The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3109: Re-enter the jail

"What are you roaring? Believe it or not, I will kill you again." The roar of the sky quickly drew the prison in the cell, with an uncomfortable face.

  Because these roaring sounds are very unpleasant to them, even if you roar, I didn't expect this person to be so endless. Isn't this meant to torture their ears?


   slammed the whip on the pillar of the sky cell, and the prison said fiercely: "You'd better stop yelling at me, or the next time this whip hits you will be your flesh and blood."

   "It's just a group of domineering dog minions. When I am promoted to the ranks on the next day, I will definitely make you dead more ugly than anyone else." The sky said gloomily.


Hearing what Qiongtian said, one of the prisoners immediately sneered and said: "You don't look at what identity you are now, he is still thinking about becoming an official and becoming a nobleman in the future. I see if you have a funny brain. Up?"

   "Hmph, few people who have entered the jail can get out alive, so you should die this heart." The sky was mocked mockingly, and the two prisons left this place.

"go with."

   Seeing the scene in this big prison, Wang Feng has confirmed that there is no assistance around Qiongtian. He is indeed caught in this dungeon, and the person who arrested him is still the national teacher of this empire.

   Since the sky does not have any assistance right now, but he is being held here alone, does Wang Feng still use his life?

   If it were not for the sake of caution, Wang Feng even wanted to kill the sky by himself at this moment.

   The person Wang Feng changed this time was the official of Yu Ji's family. Since this person knew the whereabouts of the sky, he naturally explained his current status and status in disguise, so Wang Feng must be good for him.

   When Wang Feng came last time, he was talking about interrogation of prisoners, but this time Wang Feng directly changed another way, saying: "I came to Qingcha criminals on the order of the national teacher."

   "Are there any articles?"

   Hearing what Wang Feng said, the two guards at this door did not let Wang Feng pass as easily as they did last time, but blocked him at this door, asking for something.

   It's a pity that Wang Feng is all pirated copies. Where can I get them to get some papers? Right now Wang Feng has limited time, so he will naturally not waste time here.

Therefore, Wang Feng's thoughts moved, and his back followed by a sink, saying: "The national teacher suspects that someone in this cell is going to escape from prison, so I specially sent me to check the situation. If it delays my business, I want your Xiang Shang head. ."

"prison Break?"

   Hearing Wang Feng's words, the two guards couldn't help their expressions change, knowing that their purpose of guarding this place was to prevent escape from the dungeon, but now the other party actually said that someone in this big jail wanted to escape.

   Once someone succeeds in breaking out of prison, I am afraid that all of them who guard the prison will have to suffer because they have neglected their duties.

   "This is the result calculated by the national teacher. I think you should also understand that once the inside escapes, you will really have no way to survive."

   "But you don't have a paper, this..."

"I have a personal statement from the national teacher, isn't that enough?" Wang Feng's expression sank as he said here, and said: "Let’s stop the effort here. My time is limited. If it is because of your reasons that this prison is really caused. People in escaping, you can't shirk the blame!"

   "Okay, but I have to follow you." At this time, a guard gritted his teeth and said.

He didn't know if Wang Feng really brought this national teacher's verbal message. A few days ago, someone got into this dungeon and there was a fierce battle in it. So in order to avoid this, he naturally had something to Wang Feng. doubt.

   It's a pity that his status is too low, and he can't stop him, so the best way is for him to follow him.

   "In that case, let's lead the way."

   is just the person who guards the gate. Wang Feng has not taken it seriously yet. If he wants to kill this person, this person can say that there is no room for resistance, and he will definitely be killed by Wang Feng.

   So whether he followed him or not, the effect is actually the same.

   His eyes swept across the entire dungeon, and Wang Feng’s clone quickly saw the sky that looked like a lunatic in the cell.

   "You guys, come here." At this time, Wang Feng pointed to the prison in the cell and said.

   "I wonder what the lord has to order?"

   "This person offended the national teacher before, and now I am on the order of the national teacher to punish him."

   "Offended the national teacher?"

   Hearing this, all the prisons present couldn't help being shocked. You must know that for them, the national teacher is an unattainable figure, and they would never see it on weekdays.

   For these humble prisons, the existence of this national teacher is like a myth, and it is naturally shocking.

   "You people who cross the river and demolish the bridge, your shameless behavior will eventually be spurned by the world." The sky cursed people, which can be described as very ugly.

   But Wang Feng sneered at what he said. He couldn't find an excuse to kill the sky in a fair manner. He didn't expect that he would insult this empire official like this.

   The senior officials of this empire are all high-ranking generations, how can he insult?

   "Insult the national teacher, add more crime, you guys will stand him up for me." Wang Feng said, and these guards suddenly understood, and rushed into the big prison with a brain, and captured the sky.

When Qiongtian was in the heavens, he could be regarded as a complete master with a tyrannical cultivation base, but now they have come to another world, where the monks are stronger, so the strength of the original is not enough. He even He couldn't beat several prisons.

   With such a strength, Wang Feng really didn't know how he came to this imperial city, and he also got in touch with the people in the court.

   But no matter how he came here, in any case he doesn't want to run now. n3

   "What kind of green onion are you, you dare to insult the national teacher, you have committed a heinous crime, do you know?" Wang Feng said with a gloomy face.

"I bother."

   Hearing this, Qiongtian's saliva was directly spit on Wang Feng's face, making the prisoners who grasped Qiongtian's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

   This person actually vomited saliva on this adult, this....

   "You people who have lost all conscience, you will have to die."

   "Open his mouth for me."

Wiping the saliva on his face, Wang Feng's body also rises with a murderous intent. Not to mention that he is now deliberately killing Qiongtian, even if another normal person is spitting out like this, he will be crazy. of.

   "Dare to spit at this seat, now let you taste the fate of your spit at me."

  While speaking, Wang Feng flipped his palm and took out a dagger, and swiped it towards the sky.


   It is usually easy to cut a layer of diaphragm. The mouth that was forcibly propped up in the sky was directly cut by Wang Feng, and the whole mouth was completely rotten.

   Seeing this scene, these people who grasped the sky couldn't help feeling a chill, and their mouths were forcibly cut. I am afraid that this kind of pain is not something everyone can bear.

   Just when they thought of what this person did just now, they thought it was not surprising that this person was punished like this, because he actually spit at others, so everything he suffered right now was deserved.


   After the dagger cut through Qiongtian's mouth, Wang Feng even pierced the dagger directly into Qiongtian's thigh, causing him to tremble.

   The reason why Wang Feng wanted to cut his mouth was because this person couldn't control his mouth and talked nonsense. If Wang Feng hadn't found out that Sister Xue and others were wanted in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

   So since Qiongtian's mouth is so nasty, Wang Feng now simply makes him unable to open his mouth to speak.

After    the dagger pierced into the thigh of the sky, Wang Feng did not stop because of it. He grabbed the dagger and pulled it down fiercely. In an instant, the thigh of the sky was almost cut in half by Wang Feng.

   The flesh and blood on both sides kept turning towards the outside, and a large amount of blood was poured from the inside to the outside without any capital.

   Qiongtian’s mouth was already torn by Wang Feng, and even his tongue was cut off when Wang Feng moved the knife.

   So now that the sky has endured great pain, he naturally uttered a scream.

   It's a pity that his mouth leaks everywhere, and his scream is not like a scream, it's more like a beast screaming.

   "The national teacher has an order, this time you deceived him, then you don't have to continue to live in this world, you have to understand that some people are not something you can offend."

   said that Wang Feng's dagger stabbed in again, it was another leg of Qiongtian.

  Wang Feng's words were nothing but words. Coupled with Wang Feng's fierceness at the moment, there was almost a voice roaring in Qiongtian's heart, because he could be sure that the person in front of him was Wang Feng.

   What if he can confirm it?

   Although Wang Feng only came in with a clone, the power of this clone was enough to kill the sky.

   "You speak without barriers, this is the price you need to pay."

  While speaking, Wang Feng used a dagger to shave off all the flesh and blood on Qiongtian's left leg. The guards who watched Qiongtian were terrified.

  Because Wang Feng can kill the opponent at once, but unfortunately he is completely torturing the opponent, separating the flesh and bones of the other person. Isn't this too cruel?

But just spit at He actually tortured others so unnaturally, I have to say that these people who have been in high positions for a long time are all tough people, how can ordinary people provoke them? .

   "Qiantian, you shouldn't have appeared, let alone come here to deceive the national teacher, deceive the national teacher, you are inexcusable."


Hearing what Wang Feng said, there was a deep roar in the throat of the sky. He knew that what Wang Feng said was definitely not what he said on the surface. He was saying that he should not show up, let alone shake his wife out. .

   It's a pity that only Wang Feng and Qiongtian could understand these words. As for the guards, they really thought that Wang Feng and Qiongtian were talking about the national teacher.

   The national teacher is highly powerful, and he really won't have any good fruits if he offends him. This person is really miserable. It is not good to offend anyone, and he even offends the national teacher. Therefore, he deserves this fate now.

   "Originally, you didn't have to die, but it's a pity that you did what you shouldn't do, so...the national teacher cannot keep you."

   Wang Feng kept saying that the national teacher, in fact, the person who really wanted to kill Qiongtian was him, and Qiongtian could hear him.

   This Qiongtian never dreamed that Wang Feng would come to this prison again. This was nothing but needles, and he was also wondering why Wang Feng could find himself twice. Why?

   (End of this chapter)

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