The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3081: The monster is coming

     "It's not good, it's not good, the monster is coming."

     Just when everyone was here to persuade Wang Feng, a panicked voice suddenly sounded outside the tribe, and then everyone saw a ragged man running in from outside, covered in blood, that looked a bit scary.


     Almost as soon as this person's voice fell, everyone suddenly noticed that the ground under their feet trembled suddenly, as if something behemoth was walking slowly towards this place at this moment.

     "What the **** is going on." Looking at the injured man, the old patriarch hurriedly helped him and asked.

     "Patriarch, we don't know what happened. The monster suddenly broke through the defense we set, and we couldn't stop it."

     "Defense has been broken?" Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but commotion.

You must know that the reason why they can live and work in this place is because they have set up defenses about 20 kilometers away from their tribe. If this were not the case, this tribe might have already been occupied by various monsters. .

     Throughout the ages, there has never been a defensive defeat in their place, otherwise they would not have survived until now.

     "Could it be because the defense was in disrepair for many years, so it was broken?" An elder said, his expression very ugly.

If something kills their tribe, then their whole tribe may be directly flattened, because they all understand that these monsters living in the deep forest are very fierce, and some powerful species can only be combined with them. Rout and fled.

     "The monster beast has come towards us."

While talking, everyone looked up and saw a huge monster appeared about two kilometers away from their tribe. The body of this monster was too big, it was like a moving mountain, which could be seen from far away. To.

     "Why does this thing come to us?"

     Seeing this scene, the old patriarch's face changed drastically.

     "Patriarch, have you seen this monster?"

"When I was in my prime of life, I was fortunate to go out hunting with my elders. At that time, we encountered this monster and suffered heavy casualties. If an elder of the clan had not taken me away from the chaos, I am afraid I would have Become a corpse."

     "How many years have passed since this monster is still alive?"

     Hearing the words of the old patriarch, everyone present couldn't help showing shock.

     "Naughty animal, you can't come to these places, quickly retreat."

     The saint who had left just before this time appeared. She yelled, and she drew her saber from her waist. It was a very delicate sword that looked very delicate and very short.

     is such a sword after the saint instilled power into it, this sword actually soared to several meters in the blink of an eye, and it seemed very threatening.

     It's a pity that she couldn't drink back the monster beast, and even the monster beast roared loudly, and then it rushed towards the saint.

     "Everyone, start to retreat." At this time, the old patriarch shouted loudly, and then he led the people back quickly.

     "Then what about our supplies?" At this moment, a person asked in confusion.

     "You can't even save your life. What kind of supplies are you caring about? Are you crazy?"

     The old patriarch yelled, and then he dragged the man back.

     If this monster actually kills the area where they live, they can only retreat temporarily.

     The house can be rebuilt if it collapses. If this material is destroyed, they can accumulate slowly, but if the person is gone, it really means nothing.

     So this is not the time when you should be distressed about the supplies, and saving your life is the most important thing.

     "Elder, you take the people back, and other young and middle-aged people who are capable of fighting will go with me." The old patriarch shouted and began to assign tasks to everyone.

     How strong this monster beast is, the old patriarch's heart is very clear. A saint alone may not be able to stop this monster beast, so at this time the men in their tribe will also start to act.

     It would be best if they could chase away this monster, but if they couldn’t chase away, they couldn’t let the saint go on adventure alone.


     When the lower tribe is in danger, everyone must unite, otherwise the tribe is gone, and their homes will be gone.

     "How can I help?" Just then Wang Feng asked.

     "Your injury is too serious, so let's rest on the sidelines, our tribe has enough masters." At this time a young man said.

     "You are young, why don't you help?" Wang Feng asked.

     "My cultivation base is too weak, I guess it won't help me, I can only add chaos." The young man smiled bitterly.

     Hearing his words, Wang Feng could almost feel the barrenness of their tribe. According to the average of this world, the realm of this young man should be far stronger than it is now.

     And this person has good roots and is a cultivation seed. Unfortunately, he does not have enough resources to use, and the tribe cannot provide him with more resources, so naturally the progress of his cultivation is extremely slow.

     "It's a pretty good seedling, it's a pity." At this time, Wang Feng muttered to himself.

"what did you say?"

     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the man asked in confusion.

     "It's nothing, I mean you must practice well, you should have a future in the future." Wang Feng encouraged.

     Tianwai World is very rich, and in Wang Feng's eyes, this tribe is almost indistinguishable from primitive people, it is too closed.

     However, Wang Feng is also lucky to have fallen here. If he falls somewhere else, maybe Su Hong will send someone to find him, so although this place is partial, for Wang Feng, it is a good place to protect him.

     "People in the clan say so, don't worry, I will work hard, I still want to go out of the mountains to take a look."

     "Could it be that you have never gone out?"

     "I went out, but all we went to were small cities. It's not interesting. I want to go to a bigger place."

     "With the strength of your clan, you can go to a better place to survive, even if you move into the city, there is no problem, right?"

     "The problem is that there is nothing wrong, but the biggest problem is that our clan has ancestral training, unless we reach the level of saints, otherwise none of us want to leave this place."

     said that there was a bitter look on his face, and said: "From ancient to modern times, there are very few people who can cultivate to that level. I am afraid that there is no hope."

     The resources of their clan are too scarce. Under such circumstances, it is really not easy to cultivate a saint like a saint.

     To put it bluntly, they live here because of group training. Without this thing, they might have already left.

     "In fact, your ancestors also thought about you."

     Hearing this, Wang Feng didn't feel that their ancestors did the slightest mistake, because he could feel their ancestors' care for their descendants.

     In this world of the weak and the strong, the cultivation base is too low and can only be killed by people. Their ancestors asked them to practice tyrannical and then go out for their sake. After all, the higher the cultivation base, the chance of survival will naturally be much greater.

     "What do you mean for our sake? If there is no such one, I am afraid I would already be living outside now."

     "In fact, the outside world is not as beautiful as you imagined. I think you have seen the severity of my injuries. So when you go outside, you can die in an unknown place like me at any time."

     "But I still want to see."

     "Then you can think about it slowly."

     "Since you are from outside, can you take me to see the outside world?" The young man asked at this time.

     "Although I came from outside, I won't take you out."

     "Why?" the young man asked unwillingly.

     "Didn't I just tell you this truth? The outside world is not as beautiful as you imagined. If I took you out, you may not live for ten days."

     "Is it so dangerous?"

     "If you don't believe me, when your cultivation level rises in the future, you can go out and see for yourself."

     "Oops, the power of this monster is beyond our imagination."

     Just then, an old man of this tribe spoke, attracting Wang Feng's gaze.

     Although the saint has a certain realm, the monster skin is thick and thick, and she can be directly immune to any attack on the other party. In this way, she has no choice but to fight and retreat.

"my house."

     As the battle line progressed, this monster directly smashed a house without mercy, and the house collapsed. At this moment, an old woman screamed, with a sad face.

     You must know that the broken house is her home.

     "Don't get excited, we can rebuild the house if it is gone. The most important thing for us right now is to save our lives." At this time, a person dragged the old woman to stop her from rushing forward.

     The situation in front of her is so critical, if she rushes forward, she might be dead and come back.


     The monster skin was thick and hard to resist, and its attack power was still very tyrannical. The previously arrogant saint was directly bounced off by the power of the monster, spouting a mouthful of blood.


     Seeing this scene, the old patriarch and others who were trying to besie the monster beast were all shocked, and they quickly gathered next to the saint and surrounded her.

     The saint is the spiritual symbol of their tribe. If the saint is killed, what are they doing alive?

     Saints cannot protect Living is a waste of resources.

     "Quit, give up this place."

     The saint spoke with a decisive expression on her face. Her attacks could not be effective against this monster, which also showed that she couldn't help the opponent at all.

     So the only thing she can do at the moment is to order everyone to retreat and evacuate this area.


     Hearing the words of the saint, one of the elders suddenly screamed and his eyes were blood red.

    , you must know that their ancestors have lived in this place for generations. Now let them evacuate, who of them is in a good mood?

     Watching one house after another being trampled by this monster, all the people present were heartbroken, but it was a pity that none of them could stop the monster, and could only let it wreak havoc here.


     was bounced back by the opponent's strength, the saint had already suffered a serious injury, so at this moment, with the support of everyone, she quickly left here, because if they didn't leave, they might die here.

     "Beast, don't you get out of here!"

     Just when everyone's hearts were cut like a knife, and there was nothing to do, a sound like thunder suddenly sounded, and then everyone saw a young man stepping out of the crowd, it was Wang Feng.


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