The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1480: blood bath

"I want to do what I want to do. I want to ask you what you want to do." Hearing the other party's words, Bei Gongjun's murderous intent became more and more intense. He thought of the expression of disdain when these people killed his own people before.

Since they dare to do the first year of junior high school, then Bei Gongrun dare to do the fifteenth. Today, none of them want to live.

"What the **** did we do?" Hearing Bei Gong Run's words, these young geniuses of the Tianshan Sect were all suspicious, because they didn't understand what Bei Gong Run meant.

"Killing our Longquan College people in front of me, do you really think that Bei Gong Run is just a decoration?" Bei Gong Run shouted loudly when he heard that the other party did not want to admit what they did.


Hearing Bei Gong Run's words, these young people of Tianshan Sect were shocked, because they had never killed anyone from Longquan College in front of Bei Gong Run.

And they didn't have the guts to move people from Longquan College.

Where Longquan Academy is, if you provoke them, it is no different from stabbing a hornet's nest. Once they retaliate, it is estimated that even forces like the Hua family will be choking.

At this moment, these people of Tianshan Sect felt that a huge conspiracy was unfolding around them, and this conspiracy might have swept all their schools.

"Beigong Run, you are sober, we may all be used by people." A young Tianxian from the Tianshan Sect shouted loudly.

It's just that Beigong Run has already been murderous in his heart for a long time, how could he listen to the other party's talk, in his view, the other party is escaping responsibility no matter what he says.

Because the Tianshan Sect Celestial Immortal who just killed his own person in front of him was among them, he would never mistake it.

"Stop talking nonsense, today either you die or we die. If we don't want our Longquan Academy to live well, then everyone should not think about it." Bei Gong Run shouted, and then he shot more and more fiercely.

It has to be said that Bei Gong Run still has two brushes. Under the realm of his four heavenly immortals, the young people of Tianshan Sect did not resist for long before they retreated.

Except for the two celestial beings who had escaped, the rest of the people were here. They were killed by these people from Longquan College.

"Find those two people and destroy them together." Looking at the direction where the other two gods were fleeing, Bei Gong Run said with a cold expression.

Although they killed these people from the Tianshan Sect, the **** who killed their Longquan College students before escaped. After all, this hatred has not been completely repaid.

It's just that Bei Gong Run and the others have not waited for them to find those two people, their team has been attacked by another force.

Just like the situation last time, the realm of the incoming person is really strong and terrifying, almost in front of Beigongrun, and several Longquan College people were damaged.


Seeing that the other party succeeded, he fled. Bei Gong Run was so angry that his hair was almost toppled. At this moment, he was almost crazy.

He swears that he has never been succumbed like he is today, and the murderous intent is almost endless in his heart, and he starts to run away.

A Longquan Academy is just the first microcosm in this Demon Valley, just like Longquan Academy, the rest of the forces explained that they encountered the same situation.

Being dealt with by others, and then the other party ran away, in this way, the entire Demon Valley has been messed up.

"There are more and more corpses. I don't think we can keep going like this." Seeing a large number of corpses appeared in front of them, Wang Feng and their complexions became more and more serious.

They are not stupid, at this moment they have already seen that there must be a big shock in this Demon Valley.

"The people from Longquan College, it's them, kill them."

When they were checking the situation of these corpses, suddenly there was a sound of screaming and killing not far away, and a group of people attacked them.

These people wear the same kind of clothing, and I think they should come from the same force.

It’s just that Wang Feng and the others have never seen them before, so why don’t they shout and scream when they meet?

Exuding his own celestial aura, Wang Feng asked: "Several people, I don't know what happened."

"kill him."

Originally, Wang Feng wanted to suppress the other party with his own celestial aura, and then he could ask what he wanted to know, but when his aura exuded, he found that the other party seemed to be getting more and more crazy. It seemed Wang Feng Just like they have a great deep hatred.

"Grass mud horse, it's really difficult to be your father"

Seeing these people attacking violently, Wang Feng's face also flashed with murderous intent.

He is not a person who is willing to cause trouble, but now everyone else has killed him. If Wang Feng doesn't know how to resist, then he may not be Wang Feng.

With a palm down, the void suddenly trembled, and at least four of the oncoming people were blown up by Wang Feng.

The few who died were all true immortals, and although the only two heavenly immortals among them were still alive, they had already suffered heavy losses at this moment, and the strength of their second heavenly immortals that day was simply not enough in front of Wang Feng.

"Take care to tell you not to listen, if you have to come up to make trouble, do you really think that I am in the mud?" Seeing the two gods, Wang Feng said indifferently.

"You wait, our teacher will definitely not let you go to Longquan Academy after you go out." One of the gods said viciously.

"In that case, don't blame me for being cruel." Wang Feng's palm fell directly on the head of one of the gods as he spoke.

The soul search technique started, and Wang Feng soon discovered the clues that shocked him.

Because in this person's memory, he actually saw that he had killed their people and then fled.

You know, Wang Feng has always stayed with Liu Yidao and the others and never walked around. He must have been changed by someone else.

When he thought of this, Wang Feng's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, he could feel that there was a pair of big hands slowly pushing forward behind this incident. This was a huge conspiracy.

Everyone was pitted by this pair of big hands.


Letting go of this person's head, Wang Feng's complexion is very ugly.

"What happened?" Seeing Wang Feng's ugly expression, Liu Yidao and they all came forward to ask.

"Someone changed my appearance and killed them." Wang Feng said, making Liu Yidao and their faces changed.

Obviously, the person Wang Feng was talking about was definitely not Wang Feng himself, because they could be sure that Wang Feng had always stayed with them and never moved.

Moreover, Wang Feng and these people have never known each other, saying that it is absolutely impossible to deal with them, so this incident must have represented a huge conspiracy.

"It's over, all of us have been calculated." Liu said with a knife, looking ugly.

"I believe we will meet that group of people soon." Wang Feng said, and then he turned around to take the celestial being who was still alive.

Only when he turned around, he found that the **** had lost his breath, his meridians had been broken, and his soul had died.

Perhaps he saw the tragic ending of his companion, so he chose to commit suicide.

He didn't want to be soul searched, because things like that were more uncomfortable for him than killing him, he would rather die by himself.

"This Nima." Seeing this scene, Wang Feng felt so depressed in his heart.

He didn't think about killing this god, because he hated them so much, but since he chose to commit suicide, let him die.

Because the death of someone else is nothing to Wang Feng, he never cared about it.

Under Wang Feng's sign, both Yao Xian and Huang Dazhuang used the art of stealing the sky to suppress their realm at the real immortal level.

They even turned their service into the uniform costume of Longquan Academy, even Liu Yidao is no exception.

And Wang Feng also instantly changed his realm from the three heavenly heavens to the one heavenly heaven, so that they might also be attacked by unknown persons.

Who is behind this incident is currently unknown to Wang Feng, but as long as he catches one of them, then he may know the whole truth behind this incident.

Being involved in a conspiracy for no reason, Wang Feng was not in a good mood, but they had to keep going if they wanted to catch the murderer.

After walking forward for about half an hour, Wang Feng and the others saw a lot of corpses, and the more people seemed to die as they went back.

Even in some places, they even saw that many forces were still killing each other. Everyone had red eyes and imagined the other party as their greatest enemy in this life.

Seeing such a scene, they didn't intervene, because the situation here was messy enough, and they didn't want to continue to get involved.

It's just that they don't want to get involved, but it doesn't mean that others won't come to them.

Since some people deliberately want to provoke mutual killing among the major forces, then Wang Feng and the students of Longquan College will naturally become the target of attacks by those who are interested.


Seeing a few rays of light in the distance, Wang Feng and the others are ready to fight at any time.


The incoming population only uttered a single word, and then they directly killed them, and they didn't even give Wang Feng a chance to speak.

But this will not affect anything, because through his own induction, Wang Feng has already sensed the true state of these people.

All of them are the five heavens of heavenly immortals, although they hide their aura, but the thing of combat power cannot be faked.

Without any hesitation, with the exception of Yao Xian, like Liu Yidao, Huang Dazhuang and Meng Missing were all included in his Dantian by Wang Feng.

Relying on their realm, they had no other effect in the battle at this moment except for dragging their feet. Those who wanted to catch the opponent could only be able to do it with Wang Feng and Yao Xian.


Feel the power of Wang Feng and Yao Xian bursting out in an These people know that they have encountered hard stubble.

Their purpose is to provoke the killing of each other among the major forces. Since Wang Feng and Yao Xian are not easy to provoke, they will naturally choose to retreat.

It’s just that they want to go, but will Wang Feng and Yao Xian let them go?

There are a total of four people here, all of which are the fifth heaven of the heavenly immortals. They don't know how they got in, and the combat power they broke out is indeed amazing.

It's just that they have the thought of retreating now, and they don't want to fight Wang Feng and Yao Xian in blood.

"Keep one of them, don't worry about the other." Wang Feng said, already making a decision in his own heart.

It is impossible to keep all the four heavenly immortals and five-fold heavenly peaks, but as long as one of them is retained, then Wang Feng's goal will be achieved.

"Okay." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Yao Xian immediately agreed, which is what he meant.


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