The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1763: Grab the cake

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Chapter 1763: Grab the cake

Chapter 1763: Grab the cake

Chapter 1763: Grab the cake

"Are we going to live here in the future?" When Wang Feng released Bei Yunxue and the others, they all felt the incomparable aura of the Southern Territory. ↖,

That kind of feeling is like a hillbilly suddenly entering the city, the aura of this Southern Territory is far from comparable to that of the Huang clan.

Even if the Huang clan occupies the largest spiritual vein of that piece of land, the intensity of that spiritual energy is far from comparable to here.

That is, Wang Feng hasn't brought them into the Heavenly Pass. Once they enter the Heavenly Pass, I'm afraid they will understand how ridiculous their current thinking is.

"Yes, this is our future home." Wang Feng said.

"Be familiar and familiar here, remember, Southern Territory masters are like clouds, your first task now is to improve your own strength, as for going out and traveling, I will talk about it later." Wang Feng warned.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"Arrange the formation." Wang Feng said.

Since they have all decided to form a brand new Scarlet Flame League in this place, Wang Feng must pay great attention to safety.

"I choose where I want to live. I will set up the formation now." Wang Feng said, and then he left here and found Hou Zhentian.

"Are you all settled?" Looking at Wang Feng, Hou Zhentian asked.

"It's almost there." Wang Feng nodded, and then asked: "Is everything going well here in the past few days I left?"

"Successful? Smooth ass." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian shook his head bitterly.

The big cake of Territory has been divided up a long time ago, so now someone wants to forcefully add it and share it together, presumably a normal person would not agree.

"Why is it not going well?"

"The major forces nearby are very repulsive to our appearance, and we have not been able to beat our reputation."

"Let me take care of this matter. Now let's arrange the guard gate together with me."

"it is good."

The guard gate is very important for a sect, because there is an array, even if there is no master in the sect, the people inside can also use the array to resist.

Just like the Red Flame League in the Nirvana Realm, if it weren't for the formation set up by Wang Feng, perhaps when Wang Feng took all the high-level people out to avenge, the Red Flame League would have been destroyed.

Therefore, this guard gate can be called the heart of a sect, and it is an indispensable thing.

Because Wang Feng's strength surpassed everyone, he was almost alone in this arrangement, and Hou Zhentian and other members of the Red Flame League were just playing a supporting role.

It took Wang Feng about three hours to deploy the control array. After Wang Feng finished the deployment, his forehead was full of sweat.

It is not clear how many Wang Fengs were deployed in the formation. In short, he had a thought in his heart, that is, this place will be the base of their lives in the future, so the formation is naturally the more complex the better.

In this way, once the formation is activated, it may be more difficult for people outside to rush in than to climb to the sky.

"After a while, you will open the formation in the way I said, and then I will attack the formation outside to try." Wang Feng said, and then he teleported directly out of the range of the Red Flame Alliance.

As for the method of opening the formation, Wang Feng has already passed the soul mark to Hou Zhentian's mind, he should know what to do.

"I'm afraid it will cost countless spirit stones to open the formation. Is it really necessary to do that?" Hou Zhentian asked with some worry when he learned the method of opening the formation.

The formation is powerful and good, but there are countless spirit stones that the formation needs to wear. If this is turned on, it is estimated that tens of millions of spirit stones will be consumed in one minute.

This is like a huge machine, as long as the machine is started, the power consumption will be extremely scary.

"Don't worry about so much, just start the formation."

What spirit stone Wang Feng didn't care about, because no matter how much spirit stone was consumed, it was not as important as his family's safety, even if it was worn out, Wang Feng didn't care.

"You guys come over and do what I said."

It is not so easy to activate a majestic formation. Hou Zhentian alone cannot do it. So at this moment, he called several masters in the Red Flame Alliance and asked them to help activate the formation together.


With Hou Zhentian's order, these people quickly reached their own key positions.

"Ready, we will start the formation immediately." After taking out countless spirit stones, Hou Zhentian was ready to start the formation.

"Go ahead." Wang Feng said, his expression calm.

"Do it!"

Seeing Wang Feng's movement, this Hou Zhentian spoke, and suddenly Wang Feng's previously arranged formations began to explode one after another, but within a breath of time, an extremely majestic formation appeared around the Red Flame Alliance.

The light that can almost be seen by the naked eye is surrounding the vortex of the Red Flame Alliance, an arc-shaped semicircle perfectly wraps the Red Flame Alliance, and the formation has begun to explode.

This is the bitter fruit of Wang Feng for several hours. Wang Feng has to check how strong he is.

After taking a deep breath, Wang Feng immediately used his power, and he bombarded the mask with a punch.

This is 10% of Wang Feng's strength, and he has no reservations at all.

The void was trembling at this moment, and the power that Wang Feng burst out was not like a king's first heaven. At this moment, even a king's fourth heaven monk might not be an opponent in front of Wang Feng.

All his fist power hit the mask without any leaks.

If it is normal, Wang Feng's punch can completely destroy a mountain in an instant, but this formation seems to have absorbed his power perfectly, and even the people in the Scarlet Flame Alliance have no feeling that someone has attacked them. .

It's just that they have no induction, but the majestic formation consumes at least millions of spiritual stones at the moment just now, and it will consume millions of spiritual stones to block a blow. This consumption is simply not affordable for ordinary people.

Of course, the formation can block Wang Feng's full blow, which also proves the strength of this formation. As long as the spirit stone is enough, this formation can block people with higher realm than Wang Feng without much problem.

"Not bad." Patting his palm, Wang Feng stepped into the Scarlet Flame Alliance in one step.

The formation is set by Wang Feng himself, so he can naturally shuttle the formation at will.

"Well, you can remove the formation." Wang Feng said.

"You just attacked the formation?" Hou Zhentian asked at this time.

"Yeah." Wang Feng nodded, and then said, "Don't you know?"

"I know a fart, I saw a lot of Lingshi just evaporated out of thin air, so I have such a guess."

"This formation should be able to block the King Nine Heavens." Wang Feng said after hearing Hou Zhentian's words.

They didn't even feel the slightest feeling when they attacked the formation with all their strength. It can be seen that their continuous formation with a buckle was very terrifying, and it was regarded as the strongest continuous formation that Wang Feng had arranged.

"So amazing?" Hou Zhentian was very surprised when he heard Wang Feng's words.

"If it's not great, how long did I use?"

"Well, free up a lot of spirit stones for emergencies, and then you will list those forces that are unwilling to accept us, and we will visit them one by one in a while." Wang Feng said, making Hou Zhentian all his faces exposed. Smile.

As long as Wang Feng is willing to make a move, those people will definitely not dare to mess up again, don't want the Red Flame Alliance to share a piece of cake? Unless they want to be destroyed.

With Wang Feng's character, it is entirely possible for him to do such a thing.

The formation has been set up, Wang Feng walked to his residence again, and he was relieved to see that Bei Yunxue and the others had settled down.

"Don't really practice. I'll come back later and I have something to find you." With this sentence left, Wang Feng directly took Hou Zhentian and left the Red Flame League.

Of course, before leaving, Wang Feng activated the formation, so that even if someone wanted to attack here, they would not be able to break it in a short time.

"There are several forces nearby that do not agree with us to establish the Red Flame Alliance here?" Looking at Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng asked.

"I'm afraid there are six or seven." Hou Zhentian frowned and said.

As the saying goes, the strong dragon can’t beat the local snake. Without Wang Feng, most of his actions are imperative, but these people really don’t know good or bad. Seeing that the Red Flame Alliance seems to be a soft persimmon, they all behaved very strong, like Chi Yan. The League itself should be afraid of them.

"so much?"

"This is just my conservative estimate. There are at least dozens of large and small forces around us, and there are more than a dozen of slightly larger ones. I have not contacted some forces yet."

"If that's the case, let me see it this way, you just summon all these people together for me, and we will solve the matter at once."

With so many forces, Wang Feng would not have so much idle time if he were to run one by one, so he directly gathered them together to solve the problem, which would save trouble.

"Just how do I summon? They obviously won't listen to me." Hou Zhentian said with a wry smile.

"Simply, tell them that if they don't come, their power will be destroyed within a day. If they want to keep you, they can directly use this thing against them."

While talking, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out a What is contained in it is his power, which is something he just made.

"Where did they gather?"

"Just find a slightly famous place."

"Then I think it's better to choose Yuecheng, this is the largest city around."

"Then Yuecheng."

Together with Hou Zhentian, in the end, the two of them moved separately. Wang Feng went directly to Yuecheng, while Hou Zhentian was responsible for calling people there.

"I don't want my Red Flame Alliance to stand, then I want to see who can't stand." With a sneer, Wang Feng disappeared in the void.

Hou Zhentian is also a cultivator, so his hands-on speed is not slow, probably after half a day, he has already appeared where the Moon City King Peak is.

"Have you been notified?" Looking at Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng asked.

"Well, it's already been notified. Except for two of the forces who have extremely strong resistance, the rest of the forces have basically agreed to come."

"Then let's just wait here."

It is very troublesome to find them one by one, so Wang Feng might as well just wait for them to arrive here.

About an hour later, the helm of the first force appeared here. Looking at Wang Feng, the pupil of this man shrank suddenly. He knew that today's banquet was probably a Hongmen Banquet.

But the threats from others have already been presented, and he won't be able to come.

He didn't know who Wang Feng was, so he had to get it even if he knew it was a Hongmen Banquet.

Although I didn’t say rushing to the list, if you have a monthly pass, please also help to make a better face. Thank you everyone. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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Chapter 1763: Grab the cake

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