The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3060: King Xiangyang is dead!

     "I have long heard that the queen's appearance is the best, but now it seems that it is really well-deserved."

Since Su Yao's mother can become the queen of the maternal ritual world, it goes without saying that she has a peerless appearance. Even a woman with the same appearance will feel ashamed when standing in front of her, because she is a queen, and her temperament is not something that ordinary people can match. Than.

     In the spectator room where Wang Feng and the others were in, one person spoke at this moment, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

     This person even dared to say this kind of thing. Is this trying to die?

     "You dare to covet the beauty of the queen, do you think that we are all non-existent?" At this time, the chief executive gave a cold drink, and immediately made this person pale.

     He just subconsciously uttered a sound, he never thought that there are so many people here, even his majesty's cronies are here.

When      thought of this, the cold sweat on his forehead instantly shed, and his whole body was extremely stiff, and he even commented on the queen, which is a serious crime to beheaded.


     thought of this, he didn't hesitate, he knelt on the ground all of a sudden, kowtow to the chief executive, and said: "I'm just a quick mouthful, father-in-law, please spare my life."

     "It's easy to make me spare my life, let me speak slowly to the person in charge of punishment."

     While talking, the manager winked at the people next to him, and suddenly this person understood, and directly put this person aside, probably not running away.

     came to an end like this because of their short-term mouth. No one dared to plead for this person when they saw this scene, because they were afraid that if they spoke, they might end up like him.

     But this person is indeed his own death, who is not good to criticize, he has to comment on the queen, the mother of a dignified country, how can he criticize?

     So he pushed himself into the fire pit by himself. Who can really blame it?

In the arena of     , because of the appearance of the queen, Su Yao's complexion was a bit ugly again. Even if an uncle came, he did not expect that he would invite his mother out.

     If he doesn’t listen anymore, wouldn’t he have to invite his father to come here?

When      thought of this, he directly began to hate his uncle. As an immediate family member, it was a heinous crime for him to come to stop him.

     If he didn't come, the King Xiangyang would have already died.

     "Mother, do you even want to stop me?" Looking at this woman in the world, Su Yao's face showed a trace of misery.

     "Yao'er, if you compete with him normally, I will naturally not stop you, but if you want to kill him now, the mother will not allow you to do so."

"Why? I just want to know why?" Su Yao yelled and said, "Uncle wants to stop me, and now even the mother and queen you have to stop me, do I have the right to dignify the prince of a country and even kill individuals? Is it all gone?"

"No, you have the right. If you want to kill other people, the queen will definitely not come to stop you, but now the person you want to kill is King Xiangyang. He is a reigning prince. Wouldn't you kill him? Think about the consequences?"

     "I just want revenge." Su Yao said, completely different in normal days. At this moment, he is like a different person, making his uncle and his mother both shook their heads.

     No wonder your Majesty has always refused to establish a prince. This is not unreasonable. If Su Yao sits on the position of prince, wouldn’t it be criticized by the world?

     "Yao'er, the queen has always had high hopes for you, but what you have done now is really disappointing to me." Su Yao's mother spoke, and couldn't help shaking her head.

This Su Yao is not a kid anymore. He should be able to distinguish clearly the relationship of interest. Of course, killing a King Xiangyang can make him avenge him for a while, but once people retaliate, it is also very terrible. Su Yao definitely did not consider it. After this point, if he really had this idea, then this battle might not have occurred.

     "Why? Why do you have to stop me?"

This Su Yao roared, and the whole person seemed extremely unwilling. It was not a day or two for him to oppose the King Xiangyang, but for a long time. Now he hasn't even killed an enemy. Prince, what does it mean in front of you?

     Just as Wang Feng said, if you can’t let your own thoughts come true by doing things, it is meaningless. He hates the King Xiangyang, so he wants to kill the opponent and prevent him from living.

     As for the consequences, he hadn't thought about it at all, and didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to kill the King Xiangyang, that's all.

     looked at Su Yao as if he was crazy, and the eyes of his mother and his uncle showed disappointment. Such a person, can you still count on him to inherit Datong? There is basically no hope.

     "Yao'er, I'm really disappointed in you." Su Yao's mother said at this time, and then she turned and left without stopping Su Yao again.

"Even if it is disappointed, I will kill him!" Su Yao suddenly made a crazy voice, and then he slapped the king of Xiangyang directly before the old prince hadn’t reacted. Above his head.

The old prince’s eyes were all on Su Yao’s mother at the moment. He never thought that Su Yao would suddenly take action at this time. Even if he wanted to stop it, it was too late. He could only stare at him. Watching Su Yao's palm fall on the head of the Xiangyang King.

     "You..." Looking at Su Yao, the old prince really didn't expect Su Yao to be crazy to this level.

On the side with her back to them, after Su Yao’s mother heard Su Yao’s words, she couldn’t help but tremble, because she didn’t expect that the only surviving son would be so ineffective, even her words. Not listening.

     Now that the King of Xiangyang has died tragically, it may be hard to come to an end.

     "Good... good... good."

Originally, the King Xiangyang was almost on the verge of death, because the poison that Su Yao prepared for him was very vicious, and the toxin had spread all over the King Xiangyang’s body. It was almost impossible for him to survive. So now after receiving the palm of Su Yao, the body of King Xiangyang suddenly convulsed.

     There were continuous noises in his mouth, all of which were good words.

     Hearing this, the old prince sighed in his heart. He knew that things he didn't want to happen would still happen. Su Yao's palm was the beginning, and the empire might be in trouble this time.

     The King of Xiangyang is undoubtedly an individual talent, but no matter how talented he is, because of his rank, he can't ascend to the throne of God, and even becoming a prince is impossible.

     He himself said that he has lived in madness all his life. Instead of being pressed by others, he would rather end his life in order to awaken the blood of other people.

     is the same royal family, why can only the emperor come to sit in the family? Then, what are their collaterals in the eyes of the family members? Foil?

     So even though he was walking on the road to death, he didn't feel the pain. He just felt very relaxed. After this incident, the people of the tribe should not continue to be silent anymore, and they should take action.

     Whether it is for the future of the tribe, or revenge for him, they have to do something.

He knew exactly what the      people thought in their hearts. In fact, some of them had long wanted to express their dissatisfaction, but it was a pity that they didn't find any excuses.

     And this time he was the perfect excuse, and it was also an excuse that he could not refute.

     On the surface, Su Yao won and successfully killed him, but in the long run, Su Yao was defeated, because he had not considered the future at all.

     "His Royal Highness actually killed King Xiangyang!"

Seeing King Xiangyang gradually stopped struggling and stopped breathing, all the people present could not help standing up, with shocked faces. Perhaps none of them thought that Su Yao would kill King Xiangyang so decisively. And still in front of his mother.

     "Yao'er, do it yourself."

     looked at her own son, the queen was full of heartache, and then she turned and left without hesitation. ,

     She thought she could persuade her child to turn around, but now it seems that she can’t do it at all. The child is old and is no longer under her control, so since she can’t control it, can he still use it?

     Su Yao's father will naturally take care of all this.

     So after leaving this sentence, she turned around and left here, very simply.

"Yao'er, you have caused a big disaster this time." Looking back at King Xiangyang, who had already lost his breath, the old prince was also pale with anger, but the mistakes were made, and he couldn't save this now. King of Xiangyang.

     Looking at King Xiangyang who had stopped struggling, Wang Feng didn't expect him to die so easily. To be honest, he didn't anticipate this situation. He felt that King Xiangyang would beat Su Yao.

     After all, this King Xiangyang looked like a poisonous snake who likes to hide in the dark and hurt people. If he was so easy to deal with, he would have died long ago.

     But the fact is always different from the imagination. Wang Feng feels that King Xiangyang is not easy to kill, but now he has become a corpse, his heartbeat has stopped, and even his soul has died.

     Of course, Wang Feng didn't doubt whether the King Xiangyang was swindling his death. After all, he just wanted to provoke the struggle between this sideline and the direct line.

     But in the presence of so many people, it would be basically impossible for him to lie to death, and Wang Feng also used his own heavenly eyes to observe that he was not killed by a bombing, but a real death.

It’s just that Wang Feng’s heart always has a bad This king Xiangyang is better than this Su Yao, because he is not a kind of idiot, he can make this Su Yao angry with just a few words. , And was led by his nose.

At this point, Wang Feng felt that he was not so easy to die, but the facts were already in front of him. The King Xiangyang was slapped to death by Su Yao's poisonous body with a slap in the face. All die.

If he is still alive, Wang Feng really cannot find evidence, but whether he is still alive or dead, it has nothing to do with Wang Feng, because the person who killed him was Su Yao, not Wang Feng. It was nothing more than a plan for Su Yao.

     This King Xiangyang wanted to instigate a battle between the sideline and the descent, and Wang Feng was not like that. So whether the King Xiangyang lied to death or not, Wang Feng’s goal was actually achieved.

     The next thing to see is the continued fermentation of this matter. This sideline has died of a Xiangyang King, and their royal family will definitely not let it go.

     This time the imperial city is probably lively.

     thought of Wang Feng’s mouth with an unnoticeable sneer, and disappeared in an instant, because there was also a grandmaster from the palace, Wang Feng could not let him see any clues.


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