The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1299: Soul grafting

"Everyone, the treasure is here, success or failure depends on this."

The five-star immortal old man spoke, and then he followed Yingru's progress and rushed forward first.

Behind him, Wang Feng and the others did not hesitate and rushed up quickly.

At this time, if they don't join forces, whether the treasure can be discovered by them is still two different things, and if they want to divide the treasure, how can it be done without any effort.


The huge roar was shaking the world, Wang Feng once said that as long as he finds the treasure, he will release the baby like freedom, so now Yingru is like crazy.

Amid the huge roar, his body grew in the wind. Originally, his body was only a few tens of meters high, but as it expanded, his body soared to hundreds of meters in almost a few breaths.

Although there is still a gap between this and the real ancient behemoth, he finally has the appearance that some ancient behemoth should have.


At this time, the big snake entwined on the mountain peak also began to move, and its huge tail flung towards Wang Feng and all of them.

The Void was completely collapsed at this moment. Under the attack of this snake, Yingru was swept away, and even Wang Feng and the others were swept away.


Everyone vomited blood at this moment, facing a big snake whose realm was at the eight-star immortal level, their realm gap was too far.

Wang Feng is okay. He has an extremely powerful physical body, which helps him resist a lot of impact. Compared with him, the others are much miserable. The people in Yandang Palace are the first time to suffer from this big snake. A Shenlong wagging his tail, he fainted directly while vomiting blood.

He fainted just at the beginning of the fight. It can only be said that his strength is too low.

"The blue sea swims the dragon!"

He was at a disadvantage when he only started to fight, so at this moment the five-star immortal performed a fierce attack again, and it can be seen that he is truly desperate now.

Because the aura erupting from his body is very amazing, almost comparable to the six-star immortal.

He has been desperate, naturally it is impossible for other people to stand and watch the play, because they want to get the treasure at this time, they must work together to deal with this snake first.


The sweep just now swept the infant away, but the infant was as thick as the skin, and it didn't suffer much damage at all.

Amidst the roar, it opened its mouth wide, and bit at the big snake.

Compared with these two giant beasts, Wang Feng and the others were too weak to see, and their bodies seemed too small in such a battle.

In the end, everyone had to step aside and watch Yingru and this big snake fight each other.

The rocks fell, and this void was completely replaced by the roar. Although the two giant beasts were the simplest melee combat, it was in this kind of battle that they burst out with immense power.

Originally, Wang Feng and the others were also taking action, but in the end they realized that their help didn't seem to be of much use at all, and they had to give up.

Their highest realm is only a five-star immortal, and this snake is of the eight-star immortal level. Their attack fell on the snake, which is probably equivalent to hitting a person with a small stone, although it also feels painful. , But it will not be life-threatening.

Now the key to success or failure lies in the body of the infant like a giant.

"Just kill him, you will be free." Wang Feng is Yingru's master, so Wang Feng said to Yingru at this moment.

Of course, Wang Feng didn't say this, he was just secretly transmitting.

Right now he still needs Yingru Behemoth to deter everyone, so they all know that if they want to let Yingru go, it is hard to guarantee that they will not have any vicious thoughts on their own, so letting Yingru go can only be completely settled in Wangfeng.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page).


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Yingru obviously became more fierce. It was like a chicken blood. In the shocked expressions of Wang Feng and the others, it bit on the tail thrown by the snake with one bite.

The tail was bitten by Yingru, and the snake also made a neighing sound. Obviously, facing Yingru's bite, it couldn't bear it.

Just when Yingru was about to bite the snake off, suddenly the whole body of the snake turned around the mountain peak.

As it rotates, its body is quickly entwining Yingru, which is really trying to strangle Yingru alive.

"go with!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng instantly threw a sharp gun in his hand.

It was like a flash of lightning flashing across the air, at this moment, the power in Wang Feng's sharp spear reached its extreme.

"Let's shoot together." The snake was about to leave the entire mountain. This was a wonderful time to kill him.

They didn't even need to kill this snake, as long as it escaped, then Wang Feng and others' goals would be achieved.

Killing snakes is not the point, the point is that they will not be hindered when opening the treasure.

The surging power filled the void, and with the help of others, this snake was completely besieging it.

Zi Zi Zi!

It's just that when everyone attacked this snake, a large amount of liquid was suddenly spit out from this snake's mouth. These liquids were extremely corrosive, and the void was almost corroded.


A screaming scream sounded, and at this moment the true fairy of Yandang Palace couldn't dodge, and was touched by the liquid.

His flesh and blood was decaying fast at this moment, and the speed of it made everyone's face changed.

Several people backed up at the same time, and the corrosive power of the liquid spit out from the mouth of this big snake was so great that everyone was caught off guard.

Under their gaze, the true celestial body of Yandang Palace was constantly decayed. It is estimated that in the time of two breaths, its entire body was corroded into a pool of rotten flesh, and it fell directly into the sea.

During this process, Wang Feng and the others did not have time to rescue, because they also suffered the same attack.

Wang Feng’s body protection mask was corroded with many large holes in almost an instant. Fortunately, his glazed green lotus tree opened the main protection mask, otherwise the liquid would fall on him, I am afraid he would not have it either. It's better.

He didn't suffer any harm, so the others were different. Elder Qi of Yandang Palace and their Young Palace Master looked a little ugly at this moment.

Because although they avoided in time, their bodies were still contaminated with a small amount of liquid.

Quickly cutting off the corroded flesh and blood, the two of them quickly took out the pill and put them into their mouths.

In fact, the elder Qi just now had a chance to drag away the dead Yandang Palace true fairy, but because the young palace lord was more important in his eyes, he chose to lose his car to protect the handsome.

"This animal is so good."

At this time, the five-star immortal old man spoke with an ugly face.

The opponent sprayed a wave of venom and everyone was caught off guard. Except Wang Feng, almost everyone suffered varying degrees of damage.

They are all like this, not to mention Yingru who is entangled by the serpent.

It bit the tail of the big snake, but at this time the big snake also sprayed the venom on its body.

Wang Feng could feel Yingru's current pain through the soul contract, but his realm was too low compared to the Eight-Star Immortal. Even if Yingru was in trouble, Wang Feng couldn't help him.

A lot of blood is constantly falling into the void from the place where the two giant beasts are fighting, how heavy is the blood of the real fairy?

Every drop of blood falling into the sea can almost throw up huge waves. This

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Some of the blood has big snakes, but more of them are Yingru.

Yingru's skin is very thick, but under the venom of the big snake, there have been many bone wounds on its body, which are corroded by the venom.

Listening to Yingru's painful roars, Wang Feng was also very uncomfortable.

Although Yingru is just a beast, it has given itself a lot of help after all. If it hadn't been for it to follow itself, perhaps Wang Feng would have already died.

A 10,000-meter-long snake had completely wrapped Yingru at this moment. Apart from seeing the snake, they could no longer see Wang Feng's mount.

"Old Tortoise, is there any way to save Yingru?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"Your realm is too low to be able to." The old turtle replied helplessly.

Hearing this, Wang Feng's expression turned gloomy. If the venom of this big snake hurts the baby extremely strongly, if it continues to be entangled in this way, the baby must be poisoned to death by the snake alive.

"Everyone, if you have any tricks, use all of them. If my mount dies, none of us will want to enter the treasure." Wang Feng said at this time.

Hearing what Wang Feng said, everyone looked very ugly, because they all knew Wang Feng was right.

If it weren’t for Wang Feng’s mount, they could say that they would not have a chance to enter the treasure. Now Wang Feng’s mount has been entangled tightly. Listening to the painful sounds, they didn’t know that Wang Feng’s mount was not like this Snake's opponent.

If Wang Feng's mount is dead, who of them is still the snake's opponent?

"I know a method of soul grafting. If we all join hands, maybe we will have a fight with this snake." At this moment, the five-star immortal said.

"Quickly tell me exactly what's going on." Upon hearing this, a four-star immortal elder asked quickly.

"It's very simple, it is to instill all of our strength into one person's body at the same time, so that that person has super combat power in a short time."

Hearing this, the people present became silent and dedicated all their strength. For them, this matter is like surrendering their lives to others to control. If others have malicious intentions, they will all die. .

"What's the price?" Elder Qi of Yandang Palace asked after being silent for about two breaths.

"The cost is very heavy. After performing this soul grafting, all of our souls will suffer severe damage." The five-star immortal old man said.

Forcibly condensing everyone's souls together at the same time, this kind of magic is almost against the sky, how could it be possible if there is no cost.

"Is there no other better way?"

"I want to kill the snake, the only way I can think of is this."

There is a method, but just when everyone is ready to join forces, they are in trouble, because it is also a difficult problem for the power to fit into whose the power of all people is concentrated in one person at the same time, this Those who need to be integrated need a very powerful body. The people present are all masters, and they all have not weak bodies, but once they have integrated all the power, they will most likely be unable to bear it.

Although Wang Feng's body is very strong, but when the power of nine true immortals is absorbed into his body at once, Wang Feng's body may also collapse.

After all, once he was integrated, he might have the power of a seven-star immortal or even an eight-star immortal. This was an extremely risky thing.

Once the body of the person with power explodes, everyone is likely to be killed instantly, because that is a self-destruction.

"If you want to get the treasure, let my body fuse it." At this time, Wang Feng spoke and made a decision.

If Ying is his mount, Wang Feng can't watch it be killed by the snake, so at this time, even if he is desperate, he will take the snake.

(End of this chapter)


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