The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1466: Donghuang

"I am a person with limited patience. I will give you ten breaths of time to come up with the amount of the pill that I want. If you can't get it out, then I'm sorry, you have only one death."

Wang Feng spoke, causing a lot of cold sweat on the back of the old man. He didn't doubt the authenticity of what Wang Feng said, because Wang Feng did have the ability to kill him now.

The Spear of Destroying God is right in front of him, as long as he sends a little forward, then he will definitely die.

If he died, everything that belonged to him would become the cloud of the past, so he didn't want to hand over the pill now, no matter if there were 100,000 people, his reason was telling him that he had to do that.

Because he was disobedient, what he paid might be his own fresh life.

He has a lot of pills in his hand, but one hundred thirteen-level pill is not something ordinary people can take out. Although he has collected some high-level pill in these years, the total of the thirteen-level pill in his body is not enough. Wang Feng That number said.

His time is only ten breaths, so he can't take care of that much now. It is important to save his life first.

"If anyone can lend me ten thirteen-grade pill, the old man will thank you very much." Looking at the hundreds of thousands of monks below, the old man quickly asked.

It's just that after the two breaths of his words, hundreds of thousands of people still didn't talk to anyone, because ten thirteen-grade pill is not a small number, and most people really can't get it out.

Seeing that his time is dwindling, this person is also a little anxious. If he can't satisfy Wang Feng today, then he is done.

So he can't take care of that much in a hurry.

"As long as anyone can lend the old man ten thirteen pills, no matter what kind of request you make, the old man will agree to it." The city lord spoke, already making a major determination.

"I heard that you have a spiritual vein outside the city. I wonder if I can exchange it for ten thirteen-grade pill?" At this time, an old man in the crowd spoke, and he was also a god.

This man was originally a good friend of the city lord, but now that he sees his old friend in trouble, not only does he not help, he also wants to make a huge profit from it.

The ten thirteen-grade pill are of great value, but compared with that spiritual vein, it seems that ten thirteen-grade pill will not be lost, and there is even a huge profit.


Hearing this sentence from his friend, the city lord only felt black in front of his eyes, he was completely angry, and this was simply a disaster.

"What? If you don't want my medicine, then treat it as if I didn't say anything." The person responded, making the city lord feel anxious again.

Right now his life is still in the hands of others, if he doesn't make up the number of one hundred, he will be finished now.

Anyway, after this incident, he didn't dare to stay in this place anymore, so in order to save his life, he could only use a huge price in exchange for the ten poor 13-grade pill.

That one spiritual vein can produce a lot of spiritual stones, so if you change it, he actually suffered a lot.

But people had to bow their heads under the eaves, even if he broke his teeth now, he could only swallow into his own mouth.

"Okay, I promise you." The city lord said with a sullen expression.

"Thank you, then." The old man was very happy when he heard the other party's personal agreement. He flipped his hand and took out ten thirteen-grade pill and threw it in front of the city lord.

In front of hundreds of thousands of people, he said the spiritual vein and gave it to himself, so he was not afraid of the other party's repentance, because this kind of public speaking was much more useful than the oral promise in that secret room.

"This is one hundred thirteen-level pill. Please check and accept it." After receiving ten thirteen-level pill, the city lord took out ninety thirteen-level pill in his space ring. At this point, he finally Cobbled together Wang Feng asked

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) that number.

At this moment, he was undoubtedly regretful, if he didn't come to save Hua Wuyuan, how could he end up like this? Those thirteen-grade pills are his lifetime treasures.

But now all of this has become someone else’s thing. He didn’t even dare to think of taking it back. As long as the opponent’s Spear of Despair was still there, it would be no different from sending him to death. The deterrence of Spear of Despair The power is terrible.


There was a low drink in his mouth, and the city lord of the Seventh Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Layer suddenly escaped from here.

He was really afraid of Wang Feng, because he was afraid that if he stayed, he might have to pay even more.

Putting away his spear of the god-destroying, Wang Feng glanced at Meng Wuyuan, who had finished the game. He did not go down, because now he is going to bring trouble to Meng Wuyuan. Meng Wuyuan is still better than that true fairy. The young man was more powerful. He used his speed to defeat that young man abruptly. In this battle, he won the final victory.

After this round, there are fewer than ten people left, so his quota for Longquan Academy is already firmly established.


Knowing that it is inappropriate for him to meet Meng missed, Wang Feng directly beckoned Liu Yidao and them all to his side.

"Wait." Seeing that Wang Feng was about to leave, the voice of Meng Wuyuan rang in his mind.

This time Meng missed the chance to win. He knew that he had an inseparable relationship with Wang Feng. Now that Wang Feng is leaving, he has to say thank you in person.

"It’s a proper thing for you to enter Longquan Academy right now. I killed Hua Wuyuan and caused a huge disaster. If you don’t want to die, you’d better treat it as not knowing me. If you have a chance in the future, I miss us. I can meet again." Wang Feng said, then he turned and left.

This time he and Hua Wuyuan's hands-on work, many people don't know what's the matter, so can you not involve Meng Wuyuan or try not to involve him, after all, Meng Wuyuan is definitely not as good as yourself in life-saving ability.

Anyway, there will be more time to meet in the future, not in a hurry now.

"Okay." Meng did not respond, and temporarily agreed.

His realm is not as good as Wang Feng. If it is really what Wang Feng said, then once he and Wang Feng show the same relationship as an acquaintance, it will be difficult to guarantee that the Hua family will not put the spear on him.

What he needs now is a relatively safer environment to learn and practice. If he is chased every day, his strength might not be enough.

"You were really powerful and domineering just now."

After leaving this city, Liu Yidao immediately began to chatter.

A Heavenly Immortal Seventh Heaven was even pointed at Wang Feng with a spear and painfully compensated. Thinking of that person asking people to borrow the pill, Liu Yidao couldn't help but want to laugh.

"I'm afraid we won't be domineering soon." Hearing Liu Yidao's words, Wang Feng couldn't help but smile.

Although he had made a big splash before, the result of this exchange may be that he would be targeted by the so-called Hua Family.

Although he just came to the East China Empire and he still doesn’t know how powerful the Hua family is, the fear of those ordinary people about Huawuyuan shows that the Hua family’s power is only very powerful. If they want to deal with I guess I have to start another escape journey.

"Let's still think about what we should do next." Yao Xian said at this time.

"It's easy." Wang Feng smiled slightly when he heard Yao Xian's words, and then said: "As long as we change our appearance and breath, we won't be able to find us by the means of the flower family. Then we will still want to do something. Just do it."

"That's right." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Huang Dazhuang and Liu Yi

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Knives all laughed.

The art of stealing the sky and changing the sun that Wang Feng taught them is really amazing. It can change the appearance and even change the breath. This is simply a necessary magic technique for home travel and murder.

Then Wang Feng did not hesitate, he taught Yao Xian the art of stealing the sky.

"That Hua Wuyuan deceived people so much that it deserves to die." Huang Dazhuang said fiercely at this time.

Wang Feng said that he didn't want to fight him anymore, and Hua Wuyuan was still thinking about coming up to fight. Now that he was beheaded by Wang Feng, it was naturally his own death.

This is really a way for you to stay in heaven, and no way to hell.

Fleeing the place where Huawuyuan was killed, Wang Feng and the others entered another city.

Of course, their appearance when they appeared this time was no longer what they were, and even their aura had been completely changed.

Now their identity is the caravan who came here to do business. It's not clear what kind of business they are.

The news of Huawuyuan’s death quickly spread throughout the East China Empire. After learning of this news, the Hua family was naturally angry the first time. Huawuyuan is a young man their Hua family focused on training, even in the future. He needs to fight against this big flag.

But who could have thought that he was beheaded now, just ten minutes after learning the news, the Hua family sent a large number of masters to revenge.

The Hua family could send a master to seek revenge for Hua Wuyuan, and then another force began to furious, this was Longquan Academy.

On the surface, Longquan Academy only sent a team to investigate the death of Huawuyuan, but in reality, they have been ordered secretly. Once they encounter the person who killed Huawuyuan, they can just To kill that personality.

Hua Wuyuan is a member of the Hua family, and he is also a member of Longquan College. If Huawuyuan's realm can reach a top level, then this is also a huge asset for Longquan College, because it is to promote them The best proof of the college.

But now Hua Wuyuan was beheaded by an unknown monk, and from the news that came out, Hua Wuyuan didn't seem to have any resistance in the opponent's hands. He died very simply.

This shows that the person who killed Hua Wuyuan at that time must be a genius.

It's just that no one knew Wang Feng, so the Hua family immediately determined that the person who killed Hua Wuyuan might be a foreign monk.

Since they were foreign monks, they would naturally be even more unscrupulous when they get revenge. Now in almost crowded places, there are monks from the flower family looking for Wang Feng.

But no matter how they searched for them, don't even think about finding Wang Feng and the others, because now even the Hua family would never recognize them even if they stood in front of them.

"Your Majesty, the people of the Hua family have entered the imperial capital." The people of the Hua family are looking for news about the murderer for Hua Wuyuan. Places such as the capital of the Donghua Empire are especially taken care of by them~www.NovelMTL .com~ Now that someone learned of the Hua family’s actions, they immediately reported it to the Donghua Empire, the current emperor.

"I already knew about this." Hearing the report from the national teacher below, the emperor above the throne said slowly.

"I don't know what do you think of this matter?" The man above the throne suddenly said, his closed eyes slowly opened.

"Your Majesty, I suspect that this Hua family wanted to let Hua Wuyuan be beheaded and let people go to the imperial capital." The national teacher responded.

"The Hua family has always been a great concern for me. If we don't get rid of them, our Donghua Empire will always find it difficult to achieve peace."

Thanks to the book friends 19508826 and the big head leader for their rewards, continue to ask for monthly tickets, and get them within 20, thanks in advance

(End of this chapter)



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