The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1274: The Peerless Powerhouse in the Heavenly Palace

"Break into my palace, get out of here!"

An unfamiliar voice sounded in the underwater world, and its loudness made Wang Feng's ears shed blood at this moment, and his ears were deaf at this moment.

Just one voice contained great power, who is in this palace?


Hearing this voice, the Qiongqi giant roared, and it turned back this time.

Qiongqi didn't know how long he had been alive. It had always scared others away, and even the monks were afraid to attack him, because offending it was almost a dead end.

But now it has the power to hit it flying, which is a great challenge to it.

Just in the sea, the body of the Qiongqi giant began to soar, one zhang, ten zhang, one hundred zhang, one thousand zhang, ten thousand zhang.

In just a few breaths, the body of this Qiongqi giant beast has skyrocketed to an infinite size, and the lofty aura radiates from its body. This is the real Qiongqi ancient beast.

Lifting up his mountain-like paws, this Qiongqi directly grabbed this heavenly palace.

Unimaginable power erupted from his claws, and this power made Wang Feng's heart frightened.

Fortunately, this Qiongqi didn't have such a strong power to deal with him before, otherwise his body would have been caught in half by this Qiongqi.

"Don't think that ancient lives like you can do whatever they want. My heavenly palace is not a place for you to go wild." At this moment, an indifferent voice came, and then a plain hand came out from the heavenly palace.

It was a very slender hand, but the moment the palm of the hand came out, an indescribable aura exploded from this hand.


It was as if the world had collapsed. At this moment, the violent roar replaced everything, and Qiongqi's huge body flew out directly after accepting the impact of this huge force.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng widened his eyes and revealed an incredible color. This was the first time he had seen anyone who could beat ancient behemoths like this since he practiced.

Who are the people in this heavenly palace?

"I don't want to say it a second time. I immediately disappeared from my eyes, or I wouldn't mind peeling off your skin." The voice in the heavenly palace was full of indifference. When her voice was transmitted, the sound waves directly hit them. This is so strange.


In response, this Qiongqi also roared loudly. Its voice was also shocking to the sky, but Wang Feng clearly noticed a trace of panic from its voice.

The people in this heavenly palace are so powerful that it is impossible to imagine, this Qiongqi may not be an opponent either.


While speaking, a strong light flew out of the heavenly palace.

The light soared into the sky, and finally transformed into a giant sword at least a kilometer high on the ground not far from the palace.

"Give you three breaths of time to leave here, otherwise this sword will kill you." A calm voice came from the heavenly palace. The confidence contained in this voice is too strong. This is the real peerless powerhouse. Demeanor as it should be.

Even the ancient giant beasts dared to threaten, Wang Feng couldn't imagine what kind of realm it needed to reach.


Qiongqi's mouth was still roaring fiercely, but Wang Feng could see that it seemed to be slowly retreating, but when it was about to retreat, its huge eyes actually glanced at Wang Feng.

This look was full of hatred, and this hatred seemed to reach Wang Feng's heart, making his back feel a little cold.

Being stared at by such an ancient behemoth, Wang Feng couldn't have hair in his heart.

In the end, the Qiongqi giant seemed to be really afraid of the people in this heavenly palace and chose to retreat.

Watching Qiongqi retreat, Wang Feng's hanging heart was finally let go. This big threat finally retreated. If it does not go, Wang Feng is afraid that it will be very troublesome today.

It's just that when Wang Feng remembered that there was a more terrifying powerhouse in the palace

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) After that, the heart that he put down couldn't help but hang up again.

Before, he wanted to rush into the palace for refuge, but now he doesn't have such an idea anymore, because he just wants to leave here.

With the cat on his body, Wang Feng was about to leave here.

"Why? Didn't even say a word of thanks?" Just stepping forward, a voice came from the palace, which made Wang Feng's body stiff a little.

He also thought that the opponent was high in strength and would not care about him as a small person, but now, he was afraid it would not be so easy to leave.

Turning around and bowing to Tiangong, Wang Feng respectfully said, "Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

"Hold on." A voice came from the heavenly palace, and then Wang Feng felt his body take off without his control.

The black shadows attached to him scattered at this moment, and under the control of a force of power, Wang Feng finally flew straight into the heavenly palace.

Coming to the door of a hall, the voice sounded again: "If you can open this door, I will reward you for good luck."

"Sorry, I don't want good luck." Wang Feng turned and left as he spoke.

It's just that before he left, a stern wind blew, making Wang Feng chill.

"Um...what, I just said it wrong, I mean I want good luck." Feeling such a change, Wang Feng quickly changed his words.

The ghosts could see that it was just a threat, and Wang Feng didn't dare to touch the opponent's intention.

"If that's the case, then do your best to go forward." The stray wind dissipated as he spoke.

"Don't be **** to death." In his heart, Wang Feng let out a long breath, and then he took his own steps.

After a step fell, a majestic pressure immediately enveloped Wang Feng's body, as if the step he had just taken directly sent him into the restricted area.

The rumbling voice kept ringing in Wang Feng's ears. At this moment, Wang Feng not only had to enjoy the mental torture, but also the physical torment.

The coercion is too rich, which makes Wang Feng feel that it is difficult to move an inch.

It's just that Wang Feng is least afraid of this coercion after practicing till now, so after a short period of adaptation, Wang Feng immediately took the second and third steps.

He was about ten steps away from the gate of the hall, but these ten steps were obviously not that easy to walk, because the pressure he had to resist was heavier with each step.

He doesn't know why the people in this heavenly palace want to do this, but he understands that he has no turning back now. Since this strong man has already spoken, then he has no capital to resist.

What else can he do besides obeying each other's wishes?

After three steps, Wang Feng seemed to have stepped into a whirlpool, and he felt the world spin.

"The mere coercion, I haven't paid attention to it yet." Under such circumstances, Wang Feng took another step.

When this step fell, Wang Feng felt his whole body sink down, because the coercion increased again.

"If you want a bent spine, it is simply a dream." Wang Feng's forehead blue veins were already a little violent, and he took another step under such circumstances.

This is the fourth step.

"It's interesting, if you can push the door of the main hall, I can reward you with an extra 13-grade pill." The voice in the palace continued to sound.

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng felt that his somewhat painful nerves tortured by the roar finally had clarity.

What is the thirteen class pill? That was something that Wang Feng couldn't refine at present.

Now that he has searched all over his body, he only has one thirteen-level pill. The owner of the heavenly palace said that he wants to send the thirteen-level pill. That is simply a good thing to fall into the trap.

"For this pill, I also want to rush." ​​My heart was fierce. At this moment, Wang Feng took three steps in succession, as if he had been beaten with blood.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) In this way, he has taken seven steps, he is very close to the gate of the hall, and he can come to the gate of the hall in a few steps.

Only now, Wang Feng felt like he was carrying countless mountains on his back, and the majestic pressure made Wang Feng sad to vomit blood.

But when he thought that the thirteen grade pill was waiting for him, he took another step hard.

The thirteen-grade pill is too effective for him, he is very close to the real immortal, and if he breaks through the realm by that time, the thirteen-grade pill may be of great help to him.

So he must get this pill.

Taking a step forward, the pressure Wang Feng needs to contend has increased by another level. At this moment, he feels that his legs are shaking as he does not listen to him.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he might fall to the ground at any time.

"I don't believe I will be crushed to death by coercion." The voice almost came from between Wang Feng's teeth. At this moment, he was carrying great pressure, and he took another step.

Only after this step was taken, Wang Feng's body suddenly bent down. The pressure at this moment had reached a point where Wang Feng could not resist, and his body was bent.

The creaking sound of bone rubbing continued to sound, and at this moment Wang Feng's muscles had become stiff.

"I said that if you want to bend your back, that is a dream." Wang Feng let out a loud roar, and then his bend body slowly stood upright.

Of course, the consequence of this is that Wang Feng's eyes are red at the moment, and he has desperately tried.

The whole body's cell power exploded, and the Dawn War Soul exploded all its effects at this moment, and Wang Feng was using all of his own to fight against this pressure.

Finally, under Wang Feng's desperate situation, his body slowly stood upright.

Under the extremely majestic coercion, Wang Feng took another step.

Taking this step forward, Wang Feng felt the boundless pressure coming. Under the envelope of this pressure, he opened his mouth and spewed a big mouthful of blood.

After vomiting blood, Wang Feng still kept his body upright.

He was already here, he couldn't give up, because he was only one action away from pushing the door of the hall.

Looking at this tall door, Wang Feng raised his arms with difficulty.

All the power burst out at this moment, and Wang Feng pushed toward this door.

Originally, he thought it would be very difficult for him to open the door of this hall. After all, his ten steps were more painful than fighting.

But when he went to push this door, he opened it easily.

The door opened, and the pressure on Wang Feng disappeared in an instant.

With the help of this gap, Wang Feng quickly turned the glass green lotus tree into operation.

Not long after, all the injuries he had just suffered under pressure recovered, and after this time of pressure, Wang Feng found that his physical body seemed to have strengthened again.

This is a gratifying discovery. UU reading

"Very good, you can push open this door under the coercion of Jiuxingxian." At this moment, a calm voice sounded. Looking up, Wang Feng saw a figure slowing down on the throne opposite him. Appear slowly.

This is a woman wearing a white shirt, her head is covered with light gauze, and her face cannot be seen.

But Wang Feng guessed that the person who can reach the top of the realm must be the color of the country and the city.

Because in the cultivation world, there has never been an ugly woman.

"Senior, don't you know if the rewards you mentioned before count?" Wang Feng asked.

"Of course I promised you will not be less, but before that I have a small request of you, I wonder if you are willing to agree?"

"As long as it doesn't endanger my life, I can promise." Wang Feng thought for a while and said.

(End of this chapter)


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