The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3062: Swell

   "It's no wonder he can walk so close to His Highness. I didn't expect to have such an identity."

Everyone talked in whispers, and they were very envious of Wang Feng’s identity. Not to mention that he became a general at a young age, and he can still get so close to his highness. Once his highness becomes the throne in the future, wouldn’t the identity of this general also rise with the tide? By then he will be famous all over the world, these are people they can't afford to offend.

     "Forget it, don't talk about it, your Highness said before, today we all have rewards, let's talk about the service of these two great men first." The crowd shook their heads, and then they dispersed.

     "General, this king can have the current cultivation base, that is all your credit." In the box, Su Yao patted Wang Feng on the shoulder and said.

     It seems that patting Wang Feng on the shoulder has become his habit, but Wang Feng is not comfortable with such actions, as if he is photographing people.

"No, no." It's just that Wang Feng didn't dare to talk nonsense. He could only follow Su Yao's meaning and complimented: "This is still the merit of his diligent cultivation. I gave him some guidance, how dare you say any credit."

     said that Wang Feng couldn't help but shook his head, and said: "His Royal Highness is so talented. Even without me, I believe it is appropriate to break through to the late Blood Saint Realm with your ability."

"General, please don't say that. Excessive humility is not a good thing." Su Yao suddenly flipped his palm and said: "General, this time my cultivation base breakthrough, in order to thank you, you put this thing keep it."

     As Wang Feng looked down, he saw a blood-stained finger in Su Yao's mouth, which instantly changed Wang Feng's complexion.

     Because this is most likely the finger of the Xiangyang King.

     "General, I took it down from the hand of the King Xiangyang before. Almost no one saw it. Please accept it as soon as I thank you."

     "His Royal Highness, I can't accept this." Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng repeatedly shook his head and refused.

King Xiangyang is dead, and this matter will continue to ferment. If Wang Feng accepts the finger of King Xiangyang now, wouldn’t it be the same as Su Yao? So how could Wang Feng accept this kind of thing? Su Yao is totally going to do it. He was dead alive.

     It was always only Wang Feng to take others into the ditch. Now Su Yao wants to take him into the ditch. How could Wang Feng do what he wanted.

"General, do you look down on me?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, Su Yao's expression suddenly changed and said, "General, don't worry, this finger means I haven't opened it since I took it down. I definitely didn't move it inside. Any item of this is yours."

"His Royal Highness, I didn't mean that." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "This is your trophy, how could I take your things, and it should be my duty to help Your Highness. Your Royal Highness would be too outspoken if you do this. Up."

     "General, friendship returns to friendship, but if you don't want my things now, it means that you are not willing to help me in the future."


     Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng knew that he was trying to force the palace. He forced himself to accept the finger, in order to pull Wang Feng onto his big boat, which was quite treacherous.

     It’s just that Wang Feng’s refusal might not be so easy.

     So after thinking about it, Wang Feng could only temporarily put the finger away, and said: "Your Highness’s kindness, I have my heart, but I won’t move this thing. I’m keeping it temporarily for your Highness, how about?"

     "Anyway, as long as you are willing to accept it, that's your thing. I don't have any opinion on what you want to do with it." Su Yao said, looking extremely atmospheric.

     It’s just that Wang Feng understands that his atmosphere is completely calculated. Su Yao understands and Wang Feng understands this kind of thing, but Wang Feng will not say it is broken, because if it is broken, how will they get along in the future?

     dishes gradually started, and Su Yao was also very enthusiastic in chatting with Wang Feng, it seems that the death of King Xiangyang did not take him seriously.

     is just that Wang Feng understands that Su Yao must know the consequences of what he did. Maybe he just wants to use alcohol to numb himself, maybe they don’t need to leave here, someone will come to them during the period.

     "Your Highness, are you mentally prepared?"

     Looking at Su Yao, Wang Feng asked.

     "Don't worry, general, my father won't do anything to me."

     Today is different from the past. Right now, his cultivation has broken through to the late Blood Holy Realm. This amount is much heavier than before. It is important to know that the entire Imperial Palace is a late Blood Holy Realm that there are not many in the entire empire.

     Now that he has come this far, he is a master of masters, not comparable to ordinary monks.

     So even if his father knew that he killed the King Xiangyang, he would not do anything to him. He had this confidence.

     "I hope so." Upon hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng said with a sigh.

     "Could it be that the general is afraid that I will be in danger?" Looking at Wang Feng, Su Yao asked.

"His Majesty, it's true that you have caused a terrible disaster this time. Your royal family is not only the line of their direct line, but there are also more number of lines. This King Xiangyang is regarded as the most outstanding in the line of lines. A young man, but now that he dies, the whole collateral family will definitely use this as an excuse to make a fuss, or maybe they will directly launch a rebellion, your Highness will be the biggest driving force behind this."

Said that there was a trace of apology on Wang Feng’s face, and said: "His Royal Highness, I did not think carefully. I did not expect this incident to cause such serious consequences. If I had thought of this earlier, I would not recommend you to deal with it. The King of Xiangyang is too late to regret now."

     Wang Feng shook his head continuously, and this Su Yao was very uncomfortable, because he felt that he owed too much to the general. He helped himself with suggestions and took the initiative to take the wrong afterwards. How many people like this can be found in the world?

     "General, you can rest assured that this matter is all my personal idea, it has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to bear any fault." Su Yao vowed to pat his chest and said.

"You can't say that." Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng shook his head again, and said: "There is no way to change the things you have done. Once your Majesty asks, you can tell me directly. Then we Share the consequences together."

"No." The more Wang Feng said this, Su Yao felt ashamed in his heart, so he immediately refused, saying: "General, if I drag you into the water now, then I'm really too inhuman. ."

     "General, you are so benevolent and righteous, I admire Wang." While speaking, Wang Feng raised the wine in front of him, and a strong man did this glass of passion.

It’s just that, though, Wang Feng was secretly saying that Su Yao was smart, and he was still so on. If he really confessed Wang Feng, then Wang Feng really has no choice but to take him. Fortunately, he is smart, otherwise Wang Feng can I have to suffer with him.

     "What did the general say? You and I are colleagues, and I owe you."

Two people here pushed me and drank a lot of wine, but unfortunately before they finished the banquet, Wang Feng heard the sound of uniform footsteps outside, the sky opened, Wang Feng looked There were many heavy-loaded guards here, holding weapons, exuding iron and blood.

     When they came, the guests in this restaurant were all going to the building, because everyone felt a breath of death. Wherever they dare to stay here, they all fled here as fast as they could.

     Even many of them haven't settled the bill. The young man in this restaurant originally wanted to stop these people, because they are the king's meal.

     But when they saw the uniform team outside, they didn't dare to speak because they were all afraid of death.

     "The ones that should come will always come, they can't hide." Just when Wang Feng spotted the team outside, Su Yao clearly noticed it, and he knew that these people were here for himself.

     These people are all masters cultivated by collateral lines. They are more ruthless than the people in the army, and they are more like dead soldiers.

     just rely on these people to want to catch him Su Yao, is it too low to put him in the eye?

     You must know that Su Yao is now in the late Blood Saint Realm. Not to mention that these people look very powerful. Even if their number doubles, Su Yao will definitely not be afraid of half a point.

     "General, I said that I will keep you out of the business. You don't need to go out now, just eat and drink here with peace of mind. I will go to checkout, and then you will assume that nothing happened and go straight back to the mansion."

     "His Royal Highness, how do you plan to deal with these people?" Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng asked.

"Zhou Xuan?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, Su Yao showed a trace of hostility on his face, and said: "If my cultivation was still in the middle of the blood saint realm, I might still make false claims with them, but Now that I already have the strength of the late Blood Saint Realm, do I have to deal with them?"

     What does Su Yao mean? Wang Feng understands. He is going to fight a tough fight with outsiders.

     To put it bluntly, this Su Yao has already swelled up sharply. He feels that if his cultivation base breaks through, he can be invincible. It is estimated that it will not be long before he will suffer the consequences.

     has swollen to this point, Wang Feng guesses he won't listen to what he says, so Wang Feng can only let him go.

Anyway, he killed people from their empire, and had nothing to do with Wang Feng. Not to mention that all the people outside died tragically. Even if the entire imperial city were killed by Su Yao, Wang Feng would definitely not Will blink his brows.

     Under Wang Feng's gaze, he saw that Su Yao had walked down the stairs of the restaurant and appeared in front of the heavy armored guards.

"His Royal Highness, come with Watching Su Yao appear, at the end of these guards, a middle-aged man walks out slowly. He is a prince in the sideline, although he does not have the identity of Su Yao. Yao Gao, but also a high-ranking generation.

This time King Xiangyang was killed, Su Yao is to blame, because Su Yao killed King Xiangyang in front of so many people. If their sideline is doing nothing now, then what face do they have to continue? Stay in this royal family?

     "Walking with you?" Su Yao's face showed a sarcasm smile when he heard the other party's words, and said, "Do you have any words from my father?"

     "His Royal Highness, we just want you to cooperate with us in our investigation. Does this still need your Majesty's oral statement?"

     "A joke." Su Yao sneered when he heard this, and said: "You don't even have a word from my father. You dare to come and get me. Do you want to commit the following?"

While      spoke, Su Yao's breath began to surge, making the other person's complexion ugly. He had already learned about Su Yao's breakthrough, and now they might not be able to catch Su Yao so easily.

     "According to the imperial law, committing the following is a serious crime, you people are simply seeking your own death!"


   12 o'clock noon is the time for the double monthly pass to start, sincerely ask for the monthly pass.


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