The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1425: Crazy Genie Ancestor

While speaking, Wang Feng was still winking at Huang Dazhuang. He was really afraid that Huang Dazhuang would ruin his plan.

Voice transmission is obviously not good, because in front of this old man, Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang's voice transmission is very likely to be eavesdropped by him, so Wang Feng can only wink.

Huang Dazhuang is not an idiot. He can understand that Wang Feng means he wants him to worship him as a teacher. He trusts Wang Feng 100%, so after a short silence, he said to the old man: "Want me to worship you as a teacher? , But the apprentices all have a meeting ceremony, I don’t know what you can give me?"

"The old man has been in the heavens for his whole life, and there are too many rare treasures in his body. I don't know what you want?" The old man said very domineeringly.

"Things outside of the body have no effect on me. If you are really interested, you can just give me the pill." Huang Dazhuang said.

"This is easy to say. I have a lot of pills in my hand. I can satisfy you with this requirement."

"Well, ten thirteen-grade pill, bring it over." Huang Dazhuang stretched out his hand while speaking.

"What?" Hearing Huang Dazhuang's words, the old man doubted whether his ears were a problem. Even at this moment, even his voice was raised by three points out of thin air. He even asked for a thirteen-grade pill. It was too dark. Right?

"Didn't you say that you can meet my requirements? I want ten thirteen-tier pill. Could it be that you can't get it out?" Huang Dazhuang asked suspiciously after a start.

"Boy, your appetite is too big, right? Do you know what the thirteen-tier pill is?" the old man shouted with a beard and staring.

"Isn't it this thing?" Huang Dazhuang flipped his hand and took out a thirteen-level pill. He didn't have this pill. This was the last time Wang Feng won from Qin Yu and gave it away. One for him.

"Sure enough, it is a thirteen-grade pill." Feeling the majestic power from this pill, the old man was shocked.

Huang Dazhuang's realm is only nine stars. How could he have this sample-level pill in his hand?

It is important to know that not only in the Plain of Night, but also in other places where the 13-grade pill is valuable, because there are too few high-level alchemists who can refine such a pill, every 13-grade pill The pill is very valuable.

Right now, Huang Dazhuang turned his hand and took out one, this old man was naturally surprised.

It's better that he doesn't have many thirteen-grade pill now, and some of the pill is only obtained by him with great effort.

"How is it? Are you willing to give ten thirteen pills?" Huang Dazhuang asked.


"Senior, being able to accept a genius apprentice to inherit the Taoism, this is a business that makes no money." At this time, Wang Feng encouraged him.

"I just said that you have countless precious treasures, don't you even get this pill?" Huang Dazhuang asked suspiciously at this time.


Hearing Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang’s words, the old man also felt his face feverish. He was too full of words just now, and in his opinion, Huang Dazhuang is just a junior monk. What he needs should be some handy techniques and weapons. What.

But what he didn't expect was that Huang Dazhuang actually asked for a pill. Wasn't this intentional to exploit him?

However, there is an old saying that is so good that a dumb eats coptis and can't tell. He now has this feeling.

He has been cultivating for tens of thousands of years. He has never thought about finding a disciple for so many years, but as his realm gradually stagnates, he knows that his strength in this life may be about to come to an end.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) is only a waste of his life.

Once his lifespan is exhausted, he will die.

Although people in this world yearn for the way of longevity, and all monks are also advancing on this road, whether you are the master of the heavens or the traffickers, you seem so vulnerable to the years, anyone It is impossible to achieve true longevity, because everyone will experience the step of old age and death.

It can be said that the Great Way of Longevity has never existed. The longevity of many monks is only related to their strength. Therefore, if you want to truly obtain longevity, monks need to continue to climb the realm, because the realm is enhanced. Shouyuan will also be promoted accordingly. Perhaps this is also an alternative longevity, because the realm is never ending, and no one dares to say that he has reached the strongest.

The human body is an infinite treasure. No one knows where the end point that human beings can reach. What everyone is doing is constantly groping on this endless road.

Since he is an individual, he will experience death, so this old man has gradually looked away. Since his cultivation level has little future, he should pass on his own ability, so he needs a suitable one to pass on his own tradition. disciple.

It’s just that he has been searching for a long time and he hasn’t found a truly suitable one, because the enchanting young people have already belonged to them for a long time. It must be impossible for him to find that halfway, so he just spent searching for his apprentice. Great mind.

Seeing that an owner of the Sky Eye appeared, he had never thought that the other party had no request for a teacher, so now he can only step back and accept Huang Dazhuang as his disciple.

According to Huang Dazhuang's age, as long as he is well-trained, he must be a rising overlord in time, but the apprenticeship ceremony hasn't started yet, he will be shocked by Huang Dazhuang's appetite.

Ten pill of 13 grades, you must know that if this thing is exchanged into a spirit stone, it is definitely a wealth of an enemy, so now he is entangled.

"Senior, there is only one opportunity. If you miss it, it will be gone." Seeing the old man's changing face, Wang Feng hurriedly slammed again.

"I thought you were so rich. I didn't expect you to even get ten pills." Huang Dazhuang also said in a contemptuous tone at this time.

"You two don't need to irritate me, I will give the medicine." After looking at Wang Feng and Huang Dazhuang, the old man finally sighed.

Since he has been unable to find a suitable heir to the orthodoxy, he can only agree to Huang Dazhuang's seemingly unreasonable request. Since he is his disciple, everything he has after his fall naturally belongs to his disciple, so think like this After that, he suddenly felt a lot easier.

The right is to train your own apprentice.

"See the master." Seeing that the other party agreed, Huang Dazhuang quickly changed his words and called the master.

He knew how rare the thirteen-grade pill was, so now he just picked up a huge bargain.

This old man is so talkative.

"Don't worry. If you want to enter my school, you need to knock on your head three times. This is the most basic etiquette for apprenticeship. Otherwise, our masters and apprentices may not be able to achieve it."

"I'm afraid we don't have that kind of time now." Hearing this old man's words, Wang Feng suddenly turned around and looked out the window. In his eyes, he saw the formation of the layer outside the Heavenly Demon Palace collapsed.

A formation blocked the two sects for a minute, which is already very abnormal.

However, these two big sects are now as unstoppable as tigers coming out of the cage. The first formation was broken, and the second formation was broken after a few breaths.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) The formations that seem to have amazing defensive power still cannot stop them for too long.

After all, what they are now entangled with is more than half of the peak combat power of the entire night plain. With their joint hands, I am afraid that even the sky will be punched out, so breaking the formation is completely reasonable.

Of course, what really surprised Wang Feng was not that the two martial arts teamed up to break this formation. What he noticed now was actually the situation inside the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Wang Feng left a trace of his own soul in the heart of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Although this soul was not aggressive, it was separated from Wang Feng’s body, so now he can clearly feel the heart. Among the changes.

The power in the heart was very calm before, but just now Wang Feng discovered that the power in the heart of the stone statue seemed to be boiling. The ancestor of the spirit demon should have already embarked on the road to resurrection.

Faced with a master who could sweep the entire night plain, Wang Feng couldn't ignore it, so he even had to end the conversation, because once he missed the best time to attack, then the ancestor of the genie must be resurrected.

He wants to abduct this terrifying old man, but Wang Feng is even more afraid that he will be missed by the other party, so before the other party has really recovered, Wang Feng will let him fail.

"Senior, if you don't want to be chased by the people of the Heavenly Demon Temple, you'd better leave now." Wang Feng said at this time.

"Joke, although I am not the opponent of the Heavenly Demon Palace, old man, it is not so easy for them to keep me. Neither of you little guys leave. If I leave, wouldn't it make people laugh?"

"If this is the case, then treat it as if I didn't say anything." Wang Feng didn't continue to say that he didn't listen to his persuasion, because he now needs to pay attention to the movement of his soul.

Because the most critical moment has come.


In the Temple of Heavenly Demon, innocent monks died in batches, and the blood mist had filled the entire interior of the Temple of Heavenly Demon. The inside became a sea of ​​red. Looking at the mountain of corpses, I didn’t know how many disciples there were from the Temple All felt cold.

It's not that they haven't killed anyone, but they haven't seen this kind of massacre. In one day, millions of corpses are lying down, which is simply a disaster.

Around the stone statue is now filled with a layer of inky black mist. These are the immortal evil spirits left behind after the tragic death of those innocent monks. They all died tragically in hatred, so subconsciously they thought Take revenge.

It is precisely because of their hatred to their bones that after their deaths, they left an astonishing evil spirit. Once these evil spirits are taken out to confront the light can make people confused, but heavy It is possible to wipe out the soul of the monk. This evil spirit is not a good thing, but it is a supreme weapon when used well.

It's just that these evil spirits are not used to confront the enemy, they have only one purpose of existence, and that is to help the ancestors of the genie to open the path to the netherworld.

Although the soul he left behind has become very powerful, if he can't find his complete soul, it will be difficult for him to break away from the **** of the weapon, so he can only be truly resurrected if he recalls his soul.

He is like the transformed flood dragon, only when he breaks away from the shackles of his original body can he be truly reborn.

On this day, he had waited for too long.

"Die, the more you die, the better." A chilly voice sounded. At this moment, the voice of the ancestor of the spirit demon was like a demon barrier, making many disciples of the Heaven Demon Palace chill in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)



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