The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1716: Dao Sword

After the first figure killed Wang Feng, the second figure strode in an instant, and the time between them was pitiful.

"There are more and more blood particles.

Under the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng could see that the blood-colored particles squeezed out of his cells had all been integrated into his blood. With the changes in his own blood, Wang Feng's whole body felt hotter and more serious, as if there was a mass. The flame was burning in his body, and that kind of enthusiasm made Wang Feng feel that he seemed to have inexhaustible power.

With a roaring feeling in his mouth, Wang Feng once again picked up the war sword that had fallen into the void and attacked and killed the figure.

A terrifying sword gang exploded from the tip of the war sword. At the same time, a large amount of mist-like red aura suddenly appeared on Wang Feng’s body. Under the red aura, Wang Feng was like a demon. The head is the same, it looks terrifying.

"I remember." Looking at Wang Feng as if he had become a monster, many people changed their faces.

And at this moment in the boundless void, suddenly a celestial giant opened his mouth. He is Ye Zun, one of the celestial giants. He has reached such a height for more than 500,000 years. When he opened his mouth, many giants of the same level had cast their consciousness to the place where he was.

Because they all want to know why Wang Feng became like this.

"I wonder if you still remember the blood corpse outside the sky?" Ye Zun asked.

"You mean that foreign corpse?" A celestial giant responded, his tone was already a little surprised.

What's going on in Tianwai, their giant-level supreme, can't be clearer, because they can't remember how many times they have been to Tianwai.

"That's right." Ye Zun nodded, and then said: "The last time I took them to the outer world, Wang Feng encountered the blood corpse. At that time, the blood corpse wanted to seize Wang Feng, but he didn't want to let Wang Feng last. It was suppressed. I think the reason why Wang Feng's catastrophe is so terrifying should have a lot to do with this."

"He actually suppressed the blood corpse?" Hearing Ye Zun's words, the rest of the giants were not shocked. The blood corpse had an amazing origin. It was a figure from another unknown starry sky, and that corpse was already horizontal. In the endless hours outside the sky, even they don't know what this person's identity is.

They only knew one thing, that is, the place where this **** originally lived must be much stronger than the heavens. If it weren't the case, the blood corpse would have been dealt with for so long.

The foreign corpse wanted to seize Wang Feng, but in the end he was suppressed by Wang Feng, and now a red blood mist appeared on Wang Feng's body. If there is no connection between the two, it would be impossible.

Could it be that Wang Feng absorbed the **** mist?

In the past, those who crossed the tribulations in the heavens, whose tribulations were as powerful as Wang Feng? It is very likely that Wang Feng absorbed the blood-colored fog body, and then his meaning of existence is different from that of a person in the heavens.

This is like changing one's identity. For a simple example, if the place where the blood corpse came is called the heaven, and the heaven today is called mortal, then Wang Feng's current identity is equivalent to being the one of the heaven. people.

His identity is different from that of people in this world, so his catastrophe has become so terrifying and vast.

Perhaps those **** mists have transformed Wang Feng, and his blood is now undergoing transformation.

In fact, they were right. Wang Feng's bloodline was indeed changing now. He was moving from a low-level to a high-level. The reason why Heavenly Tribulation was different was because of the **** mist in Wang Feng's body.

Without this **** mist, his catastrophe would have already passed, how could it be so difficult.

Fortunately, Wang Feng has spiritual power imprinted on the power of rules, otherwise he would have become a dead man by now.

Under the shroud of the **** mist, Wang Feng seemed to be a different person. Holding a war sword, Wang Feng chose to attack.

In the first collision, Wang Feng's whole body was lifted out, and his strength was still far from the figure in front of the heavenly palace.

However, with the **** mist enveloped, Wang Feng felt that he had not suffered much damage. Even if it was severely injured, he still couldn't notice the slightest under the cover of this **** power at this moment.

Raising the war sword in his hand, Wang Feng rushed forward again.

There was a huge roar that didn't look like a human being, and Wang Feng waved his sword and slashed down towards this figure.

Originally, others thought that Wang Feng would still be lifted off by this figure just like before.

It's just that when Jian Gang broke out, everyone was surprised, because they found that the Jian Gang that broke out of Wang Feng's hand sword had become a blood red piece.

It was as if a river of blood appeared in the void, under this sword gang, the second figure that had stepped down from the palace was cut in half by a sword, and he could not stop Wang Feng.


Seeing this scene, many people were shocked and revealed an incredible color, because none of them thought that Wang Feng would come back so easily.

In the previous first attack, he even let the opponent fly out, but with this second attack, why could he kill the second figure from the heavenly palace?

The contrast between before and after is too great, no wonder these people will be shocked.

The second figure disappeared, and approaching the third figure, it descended directly from the heavenly palace. It was a figure about tens of meters high. This figure did not have a specific shape. The key was that there was no way to see what it looked like. Then, a cloud of chaos shrouded its face, and it was completely unclear what it was like.

However, although its appearance is not clear, its combat power is undoubtedly powerful. This is a shadow that is even more terrifying than the second figure just now.


Seeing this third shadow descend, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all, he directly raised the sword in his hand and cut it down.

With one sword, this third shadow was cut to death again. It was not Wang Feng's opponent.

Seeing this scene, those monks were shocked once again, is this Wang Feng's realm skyrocketing? These shadows can't stop his blow?

The third shadow disappeared, and the fourth shadow disappeared, followed by the fifth, sixth, seventh, and even more than twenty shadows. All of them were killed by Wang Feng when they first came down, and there was nothing left behind.

It was as if they were papered in front of Wang Feng, with no resistance at all.

But just when everyone thought that Wang Feng could continue to be invincible like this, suddenly the **** light on his body burst into pieces, and he was directly cut in half by the figure above the palace.

At this point, the ending of the battle showed a reversal change. Before, Wang Feng used the sword to cut these heavenly figures in half, but now Wang Feng let the opponent cut it.

It's just that Wang Feng has the characteristic of immortality, even if he is now beheaded, but soon his figure manifests in the void again.

However, after this resurrection, Wang Feng is obviously not as terrible as before. He has just appeared and has been beheaded again. He can't stop the figure in these tribulations. He doesn't even have a chance to grab his own war sword.

"Why is it so weak all of a sudden?" Seeing Wang Feng's return to his previous appearance without resistance, many monks felt surprised in their hearts. Should the contrast be so big? It's like a world, and it's not even the same person.

"Could it be that he was so strong before because of the blood-colored light on his body?" At this moment, a monk spoke, which immediately caused a lot of discussions.

That’s right, when Wang Feng didn’t explode with the **** light before, he was not yet an opponent of those figures, but as his unique power exploded, his combat power had improved a lot, so these people didn’t doubt it. No way.

Heavenly Tribulation was strengthened by the appearance of high-level bloodlines, and Wang Feng's previous combat power became much more powerful due to the fusion of high-level bloodlines.

But that kind of power can't keep Wang Feng's fighting power even for a long time. After all, his bloodline is not really reformed, at best it is divided into half.

Therefore, it is actually a miracle that Wang Feng can cut so many heavenly figures.

As if returning to the original time, Wang Feng was beheaded just after he came out. After this repeated fifty or sixty times, Wang Feng finally ushered in a big outbreak.

This time his **** light became more and more intense, and his combat power suddenly soared to an extremely terrifying level.

He is like a crazy person. The whole person is very violent. Every time he dies, his blood will become more advanced. His blood is almost covered with blood particles. These Things are changing Wang Feng's blood little by little.

Just like the little sparrow at the beginning, Wang Feng is also in a process of evolution at this moment, but when this evolution can be completed, it is not known.

With the help of the **** rays of light, Wang Feng beheaded more than a dozen figures in succession before being beheaded. In this way, Wang Feng died many times, and these heavenly palaces above the cloud slowly dissipated.

The tribulation cloud that originally covered more than a thousand kilometers is slowly dissipating, this time the Heavenly Tribulation Wangfeng finally came over.

I don't know how many times he has died. Wang Feng can only describe it as suffocation, because if it weren't for Wang Feng's almost rogue resurrection method, he might have not known how many times he had died. This is exactly the life he had recovered.

When the robbery dissipated, an incomparably majestic force condensed between the heavens and the earth. With the help of this force, Wang Feng's lost power was restored, and at the same time his physical body was rapidly strengthened. .

The calamity is not bad, but the rewards after the robbery are also extraordinary. With the help of this power, Wang Feng not only fully recovered his strength, but even improved greatly. He feels that he is now a challenge to the King’s Quadruple The sky is definitely not a problem.

"Finally came over." Watching the robbery cloud dissipate, Yan Junyun let out a long breath.

Before watching Wang Feng cross the, she was extremely worried, because the catastrophe of this day was so terrible, it was rare in the world, and she thought that Wang Feng would not survive.

But who would have thought that Wang Feng could be resurrected after he died? If not, Wang Feng would have become a real corpse now.

"I knew that this kid was great, but I didn't expect him to survive." Hou Zhentian also spoke at this time, with a smile on his face. ,


Just when everyone thought that Wang Feng had safely survived the catastrophe, suddenly an invisible blade appeared on top of his head, this was the sword of the sword!

Many monks were invisibly cut off by this Dao-cutting knife when their realm was in transition, and they didn't even know what was going on afterwards.

Often many cultivators were unable to resist the Dao Slashing Knife at this time, and even they couldn't see when the Dao Slashing Knife was cut down. Under such circumstances, very few people could resist.


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