The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1739: Perfect win

"So fast?"

Seeing that Wang Feng had grasped the pill in the palm of his hand, the organizers of this alchemist conference were also shocked, because they didn't expect that Wang Feng would be able to gather the star-gathering pill in just two hours. Come refine it out.

They have passed authoritative evaluations on the difficulty of refining the star-gathering pill. It takes about six hours for a general 15th rank alchemist to refine this pill. This is relatively fast and slow. It may be possible to spend ten hours.

Because it was an alchemy conference, they shortened this time a little, because only in this way can they show the abilities of those geniuses.

But what none of them thought was that Wang Feng had only refined the Star Concentration Pill in less than two hours. Isn't this too fast?

More than half the time they compressed, this Wang Feng is simply a freak.

I don't want to talk about his tyrannical strength. His alchemy is so surprising. Under the background of tyrannical strength, he has also studied alchemy systematically?

If he didn't take the time to study alchemy, how could Wang Feng refine the pill in such a short time?

"Young man, can you show me the pill you refined?"

At this moment, an old man with white hair opened his mouth and looked at him as if he would be blown away when the wind blows. He was too fragile.

Just looking at this person, even a dominant figure like Glenn couldn't help showing respect, because they knew that the person in front of them was the grandson of the originator of alchemy.

Excluding this level of identity, this old man is still a well-known alchemist grandmaster. His grandmaster is not the grandmaster of the past three days. This is the name that the alchemist can only have after his alchemy is completed. This world can There are very few people who have won this level of honor.

Because too many alchemists can't reach that level, even Glenn himself is not a alchemy master.

In terms of realm, he may be much better than this old man, but in terms of alchemy, he can only bow down to the wind, because in the eyes of the opponent, he is a junior.

To be honest, this old man can be called the master of the alchemy world. In today's alchemy world, there are very few people like this in the world. At this moment, he personally said that he would look at the pill that Wang Feng refined. Wang Feng's luck.


Although Wang Feng didn't know who the old man was, Wang Feng could tell from the respectful look on his face that his status was not low, so grabbing his own medicine, Wang Feng walked towards him.

After taking out a pill at random and sending it to the old man's hand, Wang Feng said, "I would like to ask the old man to take a look and give some advice to the younger man."

"Let's take a look at it first." The old man said after receiving Wang Feng's pill, and then he carefully checked the star-gathering pill that Wang Feng had refined.

"Not bad." After a few breaths, the old man showed a smile on his face and said: "The effect of the medicine is at least three times that of the ordinary pill. This is a rare treasure pill."


Hearing this old man's words, many alchemists' eyes widened, revealing an unbelievable color. How could this be possible than the three times the efficacy of ordinary pills?

It is difficult for ordinary alchemists to make even twice the efficacy of the medicine. How could the pill that Wang Feng refined in such a short period of time had such a terrifying effect?

Could it be that this dean is too old to be dizzy?

"Good boy."

Hearing what the old man said, the one who was most surprised was actually the master Glenn.

Before, he knew that Wang Feng’s alchemy grade was only 14th grade. The ability to refine the fifteenth-grade star-gathering pill was actually beyond his expectation, but what he didn’t expect was that Wang Feng not only refined the pill. , At the same time, his pill is the Bao Pill in the pill.

This surprise was a little too big, which Glenn felt very incredible.

It is not that he has never refined the high-efficiency pill, but he definitely cannot refine it as easily as Wang Feng.

No wonder Wang Feng looked so difficult when refining before, but he didn't expect that what he refined would be such a good thing, which was beyond their expectation.

"Thank you, Senior Miao Zan." Wang Feng smiled slightly, but he didn't care about it, because he could see the situation of his pill in just a few breaths, and his alchemy skills should not be low.

The high-efficiency pill Wang Feng has always been refined, but this time it is faster.

Of course, the reason for being able to be so fast is all due to the Sun Bible that Wang Feng has cultivated. Without the terrifying flame attached to the Sun Bible, how could Wang Feng refine the pill so quickly.


Seeing that Wang Feng had already refined the Star-Gathering Pill, the master who bet with Glenn looked unbelievable. Even if the pill refining took a short time, he did not expect that the pill he refined was still highly effective. how is this possible?

It was impossible for Wang Feng to falsify what he refined in front of so many people, so he must have just refined the pill.

Everyone has refined the pill in just over an hour, but what about his apprentice? At this moment, he is still on the crucial step of condensing the liquid medicine, even if he can finally refine the star gathering pill, it will probably be an hour later.

The gap had already appeared invisibly at this moment, and Wang Feng had surpassed all these 15th rank alchemists.

Speaking of the master apprentice, even though he was refining the pill at this moment, he was aware of it when Wang Feng just refined the pill. He thought he could easily defeat him, but he did not expect the final outcome to be such.

At the moment when his mood fluctuated, the pill in the pill furnace in front of him almost disappeared.

Fortunately, his control is amazing, otherwise he might have already faced the embarrassing situation of bombing Dan.

But even if he didn't blow up the pill, his chances of defeating Wang Feng were extremely slim.

He actually lost at the starting line.

"Young man, how did you do it?" At this time, the leader of the alchemy world opened his mouth and set his sights on Wang Feng.

"The whole process of my alchemy has been publicly displayed in front of everyone. I think I should have nothing to say."

Why does his pill exhibit high efficacy? Wang Feng felt that this should be related to his purification method. Besides, Wang Feng didn't know what it was all about.

Some alchemists will volatilize a large part of the medicinal power when refining the pill, which causes the pill's efficacy to be weak.

And when Wang Feng was refining the pill, perhaps it was only because the control was in place, so the power of the medicinal liquid was forcibly mixed into the pill by Wang Feng. If it weren't the case, the medicinal power would not have grown out of thin air.

"It's a pity that the old man is about to enter the soil, otherwise I want to take it as your disciple." The old man said, causing many alchemists to take a breath.

According to their understanding, this dean has never accepted an apprentice in his life. Although his alchemy has been coveted by many people, no one dares to attack him.

Because he was able to get to the stage of the alchemy master, his personal connections were beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and it would be more serious than stabbing a hornet's nest to deal with him.

An alchemy master didn't even pass on his alchemy when he was about to die. This is a very regrettable thing.

But now, in front of everyone, he even said that he wanted to take Wang Feng as a disciple. Is this sending a signal to others?

"That's a shame." Hearing this person's words, Wang Feng also felt speechless. Why would he want to accept himself as a disciple? Isn't it that difficult to teach alchemy?

"But you can't accept disciples, but the old man can teach you some skills during alchemy." While speaking, the old man palmed his hand, and suddenly a Jinmu box appeared in his palm.

"Take it," the old man said.

"Thank you." Taking the box over, Wang Feng thanked him sincerely.

What is in the box Wang Feng hasn't checked yet, but it should be a good thing.

Because the others had not completed the refining, Wang Feng waited on the sidelines.


There was another explosive sound, and at this moment, another Rank 15 alchemist exploded the pill while fusing the liquid medicine.

The liquid medicine of this fifteen-grade pill is very majestic. If it is a little poorly controlled, it may directly blow the pill, so at this point, many people may be eliminated and exit.

This time, there were about 20 fifteen-rank alchemists who came to participate in the competition. In addition to Wang Feng who succeeded in producing alchemy and a few people who failed, there were still twelve alchemists remaining in the competition.

That master disciple deserves to be a genius in the alchemy world. Although he is now in the process of fusing the medicinal solution, he is much more calm than other alchemists.

Thinking of this person's cynicism towards himself before, Wang Feng's mouth also showed the same smile as him.

They all said not to put the big words in front, but now this person slapped himself in the face severely, and watched how he ended up.

Twelve people were still competing for alchemy, but it didn't take long, and there was a sound of explosion, and at the same time two alchemists next to each other exploded, and they also failed.


About an hour later, there were only four people left in the venue, and at this moment, the dominating apprentice patted the pill furnace in front of him, and several pill flew out of it.

After Wang Feng, he was the second to refining the Star Multi-Star Pill.

Looking up, Wang Feng found that although the pill made by this person was very good-looking, it was far inferior to the one made by Wang Feng in terms of the effects of the round.

So there is no need to look at the final result of the competition, Wang Feng can now determine who he and the other party will win or lose.

"It took so long to refine the pill. This is a lot slower than Wang Feng." A monk said in a low voice, completely using Wang Feng as a comparison.

Although the voice of their conversation was very small, the master disciple could still hear clearly.

To him, these voices were exactly like needles piercing his body, making him feel bad.

Before Wang Feng appeared, he would be called an alchemy genius no matter where he went. Because he was young and had high alchemy skills, it was not an exaggeration for him to get a genius hat.

But now Wang Feng is superior in time. He is too If anyone still says that he is a genius in alchemy, then I am afraid that he is really blind.

Because everyone can see that Wang Feng has surpassed him a lot in alchemy, a gap of more than an hour can not be made up in a short while.

"What did you say before?" Looking at the young man, Wang Feng's yin and yang voice sounded: "You will be defeated by me."

It was said that Wang Feng was completely imitating this person's voice. Under Wang Feng's intentional changes, he was truly brilliant.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, this man was so angry, his body was constantly trembling.


It's the last day. Those who have a monthly pass will vote, and those who are able to smash the leader will come to the leader and rush into the top 20.

Four more today


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