The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1213: Fusion

"Where is the weird power hidden?" Wang Feng said silently, and then he studied it carefully. Apex novel,

"What are you doing?" Just then Liu Yidao's voice came, attracting Wang Feng's attention temporarily.

"How about several people"

"The few people have been ransacked by Lao Tzu, I let them go." Liu Yidao said shamelessly.

"How big is it"

"Get a fart, these people's space rings are even cleaner than their faces." Speaking of Liu Yidao, there was some atmosphere. He thought he was already poor, but he didn't expect these people to be even poorer.

Of course, Qiong Liu’s knife is also relative to Wang Feng. As far as he is concerned, he now has more than tens of billions of spiritual stones, and the few people who just grabbed them all add up to less than 500 million. This is natural in Liu Yidao’s view. It's poor.

In fact, so many spirit stones are already very rich among ordinary monks, but Liu Yidao's vision is too high to look down on.

"By the way, what is this thing in your hand."

"Turtle shell." Wang Feng replied.

"But I think you have been staring at this ragged thing, is there something weird with this turtle shell" Liu Yidao asked suspiciously.

"Just when I scanned my soul power, I noticed a weird force pervading the turtle shell, but now this tortoise seems to have nothing strange about it. Would you like to see it?"

"Let me see." Liu Yidao took the tortoise shell directly after hearing Wang Feng's words.

After observing the willow knife for a long time, it can only be a face of doubt, because he didn't see anything, the tortoise shell is a tortoise shell, and he even bit his own mouth.

"Could that be your illusion?" Liu Yidao said when returning the tortoise shell to Wang Feng.

"Illusion Do you think that in my current state, how low is the chance of illusion"

"Could it be that the tortoise shell will not change until it recognizes the lord" at this moment Liu Yidao seemed to think of something, said.

"It makes sense." Hearing Liu Yidao's words, Wang Feng remembered that there might be such a change.

Biting his fingertips, Wang Feng directly dripped a drop of his own blood onto the tortoise shell.

On the surface, the tortoise shell looks no different from those in the ordinary world, but when Wang Feng's blood dripped on the tortoise shell, it was directly absorbed by the tortoise shell.

And just after the next two seconds, suddenly the tortoise shell burst out with a dazzling black light.

Approaching Wang Feng, he felt a burning pain in his skin. As for the Liu Yidao in front of him, he screamed bitterly.


Hearing Liu Yidao's screams, Wang Feng did not hesitate to take him into his dantian, and also shrouded the light of the colored green lotus tree towards him.

"Oops." Just then Wang Feng sounded his dantian, who was still warming up.

Without any hesitation, Wang Feng stepped directly into the cave mansion in one step, and with his arrival, the black mist followed him closely.

If the pill furnace invades this black mist, then the ghost king pill will fail without even thinking about it.


With a loud shout in his mouth, Wang Feng directly released the power of the green glaze lotus tree.

These black mists tend to have the power of a **** swallowing pot, so Wang Feng believes that the colored glaze green lotus tree can definitely block the intrusion.

Sure enough, when the black mist collided with the light of the green glass lotus tree, the black mist was directly forced back.

But before Wang Feng could breathe a sigh of relief, all of the black mist suddenly rushed up. The endless black mist kept hitting the light of the glass green lotus tree, seeming to want to rush in.

And in the black fog, Wang Feng also saw some grim-faced human faces, just like ghosts.

The dense souls are boundless and there is no end in sight.

Ordinary people would definitely be frightened if they saw this scene, but Wang Feng is different. Wang Feng now finally understands that this tortoise shell is an evil magic weapon refined by a master, and it is estimated that it is still alive and refined.

Because only the things that have killed endless people can condense so many grievances.

"Uncle Caohe, what's the situation?" Liu Yidao quickly recovered under the cover of the green glaze green lotus tree, but at this moment he was still a little frightened, and cursed loudly.

"Don't make any noise, we will know the situation when the ghost king pill is refined." Wang Feng said, without leaving here.

Right now the Ghost King Pill was about to successfully get out of the pill, so Wang Feng absolutely couldn't let the black mist invade in.

Although the impact of the black mist was severe, the glass green lotus tree had grown into a big tree after two huge fortunes. Judging from the current situation, it would not be a big problem to last for at least one or two days.

While controlling the colored glaze green lotus tree to fight against the black mist injustice, Wang Feng was paying attention to the changes in the pill furnace.

The time has been spent a day like this. After one day, the Ghost King Pill has been successfully separated under Wang Feng's control. Only when the warmth is completed, the Ghost King Pill will be truly refined.

However, the evil spirits outside on this day did not stop attacking, and even when they attacked, they would let out screams, which made Wang Feng a little annoyed.

Obviously it was his own blood that went in. It didn't matter if he didn't recognize the Lord, these evil spirits would still attack him.

This requires a low-strength person like Wang Feng to do so, I am afraid that he will die in an instant.

Wang Feng had no sense of the tortoise shell at all now, and that celestial master was really smart, he hadn't noticed the tortoise shell. If he noticed the weirdness of this thing, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

Sometimes, being stupid is also a blessing.

Two full days passed, the glazed green lotus tree's light had begun to dim, and the ghost king pill had reached the moment when it was about to become a pill.

It was just when Wang Feng was about to collect this ghost king pill, his expression suddenly changed, and at this moment he noticed that someone was approaching here.


Seeing that five of the Pill Furnace had completely condensed into the Ghost King Pill, Wang Feng took them away without hesitation. The materials collected over the years have finally become the Ghost King Pill.

"I want to see what's weird about this tortoise shell." With a sweep of his sleeves, Wang Feng took the pill furnace away.

Without the pill, Wang Feng would have no worries about the future, so at this moment he took a step towards the tortoise shell.

Although there are many souls who want to rush to bite him along the way, they are only covered by the light of the green glaze lotus tree, and these souls can only retreat.

Looking at the tortoise shell floating in the air, Wang Feng's face showed a pensive color. He didn't grab the tortoise shell at once, because the tortoise shell is no longer the one they saw before. .

I saw dense strips of lines appearing on the tortoise shell now, these lines intertwined with each other, like a pattern.

"Could it be that this is also a kind of mysterious thing from before the ancient times"

Wang Feng, the Primordial Rune on the Fiery Gun, has studied it and has some insights. Although the patterns on the tortoise shell are somewhat different from the Primordial Rune, Wang Feng looks a bit similar.

The tortoise shell does not seem to have any traces of age, and it seems a little unbelievable if it is an object from before the ancient times.

But in this age, who else uses this weird rune

Seeing the people approaching here quickly, Wang Feng could only stretch out his palm and grabbed the tortoise shell.

Only under this grasp, the problem appeared. At this moment, Wang Feng felt a special force spreading along his arm toward his body. If he did not stop it, this force would inevitably occupy his entire body.

At this moment, the Liuli Qinglian tree was turned frantically by Wang Feng, and he couldn't let this force rush into his body.

Not only was Wang Feng operating the saplings himself, but at this time the saplings themselves also sensed the crisis of Wang Feng, the owner, and were actively helping to resist the invasion of this external force.

Ten breaths of time passed before the dark breath was finally sealed on his arm by Wang Feng.

Looking down, his arms were completely pitch black at this moment, countless souls were entwined on his arms, and even Wang Feng himself felt a little scalp tingling after seeing this scene.

What the **** does this happen

Sinking into his mind, Wang Feng was feeling the existence of the tortoise shell, but the tortoise shell seemed to have disappeared at the moment, and it was impossible to find it.

There was no pain in his arm, and even Wang Feng's own strength was not repelled at all, which was exactly the same as before.

"Who are you?" At this moment, the person close to here finally appeared. He was naturally shocked when he saw Wang Feng.

Because of the evil power of the tortoise shell, this sea area has now completely become a dead area. The sea tribe has died, fish and shrimp have died. Except for Wang Feng and Liu, there are almost no survivors in this area. This matter has already been in the Nile. The sea spreads, and many people even think that there is some treasure here, and they are ready to dive into the sea to find them. Only when they just went to the sea, the evil power of the tortoise shell directly corroded them.

The bite of countless souls killed them almost instantly. As the overlord of the Nile religion, someone reported the matter to the Nile religion. The old man Wang Feng saw now was sent by the Nile religion to see what happened. What happened.

The reason why this old man was able to dive into such a deep sea was because he had a treasure rewarded by the great elder, specifically used to fight evil forces.

But what he never expected was that the scene he saw after coming down turned out to be like this.

This sea area has long since become a dead zone under the invasion of that vicious force. When did this person appear here?

He could feel Wang Feng's supreme aura. Although his realm had reached the late stage of the holy realm, he still remained cautious looking at Wang Feng.

"It happens to be an experiment with you." Seeing that the other party was wearing the Nile Cult, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all, and directly blasted his left hand out.

His left hand had just merged with the tortoise shell. Wang Feng didn't know what was going on, and couldn't find the tortoise shell, so now he just happened to use the person in front of him to try his arm.

With a punch, the surging power exploded, and aware of the imminent crisis of life and death, the old man chose to retreat without hesitation.

His realm is higher than Wang but the feeling of life and death crisis cannot be faked, so he understands that even if the opponent's punch cannot kill him, it will at least severely wound him.

He retreated, but as he retreated, Wang Feng also chose to advance.

The extremely fast instant kill broke out, and Wang Feng had come close to him almost in the blink of an eye, no matter how the opponent escaped, he couldn't leave at this moment.

His chest was almost solidly hit by Wang Feng.

This punch has the power of the broken star punch, and at the same time the evil power of the tortoise shell erupts.

At this moment, Wang Feng could see a black energy gushing out of his arm, directly attached to the old man.


The screams came from the old man's mouth. At this moment, his chest collapsed directly, and countless souls were attached to his flesh and blood, biting him, making him feel unhappy.


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