"Am I dead?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise's shell was very pale.

"Before I did think you were dead, and I didn’t move when you were buried here, but who would have thought that your evil spirit would have saved your last trace of remnant soul power, and now you are resurrected by this trace of remnant soul power Come here."

     "Why don't I have any impression?"

     "Because your soul almost died out, you will naturally not remember what happened during this period of sleep." At this time, the middle-aged emperor opened his mouth and actively explained.

     "It's you old **** who almost killed us." Seeing the other person, the tortoise shell suddenly cursed.

     "Turtle shell, this time you can be rescued, because he discovered the power of the remnant soul hidden in your corpse." At this time, Wang Feng interjected, and the soul of the tortoise shell turned red.

     "Don't continue to float like this in your soul state, your body has lost half of it, you still live in your soul, and quickly recover." Wang Feng said at this time.

     "This dog emperor who suffered from pestilence."

He cursed, and then the tortoise shell did not hesitate, and the soul entered into his own body, and he had the flesh of the soul. Even without Wang Feng digging out the tortoise shell, he himself crawled out of the soil. The others around were a little dumbfounded, this is simply a corpse.

     "Damn, my lower body is gone."

     lowered his head and glanced at himself, the tortoise shell made a curse sound.

     I have to say that this middle-aged man's methods are still very powerful. He has recovered the tortoise shell in such a short period of time, and he has a good spirit.

     If Wang Feng were to rescue the tortoise shell, he would definitely spend more than this time, it would even take a few days.

     "You can recover if your body is gone. You should quickly see how your evil spirit is." Wang Feng said at this time.

     He knew that the thing that tortoise shells cares about most is his evil spirits. This time he himself almost died. What about his evil spirits?

     "Right, right, evil spirit, my evil spirit."

     Hearing Wang Feng's words, this tortoise shell seemed to wake up from a dream, and quickly check his evil spirit.

     was just a look, Wang Feng only heard a horrible cry from the mouth of the tortoise shell, and then the hand he held up seemed to have lost all his strength in an instant. He thumped and fell on the ground.

     "Could there be only one left, right?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "I hurt here."

     heard Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell pointed to the position of his heart, his face was full of sorrow.

     "There are so many evil spirits, there is only one left at the moment, I..."

     didn't know if it was because of the irritability. At this moment, the tortoise shell spewed out a mouthful of blood, which scared the middle-aged emperor.

     He managed to save the tortoise shell back. Will he have another moth?

     "Don't think so much, as long as we are still alive."

Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng didn’t know how to comfort him, because he knew that the tortoise shell regarded evil spirits very seriously. Now his evil spirit is dead and only one is left. It is estimated that his heart is like a knife. twist.

     It's like a close relative was killed. Can this person not be distraught?

     So now watching the tortoise shell vomit blood, Wang Feng can fully feel the sadness in his heart, it is the same as when Wang Feng watched the **** emperor and them fall one after another.

     "My evil spirit."

     the tortoise shell made a miserable howl, and then Wang Feng saw tears falling from the corner of his eyes.


Upon seeing this scene, Wang Feng did not expect that the tortoise shell's reaction would be so big. The evil spirit still survived. Even this evil spirit saved the tortoise shell's life. If this evil spirit also died, I am afraid the tortoise The shell is really finished.

     But now he has so many evil spirits only one left. He must be very uncomfortable, so at this moment, Wang Feng patted the tortoise shell on the shoulder, and said nothing.

     In this situation, instead of comforting, Wang Feng feels that it is better to let the tortoise shell cry, because only by crying can the emotions in his heart be vented.

     Although crying is a sign of weakness, the tortoise shell puts the evil spirits so heavy, so now he cries normally.

     "Take your breath away, everyone has been lying on the ground for a few hours." At this time, Wang Feng put his gaze on the middle-aged emperor and said.

     "Get up all the time."

     heard Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor really put away his breath, and then the talents of this tribe got up from the ground one by one, looking at the middle-aged emperor with horror.

     How strong is this person's cultivation level, they can't get up on the ground that can be suppressed by breath alone, this kind of cultivation level can be described by the word terror.

     The monster beast that came to disturb their tribe before was already very tyrannical, but compared with this middle-aged man, that monster beast was really far from each other, and the horror of two people was far from being on the same level.

     "I'm sorry, I was just in a hurry to save people, so I didn't put away my breath and let you lie on the ground for so long." At this time, the middle-aged emperor said.

"it's okay no problem."

     heard him, the old patriarch and others shook their heads and said.

     What kind of joke, people have such a high level of cultivation, who dare to blame each other?

     It’s just that they are a little strange when this person came to their place, why did they not feel it at all?

     If it weren't for the evil spirit that the middle-aged man detained from the tortoise shell, I'm afraid they wouldn't know that another stranger had arrived in their tribe.

     "The reason why I survived this time depends on them. They saved me." Wang Feng said at this time.

     "Tell me what is going on." At this time the middle-aged emperor asked.

     "You should ask them about this, they should know better than me." Wang Feng said.

     "Let me talk about it." At this time, the old patriarch spoke, and then he would probably talk about what happened after meeting Wang Feng, and the middle-aged emperor's complexion became gloomy.

When he found Wang Feng, Wang Feng was left with a sigh of relief. This shows how severe the trauma they suffered this time. In order to save him, both of them paid a heavy price. Fortunately, they are still alive, otherwise This middle-aged emperor will definitely blame himself very much.

     anger radiated from the middle-aged emperor's body, immediately making the people around him feel as cold as an ice pit, and some people with low cultivation levels and even their bodies were slightly convulsed.

"This place is full of people with weaker cultivation bases. You still don't want to exude these auras, so as not to frighten them." Wang Feng said, and then he said: "At that time, after I broke the eyes of the formation, I want to take the teleportation array to leave, but who would have thought that the dog emperor should have such a high level of cultivation, and deal a devastating blow to us through the void. If I didn’t take the beads you gave me at a critical moment, I’m afraid I would have Will die miserably."

     "Have you used all the beads?"

     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the face of the middle-aged emperor was shocked.

     You need to know that the beads are very precious things that can save lives at critical moments, but Wang Feng almost died tragically even after taking the beads. That Su Hong is indeed amazing, he underestimates the other party.

He thought that after he easily walked away from the opponent's hand last time, the opponent had already used all his strength, but in fact, the real killer move was not revealed at all. This time he rushed up and immediately paid a lot of money. In the end, the two juniors of Wang Feng had to save him.

     If Wang Feng and two of them don't choose to do it, then he is very likely to die under the killing statue, because the statue is too powerful, if he is in his heyday, he might be able to fight for that moment.

     But the last time he went to attack the palace, his injuries were not fully recovered, so the last time he attacked him was really too careless, he almost killed Wang Feng and the turtle shell.


Hearing this middle-aged emperor’s words, Wang Feng nodded, and then said: “I felt a life-and-death crisis, so I took that bead decisively. If I didn’t take the bead, I’m afraid I would lie here now. Below the dirt."

     "Fortunately, I gave you this bead, or you might be miserable."

     said that the middle-aged emperor could not help but feel a little grateful in his heart.

Although      beads are precious and rare, they have played a role, otherwise no one can predict how Wang Feng will end up.

     Fortunately, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are not dead, otherwise he might live in self-blame all his life.

     "Turtle shell, okay, although your evil spirit is almost dead, at least you survived. Right now you still have one evil spirit left. From now on, you only need to cultivate this one."

     At this time, Wang Feng said, he didn't want the tortoise shell to keep crying like this. There are so many people in this place, and an old guy of him actually cried like this. Isn't this intentional to show people a joke?

     "Since they rescued him, now I can fulfill one of your wishes, who will talk about it?"

     At this time, the middle-aged emperor took a step forward and said to everyone present.

     Wangfeng and the tortoise shell injuries were caused by this middle-aged emperor, so now he has to make some compensation, because only by doing this can he feel better in his heart.

"We don't want to get paid for saving people. We just watch his life hanging by a thread and want to do good deeds." The old patriarch shook his head before continuing: "And the old saying goes that saving a life is better than making a seventh level. Futu, we just did what normal people would do."

     "Can you help us strengthen our surrounding defenses?" At this time, an elder opened his mouth and made a request.

     The last time the monster attacked ~www.NovelMTL.com~, they directly broke their fortifications, and even almost flattened their entire tribe's village. That's why he made such a suggestion at this time.

     Their tribe has ancestral training, and their strength cannot reach the required level, then they can't take a step here, so since they can't go out, they can only live here.

     had a lesson from the last time, so they all wanted to strengthen the defense of the tribe so that they could effectively prevent the surrounding monsters from coming in.

     "It's just a small problem."

When      spoke, the middle-aged emperor waved his sleeves, and then an invisible mask quickly swept in all directions around the village of their tribe, and stopped at the place where they built the fortifications.

     "From now on, within a million kilometers, no monster can break the defense I set for you."


     Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but took a breath. Within a million kilometers? This cowhide is too big, right?

     "Why? Don't believe me?" Seeing everyone's expressions, the middle-aged emperor said with a smile.

     "It just feels a bit weird." At this time the old patriarch said.



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