The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1772: Ling Yao Temple

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The first thousand and seven hundred and seventy-two chapters

The first thousand and seven hundred and seventy-two chapters

The first thousand and seven hundred and seventy-two chapters

For a person of the level of Emperor Batian, the king is nothing more than an ant. He can deal with it whatever he wants. If he wants this person to die, it is absolutely incredibly easy.

"Don't you want the master to kill me? What do you think about this scene?" At this time, Wang Feng looked at this person and said calmly.

"You... don't die!" Obviously, he and Ling Yaodian have already gone to a dead end, so this person is very hard to speak because he understands what he will end up with.

"Even if I don't want to die, you will die in front of me." Wang Feng said, and then he picked up the person.

"He spends the price to ask the ruler to be nothing more than to watch me die and see my power be destroyed. If so, I will be a good person today. I want you to watch your power be destroyed." Wang Feng said, The voice is cruel.

A knock on this person's leg, one of his legs was directly broken by Wang Feng.

At the same time, Wang Feng quickly broke off his other arms, causing his mouth to scream like a pig.

"A visual feast is about to begin." Wang Feng said, and then he grabbed the person and walked directly towards the Lingyao Hall.

With the help of the power of rules, Wang Feng quickly came to the door of the Lingyao Hall. When he appeared here, many masters in Lingyao Hall were waiting at the door. Obviously, they had made a lot of preparations. .

The head of the Lingyao Hall here thought about the possibility of failure when he shot, so when he went out, he especially ordered the people in the martial arts, once someone attacked the Lingyao Hall, they were bound to resist immediately.

That's why there will be the scene Wang Feng is seeing now.

It’s just that no matter how well they prepared, when Wang Feng arrived, they still didn’t have any use for shit. Fighting to dominate Wang Feng is not an opponent, and might even be killed, but Wang Feng still feels it to deal with Lingyao Hall, a place where there is only a king Get caught.

For Wang Feng, they are almost like a mob.

"Watch it well, you brought all this yourself." Throwing the head of the Lingyao Hall into the void, Wang Feng walked towards the Lingyao Hall with his sword.


At this time, a sharp-eyed person saw the head of the Lingyao Hall that had left Wang Feng in the air, and suddenly made an incredible sound.

Because they didn't expect that their head was thrown into the void like garbage, and seeing that he was covered in blood and miserable appearance, he obviously failed.

"Unexpectedly, you already knew I would come, but is this defense useful?" Looking at these monks in Lingyao Hall, Wang Feng said with a sneer.

"Don't be afraid, let's go together." At this time, a second master of Lingyao Hall spoke, and then all the disciples of Lingyao Hall made an attack.

More than a thousand monks all pointed their heads at Wang Feng at this moment. It was quite spectacular, but Wang Feng could not feel the slightest pressure in front of them, because these people could not threaten him at all.

"Go and die!"

Raising the war sword in his hand, Wang Feng swung it down without hesitation.

When extinguishing these forces in Pingyang Palace, Wang Feng would more or less still have reservations, because he didn't want to kill them all to make it possible, and many people let him go.

But this Lingyao Temple is different. Since the head of this Lingyao Temple can invite a master to deal with him, it can be seen that the people in their sect must know it.

It is very likely that this is the result of their discussions.

That being the case, then why should Wang Feng have any kindness? Others want to kill himself. If Wang Feng still keeps his hands, then he is not Wang Feng.

With one sword, the sky and the earth broke apart.

A gully split by a sword gang completely divided the mainland into two. All the monks on this line were killed, and no one could stop Wang Feng's sword.


The screams of screams echoed in this Lingyao Hall, and everyone had seen Wang Feng's terrifyingness, which was simply not something that humans could resist.

"The Great Array of Shattered Life and Death!"

Seeing some people want to escape, Wang Feng's heart moved him to directly display a killing formation. ,

Under the shroud of this killing array, let alone those people fleeing, they became very reluctant to survive in it, and no one could stop the power of the killing array.

"You won't die." Hearing the screams from Lingyao Hall, the head of Lingyao Hall felt that his heart was dripping blood.

Lingyao Temple was just a second-rate sect when he took over. It was through his continuous support that he achieved today’s results, but it was because he offended a Wang Feng. Today their Lingyao Temple suffered a disaster, and Wang Feng will be destroyed. They are Ling Yaodian.

It felt like someone took a knife and cut off the flesh and blood on his body. He couldn't bear the ending.

But what can he do? His whole body meridians were broken, and he couldn't even regain the movement of his limbs, so he could only watch Wang Feng slaughter the Lingyao Palace, nothing could be done.

"Don't even want to run today." Wang Feng said, and then he walked into the killing formation.

As soon as he came in, Wang Feng smelled a strong **** smell. Without Wang Feng's action, the killing array alone wiped out most of the cultivators in Lingyao Hall.

"Lots of food."

At this moment, a thick black mist emerged in Wang Feng's left arm. It was the tortoise shell that felt the majestic **** smell and released the evil spirits to prepare for cultivation.

"The first one is you!"

Seeing a king of Lingyao Palace, Wang Feng directly locked the target of the attack on him.

Previously, he was the one who attacked, so naturally the first person to die will also be him.

It was precisely in response to that sentence, that he would die miserably when he jumped high, and this person was completely to blame for being targeted by Wang Feng as the first attack target.

Seeing Wang Feng's gaze, this person only felt that his whole body was extremely cold. The feeling was as if he had let a tiger stare at him, and his heart couldn't help getting hairy.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and left, because he knew that he would never be Wang Feng's opponent, so he had no other choice but to escape.

Is it just comparable to Wang Feng's speed?

Wang Feng just flashed his figure, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of the king.

"Don't run away."

There was a sound from Wang Feng's mouth, and then the war sword in his hand pierced directly.


It's as easy as piercing a piece of tofu. When Wang Feng's sword pierced the king's chest, his eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

Because he didn't even know when Wang Feng arrived in front of him, his weird posture was simply overwhelming.

"If you don't give me good resources, I have to let someone come to kill me. You are all asking for it." Wang Feng made a voice, and then he directly shattered the person's body.

"Next, it's you!"

After killing one king, Wang Feng fixed his gaze on another person.

In this way, Wang Feng first descended from the high-end combat power. In less than half a minute, Wang Feng killed all the monks above the Nirvana realm in the Lingyao Hall.

Even if the remaining people don't need Wang Feng to do anything, this great array of destruction and death is enough to strangle them all.

Just to resolve the battle quickly, Wang Feng decided to kill them all in an instant.

"The Sun Bible!"

With a low drinking sound from his mouth, Wang Feng immediately began to surround the terrifying real fire of the sun.

How high is the sun's true fire alone?

Where the flame passed, everything became annihilated, whether it was a palace or a monk, none of them could stop Wang Feng's Sun Bible.


After ten breaths of time, the Lingyao Hall completely ceased to exist. Under the burning of the real fire of the sun, all traces here were destroyed.

The Lingyao Hall has now become a ruin. Except for the head of the Lingyao Hall, everyone died tragically and none of them escaped.

After searching away the treasure house of the Lingyao Hall, Wang Feng finally came to the head of the Lingyao Hall.

"Have you ever thought about this day?" Wang Feng said, his tone gradually calming down.

Because the Lingyao Palace is gone, as the head of this sect, this guy can't escape.

"Successful and defeated, although I have not been able to kill you, I believe that someone can kill you." The head of the Lingyao Palace spoke, and he had already admitted his fate.

"If that's the case, then you can do it yourself." Wang Feng said.

"Thank you."

While speaking, the head of the Lingyao Palace swelled violently, and he chose to explode himself to end his life.

"I let you break it on your own, but I didn't say that I would make you blew up. If that's the case, then I have to help you." While talking, Wang Feng's battle sword suddenly pierced the body of the head of the Lingyao Hall. He just The gathered power quickly dissipated like the discouraged ball.

"I curse you will die too." Before dying, the head of the Lingyao Palace stared at Wang Feng and scolded.

"I'm sorry, you are all dead, and this curse is naturally useless." Wang Feng said, and then he picked up his sword, and suddenly this man's body exploded in the head of the generation. Thus fell, he was the fourth leader that Wang Feng killed here.

Originally, Wang Feng meant to let the Chi Yan League take root here. He hadn't thought of killing anyone, but since these people didn't give face, Wang Feng would naturally teach them some lessons.

At this point, Wang Feng didn't want to see it, but he had no choice.

Without killing others, the Red Flame Alliance would have little room for improvement, so Wang Feng could only be a villain.

Taking away his space ring, Wang Feng returned to the location of the Red Flame Alliance.

"Hou Zhentian, open the formation." Wang Feng shouted at the door of the Red Flame League.

"Is it all right?" Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian and others gradually dispersed the formation.

Although others hadn't really attacked the Red Flame League before in battle, the aftermath of the battle that continued to sweep through still caused the Red Flame League to suffer heavy losses this time.

Every time the formation is impacted, a large amount of spirit stones will be consumed accordingly. Until now, Hou Zhentian didn't know how many spirit stones were consumed by the Red Flame Alliance. In short, he understood that it was definitely a bottomless pit.

"It's okay." Wang Feng said, and then said: "Our strength is still too weak, remember one sentence, the power must develop, and your own cultivation base should not be slack."

"Who was the one who came before?"

"Who do you think it could be?" Wang Feng asked, and then said, "That is the master and killer that the head of the Lingyao Palace has paid a huge price to invite."

"Master!" Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian and the others all opened their eyes wide, revealing an incredible color.

No wonder Wang Feng's previous performance was so anxious, it must be because of this master. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-two chapters

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