The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1478: 5 color flowers

Even the prototype of the Shaking Ring that Liu Xian put up for auction was lost in this place. The former Demon Sect was very prosperous, but the powerful force has now become the cloud and smoke of the past. Now the Donghua Empire is in charge, and here Has completely become history.

"I'm just waiting for you." Without flying far, the wooden boat stopped completely in the void. From here, Wang Feng and the others were surrounded by many flying magic weapons, and most of these flying magic weapons stood young. People, they are the same as Wang Feng and others, preparing to enter the Demon Valley.

If you want to enter the Demon Valley, many forces have already reached a certain consensus, to open the Demon Valley within this fixed period of time every year. As for normal times, no one can enter this Demon Valley.

Because there are formations set up by various powerful forces in this Taniguchi, this formation is as strong as the first in the East China Empire. To open this formation, multiple forces have to join forces, because this is a terrible mixture. Formation.

Even if Wang Feng could solve this kind of formation, there would be no way, because his level was not enough to break this kind of formation.

"How do you feel that the number of people in your Longquan Academy has increased again this year?" An old man said with a frown when he glanced at the wooden boat in Longquan Academy.

"Just one or two more, don't you have to delve into it?" Hearing the other's words, the old man on the wooden boat responded coldly.

"Forget it, anyway, the Demon Valley is so big, it's not too short of this person." At this time, someone said impatiently.

Originally this time the imperial royal family should also send people here, but they are now at war with the Hua family, so they didn't send anyone.

One less royal family and one or two more people in Longquan Academy is nothing at all.

"It's fine."

Hearing such words, Meng Wuyuan next to Wang Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Wang Summit would be kicked out at this time. Now it seems that something like that shouldn't happen.

The formation is very tyrannical, but with the joint hands of many masters, this formation was activated in less than ten breaths.

Without the cover of the formation, this Demon Valley revealed its original face, saying that it was a valley, but in front of everyone it was just a vortex that shone with light.

Behind the whirlpool is the Demon Valley, and Wang Feng and the others will now enter the Demon Valley through this whirlpool.

"Remind you, the opening hours of the Demon Valley is three days in total. If you don't come out for three days, then you may die inside." At this time, an old man reminded.

"Could it be that there is any danger in this?" someone asked at this time.

"Now that the Demon Valley is in the opening time, there is naturally not much danger, but once the Demon Valley is closed, the creatures inside will wake up, and then it will turn into a piece of magic soil. Those who stayed in the Demon Valley before Almost none survived."

The old man’s words are not alarmist, because the Demon Valley is indeed so dangerous. Since it is the Demon Valley, there will naturally be monsters in it, but as the Demon Valley opens, those things will temporarily fall into a deep sleep, obviously this monster There is a force in the valley that can affect them.

If this is not the case, it would be no different from seeking death if the average person enters.

"Time is running out, you can go in." The old man from Longquan College said.

"Bei Gong Run, although I don't want you to provoke too much, but you ask you to bring everyone back." At this time the old man said to Bei Gong Run.

Hearing this, Bei Gong Run was slightly taken aback, but soon he laughed and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely bring people back safely."

While speaking, Bei Gong Run was the first to rush into the whirlpool.

Behind him, Wang Feng and the others rushed in quickly.

"Last time there was a treasure in the Demon Valley.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I don't know what will appear in this time. "An old man said, looking at the whirlpool with some fiery eyes.

It's not that this whirlpool has restrictions on entry, they all want to rush in.

"Just walk with me if you are afraid, and those who are willing to go alone gather here in the evening of the third day, is that okay?" Bei Gongjun said at this time.

"it is good."

After hearing this, everyone felt that there was no disagreement, because Bei Gongjun was taking good care of everyone.

Although Bei Gong Run had the realm of the four heavens, Wang Feng would never be with him, because Wang Feng didn't need him to protect him.

By Wang Feng's side, Meng missed the opportunity and never left, because he knew that Wang Feng's true combat power was definitely stronger than Beigong Rundu. Instead of following Beigong Run to get angry, he was more willing to follow Wang Feng.

Of course, where there was no one, Wang Feng released Liu Yidao and them all.

Seeing that there were three more people around him all of a sudden, this dream of missing destiny also revealed a look of surprise, because he didn't even notice where these three people came from.

"I have introduced you to me. You must have known the person next to me. His name is Liu Yidao." Wang Feng pointed to Liu Yidao and said.

When Liu Yidao was in the Sea of ​​Taboo, he followed him all the time, so Zi'an had met him in this dream.

"This is Yao Xian, Brother Yao." At this time, Yao Xian and Huang Dazhuang were introduced one after another.

Except for a Liu Yidao, Meng missed the discovery that the auras of several other people were above him, and he knew that they might all be of the Celestial level.

Originally, he thought that the power of the Seventh Heaven is not weak, but now it seems that he is still not enough.

"How much do you know about this place?"

At this time, Wang Feng asked Meng's miss.

"This is my first time here. I actually don't know anything." Meng Wuyuan shook his head, and then said: "But my master reminded me that the more you get here, the better you get the most."

"In that case, let's go." The periphery of the Demon Valley must have been searched for many times inside and out, so basically there is no good thing outside.

So to get real good things, they have to go to places where few people visit.

"What kind of monster is that?"

It didn't go far, but suddenly Wang Feng and the others slowed down because there was a monster like a hill crawling not far away.

This monster has a metal-like shell all over it, although it has fallen asleep now, but its majestic aura is still crushed by the crushing Wang Feng and the hearts of the people, and the snoring sound is like thunder, making the void tremble.

This is a monster with a very high realm. Wang Feng's several lives are afraid of awakening this monster, so they can only slow down their speed and pass slowly.

"There are too many things in the world that we don't know, don't worry about them."

This time, Wang Feng and the others came in for the purpose of looking for opportunities. If they linger here, I am afraid that all the good things will be in other people's pockets.

"Damn, this is a paradise for monsters."

Along the way, Wang Feng and the others saw too many monsters, and these monsters have a common characteristic, that is, they are very tyrannical, they have almost no natural enemies to survive here, so their realm can always be improved.

If this monster valley is opened one day, these monsters may cause a **** storm when they go out.

At first, Wang Feng and the others were still worried that they might wake up these monsters, but the more they got behind, the less they didn’t put these monsters in their eyes, because they slept so hard that it would be difficult for them to be stunned by thunder.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) to wake up.

It can be seen that many forces should be relieved of these monsters, otherwise they would not dare to send the geniuses of their own school here.


The roar came from the front, and through his own heavenly eyes, Wang Feng could see that a group of monks were fighting fiercely not far from them. There were celestial beings and true celestial beings, and the battle was fierce.

And not far from them, a blooming flower exuded a strange fragrance, and what they were fighting for was this thing.

"This seems to be a five-color flower in the legend." Yao Xian said at this time, seeming to recognize the flower.

There are countless rare treasures in the world, and it is not surprising to find one here.

It's just that this five-color flower obviously hasn't grown into an organ yet, it's just a seedling at best, but even a seedling is enough to trigger a fight among them.

Because it is a treasure, who doesn't want to put it in his own pocket?

What they don't accept is some people, because this time there are more people than them.

"Although it is a seedling, but since we have seen it, we can't make others cheaper." Seeing this five-colored flower, Wang Feng's figure flashed, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived at that one. Next to the five-color flower.

Mature five-color flowers can be used to refine thirteen-grade high-level pill. Although this five-color flower is not yet mature, Wang Feng can't watch it fall into other people's pockets.


Seeing an unfamiliar hand stretched out to the five-color flower, the young people who were still in the fight almost turned their eyes to Wang Feng.

It's just that their loud shouts mean nothing to Wang Feng. If Wang Feng wants to take the five-color flower, he will still take it.

In front of all of them, Wang Feng picked this immature five-color flower off.

Although he picked the flowers, he didn't move the roots because he didn't know how many years later a brand new five-color flower might grow here.

"Leave a five-color flower."

Seeing the five-colored flowers in Wang Feng's hands, these people almost burst out of murderous intent.

Feeling the majestic murderous intent passed from them, Wang Feng's complexion gradually became cold, because he was not an easy character.

"Good things live there. If you don't want to die, get out of me."

"Let's go together." Hearing Wang Feng's words, who can stand these arrogant young people?

In their view, everyone is the same genius, and they are weaker than this Longquan Academy.

Moreover, they are now a group of people, not one. If their group of people can't handle even a single Wang Feng, then it will make people laugh out loud.

In fact, they really can't deal with Wang Feng, although all of them are now temporarily united for this five-color flower.

It was just under Wang Feng's punch that these people all flew upside down, if it weren't for Wang Feng's strength, maybe some of them would fall directly.

"How could it be so strong." Feeling the pain coming from the body, the faces of these people showed incredible expressions.

Especially those two people, Tianxian, were truly surprised, because the realm shown by Wang Feng just now was the Sixth Heaven of True Immortal. From their point of view, such a character could stab each other to death with just one finger.

It's just that the final result was beyond their expectations. None of them joined forces as Wang Feng's opponent. This shows that the gap between them and Wang Feng is really too big.

When did such a man pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger appear in Longquan College?

Congratulations to mnu8 for becoming the second leader of this book, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)



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