The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1447: Raise soldiers

Self-destruction is an idea that a person can only come up with when he is desperate, but whenever there is any chance of survival, the monks will definitely fight for it.

The old man Wang Feng's ferocity has already seen him. He knew that if he didn't die, he was afraid that the other party would torture him to death. So if he let him choose, he would rather blew himself up.

At least he blew himself up for that moment, he would not feel pain.

Was it just that Wang Summit made him blew himself up? That is simply impossible.

I thought that when Wang Feng was besieged by them, he also thought about using self-detonation to end his life, but in the end his self-destruction was abruptly terminated by those people. In the end, Wang Feng could not even think of letting the old turtle come to kill him.

Now Wang Feng is taking revenge, so how could he let this old man die so easily.

If he died all at once, it would be a good deal for him.

A palm was pressed on the old man's body, and Wang Feng's power directly rushed into his body. Under Wang Feng's power adjustment, the old man's tendency to blew himself up was stopped by Wang Feng.

"If you want to die all at once, you should die at Ling Chi's punishment." Wang Feng sneered.

"Devil, you are simply a devil." The old man made a voice that was not like a human being. At this moment, he was really afraid of Wang Feng. This young man was really terrifying.

If he suppressed his greed in the first place, perhaps there would not be today's disaster, but when things happened, they happened. He was paying a heavy price for what he had done.

"If I were a devil, then you would be no different from a devil." Wang Feng sneered, and then he went down dozens of times.

Blood was splattered all over Wang Feng, and he looked terrifying at the moment.

After not knowing how many knives, the old man finally stopped screaming. Although his vitality was very strong, it was not easy for him to hold on to this kind of impending punishment.

"This is dead"

Seeing this old man who had lost his life in his own hands, Wang Feng couldn't help being stunned.

In his opinion, the vitality of a deity should be very strong. Why did he die all at once?

dingdian novel, ..o<>

In fact, it is really not to blame Wang Feng for thinking like this. The reason why the old man died is entirely due to his subjective factors. There is an example of a blindfolded prisoner with a tap dripping water next to him.

Until the next day when the non-commissioned officer went to see the prisoner, they found that the prisoner was dead. In the prisoner's subjective consciousness, he believed that the water dripping from his tap was his blood.

So he died the next day, he was not killed, he was completely scared to death.

Now this old man is in such a situation, he doesn't want to endure that torture, so he has always been in a state of extreme fear, so in the end he was scared to death.

Looking at the sect that was not far away, Wang Feng found that this sect had completely become a ruin at this moment. The monks who originally lived here were all burned to death by the real fire of Wang Feng's sun, and none of them escaped.

Although many of them have never met with Wang Feng, Wang Feng believes that as long as their sect master gives an order, they will deal with themselves without hesitation.

This is just like the soldiers of the two countries. The soldiers of the two countries don't know each other everywhere, but on the battlefield, they still need to fight together, because if you don't kill others, they will kill you.

Regardless of whether these people have hatred with Wang Feng or not, as long as they belong to this sect, then these people are potential threats to Wang Feng.

Wang Feng is not a saint, this kind of unfavorable factor Wang Feng must be checked, so Wang Feng has not let go of any person in this school.

"Now we can take revenge once, and the rest of the sects should be left behind to deal with." Wang Feng said.


After hearing Wang Feng's words, Bei Yunxue and the others did not continue to force Wang Feng to take revenge, because the sight of Wang Feng's killing just now scared them a bit.

Although they all knew that Wang Feng must have killed a lot of people in the process of cultivation, they couldn't stand the cruel approach like Wang Feng just now, so they didn't want to see Wang Feng continue to kill.

Little did they know that this proposal was made by them personally.


Looking at this sect that had caused great harm to himself, Wang Feng was directly under a palm, and under a palm, this sect as a whole fell. No matter how prosperous it used to be, it is now completely in ruins.

From now on, this sect will be removed from the top three days, and they will go down from high, and everyone will die tragically.

With Bei Yunxue and the others, Wang Feng went to other places. With Wang Feng there, they did not encounter any harassment along the way. Even if there were such small problems in the middle, Wang Feng would quickly solve them.

As for the kind of people who didn't open their eyes and wanted to beat Bei Yunxue and the others, they were threatened severely by Wang Feng even with the forces behind them.

If it was Wang Feng who had done things in the past, he would certainly not have been so domineering, but it was about his wife. How could Wang Feng compromise? He would have been very merciful without killing them all.

A month later, Wang Feng took Bei Yunxue and the others back to the Huang clan. As for the sect that was extinguished by Wang Feng in the middle, it has now become a headless case, because no one knows who did it.

One sect was destroyed all at once, and no one escaped. Upon hearing this news, those sects were panicked. They did not relax their vigilance without finding out who did it.

It's just that no matter how cautious they are, it is all in vain under the sweep of absolute strength.

"Boy, you should have done the sect that was destroyed not long ago."

Just when Wang Feng and Bei Yunxue just returned to the Huang family, the willow grabbed Wang Feng and asked.

"What do you think"

Looking at the old guy Liu Yidao, Wang Feng said.

"I think it must be you." Liu Yidao said very positively.

"Why do you say that, is it that I am the kind of murderer who never blinks in your eyes"


Liu Yidao agreed with his head, and then said: "If you kill someone in a blink of an eye, then I won't believe it, and destroying other people's sect so thoroughly, it is absolutely impossible without deep hatred."

Said Liu gave a slight pause, and then he said: "From the perspective of the situation at the scene, this school was destroyed in a very short time, so I think it can be done with your strength, and this It’s similar to what you did last time."

Not to mention that Liu Yidao, the old guy, is still very reasonable in analysis. It can be said that it is not a human being. The former Liu Yidao now seems to have the potential to develop into a koo-headed military division.

"This sect was indeed destroyed by me, and it is not just this sect. Don't even try to escape from anyone who has enemies with me." Wang Feng opened his mouth and admitted directly.

This is just the beginning, and more forces will follow the same path.

They dealt with themselves in the same way, if they didn't uproot them, then Wang Feng would simply be sorry for his current strength.

Without the strength to destroy them, Wang Feng wouldn't think that now he already has that kind of power, so there is no need for these forces to stay in this world.

After chatting with Liu for a while, Wang Feng directly found Huang Dazhuang's grandfather, who is now the patriarch of the Huang clan.

Once Wang Feng had promised that he would help the Huang clan rise, and his family and friends were able to survive for the last three days only if they took care of them. So this busy Wang Feng decided to help.

"I'm back at last, don't you know if you are ready" Looking at Wang Feng, Huang Dazhuang's grandfather said straightforwardly.

"I can leave at any time, it's up to you." Wang Feng said indifferently.

Anyway, he is alone now, he doesn't need any preparation at all, if he wants to fight, he can start immediately.

"Well, we have almost deployed this month, otherwise we choose to start tomorrow, what do you think"

"It all depends on your arrangement, I have no objections."

"it is good."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Huang Dazhuang's grandfather couldn't help but feel agitated. After so many years, their Huang clan will finally rise again.

Of course, he knew that the Huang clan was able to rise because of Wang Feng. Without Wang Feng, the Huang clan would not know how long it would take to see the sun again.

And it was just seeing the sky again. As for what to say about a comeback, it was simply impossible, because the Huang clan had no masters at all.

"Brother." At this moment, a shout rang out, and when he looked up, Wang Feng suddenly showed joy.

Because he saw an acquaintance, it was Yao Xian.

When Wang Feng handed him the Ecstasy Pill, he took Bei Yunxue and the others and left the Huang clan. Now, one month later, Yao Xian's body has recovered with the help of the pill.

And it's not just physical recovery, now his breath is amazing.

When Wang Feng met him in the Sea of ​​Taboo, his realm was only six-star immortal, but now when he recovers, Wang Feng discovered that his aura was even more terrifying than himself. It was the aura of a heavenly fairy, but specifically What kind of level Tianxian, Wang Feng was a little uncertain.

"Brother Yao, how come your realm has soared so dramatically" Wang Feng couldn't help asking.

"The mood has improved. If it were not for the help of your pill, how would I have the present." Yao Xian said, making Wang Feng couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"Big Brother Yao, you are too far-sighted to say this. With our relationship, helping you is what you should be doing, but you don't know what level of heaven you are now."

Said that Wang Feng stared at Yao Xian steadily.

After being depressed for a period of time, his realm has soared directly, and if he hadn't seen it with his own Feng would not believe it.

Because this kind of skyrocketing speed might not even be experienced by Wang Feng.

This is faster than riding the Rockets.

"Five Heavens."

Feeling Wang Feng's gaze, Yao Xian responded calmly.


Hearing what he said, Wang Feng took a breath of cold air directly in his mouth, and the answer was a bit too shocking.

Wang Feng had just reached the first heaven of the heavenly immortal after so much hard work, but Yao Xian has now reached the fifth heaven of the heavenly immortal. The gap is really too big.

"Don't feel surprised, because cultivation is about cultivating the mind. If you can calm down, maybe you will have a different harvest." Yao Xian said with a smile.



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