The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1495: Destroy the Medicine Garden

"What's the situation?" Outside the castle, Hou Zhentian asked Liu Yidao and Huang Dazhuang in surprise.

"I do not know."

Huang Dazhuang said bitterly.

On the side, although Liu Yidao knew the real situation, he would never show Wang Feng's bottom, so he also shook his head and said: "He has just opened his eyes, and I don't know what's going on. "

"Damn, I have worked so hard to cultivate ornamental flowers for decades."

Seeing that the flowers and plants near the castle were rapidly withering, Hou Zhentian yelled in pain.

Although he hasn't taken care of these flowers since they were planted, he is still screaming in pain at this moment. This is his long-term residence. Now let Wang Feng do this, this place is simply not what it is.

"No, I have to ask him to make compensation when this kid comes out." At this time, Hou Zhentian said viciously.

"Do you think he can pay you?" Liu Yidao thought a little funny when he heard the sloppy old man's words.

Based on Wang Feng's character, it is strange that he can compensate.

With the help of the traces of the avenue on this side of the monument, Wang Feng has obtained a huge benefit, and the direct manifestation of the benefit is that Wang Feng's current realm has improved.

That kind of feeling is like someone has built a bridge on a cliff, Wang Feng just needs to walk over.

Crazy auras are constantly surging into Wang Feng’s body. To this day, Wang Feng can’t count how many of his cells are activated. In short, as long as his realm improves, his cells will be activated accordingly. Part.

Perhaps at the end of the cultivation, Wang Feng's whole body's cells could be activated.

At that time, what Wang Feng can become stronger, even Wang Feng is not clear now.

With the help of his own cell power, Wang Feng can easily complete the leapfrog challenge, but once his realm has reached its peak, then who else will be his opponent in this world

Originally, Wang Feng’s realm was the Heavenly Immortal Triple Heaven, but with the help of this monument, Wang Feng’s realm first jumped to the Heavenly Immortal Quadruple Heaven, but this is not the end. dingdiǎn novel, 23os; <>Five Heavens.

It is precisely because of the continuous jump of the two realms that the aura that Wang Feng needs now is very majestic.

"Nima, my medicine garden." Seeing the withered flowers and plants spread faster and faster, this Hou Zhentian suddenly screamed, and then his figure flashed to the place where his medicine garden was.

The homes of ordinary strong people will have medicine gardens, because they need to plant some things they usually need, and even some high-grade medicinal materials are transplanted from other places.

Compared with those flowers and plants, the spiritual energy contained in these elixir is definitely more majestic. He can't watch Wang Feng do harm to this place too. If all the elixir here also wither, then Hou Zhentian will suffer a heavy loss.

After setting up numerous formations outside the drug garden, Hou Zhentian breathed a sigh of relief. With these formations, I believe Wang Feng can't harm this place.

It's just that he obviously thinks too much. Aura is not a tangible thing. Wang Feng wants to absorb aura. There is actually no difference between setting and not setting this formation.

In just a few breaths, Hou Zhentian was heartbroken to find that the elixir in his medicine garden was rapidly withering.

Seeing that, it is estimated that his medicine garden will be in ruins in a short time.

"Hurry to stop, hurry to stop." Hou Zhentian couldn't help seeing this scene, he immediately roared loudly.

It's just that his words are almost the same for Wang Feng as if he didn't say it, because now it is Wang Feng's cells that absorb external forces, and these cells will not be under Wang Feng's control.

These cells will only be used by Wang Feng when Wang Feng wants to use their power. Now they are replenishing power by themselves, so this is not what Wang Feng wants to stop it.

"Sister Ni, stop it quickly for Lao Tzu. If my medicine garden is harmed, I must kill you today to vent your hatred." Hou Zhentian saw that Wang Feng hadn't stopped yet and couldn't help but threaten.

It's just that no matter how threatened he was, it would be useless for Wang Feng, because Wang Feng really couldn't stop.

"Hurry and stop." A loud roar came from Hou Zhentian's mouth. Under this huge roar, the void was trembling slightly. Huang Dazhuang and Liu Yidao couldn't help groaning, it was obvious that they were at this moment. All suffered some trauma.

"It seems that if you don't give you a lesson, you won't stop." His face was extremely gloomy, and Hou Zhentian strode directly into the castle where Wang Feng was.

It's just that he didn't get close, he felt that the power in his body was really fading away. At this speed, I'm afraid his realm would plummet because of the large amount of power lapsed before ten breaths.


With a big curse in his mouth, Hou Zhentian didn't dare to push into it hard, because he didn't want to plunge his realm into a sharp fall because of his anger.

No matter how angry he was in his heart, he couldn't do anything to Wang Feng now, he could only watch the precious elixir in his medicine garden quickly wither.

"My lifelong collection."

Looking at the nearly all withered medicine garden, Hou Zhentian almost fell to the ground.

The speed of absorbing spiritual energy has already begun to slow down. After absorbing a wave of power like this crazy, Wang Feng's cell power has become saturated.

It's just that Wang Feng heard the movement that happened just now, and now he is really a little scared to go out.

It's a weird thing to let others go to a pharmacy.

But having said that, Wang Feng can’t be blamed at all. If it weren’t for this old guy who wanted them to understand the monument, how could Wang Feng have harmed his medicine garden, so they would have to bear half of the responsibility. Yes, that’s right. such.


With a loud noise, the gate of the castle where Wang Feng was located was kicked open by Hou Zhentian, and he arrived in front of Wang Feng with a stride.

Seeing this aura far stronger than Wang Feng, who just came here, this Hou Zhentian was really out of breath, and a good medicine garden was destroyed like this. That was his painstaking effort for many years.

You must know that the elixir he robbed from many places over the years was transplanted into it, and some good things were not even picked by him.

It's not bad now, all these good things have withered, and nothing remains.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, this Wang Feng will also be the emperor of the Sea Clan from now on anyway, if he kills him, it would be a big rebellion.

So after sorting out his own thoughts, Hou Zhentian said: "I don't want to say anything extra. It ruined my pharmacy. How can you compensate for this?"

"I don't know how seniors want me to compensate." Upon hearing the other party's words, Wang Feng knew that he was at a loss, so he could only follow the other party.

Others are in Nirvana, and although I have been promoted, the gap between myself and the other party can still be described as a gap. It is true that the drug garden cannot be destroyed by himself, and Wang Feng has not thought that he can escape responsibility.

"It's very simple. Pay me for a medicine garden that is exactly the same." Hou Zhentian said with a cold face.

"But do you think this is possible?" Wang Feng asked with a wry smile.

"Then I don't care, it is impossible for you to become possible, otherwise I will definitely not let you leave here."

"Then I'll stay here for a long time." He would absolutely not be able to make Wang Feng pay for the drug garden, and even if Wang Feng could afford it, he would not take it out.

Such a big pharmacy really has to be compensated, and Wang Feng is afraid that he will be compensated as a pauper.

"You." Hearing Wang Feng's almost rascal words, Hou Zhentian was also a little speechless for a while. Others can't make it out. He can't kill Wang Feng, right?

Moreover, at the level of Wang Feng, he also expected that the other party would not be able to compensate, so Hou Zhentian would have lost a lot this time.

It's just that he might have made a mistake. When he was in the Demon Valley, Wang Feng happened to find a medicine garden. If he really wanted Wang Feng to pay, Wang Feng should still be able to afford it.

But the key to this problem is that Wang Feng doesn’t want to pay at all. If this is paid to this sloppy old man, what will happen to his later practice?

So Wang Feng is now completely a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Whatever you like, it has nothing to do with me.

"Moreover, it was Senior's own idea to come here. I didn't force you. This is really to say, Senior himself has to bear a considerable part of the responsibility." Wang Feng said vowedly.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian wondered whether his ears had a problem, whether this kid had a problem with his head through cultivation, and he could still rely on his own head.

This is something you can't fight with yourself.

I've seen something that can be black, I've never seen something that can be black like this, it's just out of thin air.

"I think you don't want to pay at all, right" Hou Zhentian sneered looking at Wang Feng.

"It's not that I don't want to pay, it's that the juniors can't afford to pay at all." Wang Feng smiled bitterly, and then said: "Anyway, I'm going to die now. Just what the seniors want."

"You are a rascal." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhen's weather was thunderous.

"Yes, it's a rogue. I can't afford it anyway. Senior, if you think I ruined your medicine garden, then kill me. In this way, your anger can naturally be calmed down." Wang Feng actively suggested.

The reason why Wang Summit said this was because he expected that the other party would not kill himself, because if he wanted to kill, I was afraid that Wang Feng would have no chance to survive the moment he rushed out.

No matter what reason the other party is not to kill himself, at least Wang Feng can firmly grasp this diǎn, because this is the key to Wang Feng's life saving but no compensation.

"Do you really want to die?" After hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian's face became cold and he whispered.

"Of course I don't want to but I can't afford to pay for the predecessor's pharmacy, and now the best method can only be so.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you." While speaking, Hou Zhentian raised his palm directly, shocking Wang Feng.

There is no doubt that Wang Feng now feels like walking a tightrope on a cliff, and he may be killed by the angry Hou Zhentian at any time.

The heart shook violently at this moment. As long as Hou Zhentian really wanted to kill himself, Wang Feng would never survive.

But the final situation was fine. When Hou Zhentian's palm fell on Wang Feng's head, he stopped at a distance of about three inches. ,

Looking at Wang Feng, he was really angry, but the other party couldn’t afford it, so what could he do?

"Okay, you go, I don't want to see you anymore." Hou Zhentian retracted his palm and said angrily.

A good medicine garden just disappeared, he really wanted to cry without tears.


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