The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1800: Tianyou Tower

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The first thousand eight hundred chapters of Tianyou Tower



"Unexpectedly, this Ji family should be so cruel."

In a place where outsiders can’t find, Wang Feng is hanging out. Through inquiries, Wang Feng already knows what happened in Central City. Central City is the largest city in the world. Any bit of wind and grass there may quickly spread throughout the world, so It is not surprising that Wang Feng can inquire about the news.

Hearing that the Red Flame Alliance had let Xuanyuanlong take over all of them, Wang Feng immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Since Xuanyuanlong is fully committed to guaranteeing the safety of the Red Flame Alliance, there shouldn't be much problem.

After all, Central City is not a place where anyone can mess around, not even the Ji family, so as long as his school and family are safe, what else can Wang Feng worry about?

Right now, I still save my life.

How many people are chasing himself Wang Feng is not clear. In short, he feels very good now, free and free, go wherever he wants, do whatever he wants, no one can restrict him.

It’s just that he feels good now, but he doesn’t even know that a threat is approaching him. Lord Geyue has already set off to land, and the clan leader Ji has also set off. The two rulers come out to look for him at the same time. Up.

"Now he is almost a target of the entire heaven realm. Isn't this dangerous?"

Above the Nine Heavens, Di Batian asked with some worry, the person he asked was naturally Wang Feng.

Although he had strongly requested Xuanyuanlong to protect Wang Feng and his forces, Xuanyuanlong was weak in power after all, and he might not be able to stop everyone alone.

"If a person doesn't experience hardships, how can he aspire to a higher realm? Don't worry about him, life and death, wealth and wealth are in the sky, what will happen to him." The old man next to Di Batian said, and then he stopped talking.

"I hope he can carry on." Di Batian sighed, and then he stopped talking.

Now that his realm has reached the edge of breakthrough, he may become a giant at any time, so he can't give up his opportunity to advance for Wang Feng, so he can only let Wang Feng ask for more blessings.

On this day, Wang Feng came to a place called Tianyou Ancient City. Before entering the ancient city, Wang Feng already felt a cold breath rushing towards him. This ancient city is very different from a normal city. The color of pitch black appeared from a distance, as if it was a black pimple crawling on the ground, a force like the might of heaven struck, causing Wang Feng's complexion to change slightly.

He didn't expect that there is such a city in this southern region. Although this city cannot be compared with the central city in terms of scale, this coercion is not inferior to the central city.

Is there a strong man in this city?

Not dare to poke out his own heavenly eyes, Wang Feng entered the city like this.

"Brother, do you want to stay in the hotel?" Just when he entered the city, a monk came up and asked.

"Living in? Which store do I live in?" Wang Feng frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Now the city is almost overcrowded. Brother, you might not be so easy to find a place to live."

"Is there something big going on here?" Upon hearing this, Wang Feng asked in surprise.

"Aren't you here to break into the Heavenly Silent Pagoda?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the man widened his eyes and asked incredulously.

Tianyou Ancient City is not a big city. Before the Tianyou Pagoda came, this city was a normal small city. Wang Feng said that he didn't come to Chuangtianyou Pagoda, so how did he find here?

"Tianyou Tower? What the hell." Hearing this person's inexplicable words, Wang Feng felt even more surprised.

"In other words, the tower is something that can help monks improve their realm this day. If you have nothing to do, you can go and break through. I think you have a good cultivation level, and you should be able to get some treasures."

"Then the change in this city is also related to the Tower of Heaven?" Wang Feng asked.

"That's natural. Tianyou Pagoda is the most mysterious thing in Tianyou Ancient City. Every time Tianyou Pagoda appears, the city will change. This is normal."

"Then can you tell me what happened to the tower this day?"

"Then you can't live in the store?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, this man's face suddenly became a little unsightly. He was originally to solicit customers, but who knew that Wang Feng was talking like a stubborn stubbornness. This was not intentionally affecting his business. ?

"You can stay in a store, but you have to tell me about the tower that day."

"Good, deal."

Seeing that the business could be done, this person's expression immediately became amiable again, and then he told Wang Feng some things related to the Tianyou Pagoda, which gave Wang Feng a better experience.

It is no longer traceable when the Tianyou Pagoda appeared, because the heaven itself has no idea how many years it has existed. Who remembers when the Tianyou Pagoda appeared? Even if it did, I am afraid that those people would have already died. Empty.

As the years passed, those ancient books that recorded Tianyou Pagoda had also disappeared, so no one really knew the history of Tianyou Pagoda.

In short, everyone only recognizes one truth, that is, after breaking into the Tianyou Pagoda, the monks can get a lot of benefits, and what is more, they can continuously improve their realm. This is a place against the sky.

This time Wang Feng was lucky, he caught up with the timing when Tianyou Pagoda just appeared this year.

What place is Tianyou Pagoda? Wang Feng hasn’t heard of it. He didn’t even know that there is such a place in the Southern Region. This is still related to his experience in the world. He has been in the Southern Region for too short a time, and there are many things for him. Don't know.

After handling accommodation with this person, Wang Feng went directly to the place where Tianyou Pagoda was.

Although he did not open his own heavenly eyes, standing in this ancient city of Tianyou, Wang Feng almost saw the giant tower-shaped building rising into the clouds as soon as he looked up.

This is Tianyou Tower, located in the center of the city.

Following the direction of Tianyou Pagoda, Wang Feng quickly came to the center of this ancient city.

"It is said that ten years ago, someone rushed to the ninth floor of the Tianyou Pagoda, and he was directly rewarded by a set of celestial robes." Someone spoke, and was detailing the rewards others received when the Tianyou Pagoda was opened last time.

"What's this? I also heard that after receiving the reward of this **** robe, that person also improved his own strength. At that time, many people were jealous."

"Yes, it's a pity that Tianyou Pagoda is difficult to climb from one level to the next. With our strength, it is estimated that even the fourth level is difficult to climb."

"You still don't think so much. It's good if we can go to the third floor, but also want to go to the fourth floor. I think you are really a pipe dream." Another monk shook his head and said.

Hearing their conversation, Wang Feng can easily see that it is very difficult to achieve good results in this Tianyou Pagoda, but this does not hinder Wang Feng’s lofty ambitions. If others can’t go up, it doesn’t mean that he can’t. Once opened, he must rush in first.

Tianyou Pagoda is estimated to be opened in the next two or three days, so Wang Feng didn't return to his residence either. Anyway, he had already given the spirit stone where he stayed. The inn wouldn't care about his life or death.

There are many monks who have a choice with Wang Feng, and everyone is quietly waiting for the opening of the tower on this day.

Although there are many monks waiting, one thing that makes Wang Feng feel very strange is that although there are many monks gathered here, there are very few super geniuses.

For example, none of the people from the Daozi series have come. Could it be that the tower is too busy this day to attract their attention?

But Wang Feng’s idea was obviously wrong. The reason why those people didn’t come was because the good stuff was only played afterwards. Just when You Pagoda was about to open on this day, Tianyou Ancient City had geniuses coming one after another. .

The first one who came was Wang Feng's acquaintance, and it was Kong Shaoyuan, the nephew of the Nine Realm Great Emperor.

Wang Feng is quite fond of this person, because when the Ji family dealt with himself, he even came to inform him, which shows that he is still worth paying.

If it were in other places, he might still show up to meet him, but under such an occasion, he thought it was better not to show up because he didn't want to expose himself.

As soon as he arrived, he immediately caused an uproar, because many monks knew him, who had a great relationship with the giant.

"He's here, presumably those Taoists are coming soon." Someone spoke, but the result was that the void split, and somebody came again.

"Four Kings." Seeing the incoming person, someone who knew him quickly said.

Daozi and Kong Shaoyuan are different. In contrast, they are more famous because they are recognized by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. Every Daozi in the upper ranks will be propagated around the world, just like when Wang Feng became the Nine Kings. .

But now that the position of the Nine Kings is vacant, the Eight Kings are likely to have died, and there are only seven remaining Daozi.

As soon as the Four Kings came, he later came several Daozi, but among these people, Wang Feng was the only one who did not see Daozi. It is reasonable to say that this person should not be absent from this kind of activity. Could it be that he was detained by someone? Can't live?

Why Daozi came? Wang Feng has no more time to think about it, because Tianyou Pagoda is about to open immediately.

The earth quaked, accompanied by dull roars, as if something was about to break out of the ground. A feeling of depression filled everyone's heart. Under such circumstances, Wang Feng couldn't help but use it. Own eyes.

Under the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng could see that the surging power that others could not see with the naked eye was flowing in the ancient city of Tianyou, and the final flow of these powers was all in the center of the city, that is, Tianyou Tower.

"Finally opening." Looking at the violently shaking Tianyou Pagoda, many people showed eager expressions on their! "

After about five breaths, a shock wave swept in all directions with Tianyou Tower as the center. Wang Feng and others who were standing in front of Tianyou Tower were all retreated by this wave, and almost no one could stop it.

At a glance, the gate of Tianyou Tower suddenly opened at this moment. The moment the gate opened, a large number of monks began to rush forward violently, even Wang Feng failed to catch up with the first wave.

But this doesn't affect anything, because after everyone enters the Tianyou Pagoda, they will be divided into a small space individually, and everyone will not meet each other.

Just walked into the gate of You Pagoda on this day, suddenly Wang Feng felt an invisible wind blowing through his body, and when this feeling rose, next to Tianyou Pagoda, Wang Feng’s name Appeared on a list.

And Wang Feng himself didn't know about all this, because he didn't even know that something like this would happen after entering Tianyou Tower.

"First level, start!"

An indifferent voice sounded in Wang Feng’s ears, and then the world before him suddenly changed. The small space suddenly became huge at this moment. At the same time, some flowers, plants and trees appeared one after another, like a creator here. Just like making these things, Wang Feng's eyes were a little straight when he looked at it.

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The first thousand eight hundred chapters of Tianyou Tower

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