The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1726: Hit the king again

When he was cultivating, this guard had always stood respectfully in Wang Feng's God City, so even if he had no credit, he had toiled, and now it is nothing to let him absorb a little strength.

Anyway, the source of power is not Wang Feng himself, he will not feel distressed.

"No, I can just stand." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the king's guard responded stiffly without any expression on his face.

Although Wang Feng was stunned when he heard this, there was no surprise, because the dead man himself was very different from ordinary people, so he didn't listen to his own words.

Anyway, the power here will eventually be absorbed in Wang Feng's God City. As long as Wang Feng does not want these powers to leak out, then the possibility of these powers wanting to leak out is really slim.

In this way, Wang Feng and Yan Junyun both began their practice in Wang Feng’s God City. About four days later, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and the beast’s tortoise shell finally let those kings break through.

To be precise, Wang Feng has reached a critical point in absorbing the power of this giant beast. Once this critical point is broken, then the threatening ability of this giant beast will be greatly reduced, just like it is now, it is proud of its defense. All the kings outside were broken.

"Finally broke."

In the sky above the swamp, the monks saw that the defense of the giant beast was broken, and their faces were also surprised.

But just as they were about to rush further into the body of the giant beast, a big earthquake trembles suddenly, and a huge purple city squeezed through the mud of the swamp and rushed out from under the ground.

All the people in this city have grown their mouths at this moment, showing an incredible color.

Because this city is really familiar to them, isn't this the city of Wang Feng?

When Wang Feng just let the black mist swept away the other day, they thought that Wang Feng was already dead inside, but what they never expected was that Wang Feng was still alive after being swept away by the black mist.

If even he were alive, would those who were swept away by the black mist also survive?

This guess is not unreasonable, because Wang Feng is still alive is the biggest guess guarantee.


Seeing Wang Feng's purple **** city rushing out from under the swamp, the most shocking was the few king monks, because they did not expect that there would be people under the ground where they had attacked for so long.

If it weren't for Wang Feng's sudden rush at this time, they probably wouldn't even know.

He didn't even bother to these yelling people. After Wang Feng rushed out, he directly rose into the sky, at an astonishing speed.

"Stop him!"

Seeing Wang Feng flying away, these king monks were taken aback for a moment, and then they immediately made a decision.

They were originally invited by the monks to help, but after investigation, they found that there must be some remaining power in the behemoth, so they would attack the behemoth desperately. If not, they would not spend so much. Strength.

Now that they saw Wang Feng's God City flying out from below the earth, they knew that something must have gone bad. Those people didn't even say that anyone had entered the belly of the giant beast. This was simply cheating.

If they knew this was the case, why did they spend so much effort.

"Stop, where do you want to go?" Just as Wang Feng flew away, a monk of the Seventh Heavenly King appeared in front of him.

There was a sneer on this person's face, without a trace of fear.

Because he knew that the **** city monks were nothing but the product of Nirvana's failure to attack the king, with his strength, such **** city monks could almost deal with a group of them alone.

"Why? I want to leave and you want to stop it?" Looking at the monk king in front of him, Wang Feng's voice passed from the city of God.

"Haha, what a big joke, do you know who you are talking to?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person seemed to have heard a big joke, and his voice was so loud that many monks below were slightly discolored .

Didn't this person recognize that the owner of this **** city is Wang Feng?

In fact, this person hasn’t really been recognized yet. Although he has heard of Wang Feng’s legend, there is only one thought in his mind at the moment, that is, that Wang Feng has robbed them of the opportunity, so he has not yet remembered that Wang Feng’s identity is extremely Normal thing.

"I care who you are, blocking my way, that's my enemy."

While speaking, Wang Feng started directly.

Although the opponent's strength is very strong, surpassing him by a lot, but when Wang Feng dared to fight even the nine kings, what was this person?

Even if he couldn't use the war sword, Wang Feng was definitely not someone who could bully.

The purple **** city crushed the world, and Wang Feng did nothing. He just used his **** city to hit the other side. For the **** city monks, this was their most powerful attack method.

Because the city of God is their flesh, and the power of the great avenues contained in the city of God can also be used to confront the enemy, if it is not the case, the monks of the city of God are simply useless.

"court death!"

Seeing that Wang Feng actually did it first, the monk of the Seventh Heavenly King's eyes froze, and then he raised his arm and hit Wang Feng's purple **** city with a punch.

With a punch, countless cracks appeared in the void, just like a big hole was suddenly smashed out of the ice block, and the scalp of the person watching the dense cracks was numb.

This is the power of the king, and it is by no means an ordinary monk can resist.

It’s just that when the king monk’s fist fell on the wall of Wang Feng’s **** city, suddenly a counter shock was transmitted from Wang Feng’s city wall. Not only did the monk fail to treat Wang Feng, but he let it happen. The force of the counter-shock was pushed far away, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Can you actually block my blow?" Looking at Wang Feng's purple **** city, this man muttered to himself, his heart was undoubtedly very shocked, knowing that he is a genuine King Seventh Heaven monk.

Even in this realm, he has stayed for more than a hundred years, and he is considered a veteran powerhouse, but now he can't shake a cultivator of the **** city level. This is simply a fantasy.

"Not only can I block your blow, I can kill you!"

While speaking, a sharp sword light suddenly rushed out of Wang Feng's God City, and that terrifying Jian Gang cut the void in half.

Under such circumstances, the monk of the Seventh Heavenly King was cut in half by this sword gang before he even had time to resist.

What is Jian Gang? Naturally it belongs to Wang Feng's war sword.

Why can Wang Feng use the war sword now? That's because when Wang Feng was working with this person, he began to run the majestic power in his **** city and began to attack the realm of kings.

His soul is now free from the shackles of the center of God City, so he can hold the sword.

For him, since the moment his soul left the center of the **** city, he had only two paths left, one is to become a king, and the other is to die.

Apart from that, he had no other choice.

Originally, Wang Feng didn't want to fight with these people, because he just wanted to find a quiet place to adjust his state to the best, and then attack the realm of kings.

It's just that now that the opponent has already hit the door, what else can Wang Feng hesitate about, and Wang Feng has another plan in his heart, that is, he hopes that he can use the pressure of these people, and then get rid of the shackles of God City in one fell swoop. Into the realm of kings.

This is a very risky move, but since Wang Feng chose to go, he will definitely not regret it.

This is so-called pressure to have motivation. He wants to put himself to death and live later. People who don't have great courage can never do such a thing.

"This is dead?"

Seeing that the two halves of the king's remnant were quickly falling into the void, the few kings who had just caught up were all stunned, and a stormy sea was already in their hearts.

Because they didn't expect that Wang Feng, the cultivator of the **** city, would be so terrifying. They would kill a monk of the King's Seventh Heaven in just one or two moves. This kind of strength is simply not a match, this is completely crushing.

"Purple God City, I remember, he is the Wang Feng who was deprived of his position in Daozi's sequence."

At this moment, a king's mind was slightly sober, and his face showed bitterness.

It's no wonder that when Wang Feng just rushed out, he felt that the purple **** city was a bit familiar. He didn't expect that this person was actually Wang Feng who was making a lot of noise in the heavens some time ago.

"If you want to deal with me, just come up!"

His voice came from Wang Feng's God City, extremely domineering.

It was only just now that Wang Feng killed a monk from the Seventh Heaven, who would dare to go up and die.

Wang Feng's dominance undoubtedly cast a shadow over the hearts of these monarchs. Although their realm is higher than Wang Feng, they have nothing to do with Wang Feng.

Do it to him, and perhaps the last to die will be themselves.

Fear in the heart occupies more than half, so these kings not only did not step forward, they are still slowly retreating at this moment, and crazy people like Wang Feng can't afford to provoke them.

"I'll kill you!"

Just when these kings did not dare to move, suddenly a domineering voice resounded between heaven and earth. The person who came was also a king, and even his strength was one order higher than the king that Wang Feng had just killed.

King Realm Eight Heavens!

The reason why he came out is entirely because the monk Wang Feng killed before was his own brother, one and two kings, this is undoubtedly a good story, so at this time, watching Wang Feng seems to want to attack the king, how can he It might still stand up.

Regardless of whether he is alive or dead, he must repay his brother's grudges.

"If you want to hurt him, get out of me first."

It just didn't wait until this person rushed to the front of Wang suddenly the king's guard in Wangfeng God City moved.

The purpose of his existence now is to protect Wang Feng, so if there is a threat at the moment, he naturally chose to take the shot immediately.

He is a dead man and has no thoughts of his own, so even if he faces a monk whose realm is stronger than himself, he doesn't have any sense of fear.

At this moment, there was only one thought reverberating in his heart, and that was to do his best to protect Wang Feng, even if he died, he would not hesitate.

"you wanna die!"

Looking at the dead man, the old man of the King's Eighth Heaven yelled, and then he instantly chose to shoot.

The two kings here are fighting, but in Wang Feng's **** city, Wang Feng faces a huge challenge. The **** city cultivator's attack on the king is far less simple than he imagined.

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