The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1708: Halfway interception

"Find a place to treat younger siblings first." Wang Feng said after walking out of Jiugong Cliff.

"Yeah." Qi Tian nodded, and then he followed Wang Feng and left the land with his child in one hand and his wife in the other.

With Wang Feng's treatment, Xiao Ai's condition is improving quickly, but after so long torment, her spirit has become a little trance.

This is like a prisoner who has been detained in a dungeon for a long time. The torture day and night will make people go crazy. She is in a good situation.

Wang Feng can treat both trauma and internal injuries, but this heartache cannot be treated, so if this little love is to recover, he can only look at Qi Tian's ability.

There is only so much he can help Qi Tian, ​​and the rest he can do nothing.

"Accompany her well." Pat Qitian on the shoulder, and then Wang Feng walked towards the lake not far away.

At the moment they are on the lake where the master stayed last time. At that time, Wang Feng was busy avenging Qi Tian, ​​so he did not stay here to observe carefully. Now Qi Tian is avenged, Wang Feng naturally chooses to avenge him. Check it out here.

Regardless of whether he can comprehend anything, he will come back to see it.

That phrase is still echoing in my ears by the power of heaven and earth. It’s not uncommon for Wang Feng to use the power of heaven and earth to fight. He used to use the power of the rules of the middle three heavens to kill the enemy at the time. But a lot of high-level demons have been pitted, and now this old man has said this again, can he also use the power of three days to confront the enemy?

When he came for three days, Wang Feng used Hunyuan Divine Art to forcibly merge his soul with the power of the rules of the last three days, but if he wants to use the power of rules to deal with the enemy, then he absolutely can’t do it. So, the only thing he can do now is to use the power of the rules to accelerate his movement and reach the point of teleportation. Apart from this, he can do nothing.

When he arrived over the lake where the old man was, Wang Feng also sat down in the void following the other side's appearance, but Wang Feng didn't get any reward after sitting in a row for several hours.

The spiritual energy here is very thin, and it is not suitable for people of Wang Feng's realm to practice. Therefore, after opening his eyes, Wang Feng first looked around, and then he exuded his own spiritual consciousness.

Under the cover of divine consciousness, Wang Feng began to practice again, but after a few more hours, Wang Feng still had no gain.

"What do you mean?"

At that time, the old man left here after leaving a sentence, so now Wang Feng can't even find someone to inquire, he can only sit here in a daze.

"Brother, I want to live here for a while, not going back, okay?"

At this moment, Qi Tian spoke and explained the next move to Wang Feng.

"It's your freedom not to go back. I won't restrict you in the slightest. Since you want to stay here, stay here. I don't have any opinion." Wang Feng said, without interfering.

Now Xiao Ai's mood is very unstable, Qi Tian should stay with her well, after all, it is his wife, and Wang Feng will not bear the heart to separate them.

"Thank you." Qi Tian said with a fist to Wang Feng: "As long as Xiao Ai recovers, I will return to Tianguan immediately."

"That's not necessary." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "Now the Red Flame Alliance is firmly rooted in the Nirvana Realm. You don't have to worry too much. You should take care of your wife first. She is the focus."


"But if you really want to treat her, you'd better take her back to your residence in Central City, where you have a lot of good memories. I think it will be better for her to recover, and Central City is still not Do it, this is relatively safer."

"Then all listen to Big Brother's instructions." Qi Tian said, and did not refuse Wang Feng's kindness.

As Wang Feng said, the central city is a place where the two of them spend a good time together. If you want to restore Xiao Ai, their home in the central city is indeed the best place to choose.

There was no benefit here, so after learning what Qi Tian meant, Wang Feng was no longer in the mood to practice. Because he had no clue, how could he cultivate carefully?

This is like letting an ordinary person go for a long-distance race, without telling you where the end point is, who can hold on?

So after walking around here for a day or two, Wang Feng took the Qitian couple directly and left here. After they left, the void trembled, and the expert Wang Feng had seen before emerged.

There was a look of regret on his face, and he shook his head slightly: "What a pity, what a pity."

In fact, before he left, he had left traces of the Great Avenue here, but it was a pity that Wang Feng didn’t have the patience to wait, and he didn’t discover that trace, so Wang Feng could only pass by. .

There will be many chances in a person's life, and at the same time, some chances will be lost. After all, no one is perfect. Wang Feng didn't expect that there would be something left behind by the other party. However, if this chance is missed, it is missed. Who to blame.

Anyway, he doesn't know that there is a chance to stay here, so he doesn't have any feelings of regret.

With the Qitian couple, Wang Feng quickly returned to a mountain range not far from the central city.

However, this has not yet reached the central city, and suddenly a great life and death crisis rippled in Wang Feng's heart. There was hardly any hesitation, Wang Feng raised his hand and blasted out.

Ten percent of his body's strength exploded at this moment, and the void made Wang Feng punch a big hole.

The power of Wang Feng's punch, even the king, could be threatened.

It’s just that Wang Feng looked down on the person who intercepted him here, and with a punch, Wang Feng not only failed to hurt the opponent at all, but even under the terrifying force swept by the opponent, Wang Feng was blown out. His right arm shattered directly from the shoulder joint, and he could not stop the opponent, the opponent's strength was too strong for him.

The whole person was rolled out like a kite with a broken line. Wang Feng suffered severe trauma at this moment. He did not expect that someone would ambush him halfway through, which made him unprepared.

"Wang Feng, our old hatred is settled today."

A crazy voice sounded, the person who shot was not someone else, it was the Nine Kings who had defeated Wang Feng twice and was taken away from the Daozi sequence.

He also just got the news that Wang Feng had left the central city quietly, because he didn't know where Wang Feng would eventually go, so he chose to ambush not far from the central city.

The central city is the largest city in the entire southern region, and flying is prohibited inside, so even if the average monk is flying, he will choose to land when he is some distance away from the central city.

He had already made plans to stay here for a long time, and Wang Feng had harmed him too badly. Even if he was ambushing here for a year, he would not hesitate.

For him, killing Wang Feng now is even more important than his own cultivation. Wang Feng is his biggest enemy in his life, and it is also his nightmare.

If Wang Feng didn't die, then he would probably get into trouble even if he was practicing, so after learning about Wang Feng's departure, he chose to ambush in this place.

He thought he would have to wait a long time, but what he didn't expect was that the time he waited here was so short that he even felt a little weird when Wang Feng appeared.

But since Wang Feng has already appeared, the rest of the matter is very easy to handle. He will use his full strength to directly kill Wang Feng.

When in the Tianguan, he was restricted by the rules of the Tianguan and couldn't do anything to Wang Feng, but when he was outside the Tianguan and the central city, he could use his ultimate strength to kill Wang Feng.

If this were not the case, Wang Feng would not have abolished his right hand just now.

"Nine Kings!"

Seeing this person who appeared, Wang Feng's heart was also greatly shaken. He appeared so careful when he left. He didn't expect that a Nine Kings came out halfway through. How did he know the news of his leaving Central City?

It's just that now Wang Feng obviously doesn't have the time to think so much, because the nine kings have already been killed.

"Chaos Slash!"

One shot is the strongest trick. These nine kings never wanted to give Wang Feng the slightest chance to resist. He knew that this place was very close to the central city, so in order to avoid any accidents, he wanted to destroy Wang Feng in an instant. kill.


Seeing this scene, Wang Feng cursed directly. These nine kings are too cruel, and they are decisive battles when they come up. This is because they didn't want him to survive.

Turning his hand to take out his war sword, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all. He swung down at the Nine Kings is a sword, no matter how the war sword absorbs Wang Feng's blood at this moment, he did not hesitate at all.

Because Wang Feng knew that once he hesitated, he might die here today.

The Nine Kings are the masters of the Nine Heavens of Kings. His decisive battle Wang Feng has seen before, and it is absolutely terrifying.

If it is said that it is in the Nirvana Realm at this moment, then Wang Feng would not be so afraid, because the rules of the Nirvana Realm would greatly restrict the actions of the Nine Kings.

But now is different, here is the vast southern region, where the Nine Kings can explode his ultimate power at will.

Therefore, in front of the current Nine Kings, Wang Feng had actually fallen into a complete disadvantage before fighting. The difference between his realm and the Nine Kings was too great.

Even with the use of the war sword, Wang Feng did not have the slightest confidence to beat the nine kings. The power he now only rests on the war sword was once again unexpected. If even the war sword could not help the nine kings, then Wang Feng might be dangerous today.

Under a a terrifying cold light blasted out of the war sword, and all that wave-like power swept towards the nine kings.

The sky made a huge roar at this moment, and the ground was drawn by the sword of the war sword into a long ravine, which was not bottomed.

At the same time, when Wang Feng and the Nine Kings were fighting, someone in the central city not far away noticed the battle here.

Divine consciousness swept across quickly, and all the masters who saw the sights here were shocked, because they never dreamed that the people fighting here would be the Nine Kings and Wang Feng.

Although the Jiuwang Daozi sequence position has been deprived, it is undeniable that he was able to sit in the Jiu Daozi position in the past, he has his ability.

On the other side, the protagonist turned out to be Wang Feng who had just risen, the one who took the position of the Nine Kings Daozi.

No one thought that such a fierce battle would happen outside the city, even if some people wanted to come out to stop it, that time was far from enough.


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