The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1285: Illusion

He didn't expect that his soul could eavesdrop on the other party's conversation, and his strength was not very good, but this method had already shocked the old man.

What they were communicating with Wang Feng actually didn't know at all. He had judged that the other party was sounding through the soul through the subtle movements of the other party.

If the opponent's realm is lower than his own, Wang Feng can eavesdrop on the other party's conversation, but Wang Feng's realm is not as good as theirs, so he doesn't know what these people just said.

The reason why he said the words just now was actually a deterrent. No matter what they were saying, it was always good to scare them.

Looking at them, Wang Feng knew that he had not guessed wrong just now, and these people were discussing something secretly.

It's just that no matter how they discuss Wang Feng, they are not afraid, because the baby at his feet is like a giant beast enough to handle all situations.

"There is a terrible mist ahead, we are going in now." At this moment, the Young Palace Master of Yandang Palace said.

"As long as you go ahead, I will naturally follow." Wang Feng said, fearless at all.

Anyway, there are meat sandbags in front of them, even if they are the first to bear the brunt of any danger, Wang Feng is still afraid of a fart with such a cushion.

Sure enough, they didn’t go far, when a large swamp of mist appeared in front of them, and the eyes of the sky opened. Wang Feng found that it was very difficult for his eyes to penetrate these mists. Obviously, this mist should be quite small. danger.

A mask was raised all over his body to cover Liu with a knife, and Wang Feng whispered: "Be careful."

"Young Palace Master, let me take the lead." Just then the old man spoke and walked directly to the front of the crowd.

He is the strongest monk among the people in Yandang Palace. He has reached the three-star immortal, and it is undoubtedly the best choice to lead him.

Of course, the safer way is to let this infantry beast take the lead. With this infantry's terrifying strength, it is enough to sweep away many dangers.

It's just that Wang Feng didn't know the least here, and he didn't even think about letting Yingru take the lead. There are free human head sandbags that he doesn't use, unless his head is showing up.

"Everyone stay close to me. Not only are there powerful murderers here, but there are also formations from the last era. If you fall in, I am afraid I will not be able to save you." At this moment, the old man said.

Obviously he has done a lot of homework here, and his understanding of this place is much higher than that of Wang Feng and others.

"Be careful." At this time, the Young Palace Master of Yandang Palace whispered.

"Don't worry, since I can take everyone out of this haze, I can also take everyone back together. Everyone should follow closely. Don't believe what you see or hear, because those are all It's an illusion. If you believe it, you will stay here forever." After saying this, the old man no longer hesitated.

He turned around and rushed into the mist, and as he entered, the remaining Yandang Palace disciples also went into it one after another.

As for their Young Palace Master, they were surrounded by them.

"Go." Once stepped on the baby like a giant beast under their feet, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao also walked into the mist.


As soon as he entered this misty peak, he found that his body shield had been frozen, and the temperature here was terribly low.

Even the body protection mask can be frozen, if you walk around here naked, I'm afraid it will instantly be frozen into an ice sculpture.

Under the feet, the baby-like beast's body also appeared many ice cubes, but these ice cubes did not hurt it at all, and its abnormal body was enough to block these low temperatures for it.

"Follow me

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), we are about to enter a fantasy world. "At this moment, the old man from Yandang Palace whispered, and then the scenery in front of them changed. They had entered another world of ice and snow.

The ocean under my feet has disappeared, now replaced by a vast expanse of snow.

The howling cold wind keeps blowing past everyone, this place is so real, it makes people feel like it is a real world here.

It's just that it hasn't been long before, suddenly a scream came, and it was a monk who was holding his face and howling in pain.

Looking up, Wang Feng found that this person had no injuries at all, and he didn't understand the cause of this person's screams.

It was just that his complexion changed soon, because he actually saw this person screaming and Qiqiao started to bleed.

During the whole process, no one shot him, he was just like that.

The screams were so loud that everyone felt a tingling scalp, and no one dared to move closer to him like this.

Just under everyone's attention, this person slowly collapsed to the ground, his breath was slowly disappearing, and this person was about to die.

"Yeah." At this moment, there was a muffled hum from Wang Feng, and Liu Yidao seemed to have something wrong.

Looking up, Wang Feng found that all Liu Yidao's eyes were left blank, his body was shaking slightly, as if he was enduring something.

"What's the matter?" Wang Feng asked after pushing Liu Yidao.

It's just that no matter how he asked Liu Yidao, he didn't respond at all.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng knew that Liu Yidao must have fallen into that kind of strange illusion. He had seen that person's fate with his own eyes, so it is absolutely impossible for him to let Liu Yidao fall into the same fate.

Spreading out his spiritual knowledge and opening his own heavenly eyes, Wang Feng was examining what Liu Yidao was all about.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, he hasn't noticed anything, Liu Yidao everything is normal.

"There is only one way to wake him up." Just then the turtle shell said.

Although this is an illusion, the tortoise shell itself does not belong to life, and nothing here has much influence on it.

"What way?" Wang Feng asked.

"Give him the most extreme pain, only in this way can he restore his clarity in an instant, without being affected by this place." The turtle shell said.

"I understand." Hearing his words, Wang Feng stretched out his two fingers. The light flickered on his two fingers, and a needle appeared in Wang Feng's hand in the blink of an eye.

This needle is not an ordinary needle, it contains the power that belongs to Wang Feng, and even this inconspicuous needle can put the holy realm to death.

With the experience of being a doctor, Wang Feng has a great understanding of the distribution of human acupuncture points, so after looking at the place, Wang Feng directly inserted this needle into an acupuncture point that controls human perception.


Just when the needle was inserted into Liu Yidao's mouth, he uttered a scream, and even his scream far exceeded that of the Yandang Palace disciple before.

At this moment, the screams attracted the eyes of everyone in Yandang Palace, but when they looked over, Liu Yidao had already woken up in a super painful situation.

Because of the pain, Liu Yidao almost broke down with tears.

"You black-hearted boy, do you dare to be more cruel?" Liu Yidao cursed.

"You won't wake up unless you are ruthless. You should thank me for saving my life." Wang Feng said calmly.

Hearing this,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) These people in Yandang Palace have changed their faces, because they just watched their deaths.

And the young man on this giant beast is so powerful, he can actually wake people up.

"What happened to me just now?" After cursing Wang Feng, Liu Yidao asked with puzzlement.

"You are just affected by this, tell me what you saw just now?" Wang Feng asked in the same way.

"It's nothing, it's just recalling some sad things in the past. It doesn't matter if those things are not mentioned."

"I'm not very young, but my insight is quite deep." At this moment the discordant voice of the old turtle sounded.

"Go away, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Liu cursed.

"Sister Ni, otherwise I just provided a method, do you think you can still stand here now?" Old Tortoise said disdainfully.

"It turns out that it was your old and undead idea, you said, did you mean it?" Liu cursed.

"It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing good people."

"You two can stop for a while, we are not really safe right now, can you wait until it's safe if you want to argue?"

As he spoke, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out a pill, and said, "Liu Yidao, you should take this pill first. Keep your mind and don't be affected by the things here."

"Yeah." Taking the pill from Wang Feng's hand, Liu Yidao suddenly found that Wang Feng's eyes had become blank, and his raised hand froze at this moment.

"What's wrong with him?" Liu asked with a change of expression after seeing this scene.

"What else? Of course, I fell into the illusion." The old tortoise's voice sounded, seemingly not worried.

Wang Feng's determination can't help even the evil soul, so this little illusion of course can't help Wang Feng the slightest.

Now he has indeed fallen into a strange illusion. In this illusion, his family is being slaughtered by a group of mysterious people in front of him.

Although this scene looks very real, it's just that for Wang Feng, no matter how real it is, it is nothing but fake, because his heart is very clear and there is no fluctuation at all.

The illusion is also the pediatric level for him.

"Don't perform in front of me. If you want me to believe in the illusion, you should wait for the next life." While talking, Wang Feng punched the void with his fist.

Under a punch, the vast power burst out from Wang Feng's arm, and the world was rapidly collapsing and disintegrating, and it could not stop Wang Feng's punch.

"What's so beautiful?" The illusion collapsed, and Wang Feng naturally recovered his clarity. Seeing Liu Yidao staring at him nervously, Wang Feng said with a slight smile.

"You came out of the illusion so soon?" Seeing Wang Feng's Liu Yidao's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

"What kind of illusion, I just watched a scene in the illusion. What's so strange about this." Wang Feng said, and then said: "Let's go, the other party has already gone far."

The thoughts are urging this Yingru, and Wang Feng and the other two are quickly chasing the people in Yandang Palace.

Fortunately, it was a phantom formation, they didn't dare to advance too fast, otherwise the time when Wang Feng was pulled into the illusion was enough for them to escape.

"Young Palace Master, what's the matter with you?" At this moment an anxious voice sounded. Looking up, Wang Feng saw the group of people in Yandang Palace surrounding their Young Master with anxious expression on his face.

Obviously their Young Palace Master is now also caught in that kind of strange illusion.

This person's body was trembling slightly, as if he had encountered something that scared him in the illusion.

(End of this chapter)


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