The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3079: Saint

     has already regained consciousness, so what Wang Feng has to do next is very simple. He is constantly taking the pills in his hand, and then healing his injuries, much faster than the people of this tribe who can treat him.

     Seeing that Wang Feng is getting better day by day, the people of this tribe can't help being surprised, because Wang Feng's recovery speed is so fast, I am afraid that the elixir they gave Wang Feng is far from enough, right?

     At the beginning, Wang Feng couldn't get up, and it was extremely difficult to even move. But only a few days later, Wang Feng was not only able to move, but he could also move around out of bed, which meant that he didn't need the power of this ice bed anymore.

     It's only a pity that most of Wang Feng's current health are traumatic, and it is not easy to recover from a real internal injury.

     Under Su Hong's finger, Wang Feng's body almost collapsed, because the person the other party was mainly targeting was him, and the tortoise shell just happened to be next to him and suffered collateral damage.

     If Wang Feng left the tortoise shell in this imperial city at that time, maybe he would not fall.

     thinking of here Wang Feng's heart is very self-blame, he killed the tortoise shell, his fall Wang Feng will bear most of the responsibility.

     Now that he can leave, the first thing Wang Feng did was to go to the tortoise shell's grave and put three sticks of incense for him.

     and when he was going to incense, Wang Feng also used his own heavenly eyes. He saw the tortoise shell that was only half of the body inside the tomb, which was no different from the description of the old patriarch.

     Nowadays, the tortoise shell is already filled with lifelessness, and the dead cannot die again. In the past, Wang Feng always envied him for his immortality, but now the immortal has also fallen, and he is still alive in this world.

     "Don't worry, the hatred that the dog emperor imposes on us, I will take it all back bit by bit, and I will let him pay for your life!"

     Looking at the tombstone of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng's mouth made a sonorous voice. This is his promise to the tortoise shell. He did what he said!

     "It's good to have a high level, and the injuries have recovered so quickly."

     Just then the old patriarch came to Wang Feng's place and said, "Do you mind if I stay here for a while?"

     "This is your site. Stay as long as you want. I naturally have no opinion."

     "Young man, I know what happened to you this time is a big blow to you, but the living people have to look forward, I hope you can understand."

     "I understand." Wang Feng nodded. He knew that the other party came to enlighten him out of kindness, but would Wang Feng fall so easily?

     Along the way, what has Wang Feng never experienced? What kind of pain has not been experienced?

     The killer pays for his life, he must kill the dog emperor Su Hong.

"Your initial appearance scared us. I'm afraid that you will be healed, but your heart will be hurt. That's why I would like to ask you if you have survived, then you must live well. Don't Waste this second life that God gave you."

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded, but he secretly said in his heart that this is the first time he is surrounded by danger, and he can't even remember the second life given by God. God will never give anyone a second life. Times life.

     This is dead, it’s dead. It’s not easy to resurrect, it’s impossible to do without the means of going against the sky.

     "Well, our family is in a barren area, and there is no good healing medicine for you. I hope you don't dislike it."

     "It is a great gift for you to save me. Without you, I think I might have fallen."

     "As the saying goes, saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level float. Since you have fallen near our tribe, we can't help but die?"

     "It seems that people are divided into good and bad."

     Looking at each other, Wang Feng really didn't know what to say.

     He actually hates the monk from the outer world very much, but now he has been saved by the monk from the outer world, how should good people and bad people be defined?


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the old patriarch didn't understand what it meant to come over for a while, so he asked suspiciously at the moment.

     "It's nothing." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said, "Thank you for saving my life and burying my friends. As a thank-you gift, you take these."

     While talking, Wang Feng took out a lot of pills, all of which were top-notch.

     Looking at the pill in Wang Feng's hand, and smelling the strange scent, the old patriarch couldn't help feeling a little intoxicated for a while.

     He just responded very quickly and said, "This thing is too precious, I can't collect it."

     The people themselves are used to living a poor life. Now Wang Feng gives them such a valuable thing, he naturally can't take it, and they save people only out of good intentions, not for Wang Feng's reward.

     If they really want Wang Feng's reward, then Wang Feng's space ring might have been taken away by them long ago.

     "It is precious to you, but for me, this is the only thing I can repay you now."

While talking, Wang Feng forcibly stuffed these pills into the hands of the old patriarch, and said, "Even if you don’t use it yourself, I think other young people of your tribe can always use it. You should also want people from your tribe. Get stronger, right? These pills can help them."


Hearing what Wang Feng said, the old patriarch was also a little embarrassed for a while. He really did not want to accept these pills, but what Wang Feng said made him very hesitant. As Wang Feng said, these pills are likely to help. The rest of their tribe might be able to create a group of masters.

     So he couldn't help but feel a little moved at the moment.

     "Just keep the pill, don't feel guilty, because I gave it to you."

     "There is no guilt, but it always feels like we came for your pill."

     "Patriarch, the saint is back." At this moment, another member of the tribe ran over here and shouted.

     "Isn't the saint going out for half a year? She hasn't experienced it for half a year yet, right?" Hearing this, the old patriarch didn't care about chatting with Wang Feng here, turned and left here.

He finally put away the pill that Wang Feng gave him. He plans to give this pill to other people as a reward from the tribe. I believe that with this pill as an introduction, the younger generation of this tribe will definitely fight hard. Began to practice.

     "saint? What saint?"

     Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng also stood up and walked slowly towards the direction the old patriarch had just left.

     It's not that Wang Feng doesn't want to chase him. It is that his current physical condition is too poor. Even if he can walk, he can barely walk. There are still many injuries he has not recovered. It is estimated that it will take some time.

     So he will definitely have to trouble others for a while at this time. As for what kind of saint, of course he has to go and see.

    In this tribe, apart from the patriarch, the saint has the highest status, because the saint is the spiritual symbol of their clan and everyone is respected and loved.

     When Wang Feng came to the place where the saint was, he found that all the people of this tribe were kneeling on the ground, even the old patriarch was no exception, his face full of devotion, as if praying.

     Everyone knelt on the ground, swiping together, so when Wang Feng came to this place, he naturally looked very different, and the saint was the first to look at him.

     "Who are you?"

Seeing Wang Feng, a stranger, the breath of the saint suddenly became bitter. The saint is a spiritual symbol and the patron saint of their tribe, because every saint can use tribal resources recklessly. It's natural and fast to upgrade.

     So although this saint seems to be young, her cultivation base has surpassed many men of this tribe.

     It's a pity that her cultivation is still very weak in Wang Feng's eyes. Even if Wang Feng is seriously injured now, he can still take it down with great friendship to deal with such a person.


Wang Feng just wanted to explain that he was a passerby who strayed into this place, but before he could introduce himself, suddenly the old patriarch took the words and said, "Holy woman, he fell in a forest ten kilometers away from our tribe. The wounded in China, we saw him dying and rescued him."

     "So, is it an outsider?" The saint said, her voice calm.


     "Since you are an outsider, you dare to save him if you don't know anything about him. What if he is an agent sent in by an outsider on purpose?"

     "This..." Hearing the words of the saint, many elders of this tribe were speechless, because they did not check Wang Feng's identity.

     Since they brought Wang Feng back, Wang Feng has been lying on the ice bed like a corpse for a full month, until now they don’t even know what Wang Feng’s name is.

"Holy woman, saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Pagoda. If we didn't save him, he would definitely have fallen. And after we rescued him, we used your ice bed to hold his last breath of life without authorization. ."

     At this time, the old patriarch spoke and told all the things that had happened. The saint's eyes widened when she heard her, and then her voice suddenly rose, saying, "You let him sleep on my ice bed?"

     "In order to save people, we have no choice."

     "There was a rule in the ancestors that no one except the saint can sleep on the ice bed. This is the rule. Did you even break the rule?"

"Saint, we also want to save his life. The decision is made by all of us. If you want to punish, punish all of us." At this time, another middle-aged man said ~ ~ willing to follow Their old patriarch was punished together.

     They indeed discussed together when they sent Wang Feng on the ice bed. Now that the saint is furious, they are naturally willing to take responsibility.

     "Yes, if you want to punish us, please punish all of us." At this time, another person agreed, and lowered his head.

     can see that their tribe is still very united, although everyone's cultivation is not very high, but they are willing to be punished with the patriarch, this spirit is commendable.

     It’s just that this saint is really holding a chicken feather as an arrow, but she just slept on the ice bed. Can Wang Feng be able to move the bed away for her?

     "Well, since you are willing to be punished together, that saint will never show mercy."

     The saint woman said: "Starting today, your cultivation resources will be deducted for one month. Within one month, no one will ever want to get cultivation resources."


     Hearing this, all the people of this tribe were shocked. If they didn't receive training resources for a month, the punishment would be too heavy, right?

"Holy woman, we just watch that no one is sleeping on the ice bed. To save people, you don't need to impose such a heavy punishment?" At this time, the old patriarch said, at this time he must stand up, or else next In the past month, they probably don’t even think about having any cultivation resources.


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