The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1761: Everyone's shock

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The first thousand and sixty-one chapters are shocked

The first thousand and sixty-one chapters are shocked

The first thousand and sixty-one chapters are shocked

"Who said it's not good, I'm having a good time outside." Wang Feng said with a smile while grabbing sister Xue's palm.

"Don't deceive yourself, you must have paid a price for your rise. Do you think we don't know anything?" Zisha also echoed at this time.

"Okay, don't talk about the past. This time I come back to take all of you to the Southern Territory. From now on, we will never be separated."

"Can we also go to the Southern Territory?" Xiao Xueying asked in surprise when she heard Wang Feng's words.

"Of course." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "I have found a specific place to settle down, and now I am asking you to move in."

"Haha, it's really a young hero." At this moment, a loud laughter came, but Huang Dazhuang's grandfather walked out of the Huang clan.

Anyway, when Wang Feng came back, his patriarch would definitely show up.

"The predecessor is absurdly praised." Wang Feng replied very politely.

When Wang Feng first came here, this old man helped him a lot, so now even if Wang Feng's realm has surpassed him, he still saw him as a junior.

As the so-called dripping grace is reported by the spring, he was able to take in his family at the beginning, so Wang Feng has been very grateful to them.

If they want, Wang Feng doesn't mind moving their entire Huang family to the Southern Territory, anyway, Huang Dazhuang is also in the Southern Territory, and they won't need to separate from now on.

"Since you're back, don't stand outside anymore. I don't know the situation. I thought it was the old man blocking the door and not letting you in." Huang Dazhuang's grandfather laughed at this time, and then made a please gesture.

"Haha, what are you talking about? When we come back this time, we people must get together." While talking, Wang Feng also walked into the Huang family.

Who is Wang Feng? Everyone knows Wang Feng, not only from the Huang clan, but even some children who are just over a year old.

For them, Wang Feng's experience is like a legend. Many people take Wang Feng as their example.

So when Wang Feng came back, the atmosphere of the Huang clan was different, and many people gathered around the hall to watch the excitement.

"Is this time to come back to pick up people?" Looking at Wang Feng, the patriarch of the Huang clan asked.

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then said, "I have established a power of my own in the Southern Territory. Not only my family, but you can also go with me."

"Hehe, I'll leave it alone." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Huang Dazhuang's grandfather smiled slightly, and then said: "I'll be here to guard the ancestor's foundation. If you can, you can bring some. The disciples of our Huang clan who are slightly gifted go."

He is old and there is nothing to rush about. It would be nice if he can continue to be the patriarch here.

But he doesn't need to think about his future, but he has to find a good way out for the other children in the family.

No matter how great this place is, it is difficult to improve it. Only when Wang Feng goes to the Southern Territory will they have a broader space for development, so he now has to say this to Wang Feng even if he is cheeky.

"This is natural, as long as you want to go, I welcome it anytime."

"Then I will thank you for those people in my clan first." While talking, the Huang Dazhuang grandfather bowed down, shocking Wang Feng.

In any case, the other party is always the elder, and Wang Feng can't bear it for the elder to give such a gift to the younger.

"Hurry up, please. At the beginning, the juniors didn't thank the seniors very much for the kindness of taking them in. How can he give me such a gift now."

"Yes, the patriarch, you are so polite." At this time, Bei Yunxue also agreed.

"If this is the case, the old man will not be polite to you, so let's go, you help us take away twenty young children of the Huang clan, there is no problem, right?"

"No problem." There are only twenty people, which is nothing to Wang Feng at all, because the huge Red Flame Alliance will definitely not be a problem for them.

"I can take people away. We are familiar with each other, but I have to say ugly things first."

"If you have anything, please speak up." Huang Dazhuang's grandfather said with a please gesture.

"That's it, I can take them to the Southern Territory to practice, but what specific achievements they will have is beyond my control, so..."

"Don't worry about this, Jackie Chan and a snake all look at their own ability, you only need to throw them in the South."

"In that case, then I have no problem."

"Well, you must miss your family very much when you just came back, and the old man will not bother you anymore, so I will leave first."


After Huang Dazhuang's grandfather had left, Wang Feng set his sights on Bei Yunxue and the others.

Compared with the first time, Bei Yunxue's appearance has not changed at all. What they were like decades ago, they are still what they are now.

Surrounded by Wang Feng like a group of beautiful ladies, beautiful and indispensable.

"Come on, one by one." Wang Feng opened his arms and said.

Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Bei Yunxue and the others secretly scolded Wang Feng for every positive form, because there were still many people watching.

It's just that Wang Feng hasn't been back for a long time. The yearning for Wang Feng broke out at this moment. Even if someone was watching, they did not hesitate to throw into Wang Feng's arms.

"If I can be him for one day, even if I die, I would be willing." A disciple of the Huang clan spoke with an expression of envy.

"For you and me, let's forget it. Don't say that your own strength is not very good, and you are not good-looking. Who do you think will follow you?

"I think the kind of blind person might look at him." The other person said with a laugh.

"Sister Ni."

Hearing the sound of these two people chirping, the disciple of the Huang clan also turned red with anger.

"Unexpectedly, your realm has improved a lot during this period of time when I was no longer there. How did you do it?" Feeling the aura of the unified true gods pervading Bei Yunxue and the others, Wang Feng's tone couldn't help being a little surprised.

"That's the case. We don't think it means much to stay at home, so we went outside and rushed out. You don't even know, we are all called female heroes by outsiders. Few people dare to provoke us. "

"Really?" When saying this, Wang Feng put his gaze on Xia Xiaomei's face, making her face all embarrassing.

Because when Wang Feng just met her, she was chased and killed again, which was very different from what Tang Airou said that few people caused trouble.

"Everyone is not wasting time, I feel very pleased with this, but now there is one thing I want to say."

Having said this, Wang Feng's eyes slowly flashed across the faces of his wives, and said: "Why didn't you stop Guan Fu and Bi Fan from going out?"

"Do you know about this?" Bei Yunxue asked in surprise when she heard Wang Feng's words.

"I know." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "The strength of the two of them is so low, how can you let them out with confidence?"

"Could it be that you met them in the Southern Territory" Dongling Tianxue also asked at this time.

"Encountered." Wang Feng said after taking a deep breath.

"Then how are they doing now?" Dongling Tianxue asked at this moment.

"Bi Fan is fine, he has been brought back to my school by me."

"What about Guan Fu?"

Regarding Guan Fu, Bei Yunxue and the others couldn't really say how they felt. Guan Fu liked Wang Feng, that's for sure. They weren't blind, they could all see it.

However, Wang Feng has never really accepted Guan Fu, so Guan Fu is still generally excluded.

But now that Wang Feng talked about it, they naturally wanted to ask.

Because Guan Fu is still a friend of their rivals, it is natural to care about it.

"She was also brought back to my school by me." Wang Feng said, and then said: "But when I found her, she was already a dead body."

Having said this, Wang Feng sighed deeply, and said, "If you stop her, maybe nothing like this will happen."


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Bei Yunxue's expressions were almost the same as Xia Xiaomei before, because they didn't believe that Guan Fu had fallen. How could this be possible?

"Is there a way to save her?" Zi Ling asked at this time.

"nothing now."

"Then quickly think of a way." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Zi Ling's face was anxious.

Since Guan Fu met them, Zi Ling has been closer to her, so now that he heard the news of Guan Fu's death, Zi Ling was naturally very worried.

"I have tried almost all the methods that can be used, but she has truly fallen. Unless I find my master who was in the middle of three days, she will not be able to survive."

"Don't you go to the Southern Territory and haven't found that old fellow Xuan Yu?" At this time, Great Sage Qilin asked.

The Great Emperor Xuanyu had soared for three days in front of all of them. Now that such a long time has passed, he should show up too, right?

Could it be that he has fallen three days after coming here?

This is not impossible, because the top strength of the middle three days is really nothing after three days. If he encounters some unprovoked enemy it is normal to be killed. Things.

However, he has been alive for such a long time. Obviously, he is an old man. If there is any danger, even if he is invincible, he should not be left behind.

With Great Sage Qilin's understanding of him, this old fellow should be alive now. As for where he is currently, Great Sage Qilin can't tell.

Because he is not a fortune teller, how can he calculate the position of others.

"Have you found the murderer?" Fairy Nan Sheng said with a worried expression.

The acquaintances were killed, let them know that no one would feel better because Guan Fu stood in front of them alive not long ago, and now she is separated from each other once she goes out. As a result, they are all Some can't accept it.

"The murderer has been destroyed by me. I just want to ask why you stopped her?"

She died when she went out to the Southern Territory. If she didn't leave, maybe she was still alive here now, how could she die.

"Don't blame them for this." At this time, Wang Feng's father walked in from outside and said.

"At that time, she insisted on leaving here with Bi Fan to practice. Almost everyone of us persuaded her, but she didn't listen, and we had nothing to do."

"Yes, Feng'er, we can't limit people's freedom, right?" At this time, Wang Feng's mother also followed.

Because the two elders could see that Wang Feng was angry at his own women again, so how could he not adjust it at this time.

They don't want to see Wang Feng and his wives make any unpleasant things. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

The best perspective

The first thousand and sixty-one chapters are shocked

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