The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1256: Besieged

With the Xuantian formation completed, Wang Feng has no future at all, so facing this terrifying blow from the opponent, he can only choose to be tough.

The whole body's cells were unreservedly activated, and the power of the Dawn War Soul exploded at this moment, and red light was beating in Wang Feng's eyes, that was the Eye of Destruction ready to explode at any time.

With the improvement of his realm, Wang Feng's speed of using the Eye of Destruction has increased many times. Since he is desperate, Wang Feng will not have the slightest reservation.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

The power of his entire body had already exploded to the extreme. At this moment, Wang Feng raised his fist and smashed it towards the leader of the Nile Cult.

The arm appeared crystallized, and at this moment Wang Feng had already used ten percent of his strength.

Just like the end of the world, vast power exploded on Wang Feng's fist. At this moment, except for the leader of the Nile Cult, all the supreme puppets around him collapsed and were shattered by Wang Feng's fist.

Even the palm taken by the leader of the Nile Sect was blocked by Wang Fengsheng at this moment.

The terrifying power is now invading Wang Feng's arm and infecting his five internal organs and six lungs, but there is the light of the glass green lotus tree on Wang Feng's shoulder. This force belonging to the leader of the Nile Sect was intercepted by Wang Feng Shengsheng.

Even at this moment, Wang Feng raised his left arm and hit it with a punch.

With a punch, countless souls filled Wang Feng's fist. This was the ability of the tortoise shell. At this moment, Wang Feng's left arm had been fused with the tortoise shell.

Looking at the leader of the Nile Cult in front of him, Wang Feng didn't hesitate and slammed his fist directly into his chest.


Seeing Wang Feng's fist, the leader of the Nile Sect only snorted. One of his hands was blocked by Wang Feng, and the other hand was pressed towards Wang Feng.

How can Wang Feng want to yin him?

"It's silly."

An unfamiliar voice sounded. The leader of the Nile Sect did not know where it came from, but Wang Feng knew it because it was a tortoise shell.

The tortoise shell has survived in this world for several eras. How long is an era? That's too long to imagine.

So this tortoise shell knows too much, and now the leader of the Nile cult still chooses to go head-to-head with him, isn't it right in his arms?

Countless souls climbed directly onto the arm of the leader of the Nile Cult in the roar.


The tortoise shell made a sound, and then Wang Feng saw that these grievances were all attached to the flesh and blood of the leader of the Nile Sect.

"What the hell?" Perceiving an abnormality in his arm, the Nile leader's expression changed, but he hadn't waited for him to react. Suddenly his arm exploded, and even the bones in it were already present. Out of the darkness.

Wang Feng can see clearly, aren't those who are attached to the surface of these bones are the evil spirits?

These tortoise shells really have some means to bite the wronged souls into the flesh.

The head of the Nile Sect’s arm collapsed very quickly, and in just a blink of an eye, his flesh and blood had collapsed to his shoulder.

Countless souls are walking through his flesh and blood at this moment, and are about to enter his body.

Without hesitation, Wang Feng was thrown away. The leader of the Nile Sect used his palm as a knife to chop off his arm.

Being able to cultivate to his level, he himself is a decisive person, and he cannot allow these disgusting things to penetrate into his body.

The arm was cut off, and in an instant, a brand new arm grew from his shoulder. Although the cost of flesh and bones was not small for him, the cost was completely within his tolerance.

"You're a bit spine." Seeing the other party cut off his arm cruelly, the tortoise shell couldn't help but say in an admiring tone.

Although the opponent is the enemy, it will not be easy for someone who can do this kind of decisiveness.

As long as the leader of the Nile sect hesitated for a moment, that tortoise shell could get countless souls into his body.

When the time comes to be bitten by countless souls, the pain is not as simple as a broken arm, and even the souls can swallow the soul of the other party.

These unjust souls have been raised by him for several generations. Although he was sleeping many times, after years of precipitation, these unjust souls can also threaten the life of the true fairy.

As long as the evil spirits can consume more living human flesh and blood, they can become stronger.

The arm was forcibly cut off by the opponent, which made the tortoise shell appreciate but also regretted it, because the evil spirits he raised did not have any substantial improvement.

"You accidentally fell into your treacherous trick, but next, you will no longer have good luck." While speaking, more than thirty **** guards suddenly appeared behind the leader of the Nile Cult.

These **** guards all exuded the aura of supreme, so Wang Feng couldn't help cursing in his heart.

He is already a two-star immortal, and he needs a helper. Isn't this cheating?

"Since there is no good luck, then let's fight hard. I want to see what you can do with me." Anyway, I can't get out of here, so Wang Feng is also willing to fight. Since he wants to fight, he can't fight hard. Up.

"Junior, I admire your courage, but the more you are like this, the more you will push yourself into the bottomless abyss. You are digging your own grave."

"Fight if you want, where there is so much bullshit." Wang Feng shouted and took the lead.

He has already been besieged himself, so he can only choose to attack first.

One shot was full force. At this moment, Wang Feng was full of breath, and the two nearest **** guards were crushed by his breath, the gap was too far.

Although Wang Feng's combat power was suppressed only at the Half Immortal level, even if it was Half Immortal, it was far more terrifying than Supreme.

Moreover, these **** guards act stiffly one by one, and their bodies have long lost the vitality that a normal person should have.

Wang Feng wanted to kill them, not to mention simpler than cutting vegetables, but it was not much worse.

The only trouble is that these **** guards are too many, and a Nile cult leader plus these **** guards, Wang Feng is not a small trouble.

Wang Feng could be regarded as being dragged by the leader of the Nile sect, and on the other side, the situation of Yin and Yang Ming was not optimistic, he had been overwhelmed by more than fifty **** guards.

Although he might not die for the time being, if he wants his help, Wang Feng doesn't need to think about it.

"Today you are in a catastrophe." Looking at Wang Feng, the head of the Nile Sect showed killing intent on his face, and then his heart moved, and immediately dozens of **** guards began to form a small square formation.

Although this phalanx was incomparably compared with the phalanx of the Supreme Thousand People, the attack power of the **** guards would increase a lot when it melted.

This is like throwing a stone. A small stone may not hurt much, but after you gather all these stones together, the power will increase exponentially.

A small stone can smash your head and shed blood, but the big stone that a small stone turns into can kill you. There is an essential difference.

Seeing the square formation formed by these **** guards, Wang Feng looked solemn. At this moment, he had raised his body shield, ready to accept the attack of these **** guards.

But when he was preparing to accept the attack, Wang Feng's fist blasted out would not be retracted.

With a punch, Void shattered many cracks. In this crack, the formation of these **** guards was directly disrupted by Wang Feng.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng felt calm, and it seemed that these **** guards were not monolithic.

But before the smile on his face dissipated, he saw that these **** guards quickly returned to their original formation.

It's like you hit the water, although the water will be drained away in an instant, but soon the water will return to its original shape.

"It's useless, you only have one death today." At this time, the voice of the leader of the Nile cult came with a hint of joking.

"Don't think I don't know that you are secretly controlling these **** guards. As long as you are resolved, these **** guards will naturally become real corpses." Looking at the leader of the Nile Sect, Wang Feng directly abandoned these **** guards and turned to attack. The leader of the Nile religion has gone.

"I have to say that I admire you very much, but if you think you can deal with me, it would be too naive." A sneer appeared on the face of the leader of the Nile cult, and then he grabbed his five fingers into claws towards Wang Feng. Come here.

With a grasp, the power of the true immortal exploded, as if a phantom had passed through the space. His shot speed was so fast that even Wang Feng's eyes could hardly discern the direction.

It's just that Wang Feng's tyrannical body was not squinted. No matter how sharp the opponent's claws, Wang Feng directly smashed his fist up at this moment.

With physical hard-to-fight, Wang Feng asked himself who he had not been afraid of.

The physical body has always been one of his strengths. In the past, many of his enemies were killed by his tyrannical body.

When his fist touched the opponent's paw, Wang Feng could feel a tingling pain from his fist, and he didn't need to look at Wang Feng to know it was broken.

However, in this hard fight with Wang Feng, the leader of the Nile Sect did not get any benefits. At this moment, he was beaten back by Wang Feng by at least 20 steps.

Although he was in the realm of two stars, he still couldn't compare with Wang Feng in terms of physical body.

Wang Feng has been exercising his physical body since the beginning of his cultivation, especially after he has practiced Chaos Ancient Jue, his physical strength has increased again. The body of the leader of the Nile Sect is really not comparable to him.

It's just that the leader of the Nile sect did not think about fighting Wang Feng like this, because he has **** guards, and he has some ways to kill Wang Feng.

At this moment, dozens of **** guards were surrounded by Wang Feng and the leader of the Nile cult.

There is no time for the two breaths, and the opponent's vertical and horizontal momentum has been formed.

"let me do it."

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng hadn't acted yet, the tortoise shell had already made a sound.

Although the supreme has been dead for not knowing how long, his unjust souls can still devour their flesh and blood.

This is the perfect time for him to cultivate his soul.

"Okay." Hearing the words of the tortoise Wang Feng did not refuse. At this time, he really needed external help. Otherwise, by himself, he would not be able to defeat the Nile leader.

"It's a pity that I don't have the high strength, otherwise I can help you now." Among Wang Feng's dantian, Liu opened his mouth with a knife, a little self-blaming.

"Don't say that, you have helped me a lot before, and in time, I believe that your strength will definitely be improved." Wang Feng said, but it was comforting.

Because Liu Yidao would not be able to catch up with Wang Feng no matter how he improved his strength, now Liu Yidao's role is probably to relieve boredom.

Because Wang Feng's battle had no room for Liu Yidao to intervene, which made Liu Yidao feel very sad.

He has been thrown too far away by Wang Feng, and wants to catch up with Wang Feng's cultivation steps, unless he also has Wang Feng's abnormal ability.

At this moment, the terrifying black air continuously poured out from Wang Feng's left arm. The black air was all densely packed with evil spirits, and no one could count the number of these evil spirits.

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