The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1788: Tomb of Xuantian War Demon

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The first thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the tomb of the mysterious war

Tomb of Xuantian War Demon

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight chapters

Tomb of Xuantian War Demon

Author: Chi Yan hymns ← → download:

"Why is it so far this time?"

dàgài Two days later, the eight kings asked impatiently.

Although he had promised that Ye Sheng would not do anything to Wang Feng for the time being, he had been watching Wang Feng all the time for two days, so the killing intent in his heart became more and more vigorous, and he has almost Some can't be contained.

That's why his tone of voice is a bit impatient now. He really wants to attack Wang Feng too much.

"Don't worry, the journey this time is indeed a bit far away, but if it weren't the case, we wouldn't be able to find the tomb hidden in the inaccessible." Ye Sheng explained, and then said: "According to our current journey, sùdù, I believe it will be possible to reach the destination in another three to five days."


After looking at Wang Feng, the eight kings gave a cold snort, and then he stopped talking.

In this way, Wang Feng and the others finally arrived at the location of the ancient tomb in about five days.

"Where is the ancient tomb?" Looking at the endless ocean, the Eight Kings frowned and asked.

"Under the sea." Ye Sheng said, and then he raised the mask on his body, and he plunged into the sea.

As he jumped into the seabed, Wang Feng and others also jumped into the seabed one after another.

Through Tianyan Wangfeng, he indeed saw that there was a large-scale ancient tomb under the sea. Ye Sheng and the others could find this place. It was a strange encounter.

After all, even if the ordinary monks pass by here, most of them pass directly. Who would have thought that there is an ancient tomb that has existed for many years under the sea.

"Look, that is our destination." Entering the sea, Ye Sheng pointed to everyone.

Looking in the direction he was pointing, everyone could find that there was a huge tomb on the deep seabed.

Nine huge pillars stand here forever, and between the pillars is a huge tombstone.

Although the tombstone has been soaked in seawater for many years, the large characters on it can still be clearly seen.

"The Tomb of Xuantian War Demon!"

The six big characters flashed on the tombstone. Although there was still some distance away, everyone could clearly feel the huge pressure coming from the tombstone.

This juéduì is the home of a terrible figure.

And judging from the words on the epitaph, the tomb lying in the tomb is most likely a murderous demon.

Almost subconsciously, he opened his eyes to the sky, and Wang Feng immediately set off a storm in his heart, because he found an unusual place in this ancient tomb.

When he got the first war sword, the role of the war sword was to suppress demons.

And now in this tomb, Wang Feng unexpectedly saw another war sword, this is the place that really set off the stormy sea in Wang Feng's heart.

Where there are war swords, there must be demons to be suppressed. It can be seen that there are no treasures in this tomb, let alone any dead bodies. War swords are all here, so there is only one explanation left, and that is this. There is a living Xuantian war demon under the tomb suppression.

This discovery shocked Wang Feng's heart, but his face didn't show any yìyàng emotions.

Because as long as he shows the slightest bit, these people can discover his yìyàng.

Thoughts kept beating in his mind, and soon Wang Feng laughed.

Don't these Eight Kings and Ji Ming want to deal with themselves? Then this time just took this opportunity to cheat them, even if they couldn't kill them, at least they could pay a heavy price.

Especially that Ji Ming threatened him with words, how could such an enemy Wangfeng not be reported.

"Everyone, this is the ancient tomb that I am talking about. According to my inference, the owner of this ancient tomb is at least the master level. As long as we can open his tomb, there should be a lot of burial objects in it. These will become the things in our bag." At this time Ye Sheng said, he really thought there was a treasure in it.

It's just that Wang Feng's heart is sneer after hearing what he said. If there is really a treasure in it, it would be strange.

"Then what can you do?" Wu Yang asked at this time.

"What can be done, it is naturally the old one." Ye Sheng rolled his eyes and said.

These people present have cooperated many times, so they already have a way to open these ancient ruins.

"I wonder what the old method you are talking about?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"It's very simple, it's that we people join hands to lay a very destructive formation. This formation will help us take the initiative to blast the tomb." Ye Sheng explained.

In fact, this method is most beneficial to them. In the past, they did not encounter danger in the process of exploring, but they were not nearby, so when the danger broke out, they all withdrew.

It is precisely because of this that they have been able to save themselves every time.

"So that's it." Wang Feng nodded, indicating that he had understood.

However, when he said this sentence, his mind became active again. Now that he knew how they opened this formation, Wang Feng naturally had to come up with a countermeasure.

If you want to punish people, you have to punish yourself.

"Okay, time waits for no one. Let's start arranging the formation now." Ye Sheng spoke at this time, and then he directly passed a soul mark into Wang Feng's mind.

Right now everyone here except Wang Feng will arrange formations, so as long as Wang Feng will practice the formations, then yīqiē can begin.

"How about it, okay?" Looking at Wang Feng, this Ye Sheng asked.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Wang Feng said, and then he stood in his key position.

Although Wang Feng didn't dare to call it a master of the formation, his formation was far from comparable to those present.

Because everyone is a young talent, Wang Feng has time and experience to learn formations and alchemy, but the people present may not be enough, so this is an opportunity for Wang Feng.

The formation was quickly set up under the joint hands of everyone, and as the formation continued to take shape, an incomparable force directly permeated the formation.

Even Wang Feng felt shocked by the strength of this formation. It seems that this formation juéduì came from the hands of a real top-level formation master. Although it was only arranged by their group of kings, this formation Strong fear can directly shake the master.

Of course, everyone is dedicated to arranging the formations, but as the formations continue to take shape, Wang Feng has moved a little bit of thought. Before everyone noticed, he began to lay out miniature formations in this formation. law.

This formation is small and almost negligible, and because of Wang Feng's own knowledge of formations, even if he arranges his own formations into this formation, these people present can't find it.

"Humph." There was a cold snort in his heart, and Wang Feng also pretended that he was setting up the formation wholeheartedly.

It took about half an hour for dàgài to dàgài, and a majestic formation finally took shape. In fact, the layout of the formation could not take such a long time, but all of these people except Wang Feng are all in the formation. layman.

Almost all their arrays are arranged according to what they have learned in their memory, so let alone Wang Feng made a few mini-arrays, even if he makes more changes, I am afraid these people will not have the slightest Of perception.

"Okay, everything that needs to be done has been done, and then we will see what is inside." After the formation is set up, everyone is backing one after another.

But at this time, there was only one thought in Wang Feng's mind, that is, this formation method should not blast the tomb easily, otherwise his jìhuà might not work.

After all, once the Xuantian War Demon in it came out, then the situation was beyond Wang Feng's control. Wang Feng had only one idea now, and that was to kill the Eight Kings and Ji Ming.

As for the war sword in this tomb, Wang Feng can also take it, can't take it without force, after all, he can't guarantee that the Xuantian War Demon inside will bring the war sword along with it. go.

As long as the sword is taken away, Wang Feng has nothing to do. After all, he can never go to zhàndǒu with a master, right?

As everyone pushed away, the formation exploded, and suddenly there was an earth-shattering roar thinking from the formation. Ye Sheng and others outside the formation might not be able to see what was inside, but Wang Feng could see it clearly.

Under the first attack of the formation, the tombstone of the Xuantian War Demon was directly shattered. At the same time, even the tomb was shaken constantly, and a large amount of rocks fell at this moment.

Immediately after the bombardment of the power of the second formation, the tomb was directly blasted through a crack, and a terrifying sword light broke out directly from it. It was the war sword that suppressed here. of.

It's just that there is a formation to cover up, and no one sees it except Wang Feng.

"It looks like it shouldn't be a problem for this formation to blast the tomb." Kong Shaoyuan spoke at this time, and he was extremely coveted for the treasure in the tomb.

If this were not the case, they would not come here.

The force of the formations swept down one after another, and the tomb in the sea was almost razed to the ground. At the same time, the war sword hidden in the tomb under the sea finally revealed the hilt of the I believe it. It won't be long before this war sword will be fully revealed, and perhaps it will be time for the mysterious heaven war demon to come out.

At this moment, Wang Feng was undoubtedly a little nervous, because the one who had to calculate was a supreme offspring. If this happened to Dongchuang, he would be miserable.

The seabed trembles, accompanied by huge energy fluctuations. Under such circumstances, Wang Feng and the others have to retreat a bit, because they also hàipà this formation will explode at any time, so they have to retreat to a safe distance. .

It took about two minutes to dàgài, the energy of this formation was finally exhausted, and the sea bottom gradually returned to calm.

Under the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng could see that the complete battle sword had been revealed, and just under the battle sword, a huge figure was lying horizontally on the ground.

Although the time has passed, I don't know how long, but this figure shows no signs of decay, because he is not dead at all.

The turbulent aura kept rising and falling from his body, he was a terrifying war demon living.

"Brothers, the tomb in the formation must have been broken, and we can go in now." At this time, Ye Sheng spoke, and then he walked towards the formation.

Behind him, Wang Feng and the others groaned a little, and then followed shàngqù, because once the tomb is separated, everyone wants to get a share, not only Wang Feng and the others, but also Ji Ming.

"Let's go, the big hole dug in the front is already waiting for you." With a sneer in his heart, Wang Feng also came to this formation.

Please remember our website for chapter 1788 of the novel: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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The first thousand and eighty-eight chapters of the tomb of Xuantian war demon

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