The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1433: misunderstanding

The pill quickly dissipated in Xiaoyao Daochang’s mouth. Under Wang Feng’s eyes, he saw that the effect of the pill was quickly helping Xiaoyao Daochang’s wounds to heal. Although it was very slow, it always started. Effect.

After doing all this, Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Now Dao Master Xiaoyao can't cultivate himself, Wang Feng can only help him with the help of foreign objects, as long as he wakes up by himself, I believe he can slowly recover by himself.

A pill can't cure him completely, but it shouldn't be a big problem to wake him up.

After waiting for almost two days in the cave that he temporarily opened up, this Daoist Xiaoyao slowly regained his consciousness. His injury did not change much compared to before. Wang Feng's medicine did not seem to have exerted much. The efficacy.

Of course, this is not to blame for the pill level given by Wang Feng. It can only be said that Dao Master Xiaoyao himself is too high. The higher the level, the lower the effect of the low-level pill. It is already very good to be able to wake him up.

"You are?" Seeing these unfamiliar faces around him, Daoist Xiaoyao suddenly showed a look of vigilance.

"Don't be afraid, we are all acquaintances." Seeing Dao Master Xiaoyao's obvious vigilance, Wang Feng directly transformed into the appearance of the last time he saw the other party. By his side, Huang Dazhuang's appearance also changed rapidly. Look like.

"You actually survived?" Looking at Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang, the face of Xiaoyao Daozhuang was shocked. Even if he was chased by the ancestors of the spirit demon, he could survive. How hard should this life be?

"It seems that you are not very happy that we survived?" Huang Dazhuang said unpleasantly at this time.

"I didn't mean that, I wanted to say how did you survive?" The old man quickly explained.

"This is a long story. Let's talk about it slowly later. Now, Senior, your main goal is to recover your own injury first.

"It's okay if you don't say this. When you say that I feel sore all over, should you two guys beat me when I fainted?" This Xiaoyao Dao Master said somewhat funny.

"How is that possible? Are we like that kind of people?"

"Like." Xiaoyao said with certainty.

"My day."

After being speechless for a while, the Daoist Xiaoyao began to inquire about the spirit demon ancestor. After all, his current body injuries were caused by the spirit demon ancestor, and he was still a little bit worried about these enemies.

Maybe he can't take revenge right now, but once he waits for his realm to rise, then he might not have no chance for revenge.

"Senior may be disappointed." Seeing what he was thinking, Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "The ancestor of the spirit demon has blew himself up in the process of pursuing him, and he is completely destroyed."


Hearing Wang Feng's words, this Xiaoyao Dao long body was shocked, revealing an incredible color. In his opinion, the ancestor of the spirit monster is really terrifying, why did he blew himself up?

"That old guy did something angry and grieving. He was forced to explode by Heaven's Scourge." Huang Dazhuang explained at this time.

"Killing so many innocent monks, it is normal to suffer from Heaven's Scourge." Thinking of the scene they saw that day, the Taoist Chief Xiaoyao said after a moment of silence.

A monk will kill many monks of the same kind in the process of growing up, and even some peak powers still have countless blood in their hands. But killing millions of monks in such a short day is indeed inhumane. practice.

Although the Dao of Heaven has always been blind, this does not mean that the mainland will be in disorder under the power of rules.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) It is not that there have been no real demon heads, but those demon heads dare not take huge risks to slaughter countless monks in a very short time.

The real powerhouse is very savvy. This ancestor of the spirit demon killed so many innocent monks in one day for his own resurrection, otherwise he would not dare to do so.

It's just that now he is dead, it is too late to say anything, he has already embarked on the path of destruction.

He did not die under his own hands, he died in his own hands, Wang Feng's role is equivalent to two balances in balance, even if he is just a tiny stone, it is enough to change the overall situation .

"It looks like I really have no hope of revenge." Hearing Huang Dazhuang's words, this Xiaoyao Daoist also understood that what they said is very likely to be true, because if the ancestor of the spirit demon does not die, then it is definitely Wang Fenghe who died now. Huang has grown stronger.

"Senior, you were hurt badly for the sake of the two of us. I'm not the kind of ruthless and unrighteous person. Here are three thirteen-grade healing pills. This should have a lot of effect on you."

"Thank you." The old man nodded and said after taking over the things in Wang Feng's hands.

He didn’t have any impression of what he experienced after being hit hard, because he almost died at that time, so now in his opinion, he was saved by Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang. As for the Promise Gate, he wanted to Never thought about it.

It's just that he didn't ask Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang about it, and he wouldn't take the initiative to say it, so let him continue to misunderstand it.

What Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang didn’t expect was that it was precisely because of this misunderstanding that the old man would follow them back to their original place. It was also that he played a huge role in many subsequent crisis moments. It's a story.

"Senior, you should heal your injuries first, and our two brothers will protect the law for you." At this moment, Wang Feng spoke, causing the old man to nod slightly.

Now that he has suffered such a serious injury, he does need time to heal, because if the injury does not recover, he is actually not as good as Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang, because the meridians in his body are severely injured and basically can't play any role.

This is like a good car. Although this car can drive very fast, once the parts inside have a problem, no matter how good the car is, it has no effect. This is the reason.

"You said he can walk with us?" Huang Dazhuang asked worriedly outside the temporary cave.

They have already seen how powerful Dao Xiaoyao is, and they are still alive under the blow of the ancestor of the spirit demon. If such a person can follow them back to sit in town, the influence is absolutely beyond doubt.

If the Huang clan wants to rise, he will be able to keep it safe, because his presence is a powerful deterrent. He and Wang Feng think differently. Wang Feng wants this old man to help him protect his family, while Huang Dazhuang wants To help the family recover, although the two people have different starting points, their goals are the same. They both want to turn this Xiaoyao Dao long back.

Regardless of whether he can take action at the moment of crisis, his existence alone is already a powerful threat to others, and what Wang Feng wants is the existence of such a deterrent.

This is like a nuclear bomb on the earth. Although everyone knows that this thing will not be easily used, but who is not afraid of such a thing? Dogs are forced to jump over the wall when they are pressed, and people will certainly fight back when they are pressed. His deterrence is very important to Wang Feng at this stage.

Since entering the last three days, Wang Feng has been improving his strength, and his family does not even have a decent place to live. Although the place where the Huang family lives is like the world

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Xanadu.

However, Wang Feng and the others knew that living in such a place was really helpless. After all, who didn’t want to live in front of others, with Wang Feng’s strength, he basically couldn’t find any other party where he landed for three days. Up.

But the last three days are vast and boundless, who knows how many masters are hidden here, so Wang Feng must use the necessary means. He can't always be with his family, so this Xiaoyao Daoist became his goal.

"Maybe, maybe not." Wang Feng shook his head. Although his heavenly eyes can see through people's bodies, this ability can't penetrate people's hearts. The power of Dao Xiaoyao is terrifying. If he wants to walk Wang Feng, he has absolutely no ability Keep him, so what he can do is try to keep the other person as much as possible. Whether it works or not, he has to try now to know.

After waiting for ten days outside the cave, the stone gate was opened. Looking up, Wang Feng saw that Xiaoyao Dao's long red face came out from inside.

Unlike the last time I saw him, Dao Master Xiaoyao today is obviously more terrifying. He should have been a blessing in disguise with himself, but I don't know how much he has improved.

"Congratulations senior." Wang Feng said with a fist at him.

"Don't congratulate me, haven't you also improved your strength?" Dao Xiaoyao smiled slightly, and then he said: "Although the ancestor of the spirit demon is dead, the palace of the demon has not been completely destroyed, now I will go Charge some interest."

While speaking, he put his gaze on Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang, and asked: "I wonder if you are interested in following the old man?"

Taoist Xiaoyao has always been famous for his indifferent fame and fortune. He rarely appears in front of people, and even many people don't know where he lives in seclusion, but a hermit like him does not mean that he is so easy to provoke.

This time he almost died under the hands of the ancestor of the spirit demon, so he had already given birth to killing intent in his heart. Although the power on the surface of the Temple of Heaven Demon was almost eliminated, he knew in his heart that the Temple of Heaven Demon was still there. There are many hidden places, even if the two big sects are not clear about these places, these people naturally become the target of his revenge. The old one is dead, and this little one can't let it go.

If they can cultivate to this level, none of them are good people, and they basically have the decisiveness to kill them. Because they don't have such an attitude, they are afraid that they would have already died on the road of cultivation.

Since they want to kill, they must kill them without leaving a piece of armour, and if they cut the grass, they must remove the roots, otherwise they are afraid they would have died long ago.

"Okay, we are all willing to take this trip with Senior." Wang Feng nodded, and a trace of joy passed over his face calmly.

Being able to take them to act together means that this is a good start. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Seeing that neither of Wang Feng had any objections, the old man waved his sleeves, and immediately Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang were taken by him and quickly began to shuttle through the void.

Although this speed is far from comparable to Wang Feng's own teleportation, Wang Feng did not say that the opponent's speed is too slow. Now his main purpose is to quietly watch a spectator. He doesn't need to do anything.

With Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang, Xiaoyao Taoist soon came to a prosperous city. This city is a city under the control of the Demon God Palace. There is very little chaos here, otherwise the place would not be so prosperous. .

When Dao Master Xiaoyao brought Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang into the sky above this city, he directly revealed his terrifying aura.

"Our destination has arrived!"

(End of this chapter)



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