The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1279: Calm after the war


Being caught by Wang Feng, the sea clan suddenly let out a roar.

"No need to call, answer my question. If the answer is good, I will let you go. If the answer is not good, my dinner tonight will be barbecue." Wang Feng said indifferently, making the sea clan appear horrified. .

Because at this moment he had already sensed Wang Feng's horror.

The coercion like a mountain enveloped this sea clan, how dare it have the slightest heart of resistance, even his roar was stopped abruptly in half.

"I don't know what Senior wants to know?" Looking at Wang Feng, the Sea Clan made a voice.

"I ask you, what is this place?"

"This is the morning star sea area."

"Morning Star Sea Territory." He muttered this sea region silently. Wang Feng combined with the map of the sea region in his mind, and instantly he found where the Morning Star Sea Territory was.

It's just that this morning star sea area is too far away from the Nile sea area, and there are six or seven sea areas in between. It may take a long time to get back to the peak of the Nile sea area.

The Teleportation Array of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace was really powerful, and he sent himself to such a remote place all at once.

It's a pity that Wang Feng just forgot to tell her to send herself back to the Nile Sea. If I said that, I'm afraid Wang Feng is already in the Nile Sea.

"Go." Throwing this sea clan into the sea, Wang Feng's figure disappeared here in a flash.

Although it is very far away from the Nile Sea, in any case, Wangfeng in the Nile Sea is going back, so even if it crosses many seas, Wangfeng has to do it.

Knowing the location, Wang Feng was left on his way. It took him a full five days before he traversed many sea areas and returned to the Nile Sea area.

Along the way, Wang Feng saw many deadly areas, where fierce battles once took place, and many creatures died.

If Wang Feng's expectation is not bad, these should be caused by the Nile religion, and these places have been swept over by the Nile religion.

It's just that now that the Nile religion is gone, nothing like that will happen in these waters.

After returning to the Nile Sea, Wang Feng had hardly searched for the news he needed. The Nile Sect is indeed dead now. Without the support of their leader, the Nile Sect is nothing more than a plate of loose sand. The human monks of Nile Sect disciples, they have now been properly settled.

Some were taken up by the Yin-Yang Sect, while more were dismissed. With so many people, it is impossible for them to all be killed because this is war.

Killing endless creatures is something that the devil can only do. Moreover, when Wang Feng raised his realm not long ago, he opened his eyes to them, so who would dare to kill so many people at this time?

If they come to Wang Feng's scourge when they rise, I'm afraid they won't know how they were killed by that time.

The Nile Sect died, and the Yin-Yang Sect rose up. This powerful force that was once the most powerful force in more than 50,000 years is now considered a strong return, because they have a true immortal level of Yin-Yang Ming. Although the realm of Yin-Yang Ming is not as good as the leader of the Nile Sect, it is now Among the several nearby sea areas, Yin and Yang are the strongest, so under his rule, others dare not be convinced.

Of course, as the once oppressed Sea Clan, they are now considered to be ahead because they possess terrible Yin and Yang Ming.

The address of Yin-Yang Sect was chosen in the original Yin-Yang Mountains. This is the origin of Yin-Yang Sect. Now it is a suitable place for them to return.

When Wang Feng came to this Yin Yang mountain range

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), he found that this place is very different from when he came. It can be said that this place is completely changed, and many places have been repaired.

Moreover, the gloomy air that has enveloped this place all the year round has long since dissipated, and a large number of Yin and Yang mirrors are stationed here, bringing extremely strong vitality to this place.

Wang Feng's arrival did not arouse the attention of a few people, he appeared directly where Yin Yang Ming was.

When Wang Feng appeared, the faces of Yin Yangming and the ancestor of the sky demon who were talking with each other changed drastically at the same time, because they didn't even notice that anyone appeared here.

But when they saw that the person who appeared was Wang Fengzhi, they were relieved.

The people who can sneak here without a sound and interest must be masters. They thought they were enemies at first, but when they saw that they were acquaintances, the heart they had just mentioned suddenly dropped.

The appearance of Qiongqi shocked everyone, and even many people were killed by those Shishiji fly on Qiongqi.

After Wang Feng ran away with Qiongqi, there was no news. No matter how they contacted Wang Feng, it had no effect. Originally, they had been worried about this for a long time, but seeing Wang Feng coming back safely, they were relieved.

"You just came back. The two of us are discussing how to deal with those high-level Nile sects." Yin Yangming opened his mouth and stood up.

"Stop." Hearing Yin Yangming's words, Wang Feng hurriedly said: "I don't want to discuss these things with you. I am not a person from the Nile Sea, so you can handle the Nile Sects by yourself. , My purpose here today is to take away my partner."

The Nile Sea is not Wang Feng’s home, and Wang Feng has never thought of staying here too long. The reason why he will come back is entirely because of Liu Yidao. The greatest threat of Nile religion has been removed, and the remaining people are no longer enough. Concerned, even if they landed in the middle three days, they were beaten, so there is no difference between those people whether they deal with Yu Wang Feng.

"Are you leaving now?" Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Yin Yangming and the ancestor of the sky demon were surprised.

"Qingqi giant beast is chasing me everywhere now, do you think I will stay and wait for death?"

"You even get rid of Qiongqi, how did you do it?" Yin Yangming asked in surprise at this time.

The stronger the strength, the more terrifying the Qiongqi giant beast can be felt. Such creatures are the most powerful creatures in the world.

"Don't bother about this. The purpose of my return today is to take away my partner. Why didn't I feel his presence here?"

"Oh, he has followed our people to the headquarters of the Nile Church. You should be able to find him now."

"In that case, then I will leave first."

While talking, Wang Feng's figure disappeared directly after the two of them, and neither of them even discovered how Wang Feng left.

"I can feel he is getting stronger and stronger." Yin Yangming said with a sigh as Wang Feng left.

Since the beginning of his cultivation, he has never served anyone, but now that he has served Wang Feng, he can't imagine that a person can increase such a strong combat power in such a short time.

Even this time the decisive battle completely relied on Wang Feng to reverse the situation. Without Wang Feng, they might be the one who lost.

It was Wang Feng who helped them get revenge, and it was Wang Feng who saved their lives. They could no longer express their gratitude to Wang Feng.

"It was probably the best decision my Sky Demon ancestor made in my life to unite him." The Sky Demon ancestor said with a sorrowful expression on his face.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) When Wang Feng said that he wanted to truly unite, he hesitated, and he even gave birth to the thought of rejection.

Later, the people he led were wiped out by the Nile Sect in the Yin Yang Mountains. At that time, he almost regretted it and saw no hope of victory. Even Wang Feng could not be contacted.

Fortunately, in the real decisive battle, they won. Otherwise, I am afraid that the situation will be another scene.

"Cultivation well, you have a chance to become a true immortal." Yin Yang sighed and patted the ancestor of the sky demon on the shoulder.

With the help of rules, Wang Feng quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Nile Sect. Wang Feng has been here three times, and this is his fourth time.

It's just that when he came this time he didn't encounter any resistance, and he didn't even need to change his appearance.

Because wherever he went, all those people showed respect. At this moment, Wang Feng was regarded as a true master with the glory status brought by his strength.

How shocking was when Wang Feng crossed the catastrophe, so those people not only respected Wang Feng, they worshipped more.

The man who can resist even the Scourge is simply their role model.

Without distributing his own spiritual knowledge, Wang Feng easily saw Liu Yidao in the crowd. Because of the relationship between this old guy and Wang Feng, he can now be said to be majestic, even people at the Holy Realm level treat him. Respectful.

Nothing else, just because he is the person next to Wang Feng.

"Old guy, I haven't seen you for a few days now. Your little life is very comfortable?" Wang Feng said strangely when he came to him.

"Who dares to talk to Lao Tzu in such a tone?" Hearing Wang Feng's voice, Liu Yidao suddenly yelled a little uncomfortably.

It was just that he had just finished speaking, but his eyes suddenly widened, because he remembered from whom the familiar voice came from.

"Are you still alive?" said in an incredible voice, Liu Yidao's expression was very exaggerated.

Seeing the look on his face, Wang Feng really almost sent his fist up. What did this old guy say? It's really unbeatable.

"Isn't I still dead if I'm not alive?" Wang Feng replied silently, and then said: "The Qiongqi behemoth may come back at any time. You clean up, we are leaving the Nile Sea."

"Leaving?" Liu Yidao's face showed a look of surprise, and said: "I haven't received all the gifts yet, so why are you leaving in a hurry?"

This period of time Liu Yidao is not only majestic, but also he has received many good gifts from those people who don’t know. No matter what others give, whoever gave Liu Yidao will take all of them. Now he almost becomes a professional gift receiver~ The good thing about the empty glove white wolf is right in front of him. Wang Feng actually said that he was leaving. Didn't this intentionally cut his money?

"Then you can stay in the Nile Sea area by yourself and collect your gifts slowly. Don't blame me for not reminding you if you can't leave this sea area."

"Then...then I was playing around, how could I be touched by a little courtesy, since we came out together, then naturally we should leave together." Liu slashed away while speaking. The people following him ran to Wang Feng.

"I just got rid of Quongqi temporarily. I guess that the behemoth is likely to return to the Nile Sea, so to be on the safe side, we should leave as soon as possible."

"Everything is up to you." The terrifying Liu Yidao of the Qiongqi Giant Beast is familiar, and he now feels a tingling scalp when he thinks of the dense crowd of exterminating flies.

Those things are not easy to provoke, so I should run away quickly.

(End of this chapter)


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