The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1751: If you want to kill him, you die first

Text Chapter 1751 If you want to kill him, you die first

"If you give me these resources, I promise to return you a strong Red Flame League." Hou Zhentian said, barely patting his chest to make sure.

As the saying goes, having money can make ghosts grind, as long as there are resources in hand, he is not afraid that no one will work for him, so the request Wang Feng said is nothing to him, he can completely do it.

"In that case, I won't take any of the things here, you will take all of them." Wang Feng said, making Hou Zhentian stunned.

Give him all? Isn't this too extravagant?

Isn't Wang Feng afraid that he will run away all these things?

In fact, Wang Feng is really not afraid that he will run away with these things. Wang Feng has always enveloped the truth, that is, if you use people, you don’t need to be suspicious. If you have been living in suspicion, you will be very tired, and Wang Feng will not be so. stupid.

"I think it's all right." At this moment, Wang Feng seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and said: "You take out one of these things to everyone, and then you use the rest to develop the outer Red Flame Alliance, how about? "

If all the resources are given, Wang Feng himself will have nothing left, so he has to keep some for himself.

"You are the leader of the Red Flame Alliance, you can do everything yourself." Hou Zhentian said, he had no objection to Wang Feng's statement.

Because he also understood that the purpose of Wang Feng's doing this was entirely to win people's hearts, what if he wanted them to come out to fight and not be sweet, so he agreed with Wang Feng's approach.

Since you want to develop sects, you should not be too careful. If the people below you feel bad about the treatment of sects, how can they contribute?

"Thank you, leader."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the members of the Red Flame League in Wang Feng's dantian were a pleasant surprise, and no one could count how many good things were in the mountain of resources in front of them.

Taking out 10% of it and giving it to them is a huge income.

It seems that this chaos with the leader did not go wrong.

"Unexpectedly, it's really lively here." At this moment, the fifth domineering aura came here, and when he came, it immediately triggered a huge change in the pattern.

The four masters just gathered up two battle groups, and when he comes, who can resist?

And Wang Feng still doesn't know what he is doing.

"Nangong Yan, you just came here to help me kill the people in the city." At this time, the ancestors of the He family shouted, making Wang Feng's complexion gloomy.

He didn't expect that the people here would be related to the ancestors of the He family. There seemed to be many masters of northern Xinjiang.

"I will help you? Why should I help you?" Hearing this, the master who came here sneered and said.

Although he knew the ancestor of the He family, the relationship only stopped at knowing. If he listened to the ancestor of the He family and went out to deal with Wang Feng at this moment, he would definitely fall into this whirlpool, and he was not so stupid.

"Then what do you want?"

"I just perceive that there is a battle here, just come and see the excitement." This Nangong Yan said with a calm face, and then said: "It has been the first time so many dominating battles have been seen for so many years."

"Nangong Yan, help me kill people, I will give you the Demon God Orb." At this moment, the ancestor of the He family spoke, causing Nangong Yan's eyes to light up.

He knew exactly what the Demon God Orb was. In the early years, the ancestors of the He family had a chance. He killed a demon **** who had failed to attack the giant and obtained the body of the demon god.

Except for the corpse of the demon **** who let this ancestor of the He family eat, the most important demon **** orb was intercepted by him.

The reason why the ancestors of the He family was able to have the current state was inseparable from his original opportunity.

The demon **** orb has many functions, the most important of which is the rules of heaven.

No matter how the demon **** failed to attack the giant at the beginning, he at least has the capital to attack, so his demon **** orb is very different from the ordinary demon **** orb, and Nangong Yan has been coveting this pearl for a long time.

So when I heard that the ancestor of the He family was willing to pay this bead as a price, his mind suddenly became active.

For him, killing Wang Feng and others is just a piece of cake, but he also knows Wang Feng. If he kills Wang Feng, he is afraid that he will be in great trouble.

So at this moment he hesitated.

"If you don't make a move, there will be no chance." At this time, the ancestor of the He family heard a roar, which made this Nangongyan suddenly become firm.

Regardless of whether he stabbed the hornet's nest, once he got the Demon God Orb and realized the great way, then he became a giant is not impossible.

Once he became a giant, he didn't believe anyone else would dare to deal with himself.

Precisely because of this thought, he agreed: "Okay, I will help you deal with him, but after the event is done, in addition to the Demon God Orb, I need a hundred pills."

His behavior is a bit like a lion's mouth, just for revenge, the ancestors of the He family can no longer take care of that much, he just wants to watch Wang Feng die now.

No matter how great the price was paid, he would not hesitate.

"Okay, deal!"

"Nangong Yan, as long as you dare to make a move, after I kill this old guy, you will be the next one." At this moment, the Lord of the Demon Palace also threatened.

Wang Feng is a very important partner of her cooperation. She has been watching Wang Feng's practice quietly for so many years, and she can see Wang Feng's progress in her eyes.

As long as Wang Feng is given time, it is a certain thing for him to grow up. This is the supreme weapon she will use to deal with her brother in the future, so how can she allow this Nangong Yan to kill him.

It's just that there are some things that she can't control alone. For example, now the other two dominates, but she only has herself. If she wants to stop this Nangong Yan, she is afraid it will be difficult to do.

"Hmph, do you think you have the power to kill me?" In the sneer, this Nangong Yan walked directly towards Wang Feng.

And as he started to walk, the ancestors of the He family began to get fierce. He must stop the Lord of the Demon Palace, or the Lord of the Demon Palace would intervene, and Nangong Yan was afraid it would be difficult to kill Wang Feng.

So now the ancestor of the He family is completely crazy, he is attacking the Lord of the Demon Palace again at any cost.

"Although you have the ability to guard against the sky, now I can only say a word of sorry to you." Looking at the Wang Feng in the He family city, Nangong Yan shook his head slightly.

He and Wang Feng themselves had no grievances and no grudges, but in order to obtain the demon **** orb, he had to kill Wang Feng no matter what, because only when Wang Feng was dead, the old immortal of the He family would give him the demon **** orb.

One life is exchanged for a demon **** orb, and Wang Feng's value can be regarded as the greatest manifestation.

"Then wait until you catch me." With a sneer, Wang Feng was ready to teleport with the help of rules.

It was just that he hadn't waited for him to teleport, suddenly he found that his body seemed to be bound tightly in the void by countless invisible filaments.

At this moment, let alone teleporting, even if he wanted to speak, he felt that his mouth was sealed with tape.

"Grass mud horse."

At this moment, Wang Feng's heart was undoubtedly cursing. If he had known that the master could imprison him in this way, he shouldn't have said that word just now, but would teleport away.

It's just that now he wants to go, I am afraid there is no way, because he can't be shaken at all.

"It's a pity." Looking at Wang Feng, Nangong Yan shook his head, and then said: "No matter how powerful you are, your current realm is too low. The dominance level is not what you can imagine."

While speaking, Nangong Yan stretched out his palm and went straight towards Wang Feng.

Although his movements were very light and looked very slow, at the moment he shot, Wang Feng heard an unimaginable roar in his ears.

At this moment, everything in front of him disappeared, only the palm of the opponent was left.

Wang Feng had no doubt that this palm had the ability to obliterate himself, so at this moment his pupils couldn't help but enlarge sharply, and he couldn't stop the opponent's palm at all.

"Don't blame me after you get down." There was a voice in his mouth, and then Nangong Yan wiped his palm.

"If you want to kill him, you die first!"

Just when Wang Feng thought he was going to die, suddenly an indifferent voice came from the distant horizon, and then a sword light seemed to smash the world and came straight to Nangong Yan.

This sword light was really terrifying, far surpassing the power that Wang Feng could burst out when he used the sword.

Although everything is very slow to describe, all of this happened in an instant. When Nangong Yan responded, the palm he protruded directly separated from him.

He let this sword light cut off his arm.

His arm was cut, Nangong Yan’s first feeling was not pain, but shock. At this moment, there was undoubtedly a storm in his heart. Almost all the people in this world who can cut off his arm can be counted. Who the **** is it?

Looking into the distance, Nangong Yan's pupils suddenly shrank, because he saw a man in black stepping towards here step by His every step looked like They were all very slow, but when his footsteps fell, he had crossed an endless distance.

It was just a blink of an eye, and this person had already arrived in front of him. When he looked from a distance, he was a man in black, but after he walked in, Nangong Yan realized that this person was not a man, she turned out to be a man. A graceful woman in black.

A layer of black gauze wrapped her body, and the appearance of rising into the wind really couldn't connect this woman with the master.

But in fact, Nangong Yan's arm was cut off by this woman just now, and the strength of the opponent has surpassed him.

"Who are you?" Although the arms had re-grown in an instant, Nangong Yan's voice was still very surprised, because he discovered that he could not see the strength of this woman at all.

"Someone who can... kill you."

While talking, the woman's palm moved forward, and the palm of her hand was reversed in an instant, and the woman slapped the palm of Nangong Yan.


Countless spatial cracks appeared in the void, and under this palm, the sky seemed to be dark at that moment.


A huge roar sounded, this Nangong Yan was at the master level, but now he let this palm shoot the void, smashing a huge hole in the ground.

There was undoubtedly a storm in his heart. He did not expect that the other party was so strong. Even if such a person is not a giant, it is definitely not much worse.

He didn't know when such a terrifying existence appeared in the heavens, but now he knew that he had fallen into an absolute danger.


Finger injured, code word speed plummeted, please forgive me for the late update

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