The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1741: Find Guan Fu

"With your strength, you can crush him to death with one finger, why can't you make a move?"

"It's very simple. Now a lot of focus is on him. Do you think the strength of being a teacher is invincible in the world?"

"Does anyone come forward for Wang Feng?" Hearing the words of Qingfeng's master, his apprentice's complexion also became ugly.

"It can be said that as long as I kill Wang Feng, I am afraid that it will take a long time to become a teacher and die. Are you trying to kill me?"

As masters, they can understand a lot more information than ordinary people. He knows that some giants already have the mind to accept Wang Feng as their apprentice. Although he is expensive to master, he does not dare to go against the giants.

People's strength has already stood on the top of the world, to deal with the people they fancy, isn't it a matter of death?

"But the disciple is really unwilling."

"Whether you are willing or unwilling, if you really want revenge, you should first improve your own alchemy, and then tell me about revenge."

Many people are now paying attention to Wang Feng, so this Qingfeng master dare to make any changes. If normal monks deal with Wang Feng, maybe those people will not intervene.

But if he wants to make a move, I am afraid he has to weigh it up, he still doesn't have that confidence.

Besides, apart from the deterrence of those giants, Glenn alone is not sure enough to deal with it. Once he treats Wang Feng, it is strange if he doesn't ask himself to force him, and even a deadly battle is possible. Things.

So after thinking about it, he has no plans to deal with Wang Feng for the time being, because he still can't touch Wang Feng.

"Master, you humiliated that alchemist before, shouldn't he and his master come to trouble you?" In another void, Bi Fan asked with some worry.

Although he felt very refreshed to watch Wang Feng humiliate others, but there may be many problems that follow. The biggest problem first is people's revenge.

"What are you afraid of, even if we can't fight, we can still run, and even if we are stopped, we may not have no choice." Wang Feng said, not very worried.

Because he still has an opportunity to summon the Lord of the Devil's Palace, he hasn't used it yet. Once he encounters a crisis that cannot be solved, he can find the Lord of the Devil's Palace.

I'm afraid who will be the winner by then.

"Then it's okay." Seeing Wang Feng looked confident, Bi Fan didn't continue to say more.

Because there were so many monks in the Southern Territory, they didn't go far, and Wang Feng and the others came to another city.

Feeling the breath of this city for a while, Wang Feng then decisively opened his eyes.

Because he found that there was no strong aura in this city, he naturally didn't have to fear any obstacles when he used his heavenly eyes.


Without even entering the city, Wang Feng had already swept this city with Heaven's Eye, but it was a pity that there was no Guan Fu here, she probably hadn't been here.


No Guan Fu was found in this city, Wang Feng would naturally not stay here any longer, so he took Bi Fan and Yan Junyun and left here.

After a few breaths of time, they appeared in another city again, thanks to Wang Feng’s teleportation. If there was no teleportation, Wang Feng wanted to rush from one city to another so quickly. impossible things.

"Still not." After sweeping this city, Wang Feng still didn't see Guan Fu.

"Master, don't worry, we can definitely find someone." Bi Fan said at this moment.

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng felt that he couldn't get angry. If it wasn't for this kid who insisted on going out, how could Guan Fu follow? This is really a scourge.

"If you can't find anyone this time, let's see how I fix you."

Glancing at his apprentice fiercely, Wang Feng began to look for it again.

In this way, Wang Feng went through more than twenty cities, but he didn’t find any traces of Guan Fu. Guan Fu seemed to have never appeared in these cities. This made Wang Feng feel very much. The surprise.

Logically speaking, ordinary monks will appear in major cities, right?

It is almost impossible to practice in such a deserted place all the time, because people are social creatures, and being alone outside is also very unfavorable for cultivation, so Wang Feng now feels very weird.

"There are no traces at all. She probably hasn't been to these cities." Wang Feng said, before turning his gaze to Bi Fan: "Are you sure that the last place you separated was in this city?" Wang Feng asked.

"Heaven and earth conscience, we really separated in Peicheng." Bi Fan said with a sad face.

"Wang Feng, don't worry too much, maybe it's just that she went somewhere."

"hope so."

With a sigh, Wang Feng didn't know where Guan Fu had gone. The vast southern world was so vast, how easy was it to find someone here?

Now Wang Feng can only pin his hopes on Lord Glenn, and maybe he can find anything.

"Master, you said she would go home by herself?" Bi Fan suddenly said at this moment.

"I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "I think with her character, since she has already come out, she will not go back easily if she wants to come."

This is the same as Wang Feng. Once she comes out, she will never go back if she doesn't improve her strength. Although Guan Fu's realm is not very good, since she has all come out, she shouldn't look back.

"Such a big Southern Region, where are we going to find someone?" Bi Fan said bitterly.

"Even if you are looking for a needle in a haystack, you have to find it." While speaking, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out a talisman. He wanted to use the power of his Red Flame Alliance to help find someone.

With the three of them alone, it is almost impossible to find the Southern Territory, so Wang Feng must mobilize more talents.

After notifying the people of the Red Flame Alliance, Wang Feng began to search for a long way.

It's just that the Southern Territory is really too big, even though Wang Feng has spent five or six days looking for it, he still hasn't gained anything.

On the contrary, every time of disappointment, Wang Feng's face is now full of sadness. There is no clue. Where can he go to find someone?

"By the way, we can ask that **** fortune teller to help." At this moment, Yan Junyun suddenly seemed to think of something and said.

Hearing her words, Wang Feng also instantly felt his eyes light up. Yes, he had been thinking about how to find Guan Fu before, but he didn't turn around.

Yes, relying on the calculation ability of the **** fortune teller, just show him Guan Fu's portrait, and I believe he can figure out where Guan Fu is.

But soon Wang Feng shook his head again. The last time the **** fortune teller helped the Nine Kings find Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng hasn't settled with him yet. Now this guy must be too late to hide from himself. Where can I find him?

The last time I met him at Chishuiguan was pure luck, and now he has no idea where he fled to. It is estimated that it is more difficult to find him than to climb to the sky.

"Forget it, let's find it by yourself first, there is really no way to go to the **** fortune teller later." Wang Feng said, not planning to find the **** fortune teller.

If looking for a fortune teller and looking for Guan Fu are going on at the same time, does Wang Feng have to make a clone?

And Lord Glenn also said that giving him half a month must give him an explanation, so Wang Feng's current hope is still in him.

"OK then."

Anyway, what Yan Junyun does now is mainly based on Wang Feng, no matter how Wang Feng wants to find someone, Yan Junyun will support it.

It was another endless search. After about ten days, Wang Feng really didn't find anyone, but fortunately, he got a message from Lord Glenn, and the other party asked Wang Feng to go to the place called Glen Sacred Mountain.

Named directly after his own name, this Glenn ruler is rather domineering.

Glenn ruler is hostile to him. Wang Feng knows clearly that if he intends to deal with himself, he has already done it the last time he was in Peicheng, and from the perspective of Wang Feng’s personal feelings, this Glenn ruler It's not like someone who wants to deal with him.

So since he asked himself to go to Glen Sacred Mountain, then Wang Feng would go, maybe he really found Guan Fu?


With the coordinates given by Lord Glenn, Wang Feng used his teleportation technique to quickly reach the area where the Glenn Sacred Mountain was located.

From a distance, Glenn Sacred Mountain is like a **** city floating in the void, which is simply a replica of a magic palace.

Could it be that these masters have hobbies? Like to set up your residence in the void?

"The comer stops!"

A loud shout came, and two guards blocked Wang Feng's path in front of the Glen Sacred Mountain.

"I came here by the invitation of your master." Wang Feng said truthfully.

"Let them in."

Just then, on the floating sacred mountain, the voice of Glenn Lord passed.


Now that the ruler has issued orders, these subordinates naturally have no excuse to block Wang Feng and Yan Junyun. ,


One of the guards said respectfully.

"Climb to the holy mountain from here." The guard said when he brought Wang Feng and the others to a miniature teleportation formation.

"Understood, I have trouble." Nodded to the guard, then Wang Feng and Yan Junyun walked into the teleportation formation.

"Please come with me." Just after teleporting to this holy mountain, one of the people immediately said, obviously he has received the command of Lord Glenn.

"To help you find someone, I spent a lot of effort." There is no need to wait for this person to take Wang Feng and the others to the place where Lord Glenn lives, Lord Lord Glen has already left.

"Have you found that person?" Wang Feng asked, looking at Glenn

"I'm afraid I have to tell you a bad news." Lord Glenn said, making Wang Feng's agitated mood suddenly lowered to the bottom. What does this mean?

"If you have anything, please tell me directly." Wang Feng took a deep breath and said.

"That's it. When I found her, she was already on the verge of death. Even if this seat saves her with a large amount of medicines and treasures of heaven and earth, it is difficult for her to wake up now. I say this, you understand. ?"


Hearing this, Bi Fan let out an exclamation. Obviously he didn't expect to hear such news. Wasn't it good when he came out? Why did it suddenly become like this now?

"It means it's almost like death?" Wang Feng said, his expression gloomy.



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