The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1781: Kings Realm 2 Heaven

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Chapter 1781: King Realm Second Heaven

Chapter 1781: King Realm Second Heaven

Chapter 1781: King Realm Second Heaven

"What does he want to do?"

Seeing that Wang Feng's body was disintegrating, all the monks who were onlookers widened their eyes and revealed an incredible color. A good body was about to disintegrate. Does Wang Feng want to live anymore?

"All stand farther away, you can't get close here."

Probably after a few breaths, a large group of guards suddenly came here. They pushed away all the monks who were onlookers, and they were under martial law, so no one could approach.

They are all members of the City Lord's Mansion, and their current task is to protect Wang Feng.

Although Emperor Batian had already followed that great emperor to practice, he had strictly explained his subordinates when he left.

As long as it is Wang Feng's matter, they must help wholeheartedly. If he comes back and knows that these people have not done what he said, then these people may be miserable.

So I heard that Wang Feng appeared in the central city, and now the people from the City Lord’s Mansion arrived here the first time.

This is just the first batch of guards, and more guards are coming.

"Everyone is not allowed to approach half a step, and offenders will directly grab into the dungeon." One of the guards spoke with a cold expression.

He was given the order of the acting city lord, so even if he faces a monk who is higher than his own level, he is not afraid now, because there is the city lord mansion backing, who would dare to mess around?

"No, his body is about to explode."

At this moment, a monk spoke, his complexion changed, and the Luan Gu Jue was rebuilt. The first thing Wang Feng had to do was to disintegrate his physical body first. Only when his flesh was disintegrated, could he use the Luan Gu Jue to rebuild a new one The whole body came out.

Just when the monks thought that Wang Feng's body would have an impact on them, suddenly a person in the void came here.

He is the current acting city lord of the city lord's mansion, and he is also the most trusted person under Di Batian. After the emperor batian is gone, he is the new city lord.

What did Emperor Batian do? He knew clearly in his heart that even though Emperor Batian still dominates his cultivation base, he might be promoted to the Supreme Realm in a short time, so he didn’t dare to explain the matter. There is the slightest slack.

He didn't even dare to usurp the position of Emperor Batian, because he understood that there was a big gap between Domination and Supreme.

The position of the city lord is certainly very attractive to him, but under the pressure of absolute strength, he dare not even think about it.

After arriving here, he waved his sleeves, and a mask immediately covered Wang Feng. With this mask, even if Wang Feng blew himself up inside, the power of the explosion would not threaten the central city.

Wang Feng's disintegration speed was too fast, probably after the time of three breaths, a big earthquake trembles suddenly, accompanied by a huge roaring sound, Wang Feng's physical body exploded at this moment.

"Should you die?"

Hearing this voice, the acting city lord of the void couldn't help but feel tight. The task given to him by Emperor Batian was to completely protect Wang Feng.

He has been busy managing Central City in the past few days and has not sent anyone to pay attention to Wang Feng's situation. What he meant is to wait for him to be completely stabilized before going to these things.

But who could have thought that Wang Feng didn't know where he was hit hard, which he didn't even think about.

As long as he is given a few more days, he can send eyeliners to pay attention to Wang Feng’s situation, but in the past few days, Wang Feng has been wounded like this. If Wang Feng really falls here today, I believe After Emperor Batian returns, he will never spare him.

So there is no doubt a little nervous in his heart at this moment.

In his opinion, Wang Feng was simply hooked on his future, and he had to be nervous.

When Wang Feng crossed the Super Heavenly Tribulation, he had been resurrected indefinitely, so now he can only pin his hopes on Wang Feng's strange ability.

The physical body exploded, Wang Feng's entire physical body disappeared directly, and the extremely poisonous moment directly permeated the entire mask, and the terrible black light caused the mask to be quickly corroded.

"What kind of poison is this, it is so overbearing?" Realizing that the mask he put down was corroding quickly, the face of the acting city lord couldn't help but change.

No wonder Wang Feng was in such a bad state before, presumably because of this poison.

"Will it fall?"

Someone spoke and looked at the mask on Wang Feng's side.

In the eyes of many people, Wang Feng is a complete abnormality. Although his realm has not really grown up, the things he has done have caused a great sensation in the heavens.

There are many monks who know him now, and if he falls here today, it must be big news.

"Don't fall." Looking at the black light that Wang Feng had transformed, the acting city lord's fists couldn't help clenching slightly.


After the physical body exploded, the poison was finally eliminated by Wang Feng, so he now had the only thing left to do to reconsolidate his physical body.

This newly condensed body will become stronger than the previous body.

"it is good!"

Seeing Wang Feng's physical body began to condense in the mask, the acting city lord couldn't help yelling out of excitement.

Because for him, as long as Wang Feng is still alive, then he is safe now.

He didn't expect that after Wang Feng's physical body exploded, he would be able to condense. This Wang Feng could rise to fame. This magical ability alone was not comparable to ordinary people.

He has a lot of abilities that ordinary people can't understand.

Zi Zi Zi!

Although the flesh was recondensed, the black light that permeated the light mask began to invade Wang Feng's flesh again, and the terrible corrosive force caused Wang Feng's flesh that had just condensed to suffer some trauma.

Seeing this scene, the agent's complexion changed, and then he waved his hand very decisively, and immediately the mask that enveloped Wang Feng asked him to withdraw, and the black light that permeated it instantly swept in all directions.

However, since this person is in charge of the cultivation base, he will definitely not let these poisonous poisons run wild in the city.

You must know that there are endless monks in the central city. If this poison is allowed to run around in it, the ghost knows how many lives will be lost, so he shot at this moment.

He turned his hands and took out a huge big clock, only to hear him shout, all of the black light suddenly surged toward it.

This is a very powerful magic weapon, which he obtained by fluke in the past years, and has never used it much.

Now it comes in handy to deal with these poisonous black lights.

If the poison let him take it away, Wang Feng would naturally become safe.

The physical body was condensing Wang Feng a little bit, and at the same time, the surrounding monks felt that their cultivation was unstable, and their strength was constantly pouring out at this moment, and went straight to Wang Feng.

Condensing the physical body requires very majestic strength, and the intensity of the spiritual power of the central city cannot be compared with that of Tianguan, so if you want to get enough power, Wang Feng can only start from these monks.

Perceiving the passing of their own power, the monks around did not dare to stay here anymore, because once their strength passed too much, their cultivation might be affected. Although they didn’t know their strength would pass, they wanted to come here and Wang Feng must be inseparable from it.

This man is really a freak.

The monks who were onlookers retreated, but the guards of the City Lord’s Mansion did not get the order to retreat, but they did not dare to move at all. Even if Wang Feng was absorbing the power in their bodies at this moment, they could only stand still and let themselves be. The power of rushed into Wang Feng's body.

"what is this?"

Just as Wang Feng's body continued to condense, a large amount of red light suddenly appeared around Wang Feng. These lights were the blood veins that evolved from the last time Wang Feng crossed the super catastrophe.

Originally, after Wang Feng's physical body had recondensed, his blood had returned to its normal appearance, but before his physical body had completely condensed, these blood from outside the sky rushed into his body again.


With a loud curse in his mouth, Wang Feng suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

Wang Feng has not figured out what this red bloodline is. Although his power will be greatly improved when this bloodline erupts, there is also a big drawback. Once this bloodline erupts, Wang Feng’s mind will be affected. suppress.

Although Wang Feng didn't feel like being seized, who knows if there would be a day when Wang Summit completely lost the spirit of this bloodline, so Wang Feng didn't want to get this kind of uncertainty.

Wang Feng also meant to get rid of the blood from outside the sky because he rebuilt the ancient chaos tactic.

But now it seems that it is impossible for him to get rid of the blood from outside the sky, because this stuff automatically enters his body, and he can't get rid of them.

With the red blood in the body, Wang Feng's breath suddenly became stronger, and his realm began to climb wildly at this moment.

From the beginning of the mortal's mouth, probably after the three breaths time, Wang Feng's realm has returned to Nirvana. This is simply a continuous jump of dozens of realms and dozens of realms. UU reading is amazing.

However, Wang Feng had already practiced in these realms a long time ago, and he was just recovering, not surprisingly.

After another breath, Wang Feng's realm was restored to the King's First Heaven, which was the strongest realm he had before, but when Wang Feng felt that his realm would be stagnant, suddenly he was blessed, and at this moment his breath began again. After the change, his body was actually attacking the King's Second Heaven on its own.


A faint voice rang in Wang Feng's body. Before Wang Feng had yet to respond, his realm rushed directly from the first heaven to the second heaven.

"This can all be improved?" Wang Feng muttered to himself, also somewhat inconceivable.

The reason for re-cultivating the Luan Gu Jue was only because he wanted to detoxify and get rid of the red blood, but what Wang Feng didn't expect was that this time he actually improved his strength because of a blessing in disguise.

However, although his strength has improved, Wang Feng has a worry in his heart, that is, after this re-repair, he finds that he has a better fit with the bloodline outside that day.

At the beginning, the red blood was just forcibly integrated into his body, and it belonged to foreign things.

But now Wang Feng has another feeling, that is, this bloodline itself belongs to him, and this red bloodline has almost truly merged with him into one.

How does this make Wang Feng happy?

The red bloodline is too weird, Wang Feng didn't want to keep this uncertain factor, he might let this bloodline be entrapped one day.

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Chapter 1781: King Realm Second Heaven

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