The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1289: Repaying Morality

One day later, they appeared in another sea area, which was already very close to the Forbidden Wall. As long as they passed through the Forbidden Wall, they could directly cross the three-day Forbidden Sea and land for three days.

Wang Feng also wanted to go there for three days, but unfortunately he is not alone now, there are still so many people waiting for him on the third day, so he absolutely cannot leave them alone and go for three days.

He can only suppress his own first, and when things are up here, he will bring everyone together for three days.

Since the great changes in the world, the ascent has become extremely difficult. The inability to ascend means that the strength of the monks will increase very slowly. Although there will be some outstanding people among them, they are only a very small number of people, but more Can't improve strength.

As long as Wang Feng can take everyone into the upper three days, then their strength will be improved by many times than in the third day.

This is a gap in the world, and it has little to do with monks.

"How far are we from that treasure?" A true immortal in Yandang Palace asked at this time.

"As long as we walk along the outside of the Forbidden Wall, we will be able to reach the place where the Sun God's treasure is located." Wang Feng said, without hiding them.

From the memory of that person, the news he learned is exactly the same. If they keep walking along the border of the wall of taboo, they can see the treasure of the sun god.

They just didn't go far before they were blocked by the battle ahead. About two kilometers away from here, there was a team fighting a huge sea clan.

This sea clan was obviously born and raised here, and its strength is terrifying. These three-day monks have encountered hard stubble, and the battle is very fierce.

"A few friends, please extend a helping hand. We must thank you very much." Upon seeing Wang Feng and the others, one of the true immortals shouted.

"This matter doesn't have much to do with us, don't think it will drag us down." At this time, Elder Qi of Yandang Palace responded.

"As long as you take action, we can go to the treasure of the sun **** together, do we know where the treasure is?"

"Do you want to make a move?" Hearing this, Wang Feng and the others were naturally a little moved. They did not find the treasure of the sun **** along the way. .

Although the other party's proposal made people feel very emotional, it was just that Wang Feng would never trust the other party.

Because of so many years of cultivation, unless it is his true relatives and friends, otherwise Wang Feng would not believe it, because in this world, there are many people who are duplicity.

"If you want to go, it has nothing to do with me." Wang Feng said calmly after a glance at the people in Yandang Palace who were about to move.

"Go." They came here after all the hardships for the sun god. If the other party can really take them to the place where the treasure is, then they can't do it once.

There are so many true immortals, if they shoot at the same time, the fierce beast will also be difficult to resist.

Sure enough, when these people in Yandang Palace were killed, the fierce beast seemed to have sensed the danger, so it chose to evacuate.

With the strength of the fierce beast, if it wants to walk on the scene, no one can keep him, so in the end they can only watch the fierce beast retreat, powerless.

Fortunately, these people met Wang Feng and the others. Otherwise, with their strength, they would be consumed alive by that fierce beast.

The reason why this fierce beast will keep attacking them is actually that these people are looking for death on their own. They stole an elixir that the fierce beast has guarded for not knowing how long. It is precisely because of this that this fierce beast is chasing after him. They don't let go, if it weren't for these shots from Yandang Palace, perhaps their end would be death.

(This chapter is not finished yet, please turn the page) "Thank you for your help." One of them said to everyone in Yandang Palace.

"I don't know where the treasure of the sun **** is?" a true fairy in Yandang Palace asked.

"There are so many people here, if you lean over a little, I will tell you."

"Okay." Hearing what the other party said, the true immortal of Yandang Palace didn't doubt anything, because there were indeed a lot of people here.

Just when he just approached the past, suddenly a cold long sword pierced directly into his chest.

The long sword is different from the ordinary long sword. This sword is smeared with extremely overbearing poison. When this sword pierced into the body of this real fairy in Yandang Palace, it also meant that his life had come to an end.

No one thought that the other party would take action at this time. As soon as he helped them drive away the beast, he would kill people in turn. This is a typical kind of gratitude and revenge.

"What the **** are you doing?" Seeing this scene, the elder Qi of Yandang Palace shouted very furiously.

"Don't you know what we are doing?" The other party sneered, and then all of them killed the people in Yandang Palace.

Obviously they had never thought about taking others to the place where the sun **** treasure is, and asking Wang Feng and the others to rescue them, it was just using it, nothing more.

If there are people with broken hearts in the world, then there is no doubt that Wang Feng and the others have encountered a wave.

"Asshole." Seeing this scene, Elder Qi was so angry that he was used by others. At this moment, he just wanted to dig out the ancestral graves of those opposite.

It's just that they have already lost a true fairy, and now they can only retreat under the siege of each other.

"I believe them here, no wonder you will all die here today." Among the other party's people, an old man with a three-star fairy sneered.

Here, there are only enemies and no friends, except for the real people around, or else rashly believe that others are likely to capsize in the gutter.

After all, in this era, there are not many good people like Wang Feng.

"Help us." There are too many people on the other side, so at this time, Elder Qi can only focus on Wang Feng.

At this moment, he really regretted not obeying Wang Feng's words. As long as they didn't take action, how could these people have the opportunity to kill them? It can only be said that they were blind and believed in the wrong person.

The people in Yandang Palace knew how strong Wang Feng's mount was, so at this time the only person who could save them was Wang Feng.

If Wang Feng doesn't rescue them, they will undoubtedly die.

"Why do I think they asked for this?" Liu Yidao said at this moment.

Even if Wang Feng couldn't tell, they would charge up. Even if they were killed now, they could only be blamed for being too credulous.

"go with."

Seeing that they were all rushing towards Wang Feng, Wang Feng stomped Yingru under his feet, and then he grabbed Liu and jumped into the air instantly.

Those people in front of them must have life-saving things, so this time Wang Feng has to **** it out anyway.


After receiving Wang Feng’s signal, Yingru a giant beast directly burst out a terrible breath. If this infant has a characteristic, it is difficult for others to detect if it does not reveal its own breath, just like these few times. No one noticed that the giant beast at its feet was a terrifying thing.

In the eyes of others, perhaps this is just a ride for transportation.

But in fact, this Yingru is not only a mount, it is a supreme weapon for murder.

The roar was shaking the earth, and a tyrannical aura swept across all directions from this Yingru's body. The true immortals who were chasing Yandang Palace couldn't help but their complexion changed drastically at this moment, because they found that under Yingru's breath, they even had their souls In the tremor.

Obviously the realm of this behemoth

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The world has far surpassed them, what kind of mount is this?

Seeing Yingru swallowing another monk into his mouth, Wang Feng quickly activated the master and servant mark.

These people have life-saving things on their bodies. If they all let Yingru eat them, then Wang Feng would have nothing to think about, so at this time he can only rely on the soul imprint to suppress Yingru, and then get what he needs.

Under Wang Feng's suppression, the infant's open mouth could not fall for a long time, and the person who was swallowed by it was horrified at this moment.

Because he has already felt the intense danger of death.

The figure flickered, Wang Feng came directly to the front of Yingru Behemoth.

The golden runes flickered, and while the other party was panicking, Wang Feng directly hit the Primordial Rune on the cultivator of the three-star immortal.

At this moment, Wang Feng was launching with all his strength, because he had to use all his strength to deal with Sanxingxian, otherwise he couldn't seal the opponent.

The cell power exploded, the dawn battle spirit exploded, and even at this moment the tortoise shell released a terrifying soul under Wang Feng's signal.

Under such numerous methods, even if this three-star immortal had intentionally resisted, when he reacted, he would have been unable to move, because his whole body strength had been forcibly sealed by Wang Feng.

"Hand over your life-saving thing." Reached out and grabbed this person from Yingru's mouth, Wang Feng took down his space ring.

Throwing this person into Yingru's mouth again, Wang Feng took off the space rings of several other people one after another and said: "Okay, your food is ready to eat."

While speaking, Wang Feng let go of Yingru's soul suppression, and immediately screams from Yingru's mouth, those powerful true immortals were being chewed by Yingru.

The sound of bones being crushed constantly came from Yingru's mouth, and even Wang Feng couldn't help feeling aroused all over his body when he heard such a sound.

This infant is really terrible, and even eats alive people.

The true celestials of the other party are dead, so their spatial ring has naturally become a masterless thing, and Wang Feng easily opened their spatial ring.

The soul power was swept away, and Wang Feng had another thing in his hand that looked like a compass, but this was not a compass, it was a life-saving thing refined by a master.

This thing is a forbidden thing, and it will be invalid if it can only be used two or three times. These people have used it once through the wall of forbidden.

With this thing, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a little agitated, because this was his pass to enter the last three days.

A life-saving thing used by a team of people, except for this compass, Wang Feng didn't find anything that could be used to save his life.

Based on the memories he had searched for others, he knew that the life-saving objects they used were almost all such compasses. Obviously, the refining techniques of the major masters were similar.

In addition to the compass, Wang Feng also found a large number of high-level elixir in their space ring.

These elixir should be taken from the last three days ~ ~ is a thing of the upper realm.

Moreover, Wang Feng found a fiery red medicinal plant in the space ring of the three-star old man.

This medicinal material Wang Feng didn't know what it was called or what its effect, but when his soul approached this medicinal material, he felt a distinct burning sensation.

This thing should be fire medicine.

"Do you know this thing?" Wang Feng asked, taking out the medicine.

He was not asking about Liu Yidao, he was asking about the tortoise shell in his left hand.

With Liu Yidao's alchemy level, he now knows less than Wang Feng, so Wang Feng can only ask the old turtle textbook now.

After living for several times, he must have known this thing.

(End of this chapter)


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