The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1712: Rare catastrophe

"Where is the leader of the league?"

Seeing Wang Feng's body abruptly disappear in front of everyone, all the members of the Red Flame Alliance opened their eyes wide, revealing an incredible color.

Because in their perception, Wang Feng's figure seemed to disappear in an instant, without any signs.

There is no breath, no figure, these people don't even know where Wang Feng has gone.

"Should someone be taken away?"

Hou Zhentian spoke, his complexion couldn't help but change.

After the many events of this day, his nerves became a little tense, and this suddenly disappeared. There must be no good thing.

"Send people within a thousand miles to find the leader." Hou Zhentian said, and these people from the Red Flame League immediately followed suit.

No one outside knows where Wang Feng has gone, and at this moment in that Nirvana space, Wang Feng is undergoing a huge test. Once he performed Nirvana, his glass green lotus tree would automatically come out. Protect him and break the Nirvana space, but the situation is different now.

As Wang Feng’s realm improved, the power of the Nirvana technique he performed was naturally different. The power of the glaze green lotus tree did appear just now, but that power was directly connected to the Nirvana space just after it appeared. The power of destruction was completely wiped out.

Seeing such a scene, even Wang Feng couldn't help his face sinking, because he felt that he seemed to be a little bit bigger this time.

However, since the Nirvana technique has already started, it is almost impossible to stop the Nirvana technique. Even if it is to be destroyed, Wang Feng has to resist the past.

Destroying forces swept in one after another, and Wang Feng's living conditions were greatly suppressed.

Under such circumstances, Wang Feng almost wanted to resist and he became more than minded and insufficient, because he was only in the state of the soul body, and he could not display many things, so he could only accept these abruptly. The impact of destruction.

The soul is the foundation of a person. Nirvana is worthy of being a forbidden technique for the Xuenv clan in the past. This almost self-destructive method has caused Wang Feng to suffer a lot now. After every attack, the pain will be amplified to Extreme, even if Wang Feng is determined, he can't help but breathe in cold air now.

In the past, Wang Feng used the glazed green lotus tree to break through Nirvana, but now the sapling has lost its effectiveness, so Wang Feng can only choose to resist.

After this Nirvana technique was performed, very few people survived, but this does not mean that this technique is absolutely dead or alive, so even if Wang Feng is suffering now, he does not give up any thoughts.

Thinking that he had survived the pain of climbing the ladder back then, but now this is nothing.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Feng began to calm his mind. He began to actively cater to these destructive attacks. Since he couldn't break this space with skill, Wang Feng could only use his willpower to resist.

"Damn, where did this man go?" The monks moved quickly. After about ten minutes, the area within a thousand miles of the Scarlet Flame Alliance had been searched, and no one found Wang Feng's. With the slightest trace, Hou Zhentian's complexion suddenly became ugly upon hearing such news.

This disappeared abruptly in front of them, and now that Wang Feng was not found in an area with a radius of thousands of miles, where did he go?

"Don't be wrong." Looking at the place where Wang Feng once disappeared, Yan Junyun couldn't help clenching her fists together.

"If you have the ability, you will destroy me." Within the Nirvana space, that force of destruction became more and more terrifying. Under such circumstances, Wang Feng's mouth directly burst out with a loud shout.

It seemed that after hearing Wang Feng’s request, the power of destruction became more and more terrifying. Under such circumstances, Wang Feng’s originally dim soul became even more dim, as if it was about to be destroyed at any time. .

Fortunately, Wang Feng is an alchemist, and his soul is very strong. If not, he might even become even more unbearable if he persists.

But even so, Wang Feng's current state has begun to become very unstable, and sometimes his soul body will flash. Although the soul body has been severely damaged, Wang Feng's willpower has become more and more determined. .

Because he always believed that he could definitely survive the test of this Nirvana technique, no matter how terrifying the power of destruction became, Wang Feng’s mind did not fluctuate at all. It was precisely because he had such an idea in his heart, so even The soul tends to be destroyed, but Wang Feng still persisted.

After half an hour has passed, this destructive force is always difficult to wipe out Wang Feng's soul, so under such circumstances, the Nirvana space that was originally closed and there was no way out began to shatter.

As this Nirvana space shattered, a terrifying force was directly instilled into Wang Feng's body.

The originally bleak soul body that seemed about to dissipate was rapidly becoming stronger, and Wang Feng's shattered body was also rapidly reorganizing at this moment.

At the place where Wang Feng disappeared at first, his physical body was appearing little by little. He appeared out of thin air, causing many members of the Red Flame Alliance to stare, like a ghost.

He disappeared without a trace before, why is he here again now?

And the way he appeared is a bit strange, right? First the legs, then the body, and then the head. He is like a created person, illusioned little by little.

"Fuck, why are you still here?"

Seeing Wang Feng's figure illusioned out, Hou Zhentian was anxious not knowing what to do, his eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

It's not that he hadn't seen the place where Wang Feng was just now, but there was no formation or space tunnel in that place. It was normal and it couldn't be normal anymore.

But even under such circumstances, Wang Feng's figure still turned out. For this, Hou Zhentian also felt puzzled.

But it's useless to think so much now, because after Wang Feng came out, a terrifying whirlpool appeared directly above his head, and a dense black cloud was quickly condensing.

In just a few breaths, Jieyun at least covered an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers of the Red Flame Alliance.

"Heavenly Tribulation, this is the real Heavenly Tribulation." A member of the Scarlet Flame Alliance spoke in shock.

I only saw the pill of calamity before, and now there is a real calamity of heaven, this is really a constant calamity.

The power fed back from the Nirvana space is constantly strengthening Wang Feng’s body. His breath is undergoing a huge transformation at this moment. The Nirvana Realm Nine Heavens Wangfeng entered almost instantly, and now he seems to have entered a stranger. In the realm of.

This realm is not Nirvana, nor is it a king. It is just a transitional realm. If Wang Feng succeeds in the past, then he will become the true king next. Once he can’t get through, perhaps his fate is to be forced to disintegrate his body. Incarnate as a monk in the **** city.

It's just that Wang Feng's cultivation talent is devilish against the sky, his chances of becoming a cultivator of God City are really small and small, and basically no one thought that he would not succeed.

First he defeated the Nine Kings, and then he became a Taoist son. There are so many shining places on his body, so how could he fail.

"Is it finally coming?"

Looking at the void, Wang Feng's eyes revealed an incomparably firm color. He knew that when he entered the kingdom of Nirvana, he would experience a slash, and everyone would pass this pass, no exceptions.

Wang Feng didn't know how other people passed this level, but when Wang Feng experienced a test of the God of War of the Huang clan, he knew that he would never be able to cut this way.

Once Dao is cut, then Wang Feng is likely to forget all the people who are important to him in his life. If this is the price of becoming Wang Feng, then Wang Feng will definitely not be able to bear it, so he will never cut Dao.

It is not the first time that Heavenly Tribulation King Peak has crossed, so looking at the thick layer of Tribulation Cloud, Wang Feng's extremely fast instant kill broke out, and he quickly rolled the Tribulation Cloud and left the base of the Red Flame Alliance.

In any case, this Red Flame Alliance was created by him alone. If he had his own Heavenly Tribulation ruined today, how could Wang Feng feel comfortable in his heart, so he quickly transferred the Heavenly Tribulation to him with his own speed. In an uninhabited mountain range.

Behind him, these members of the Red Flame Alliance also quickly followed, because at this important moment, they were naturally the one who wanted to witness Wang Feng becoming king in one fell swoop, breaking through the air.

"Everyone stay away from me." Realizing that someone was following him, Wang Feng directly let out a thunderous sound.

Wang Feng didn't know how powerful his tribulation was, but he didn't want to harm the people under his hands because of his tribulation. They were right to observe, but Wang Feng didn't want to kill them either.

"Everyone stay away." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian also shouted.

The robbery cloud is so thick, Wang Feng's robbery will definitely not be easy.

As if a storm was about to hit, the robbery cloud above Wang Feng's head was originally only about 100 kilometers away, but as time passed, the area covered by the robbery cloud directly became 200 kilometers, 300 kilometers, and 500 kilometers. .

After ten breaths, the area covered by the cloud of robbery above Wang Feng's head reached a terrifying thousand kilometers. Even the moat that Wang Feng had crossed for more than three days at the beginning did not have such a terrifying large area.

"What kind of robbery is this?"

Originally, those people called Heavenly Tribulation were shocked when they saw the scene above the sky. They hadn't seen Heavenly Tribulation before, but how could Heavenly Tribulation be so terrifying?

The shrouded area is so wide, is this to wipe out the robbers?

No one can hear their Because the area covered by the cloud of thousands of miles has not stopped, it is still expanding, even though these people of the Red Flame Alliance retreat and retreat, but that A crisis from the depths of the soul still makes each of them difficult to breathe.

This is the real Tian Might, but it is not comparable to that of Dan Tribulation.

At this moment, the entire cultivator of Tianguan was awakened, because they all felt the panic of heavenly might, and even when they looked up, they could see Wang Feng's robbery cloud over a thousand kilometers.

At this moment, the robbery cloud manifested on any level of the sky pass regardless of the area, and almost all the monks who saw the robbery cloud were a little stunned. This may be the most terrifying heavenly robbery they have seen in their entire lives.

"How is this going?"

All the Tianguan monks saw Wang Feng’s tribulation, and those celestial giants living above the nine heavens also paid attention to it. Seeing Wang Feng’s terrifying tribulation, they all felt very surprised, because it was not at all. What might happen.


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