The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3029: Bottom of the abyss

After      was hit by a rock, Wang Feng instantly lost all his balance and fell quickly toward the abyss, unable to stop his figure.

The feeling of      was like a strong swallowing power underneath, and he couldn't resist at all.

What Wang Feng didn’t know below, even his heavenly eyes couldn’t see it, and was hindered by some obstacles. However, in the process of declining, Wang Feng still did not give up using his heavenly eyes, because only with the heavenly eyes could he see the bottom. Whatever you have, you should react in time.

     waiting to die is not Wang Feng's character, and Wang Feng has never thought about dying in this ghost place, so he has to survive.

When      was hit by a stone, Wang Feng didn't use any defenses, and even saving Su Yao was just Wang Feng's idea in an instant. To win Su Yao's complete trust, this is an excellent way.

     believes that there is no more way to gain trust than saving lives, so Wang Feng is also betting.

     It's a pity that Wang Feng was miserable in this bet. His falling speed is getting faster and faster, and he can't stop it at all. Even if the evil spirit with tortoise shell is under Wang Feng's body, he can't stop at all.

Moreover, when the stone fell down, the speed was fast, and the power carried on it was also very large. At this moment, Wang Feng only felt that his shoulders were about to fall apart, even for him. The others who were hit were afraid of death. That is hurt.

     After all, the physical strength of those people cannot be compared with Wang Feng.

     "How deep is this abyss?"

Looking down at the abyss, Wang Feng's heart couldn't help but feel a bit chilly. To be honest, he just helped Su Yao to block the blow was too impulsive. If he knew it was so dangerous, he should be let himself Hit.

     No matter how fierce the quarreling is, Wang Feng can’t know. At this moment, he is still falling, fast and scary.

     After about three breaths, Wang Feng finally noticed the bottom of the abyss. It was a river, to be precise an underground river.

     "It's finally the end."

Seeing the river below, Wang Feng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. It’s better to fall into the water than to hit the ground. He fell at his current speed. After falling to the ground, Wang Feng’s body would be tough even if he was physically strong. The bones are also broken a lot.

     But this would not be the case in the water, because water has a very strong buffering power, which can minimize the damage of Wang Feng after falling.


It was like a meteorite hitting the river water. After Wang Feng fell, Wang Feng only felt a burst of intense pressure from his back. This pressure was acting on his whole body and almost made Wang Feng fall apart. .

     Fortunately, Wang Feng activated his defensive supernatural powers in time, so even though he fell quickly, he was still alive.

     As long as the person is still alive, everything is easy to say, because Wang Feng can recover.

     fed a pill into his mouth, Wang Feng did not rush to leave the water, because at this moment he was not alone in the water, and there were others who had been smashed down.

     It's a pity that many of these people's bodies are already broken, and Wang Feng can only collect their corpses.

"Are you OK?"

     At this time, the tortoise shell sounded, and Wang Feng was obviously worried.

     The other **** saint realm powerhouses have all fallen dead, and although Wang Feng is still alive, he must be seriously injured.

     "Don't worry, I won't die for the time being." Wang Feng said, and then he approached the corpses.

     "You don't need to collect the corpses, just let the evil spirits destroy them." The turtle shell spoke, and then he released his evil spirits, rushing towards the corpses in an instant.

     "Then I will recover some injuries first."

     fell into the dark river as a favor to Wang Feng, otherwise his injuries must be far more serious than now.

But even so, Wang Feng needs to recover. There are so many powerful formations in this ghost place, and you may be killed if you don’t pay attention. Therefore, Wang Feng must recover his body, otherwise he will encounter a battle later. In trouble.

The evil spirits in the tortoise shell are constantly devouring the broken bones, and Wang Feng is also recovering. As long as someone falls on it, they will become food for evil spirits, whether they are alive or dead, and they will not be able to escape. .

     Because even if they are still alive, they are in a state of dying, how can they be able to stop these evil spirits, so they can only become the food of this evil spirit, there is no suspense.

     "I have recovered."

After sitting in the water for about half an hour, Wang Feng slowly opened his eyes. At the moment his eyes opened and closed, a light flashed from them, although this time Wang Feng suffered After a violent impact, he also felt that his cultivation level seemed to have improved a bit, although not much, it was always progress.

     is superimposed little by little, and Wang Feng believes that qualitative changes will be triggered soon.

     "You finally wake up."

     Not far from Wang Feng, the soul of the tortoise shell is also soaked in the water, and not far from him, the evil spirits are constantly turning around him, protecting him.

     "How long have I been sitting here?" Looking at the turtle shell, Wang Feng asked.

     "Soon, it will be about half an hour."

     "Half an hour, I believe those people have penetrated into the tomb. We must hurry up to find these people and kill them one by one."

When Wang Feng came before, he was still thinking about how to quietly kill them in the dark. Unexpectedly, now that the opportunity would come, he fell into the abyss. Those people must have thought that he had fallen, so Wang Feng was going to use this Good chance to win them one by one.

     These people are all princes. Just one or two deaths can cause riots. When that time, Wang Feng will pretend to be a ghost, and I can guarantee that these people don't know who did it.

     "This underground river should be able to lead to many places, let's try to swim forward." Wang Feng said, and then he swam forward without hesitation.

     "Wait for me."

     saw Wang Feng say to leave, the tortoise shell did not hesitate, and quickly caught up.

     Just as Wang Feng said, although this dark river is at the bottom of the abyss, this dark river can lead to many places. It didn't take long before Wang Feng and the turtle shell saw the place where they could go ashore.

     Because this place is an underground river, the water level of this underground river may change at any time, so there are many caves in this place, and they just picked a cave and got into it.

     "You said that the people who chose the cemetery are also weird. They chose this spooky place. Are you afraid of water leakage?" At this time the turtle shell said.

     "You too underestimate others, right? You said that someone is leaking in such a big cemetery. Isn't that nonsense?" Wang Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

     "Let's walk along these caves, I believe Wang Feng will be able to return to the tomb soon." Wang Feng said, and then he opened his own heavenly eyes.

     Sweeping his heavenly eyes, he saw many passages under the ground. These passages extend in all directions, and he doesn't know where he can go.

     Moreover, Wang Feng’s Sky Eye was suppressed to a certain extent here, unable to fully expand, so he could only find his way while walking, hoping to return to this secret room as soon as possible.

"What is this?" When Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were galloping in the cave, it didn't take long before Wang Feng suddenly smelled a scent. After looking for it, Wang Feng quickly found it on the wall of the cave. A bunch of flowers huddled together.

Because these flowers have never been exposed to sunlight, the whole is transparent and looks very beautiful. If it weren't for Wang Feng's sharp eyesight, and the flowers themselves exude a fragrance, otherwise ordinary people might be very happy even if they pass by here. It is difficult to find the things on this wall.

     "Whatever he is, take it away and talk about it." At this time, the tortoise shell spoke, unceremoniously.

     This place may not come again in the future. Since there are natural treasures growing here, are they still waiting for others to come and start?

     "I still can't do too much, leave the roots here." Wang Feng said, and then he began to collect these herbs.

Although the environment in this cave is not very good, and the aura is not high, it happens to be in such an inaccessible place that this kind of elixir can grow. If it is outside, I am afraid that it would have been taken away long ago. There is no chance of survival.

     "It seems that this trip is still useful."

     Although Wang Feng was smashed into the abyss by the stone, if he did not fall, I am afraid he would not get this thing.

     "Is it possible that the previous abyss was caused by the formation?" At this time the turtle shell asked.

"It should not be." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "Look, these dark rivers must have existed very early, and the topography here may have been formed congenitally. Someone will occupy this place. , And transformed into a tomb, so this abyss should have existed from the very beginning, but someone moved their hands and feet in this abyss and set up a formation. Once too many people pass through, causing a power riot, it will touch the formation. law."

     "The people who used to set up the formation must be very powerful, otherwise how could the stone carry such terrifying power."

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded when he heard the tortoise shell, but he agreed with it, because he let the stone hit him. He clearly felt that the moment the stone fell, the damage caused to him was How big.

     even he was like this, the skin and flesh of other monks were completely plausible.

     "If you want me to say, you shouldn't have helped Su Yao block the stone before, you should let him fall by himself."

"You can't say that. I helped him this time. I believe that Su Yao will trust me in a true sense, and he has a greater effect when he is alive than he is dead. It is easier to kill him, but when he is dead, we will really take revenge. Yet?"

     "Just take care of Anyway, your kid has a lot of bad water in his stomach, so I won't get involved in these things, you can just take care of it yourself."

     "Let's go."

     The precious medicinal materials were found here, but apart from here, Wang Feng did not see anything of value. There was a bare piece of the wall and nothing.

     "Such a good growth environment, but only such a baby, it's a pity." Wang Feng said, shook his head.

     "Walking to other places, maybe there are other treasures?" At this time, the turtle shell opened her mouth, rather optimistic.

    Because his evil spirits don't eat these herbs, he doesn't care how much Wang Feng gets. All he cares about is how many corpses his evil spirits can get.

     "There is a wave of formation in front, it should be the passage leading to that tomb." At this time, Wang Feng opened his mouth and went straight ahead.

     It is very clear how many formations around the tomb of Wangfeng, so since there are fluctuations in formations here, it means that they are very close to the cemetery, maybe the tomb is in front of them.

     "It's been such a long time. Those princes should have gone deep into the tomb. When that happens, we will pretend to be a ghost and scare them to death." At this time, the tortoise shell was very funny.


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