The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3119: Ask for payment

"Don't talk so much nonsense to them. These two people blatantly violated the regulations. They must be malicious and take them directly." At this time, the old man Su, who was chasing Wang Feng, spoke, and then all the people he brought with him took out. With his own weapons, Wang Feng and two of them must be taken down by force.

   "Who dares to do it?"

   Hearing his words, Wang Feng sneered on his face and said, "As long as any of you dare to move, I can guarantee that you will become dead next second."

   "It's a big tone." Wang Feng's words made the Su family members who were present couldn't help but hum. Only two people came, and they were not the cultivation base of the late Blood Saint Realm. This tone was really too arrogant.

   Even the advanced blood saint realm masters who came up from the main star were beaten by their Su Family and ran away with their tails between their tails. These two people ran to their home to be so eloquent, this is really looking for death.

   "Two, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, there was a commotion behind the crowd, and then a person came here under the embrace of a group of people. He was the current master of the Su family, the patriarch of the Su family, and the actual leader of the Soviet army. .

   This Soviet army was able to annex half of Sirius before Wang Feng came. This person can be said to have contributed.

   Seeing the family members coming, the Su family member who was blocking Wang Feng two people also subconsciously gave up a way, so that the Su family head can easily come to Wang Feng two people.

   "Of course something is going on." Seeing a heavyweight person appearing on the other side, Wang Feng straightened his expression and said.

   "Could it be that the two strong men are here to take refuge in us?" The Su clan chief spoke, and he was already eager to win.

At the moment, the Su Family is very reluctant to control the entire Sirius. It lacks masters. Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell are both the cultivation base of the mid-term Blood Saint Realm. Although this cultivation base is not enough to dominate the world, it is definitely a mainstay. If you can recruit these two people After coming down, I am afraid that their Su family will have a better life in the future.

   The army of the Su family wants, but the powerhouses of this level also need them, and the composition of a power cannot lack these people of medium cultivation level.

   Besides, with their Su Family's current strength, this mid-term Blood Saint Realm could be regarded as a real powerhouse.

   So no matter what Wang Feng and Turtle Shell did wrong, as long as they came to take refuge in their Su family, then he can ignore the previous suspicions and forget the past.

   If you want to achieve great things, you must be tolerant. This is what the Su family leader has done very well. If it were not, it would be impossible for the Soviet army to create such a foundation in such a short period of time.

   It's a pity that Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell didn't come here to defect to them. If they really wanted to defect, they might have done such a thing a long time ago.

   Again, this Soviet army is on the surface strong now, but they are not yet so attractive for Wang Feng to join in. To put it bluntly, they are not qualified.

   "If you want us to take refuge in your Su family, don't think about it. Both of us came here today to get our own things." "What do you mean?"

   Hearing what Wang Feng said, the face of the Su clan leader showed a look of surprise. I don't know what Wang Feng meant by this.

   Not only him, everyone around him doesn't know what the other person is saying, take what belongs to them? Could it be that their Su family still owed something to the other party?

   "Didn't you look for us everywhere? Now the two of us have come to take the initiative." Wang Feng said calmly.

   "Could it be that you are?"

   The head of the Su clan is not stupid. After hearing Wang Feng's words, he almost instantly reacted, his eyes widened, showing an incredible color.

"Do you think those people from your Su family can push the front so fast? You really value them." Wang Feng sneered, and then said, "We two helped you Su family so much. You can't say that there is nothing, right?"

"It turns out that it was two people who came here. I really didn't recognize it with my eyes. Please forgive me." The Su clan leader first bowed to Wang Feng, and then he made a sign of please, saying: "Both are both My guest from the Su family, please come in."

   "Please don't have to do it inside. The purpose of our coming here today is to fetch our own things. The two of us will help you the Su family siege the city and land. You can't let us work in vain, right?"

"Of course it will not be a waste of work." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Su family chief gave a clear answer, and then he continued: "And you will not only not be busy, but you will also get an unexpected reward. I, Su My family is never stingy with friends."

   "If that's the case, then give me some compensation. I have other things to be busy, so I won't stay here for a long time."

   "Where is this? Since they are already on the territory of my Su family, you have to let me do my best as a landlord? Or how can our Su family get along?"

   "In that case... then all right."

   As the so-called hospitality is difficult, Wang Feng didn't want to stay in this place for a long time, but since the other party wants to invite himself, then Wang Feng can just see what kind of background the Su family has.

   And there is a more important point, that is, the Su family must be very eager to determine their own identity, if their identity is uncertain, it is probably impossible for them to bring out the treasure.

   After all, everyone is a monk and not a fool. If they are not sure of their identities, they will definitely not believe the words of the two Wang Feng.

The reason why the Su family was able to control the entire Sirius so quickly, Wang Feng and the turtle shell can be said to be indispensable, so now that the two of them have come to the Su family base camp, they naturally showed the greatest sincerity. A large and sumptuous banquet was prepared for the two of them.

   At the same time, they also called all the seniors of the Su family. The purpose was simple, to determine Wang Feng's identity.

   Although surrounded by many masters, Wang Feng didn't feel nervous at all. He still talked freely. During the period, there was no shortage of things he had done with the turtle shell.

  Since they wanted to check the identities of the two of them, Wang Feng simply said these things, so there was no need for the other party to deliberately ask.

Hearing Wang Feng’s words, many of the Su family elders couldn’t help nodding, because what Wang Feng said was indeed what they had experienced, especially some of the more difficult cities. Their formations were all It breaks by itself.

   At first, everyone thought it was strange, but later they understood that it must be someone secretly helping them, otherwise how could the formation of this city break itself.

   You must know that once this formation is broken, the people in it usually won't end well. Now it seems that the person who broke this formation is right in front of them.

   Although these two people seem to be very ordinary in strength, it is really the work of the weak from the appearance of people. Some people just look ordinary and impermanent, but how can others' powers be so easy to see.

   You are not a person to look like a person. The Su Family can control Sirius in such a short period of time, it is indeed the blessing of others.

   "Are there any objections to my identity?" Wang Feng asked, looking at everyone present.

   "No objection, you are indeed the most distinguished guest of my Su family."

At this time, the head of the Su family spoke, and then he turned over his hand and took out a golden card, saying: "You are the most honorable guests of my Su family. Although this card is not very useful now, it will be When it's developed, you can take this card and go to any industry in our Su family to enjoy the top treatment."

   "That means this thing is just a bad check?"

   "For now is indeed the case." The Su family nodded, and did not deny Wang Feng's statement.

   "Since it is a bad check, it doesn't matter whether it has it or not. I just want some tangible benefits now."


  Since Wang Feng came only for profit, the Su family leader immediately called their Su family members and brought a lot of treasures.

  In the world of monks, hard currency is a pill except for spirit stones, so this Su Clan’s servant brought all these two things.

   Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell helped their Su family a lot. Now others come to the door to indicate their interests, so their Su family is naturally satisfied.

   Their Su family has just taken control of Sirius. Once they are not satisfied with Wang Feng and two of them now, they only need them to go out and say something. I am afraid this is fatal to their Su family.

   So now they are taking the money and eliminating disasters. The two of them have helped the Su family a lot, and they are indeed worthy of these treasures.

   The city was broken and their Su family took a lot of treasures, so what was the point of giving it to Wang Feng and them?

   is just a drop in the bucket.

   is not even a dime.

   (End of this chapter)

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