The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3068: Break the enemy with 1 shot

The **** Qingluan is the number one **** in the empire, with profound skills. In addition to his perennial participation in various battles, he has long been honed into a killing machine, so when he shot, everyone seemed to flash past. It was like a shadow, and then the Qingluan **** general arrived in front of the young man in an instant, and patted his palm.

"It's useless."

     looked at the Qingluan **** general, the young man shook his head, and then he also put out his hand, and went straight to the hand of the Qingluan **** general.

     Qingluan will be strong, but he can't go against the sky, no matter how powerful he is, he can't escape the category of the late Blood Saint Realm, so this young man is more than enough to deal with him.

     The palms of the two people touched each other almost instantly. They were originally fleshy palms, but when the two of them finally faced each other, the sound they made was like a metal crash.

     It was obvious that both of them had deliberately cultivated their own bodies, and they were both powerful people.

     But this thinking is normal. After the cultivation base reaches the late Blood Saint Realm, it is already very difficult for them to improve. Throughout the ages, there are very few people who can surpass this realm.

     The current majesty is counted as one, and the person who appeared last time is also counted as one. In addition, the entire Tianwai Dynasty, I am afraid that there is no third one.

     Since it is hopeless to break through, they will find ways to improve their combat effectiveness, and the most important of these is the physical body.

     The physical body is the foundation of a person. If the physical body can be tempered like steel, then he is inherently invincible. Only if he does not die can he continue to explode. Many people understand this truth.

     is just that many people neglect most of their bodies when they practice.

     It’s not that they don’t want to practice their physical bodies, but it’s a pity that once they spend time on this physical body, their cultivation level and advancement will be affected. In comparison, the improvement of the cultivation level is more important.

     So many people seem to have a strong realm, but their bodies are very weak.

     But these two people are different. Both of them have been in this state for a long time, and they have already spent time strengthening their bodies.

     So if the two of them want to tell the winner, I am afraid it is not so easy.

When the two powerhouses go to war, other people naturally have to stand aside, because this level of battle is not something they can intervene, and even if they are too close, they will suffer death threats, so whether it is the guards in the palace, No matter the people of this royal family, they have all returned to their respective places at this moment to watch the battle of these two powerful men.

     "It's lively."

In the inn, Wang Feng is using his eyes to watch the battle between these two powerhouses. I have to say that this Blood Saint Realm is indeed very powerful in the late stage. Their power can be controlled very subtle, and even the palace houses have not been affected much. In contrast, Su Yao is really far from them, no longer at the same level at all.

     Su Yao may be able to reach their level in the future, but it will take a lot of time.

     Of course, Wang Feng is not only concerned about fighting, but also other things.

     For example, some people hiding in the dark, just like the wink that this sideline just made, they are signalling the people in the dark.

     And the people hiding in the dark are not just this sideline master?

     There are so many masters in the palace, how could they allow this sideline to mess around here, so now there are many masters in the palace hiding in the dark, observing all this.

     There is no doubt that so many masters appear at the same time, this is the first time that Wang Feng has met, because these people are basically the strength of the late Blood Saint Realm.

     is outside, it is very difficult to see a master of the late Blood Saint Realm, but in this palace, there are so many here at once, the palace is powerful, and it really deserves its reputation.

     These people are hiding in the dark, and they seem to be ready to do it at any time.

On the surface, it seems that the Qingluan **** will be playing fiercely with this sideline master, but in fact they are just the beginning. Maybe more masters will join in later, and then the palace might be directly beaten. Abolished.

     Last night, these people's harassment somehow ended voluntarily. Originally, Wang Feng wanted to go to the palace to see what was going on, but before he left, the good show finally began.

     Such as the drizzle yesterday, today can be said to be a violent storm. Even the people of the late Blood Saint Realm have appeared, so this battle has escalated.

     Qingluan God General can be hailed as the No. 1 God General of the Empire. His combat effectiveness is indeed very strong. A spear is almost like a dragon in his hand. Even Wang Feng is shocked by its power.

     Wang Feng felt that he should now be able to deal with the powerhouses of the late Blood Saint Realm, such as Su Yao, Wang Feng can still defeat him, but if Wang Feng is against this Qingluan **** general, then Wang Feng has no confidence.


     Just when the two people were fighting in this palace, a blue thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky. In this dark night, this thunderbolt could be said to light up the entire imperial city and wake up countless monks.

     "Have you seen? The King of Xiangyang won't look at him, we must let Su Yao come out to pay for his life." This sideliner spoke, with a particularly hideous expression on his face.

Although King Xiangyang is not his son, King Xiangyang is the leading figure among the younger generation of their collaterals. Right now he is beheaded by Su Yao. This account must be settled, otherwise their royal collaterals have to pay more Being laughed at by the world?

     "His skills are not as good as humans, and death is not a pity."

     Hearing the other party’s words, the Qing Luan God General also began to speak very ugly. The reason is simple, that is, these royal clans attacked his ethnic group. How could this Qing Luan God General show the other side a good face.

     "It doesn't seem to teach you a lesson, do you really think you are the best in the world?"

     This sideline master spoke, and then he grabbed his own long sword, and started a crazy attack on the Qingluan **** general.

    , as a master of the late Blood Saint Realm, his swordsmanship was naturally superbly transformed by his practice, as if he had come alive.

     There are a lot of sword flowers and gun flowers in the void at this moment, which looks extremely gorgeous, just like a beautiful scroll.

     It’s a pity that this is not a flower. These shadows contain deadly murderous intent. If a monk with a weaker cultivation base is mixed in this moment, he can be killed almost instantly, and he is not even qualified to escape.

     "I think I am not the best player in the world, but it is enough to deal with you..."

     The Qingluan **** general made a sound, and then he grabbed the spear in his hand, as if instilling some power into it, the spear turned blood red in an instant.

     "Be prepared to die."

     let out a loud roar, and then the Qingluan **** will not hesitate to throw the spear in his hand at the master of the royal family.

Looking at the spear thrown by the other party, this person looked cold, with a hint of sarcasm at the corners of his mouth, but when he was about to take the spear, he was shocked to discover that the power carried by the spear was really real. It was surprisingly big, he couldn't take it without injury at all.

     is like a drop of rain. The momentum of this long spear is unstoppable. Since this royal side master wants to take this shot, he will naturally pay a tragic price.

     His defense was broken, and the whole person was pushed far away by the power of the spear, and finally he opened his mouth and spewed blood.

     saw a look of horror in his eyes. He never dreamed that the other party was so powerful. Is this still a human?

     Fortunately, he used his sword to block the opponent's spear tip at a critical moment, otherwise he might have been directly penetrated.

     But even so, that violent force still made him spout blood, his expression shocked.

     When will the Qingluan **** will be strong to this level?


     looked at the other party just letting his spear repulse, the Qingluan God General did not hesitate, at this step he grabbed his own spear, and crushed it against this royal family.

    , the imposing aura that seemed like Mount Tai's pressure on the top of the imperial family showed such a shock on the face of the master of the royal family. He thought that with his own cultivation level, he could at least tie this Qingluan god.

     It's a pity that he looks at himself too highly, and he underestimates how powerful this Qingluan is.

     Since people have been able to sit firmly in the position of the number one general for so many years, it is not unreasonable.

     Although this Qingluan **** general is young, his cultivation is definitely not weaker than their old-brand strong.

And just because he is young and at a healthy age, the blood that he can explode is naturally more intense, so just now, the **** Qingluan used his full strength and immediately developed a tie into the upper hand. He is indeed worthy. It is called the first **** general of the empire.


Although this collateral royal family resisted with all his might, he had just suffered trauma, and now he can no longer compare with the Qingluan **** general, so he hurriedly resisted. Naturally, he was injured and his whole person was broken. The kite flew horizontally.

Both of them are the cultivation bases of the late Blood Saint Realm, and this person has entered this level earlier than the Qingluan God General, but now he has been defeated by the Qingluan God General, I have to say it is a kind of Great irony.

     Think that the strong of the older generation can bully the young? Now he was almost beaten to find teeth.

     "I already look like this, are you still going to watch the show in secret?"

     The person flew out and vomited blood, but this person was crazy at the moment, and opened his mouth and shouted.

     heard his words, suddenly the void flickered, several figures appeared, and went straight to the blue god.

     none of them speaks ~ They start to act as soon as they appear, and they seem extremely decisive. The **** Qingluan will be strong and good, but he can face so many masters at the same time, no matter how powerful he is, I am afraid that he can only be used to blame.

     "I want to kill the generals, have you asked us people?"

This time the      collateral team was considered to have dispatched masters, and the palace was the center of the entire Tianwai Dynasty, how could there be no masters sitting in town, and Wang Feng had already noticed these people before.

     With the appearance of all the masters of the royal family, a different number of masters naturally appeared in the palace, all of them came behind the Qingluan **** general and stood up with them.

     These people who appeared were all gray-haired, looking as if they would die of old age at any time.

     It's a pity that their cultivation is strong, if they want, they can even rejuvenate in an instant, back to their youngest time.

     These people are the ones who helped Wang Feng and them last time and surrounded the governor leader. Although they are old, they can move and fight. As long as they stand here, it is a powerful deterrent.

     People who are sidelined want to really rush into the palace? That is something that there is no door.

     "The step forward is to be an enemy of your Majesty, you have to think about it." An old man said with a calm tone, without any fear at all.



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