react to it, but this Emperor Yongzhen is also an old-brand powerhouse, how could he be killed so easily.

Seeing that Su Hong came to him, he raised his hand very decisively and slapped the void.

This Su Hong just showed up and had to take this palm, unable to deceive him forward.


The power of the two people collided, and the starry sky suddenly made a deafening roar. At the same time, a storm of power focused on the two of them, and instantly swept in all directions, completely indiscriminate attacks.

No wonder there will be dust everywhere in the satellite domain, such a terrifying storm of power, I am afraid that not many people can stop it.

Although Wang Feng and the tortoise shell had a blood sacred stage in their cultivation bases, under the impact of this force, the two of them still retreated a long distance before they could stop.

"Really strong." The tortoise coughed violently before saying.

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