The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1249: Yin Yang Ming

A half immortal was trapped and lost even the concept of time. It can be seen that he has been trapped here for a long time, otherwise, how could he not even remember time.

"Then what treasures are there?" Wang Feng asked.

"There are so many treasures that you can't imagine, but if you want to obtain these things, you may have to pay your life, so do you dare to go?"

"There is nothing I dare not. Since I dare to come here, I naturally made up my mind. If I am afraid of everything, what else do we monks cultivate?"

Wang Feng sneered and made this savage half immortal sigh. Once upon a time, he stepped into this place like Wang Feng, but what was the final result?

Except for him, all the others died tragically.

Now looking at Wang Feng, he kind of sees himself in the past. He doesn't know how lucky Wang Feng is, but if he insists on not leaving, he is bound to die.

Because there are countless crises here, I escaped once by chance, so what about the second and the third time?

People's luck can't always be there. Once one makes a mistake, it will fall into an abyss that cannot be undone.

So now he hopes it's best to leave here, because he doesn't want Wang Feng to fall into his situation.

He was okay, he was just trapped here, and Wang Feng's realm would die if he was not careful.

He dared to come here in the middle of the holy realm, he really didn't know how the dead words were written.

"Other than that, what else do I need to pay attention to?" Wang Feng can see that the opponent looks down on him, but he didn't refute anything, because strength can prove everything.

"Pay attention to anything here, because they may swallow you at any time." The half fairy whispered.

"Tun?" Wang Feng looked strange when he heard this. Although the walls here can absorb his power, where should he start?

"Be careful!"

At this moment, the half fairy in the ball of light suddenly called out loudly.

It was like a ray of light flashing in front of his eyes, in fact, it would flash away without him reminding Wang Feng, because he had already felt the crisis coming.

With a startling glance, Wang Feng saw a big mouth bite into the place where he was just now, and this mouth was really spread out from the wall, to be precise, the wall changed.

This savage half immortal was right, these walls actually knew swallowing people.

"Did you see it?" After a glance at Wang Feng, the half immortal said slowly: "Listen to my persuasion, it is still too late to turn around now."

"Needless to say so much nonsense." He turned his head back and shut his head, at this moment Wang Feng's brain was screamed by him.

So at this moment he no longer hesitated, and directly exploded his vast power.

It was like a vast ocean of power permeating from Wang Feng's body, making the complexion of this half immortal capital change drastically.

Obviously he hadn't thought that this sacred realm, which he considered to be weak, could be so terrifying, and such a majestic power, I am afraid that it is already more than half a fairy, right?

Is he a true immortal? At this moment, he thought very shockingly in his heart.

"I will try my best to rescue you, and you will prepare yourself." Wang Feng said, and then he hit the ball of light with a punch.

Since he had said before to save this person, he would definitely do it, besides, this person is more familiar with this place than he himself, and can be used to lead the way.

With one punch down, the ball of light trembled violently, but at this moment, a tingling feeling suddenly passed into Wang Feng's mind.

The power of Thunder above this ball of light actually wanted to hurt him in turn.

It’s just that Wang Feng has been long ago

(Unfinished in this chapter, please turn the page) He has cultivated a thunderous body. Although he rarely uses this physique afterwards, this bit of thunder force wants to hurt him. It is simply a dream.

You know that Wang Feng has even experienced the robbery of Heavenly Scourge, what is this?

As soon as the thunderous body broke out, the numbness on his arm suddenly disappeared, replaced by an increase in strength.

The Thunder battle body can completely absorb the power of Thunder, so this extremely harmful thing can only be transformed into the power to enhance the realm of Wang Feng here.

"Come again!"

It's just that although his strength has improved a bit, Wang Feng still hasn't forgotten the business.

At this moment, his whole body's cell power exploded, and at the same time, the increase of his Dawning Battle Soul was instantly reflected. At this moment, his breath was terrifying, and it was still Broken Star Fist.

It's just that the power of this punch is far more powerful than before, as if a meteor fell.

At this moment, the defensive ball of light was hit by Wang Feng, causing many cracks and almost collapsed.

Seeing this scene, the half immortal who looked like a savage was already dumbfounded. He couldn't imagine that the mask he had struggled for countless years was hit by this young man with many cracks.

With this power alone, he thought he was far inferior to Wang Feng.

"Want to fix it?" Wang Feng's face was sneered when he saw that the light ball was recovering on its own.

"Break it to me!"

With another punch, the ball of light disintegrated directly in the midst of a huge explosion, and at the same time, Wang Feng's remaining punch force blasted the savage-like half immortal into the ground.

"Cough..." A violent cough sounded in the big pit. At this moment, the savage half fairy slowly crawled out of the big pit, with blood still in the corners of his mouth.

Just a little bit of power left him to vomit blood, and Wang Feng's power far surpassed him.

"Are you okay?" Wang Feng asked after a glance at the savage half immortal.

"I... it's okay." The half immortal spoke, only to finish speaking, and suddenly he spouted a mouthful of blood.

It's a lie to say that it's okay, tens of thousands of years have passed, in addition to being about to go crazy, his fighting ability has also greatly degraded.

Just now, he didn't even light up his body protection, so he suffered such a heavy blow.

"Take this pill." Wang Feng flipped over and took out a tenth-grade holy pill.

The other party's injury was not as serious as expected, so this tenth-grade sacred pill was enough to suppress his injury.

"Thank you." With a fist at Wang Feng, the man didn't mind, and directly put the pill into his mouth.

After taking the pill, he sighed for a long time, and then he said: "How many years have I never thought that I can come out of it someday. With this kind of reinvention, I have no teeth. memorable."

"Yin and Yang Ming?" Hearing the other party's self-introduction, Wang Feng's brow wrinkled slightly, and then he said, "What does the Yin and Yang Mountains have to do with you?"

"It's true that the Yin and Yang Mountains are where my power lies." Yin and Yang Ming said, making Wang Feng stunned.

He had just gone with Liu in the Yin Yang Mountains not long ago, but it was extremely gloomy and there were bones everywhere, and this Yin Yang Ming force had long since disappeared.

"I'm afraid I'm going to tell you an extremely bad news. The power of the Yin and Yang Mountains has long since disappeared, and there are only corpses everywhere." Wang Feng said, making Yin and Yang Ming sigh.

"Actually, I already knew that they were destroyed." Yin Yangming sighed, making Wang Feng stunned.

Having been trapped here all the time, how did he know the news from the outside world? Could someone have seen him alive?

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "When the leader of the Nile religion was born, we were killed because there was really no way we could choose to come here to meet our chances, but after this we have no way to go back, so The destruction of Yin-Yang Sect is already in my expectation."

When they fled here, they took almost all the high-end combat power of the Yin-Yang Sect, but when they all disappeared here, the Yin-Yang Sect did not resist the Nile Sect at all.

So it was normal for them to fall apart. The Nile Sect had really risen at the time, so their Yin-Yang Sect era was ended, and even his leader never returned.

The savage spoke, causing Wang Feng to sigh in his heart. Their encounters were similar, all because of the leader of the Nile Sect.

No wonder there are so many corpses in the Yin Yang Mountains. I never thought that there was a powerful school.

Only with the emergence of Nile Sect, the era of their Yin-Yang Sect was over.

How prosperous Ren Yin Yang Sect was, after they were destroyed, only a Yin Yang mountain range with dead bodies was left.

"Are you a disciple of the Nile religion?" Suddenly the savage looked at Wang Feng and asked.

"Do you think I look like?"

"It's not like." The savage shook his head, and then said: "If you are a Nile Cultist, with your strength, you must know the terrible Hell Valley, but now that you have come down, it means you are not a Nile Cult. people."

"You are right. Not only am I not a member of the Nile Cult, but I am also their enemy. I was forced by the leader of the Nile Cult to find a chance here."

"What happened to the outside world?"

"This will be understood after you go out."

Wang Feng spoke, and then took a weird look at this yin and yang, and said, "Are you going to always show people like this?"

He was covered in hair, he looked like a savage, even Wang Feng didn't see him as a human at first glance, thinking it was a beast.

"Sorry, I made you look at the joke." This Yin Yang Ming said, and then the hair on his body suddenly fell off.

At the same time, his messy hair is quickly becoming normal. A brand new shirt has turned out of his body, and he finally has the appearance that a normal person should have.

Looking at this yin and yangming, he looks like a middle-aged person. Although I don't know how many years he has been trapped here, the years have not left him much trace.

With his semi-immortal strength, he can live a long time in this world, tens of thousands of years is really nothing.

It's just that he has been trapped in a small place for tens of thousands of years, and I don't know how he survived.

"Tell me about the strength of the leader of the Nile Sect." Yin Yangming asked.

"Why? Do you want to deal with him?" Wang Feng asked in My yin and yang teachings were destroyed by him, and this hatred is not shared. If it weren't for him, we didn't need to come to this **** valley at the beginning. So all these blood debts are counted on him. "

"But do you think you are his opponent?"

"Has he already cultivated to the Second Star Immortal?" Yin Yangming asked.

"Yes, he has reached the Second Star Immortal. Even I think I am not his opponent. If it is you, I believe you will be beheaded when you go up." Wang Feng said, not alarmist.

If this Yin Yang Ming does not possess his own ability to leapfrog challenges, he is really not an opponent of the leader of the Nile Cult.

One and a half immortal, one two-star immortal, the gap between two people can not be described as a gap.

Perhaps it only takes a single blow, and this yin and yang will be dispelled.

(End of this chapter)


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