The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1754: The battle ends

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The first thousand and fifty-four chapters of the battle ended

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters of the battle ended

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters of the battle ended

"Do you know this Saint of Hundred Flowers?"

After the witch left, the lord of the magic palace stepped forward and asked in shock. _﹍8

The reason why she came to rescue Wang Feng today is because Wang Feng has the potential to grow into a giant. If not, why should she spend so much effort.

But what she didn't expect was that Wang Feng actually knew a person who was even better than her. In other words, the woman was almost like a giant.

If the ruler is said to be destroyed, it will be destroyed, and she doesn't know how much this strength is stronger, and the two are no longer on the same level.

"It's just an old person who is about to disappear." Wang Feng replied bitterly.

"Okay, let's not talk about her." Wang Feng sighed. He really didn't want to talk about the witch anymore. This time, I don't know when we will meet in the future.

Maybe when we meet again, this witch no longer recognizes herself, right?

"Thank you for your help this time, I owe you a favor." Wang Feng said.

"There is no owe any favor. This is what I promised you at the beginning, and this time I failed to kill you the ancestor of the He family, I am not really fulfilling my duty."

The ancestor of the He family was killed by the witch alone. She hardly made any effort and watched the whole process, so it really had nothing to do with her.

"You can help me block him, this is already the greatest help." Wang Feng said, speaking the truth.

If it weren't for him and Lord Glenn to help block those two people, how could Wang Feng and the people under his hand kill all the people of the He family, so the two of them can be said to have contributed.

Thinking of Glenn's ruler, Wang Feng realized that the shadow of others had disappeared.

"Does Glen rule people?" Wang Feng asked in surprise.

He just noticed that the witch had gone, and he didn't know when Lord Glenn left here.

"He has already left before." The Lord of the Demon Palace said.

"Could it be that he still wants to be Lei Feng and do good things without leaving a name?" Wang Feng shook his head and said.


The space ring of the three dead rulers has been taken away by the witch, so there is nothing here except the corpses everywhere, and Wang Feng doesn't mean to stay much here. >吧>_﹏﹎`····

So he and the Lord of the Demon Palace left here quickly.

On a snow-capped mountain, the two of them stopped.

"Haihuang hasn't been doing anything lately, right?" Wang Feng asked, looking at the Lord of the Demon Palace.

"He has noticed you." The Lord of the Demon Palace responded calmly.

"Then why didn't I meet the Sea Clan?"

"That's because all the people he dispatched were intercepted by me halfway." The Sea Emperor wanted to deal with Wang Feng. The Lord of the Demon Palace couldn't be indifferent. In many cases, she would almost do it herself.

Because once a master finds Wang Feng, Wang Feng may be in danger.

"So I will face the Sea Emperor soon?" Wang Feng asked somewhat surprised.

"It shouldn't be long."

Wang Feng's strength is still low, and the Sea Emperor may not have regarded him as a threat, so the people he sent out are not very strong. This can basically be said to be a stone throw for directions.

In the view of Sea Emperor, the current Wang Feng is nothing more than an ant, but this time there has been such a serious dominance fall event, that Sea Emperor will definitely know.

Therefore, Sea Emperor will definitely not let Wang Feng go. As the saying goes, paper cannot contain fire, and Wang Feng will be exposed to Sea Emperor sooner or later.

"The soldiers came to cover the water and earth. I don't believe that he would dare to go to the sky to deal with me." Wang Feng sneered.

As the realm rises to the king, Wang Feng can now enter the realm of kings to practice, and because of the special rules of Tianguan, no matter who enters, they will be suppressed.

Moreover, the master in the central city is like a cloud. Even if the Sea Emperor comes in person, he would not dare to mess around, because he is the Sea Clan after all, and the Sea Clan and humans have always been incompatible. For these reasons, Wang Feng is not very afraid of the Sea Emperor.

Although the Sea Emperor is strong, the human side is even more powerful. As long as Wang Feng himself is not exposed, the danger should not be great.

"You are underestimating the giants. Once they want to kill someone, it is difficult for the other party to resist. Recently, you should be more careful.﹎

··" The Lord of the Devil's Palace frowned and said.

She was able to find Wang Feng because she had spent a lot of energy to calculate it, and her brother obviously did not know the existence of Wang Feng, even if he knew it, he would not really come to deal with him.

Because Wang Feng's threat to him is really small.

But after the outbreak of this war of dominance, the situation may be different. Wang Feng can have so many masters to help. If she is her own brother, then there will definitely be measures.

From the slightest, he sent someone out to kill Wang Feng, but at the worst, he might even dispatch himself.


Knowing that the Lord of the Demon Palace was also kind, so Wang Feng did not continue arguing with her, the He family was gone, and Wang Feng's mission was almost completed.

"Senior, are you going back to the magic palace now?" Wang Feng asked, looking at the master of the magic palace.

"Do you have anything else?" The Lord of the Demon Palace asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, but if you return to magic power, can you take me for a while and send me to Glen Sacred Mountain."

"Do you want to thank him in person?" The Lord of the Demon Palace asked in surprise.

"No, I have other things to do."

"In that case, let's go."

As he spoke, the master of the magic palace waved his sleeves, and suddenly the scene in front of Wang Feng's eyes became blurred.

Probably after two breaths, the scenery in front of Wang Feng regained its clarity. When he looked up, Wang Feng was taken aback, because not far from him, Glen Sacred Mountain was floating there, and his movement speed was almost instantaneous. Moving to the capital is even more terrifying.

"Here." The Lord of the Demon Palace said, and then she glanced at the Glenn Sacred Mountain before saying: "If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first."

Recently, she is closely monitoring the actions of her brother, so in order to avoid any omissions, she must rush back to her magic palace as soon as possible.

"In that case, the younger generation won't give more." Wang Feng respectfully said with a fist to the master of the magic palace.

"Remember, practice hard, I will help you block some of my elder brother's minions, but I'm afraid you can only deal with it yourself if I can't stop it."

The reason why he promised to help Wang Feng once is because the lord of the magic palace just wanted to win over Wang Feng.

Now she has fulfilled her promise and helped Wang Feng once, so Wang Feng herself is the only one for the rest.

It is obviously impossible for anyone to grow up by relying on others. Only those who work hard with their own hands are real.

So the Lord of the Devil's Palace is now reducing his help to Wang Feng, and Wang Feng needs pressure to force him to move forward.

"No matter what, I would like to thank seniors for your care." Once again, he bowed to the Lord of the Enchanted Palace, and Wang Feng turned and walked towards the Glen Sacred Mountain.

"The comer stops!"

Just like the last time, Wang Feng had just appeared here and had already been stopped by Lord Glenn's men.

"It's me." Looking at this person, Wang Feng said silently.

"It turned out to be you." Naturally, I knew Wang Feng these two guards, because Wang Feng had just been here a few days ago.

"I'm here to find you dominate something." Wang Feng said.

"Then you go in."

Wang Feng was a person who had been here, so the two guards didn't stop them and let them go.

Through the teleportation formation under the Glen Sacred Mountain, Wang Feng easily ascended the Glen Sacred Mountain alone.

"Are you here to fetch people?" Just when Wang Feng had just ascended the holy mountain, Lord Glenn's voice sounded, and he had indeed returned.

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then said, "Thank you for the action of senior this time, junior owes you personal love."

"It's just a small matter, and I haven't lost anything." Lord Glenn said calmly.

"Then why did Senior suddenly leave as soon as the battle was over?" Wang Feng asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, I have a holiday with the Lord of the Devil's Palace, so I don't want to stay there." Lord Glenn said, telling the real reason.

One is a human being and the other is a sea clan. It's normal for some small holidays between them, and Wang Feng didn't mean to ask any questions.

Even if it weren't for Wang Feng to possess the heart of Saint Blue, it is estimated that the lord of the magic palace would not look at him, let alone cooperate.

Therefore, there is always a gap between humans and the sea race, and it is impossible to live in peace in a true sense.

It is precisely in response to the old saying that the hearts of the non-my race must be different, and the humans and the sea race are afraid that it will be difficult for eternal life to truly live together.

"Thank you for your help this time. If you weren't there, I'm afraid it would have been damaged there."

At first, Wang Feng felt that he could run away in front of the ruler, but after he had experienced Nangong Yan's incident, he realized that he was still very weak in front of the ruler, and people could destroy him at any time.

Fortunately, he felt that he could run away with teleportation. Whether in terms of strength or movement speed, Wang Feng was far from being able to compare with Domination. There was a big difference.

"It's just a trivial matter. You helped me once, but this time I help you, and we are even tied."

After talking about this, the tone of Glenn dominator gave a slight pause, and then he asked: "Do you really know the Saint of Hundred Flowers?"

" Feng nodded, and then said: "Her soul was once an old friend of mine when her soul never recovered. "

"That's it."

It's no wonder that the Saint of Hundred Flowers will come to save him. The reason for wanting to come here is that Wang Feng knows the soul of his life.

"Okay, the He family is gone, how do you deal with the woman's body?"

"Take away." Wang Feng's voice was very decisive and decisive.

Although Guan Fu's soul has died out, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, Wang Feng will not give up. At the beginning, Emperor Xuan Yu was able to save a person who had been dead for a long time before him. Wang Feng believed that as long as Emperor Xuan Yu appeared again , Then Guan Fu might be resurrected.

"People belong to you, you can do it yourself." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Lord Glenn didn't say much, because how to deal with the corpse itself is Wang Feng's freedom, and he doesn't need to intervene in it.

In the end, Wang Feng took Guan Fu's corpse and left the Glen Sacred Mountain, and even in order to preserve Guan Fu's corpse, Wang Feng also moved away the ice bed dominated by Glenn.

Of course, the price of moving this ice bed was not small. Wang Feng gave Glenn Dominator twenty drops of Nine Heavens Jade Dew.

Although the master Glenn said no, but Wang Feng should be given to him, not to mention that this time he helped himself so much, even if he gave him a little more, Wang Feng would not feel at a loss.

Sometimes favors are often not measurable by money. People are the master but spare no effort to help themselves. If Wang Feng does not have the slightest gratitude, then he is alive and is no different from pigs and dogs. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

The best perspective

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters of the battle ended

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