The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3084: The arrival of the middle-aged emperor

Seeing that Wang Feng was looking for his deceased, the people of this tribe did not come to disturb Wang Feng, because they could see that Wang Feng is now in a heavy mood. After all, a friend died. I am afraid that this matter will not happen to anyone. It will feel better.

     Looking at the tortoise shell grave, Wang Feng had a lot to say in his heart, but when his words reached his throat, he found that he couldn't open his mouth at all.

     This time it was he who harmed the tortoise shell. Without him, the tortoise shell would not die. If he had known this, he shouldn't let the tortoise shell help.

     At the critical moment, Wang Feng took the stone that the middle-aged emperor gave him and saved his life, but the tortoise shell who was with him paid a heavy price and died.

     "Go well."

After a long silence, Wang Feng poured one of the two glasses of wine in front of the tortoise shell's grave, while he himself drank the other glass completely, perhaps because his palm was too hard, when Wang Feng finished the other glass of wine. At that time, the cup appeared to be cracked and almost broke directly.

     put his palm on the tombstone that Wang Feng had carved for him a few days ago. It seemed that a volcano had erupted in Wang Feng's chest. His eyes were slightly blood red, and he almost couldn't suppress the murderous intent surging in his body.

    All the people of this tribe spent the whole night in laughter and laughter. Only Wang Feng could have spent this long night in endless hatred.

     The next day, Wang Feng did not appear in front of everyone again, because he needed a lot of time to heal his injuries, he must recover as soon as possible, and then gradually start revenge.

     Now he is seriously injured, almost like a useless person, so he has to speed up to recover from his injuries.

The pill was simply swallowed by Wang Feng as if he didn’t need money. Fortunately, the middle-aged emperor helped him make a batch of pill in other people’s homes before. Otherwise, he swallowed the pill like Wang Feng’s crazy. The inventory in here is far from enough.

     After almost a week, Wang Feng's injury finally showed some improvement. He has recovered about 10% of his strength, and his appearance looks no different from a normal person.

If the saint of this tribe starts to attack Wang Feng again at this time, Wang Feng can guarantee that she will be defeated in one move. The realm gap between the two of them is really too great. This saint may be very powerful in front of her people, but In front of Wang Feng, she was actually very weak.

     does not even have the cultivation base of the giants, at most it is equivalent to the dominance of the heavens, so what does she use to fight Wang Feng?

     Time passed day by day, Wang Feng lived here very peacefully, the dog emperor’s people did not come to him, and even when he lived here, Wang Feng did not find any monks passing by this place.

     It is really remote here, and people may not pass this place even if they pass by.

In a quiet and peaceful environment, Wang Feng’s injury is recovering quickly. It took a long time for Wang Feng to recover to his first strength. With the foundation of this strength, Wang Feng’s recovery will be much faster. Up.

In about half a month, Wang Feng's cultivation base has recovered 70%. Now, even if he encounters someone to chase and kill him, he has the power to resist. Even the cultivator in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm is no longer his. opponent.

It’s just that Wang Feng, the chaser, did not wait, but he waited for another person. When Wang Feng saw this person appear, an extremely complicated expression appeared on his face, because this person was the middle-aged emperor. .

     He didn't know how to find Wang Feng, and he came here.

"It's really great to see that you are still alive." The opponent's cultivation base is very strong, and he can be ranked first and second today, so when he comes to this tribe, Wang Feng is naturally the first time. I felt it, and walked out of my retreat.

     "Hehe." Hearing his words, Wang Feng laughed, but what was hidden in the laughter was misery.

     "Where is the other person?"

     Hearing Wang Feng's laughter, the middle-aged emperor seemed to have discovered something, his expression changed.

     "Look over there for yourself."

    While speaking, Wang Feng pointed to the tortoise shell tomb of the middle-aged emperor, and his complexion changed greatly after seeing it.

At first he thought he would die in the imperial city. After all, the killing statue was so powerful that he couldn't stop him at all, but what happened after that was beyond his accident. Thinking that Wang Feng had broken this formation, he gave him a chance to leave. ,

     It's just that Su Hong's speed at that time was too fast. He couldn't save people in time. He could only see Wang Feng and the turtle shell being attacked by the dog emperor. There was no way.

     Even at that time, he couldn't stay in this imperial city for a long time, because for him, the imperial city was too dangerous. If he didn't hurry to leave, he might not be able to leave.

After      escaped, the first thing he did was to recover his injuries. He was not like Wang Feng. He did not suffer any fatal injuries, so his injuries quickly recovered.

After recovering, the first thing he did was to find Wang Feng and the tortoise shell. After all, the two of them were attacked by Na Su Hong at the time. They must have been traumatized. He was wondering if he could help, so he I found the place where Wang Feng was by my own means and rushed here.

     But what he didn't expect was that this other person would have fallen like this.

     "In order to save you, this is the price we paid." Wang Feng said, making the middle-aged emperor's face a trace of shame.

     "I killed you, I'm sorry." Looking at Wang Feng, the middle-aged emperor lowered his head.

     Although he was the emperor in the past, he has been on the throne for a long time, and his status is noble, but when he was in the imperial city, he did almost fall, and in the end it was Wang Feng who rescued him.

     If they hadn't broken the formation, it would be difficult for him to escape.

     People paid such a heavy price to save him, if he didn't do anything, he would feel sorry for himself.

     "Do you want me to help you recover from your injury?" The middle-aged emperor asked, looking at Wang Feng's injuries.

"No." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "I can heal my injuries by myself. You don't need to worry about it. Since you have such a high level of cultivation and you have gone from death to resurrection, if you really feel ashamed in your heart, Then you can think of a way to save the person lying in the tomb."


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the middle-aged emperor was speechless for a while. It was very difficult to know his resurrection, and if a person who has died wants to be saved, it would not be easy.

     Although he has a high level of cultivation, he is not almighty. People are already dead. How can he save them?

     "What? No way?" Looking at the other party, Wang Feng's face showed a trace of regret.

     If he knew that the tortoise shell would die, he shouldn't cooperate with the other party.

     "Since there is no alternative, please come back, and you won't use it to find me in the future."

     "This time it was indeed my mistake. I rushed to make a move without finding out clearly. It caused you to pay such a high price. You blame me, it's normal, but can you let me go and pay a respect?"

Although he was the emperor of the past years and his cultivation base is extremely high, but this time without Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, how could he survive, so even if the tortoise shell's cultivation is lower than his, he wants to pass. Bye bye, at least so that he can feel better in his heart.

     must know that when Wang Feng and the tortoise shell broke the formation, his heart was very incredible, because he understood that these two people would risk their lives to break the formation.

     Since the other party saved him, what can he do?

     One's own fate is fate, and the fate of others is also fate, there is no difference in comparison.

     "Go, after the worship, you and I will have nothing to do with you."


     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor wanted to speak, but when he thought that the other party was so miserable because of himself, he swallowed all his words again. At this time, he was not qualified to argue.

     Even if he has a high cultivation base, Wang Feng is right. He is so powerful, why can't he save people?

    Since no one can be saved, what cooperation is there to talk about?

     "After worshipping, I won't come to you again."

     looked at Wang Feng, the middle-aged emperor made a sound, and then he walked towards the tortoise shell grave.

"it is good."

     The conversation between the two people was very dull, and then the middle-aged emperor walked towards the tortoise shell grave.

     He came to Wang Feng to see if their injuries were serious and whether they needed their own help, but he did not expect that the two of Wang Feng would have fallen one of them.

     But what he didn't even know was that Wang Feng almost died.


     looked at the tombstone of the tortoise shell, the middle-aged emperor lowered his head, and then he bowed to the tomb of the tortoise shell.

"and many more."

     just between this prayer, suddenly his body was shocked, his face was shocked.

     saw his complexion suddenly change, Wang Feng also hurriedly walked to him and asked: "But what's the discovery?"

     "Are you really sure that he is dead?"

     "Is it still alive?"

     Hearing the words of the middle-aged emperor, Wang Feng couldn't help but shake his body.

     When he heard the news of the tortoise shell's fall, he was seriously injured and unable to get up. Afterwards, although Wang Feng looked at the tortoise shell's body with his eyes, he did not think that he was still alive.

     To some extent When Wang Feng heard the news of the tortoise shell's fall, he actually accepted it in his heart.

     even he almost died, how could the tortoise shell survive?

     But now listening to the words of the middle-aged emperor, the tortoise shell seems to be alive, which is simply something that Wang Feng can’t rejoice.

"I can't say that he's alive, I can only say that there is still a trace of the remnant soul, and we may be able to save him." The middle-aged emperor said, and then he didn't care so much, and saw his sleeves swept away. , The mound of tortoise shell was immediately leveled, exposing the tortoise shell's head.

     Although the tortoise shell has been buried here for some time, his appearance is not much different from when he was alive.

    , anyhow, is also a master in the middle of the blood holy realm, how could the body be so easy to decay.

     was just after the body of the tortoise shell was revealed, Wang Feng glanced at the sky, he didn't find any remnant souls, he really seemed to be dead.

     "Where did you know that he still has a remnant soul?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "Your cultivation base is low, you may not see it, but you will see it soon."

When      spoke, a flame suddenly appeared in the hand of the middle-aged emperor, and then he pointed towards the head of the tortoise shell.


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