The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1211: Mirror of Death

A few more formations were reinforced around the cave, and Liu Yidao was relieved. ○

The alchemist was most afraid of being disturbed during the alchemy, so Liu Yidao didn't want anyone to find them when Wang Feng made the alchemy.

"It can't be blown up." From memory, Wang Feng knew that such a change would happen after putting Fen Tiansha, so even though he was a little surprised in his heart, his expression remained the same.

Powerful soul power is pouring out from the center of his eyebrows at this moment, and the power increase of Dawning Battle Soul is exploding at this moment. Originally, this group of liquid medicine will almost explode out of Wang Feng’s control, but in Wang Feng’s terrifying soul Under the force, he abruptly suppressed this tendency to explode.

At this moment, what this group of medicinal liquid needs is the suppression of external force, because the destructive power of Fen Tiansha is working at this moment.

If the alchemist is too weak, the alchemy at this moment must have failed.

Soul power is constantly pouring out of Wang Feng's mind at this moment. Originally, Wang Feng thought it would not be so difficult to refine this Ghost King Pill with his own soul power, but in fact he underestimated the difficulty of refining Ghost King Pill.

At this moment, the large amount of soul power passed by makes him feel the dizziness of his head one after another. Looking for such a trend, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold on for long.

It's just that reason is telling him that he should stick to it no matter what, because once these medicinal materials are wasted, then Wang Feng will not have a second chance to refine this pill in a short time.

It took him several years to gather these herbs of the Ghost King Pill, so even if he felt dizzy in his mind, Wang Feng had to bite his tongue and force himself to stay awake.

"Only success, no failure." Wang Feng said in his heart a voice that only he could hear, and then his whole body was directly invested in the pill furnace.

At this moment, Wang Feng's ears could no longer hear any sound, nor could he perceive what was happening outside. If someone were to kill him at this moment, I was afraid that he would have no resistance.

Of course, this thing is just thinking about it, and it won't really happen, because there is still a willow outside guarding it.

The violent power is constantly permeating the pill furnace, as if what Wang Feng is now refining is not a pill, but a furnace.

The pill will explode at any time, so at this moment Wang Feng had to take out all of his mind to control everything.

The most critical moment of alchemy has arrived. As long as Wang Feng passes by, then the Ghost King Pill can basically be formed. If it fails, the alchemy will end in failure.

The aura of destruction is getting stronger and stronger, and in the end almost even the formation here can't be covered.

"Is this alchemy or what is it doing?" Perceiving such a change, Liu Yidao in the Dong Mansion was worried.

His strength is not even in the Holy Realm, so he can't stop the real master at all, and now he is thinking that no master should discover the changes here.

"There seems to be something in the sea"

At this moment, someone noticed the movement here and quickly plunged into the sea.

As the saying goes, what to worry about? Right now the Nile Sect is going crazy in pursuit of Wang Feng and Liu Yidao. Now the entire Nile Sea is unstable, and people everywhere are looking for Wang Feng and Liu Yidao.

The place where few people passed by is now where humans gather. The monks who plunged into the sea came here to find Wang Feng and Liu.

Just now they clearly felt an aura of destruction emanating from the sea, so they had to go down to see what happened.

If there is someone they want to find hidden in the sea, then even if they send a message to the Nile Sect, then their day has come.

And even if it is not those two people, they can have an adventure.

"Nima, someone is coming."

Liu Yidao did not have a heavenly eye, and his soul power was far inferior to Wang Feng, but at this moment in his sensing range, he clearly sensed that several monks were approaching here quickly.

At this moment he really wanted to scold his mother.

The general strength of several cultivators is around the reincarnation realm, such a person Liu can deal with it with one sword, but there is also a more terrifying aura among them, this person is restrained in his body, and he is a holy realm.

The Liu Yidao in the reincarnation realm is sure of victory, but when he encounters these holy realm supreme, then he can't say it well.

Alchemy is alchemy, and there is still such a big movement now, isn’t this deliberately attracting people

Looking back at the Dongfu, Liu Yidao cursed in his heart, but now he couldn't hear him no matter how he scolded Wang Feng, because Wang Feng was now at the most critical moment of alchemy.

Withdrawing his weapon, Liu Yidao knew that the time had come for him to work.

He didn't use the red knife of Mengtianya, he used the one that Wang Feng bought from the Flame Race.

This sword is an immortal weapon, although the evil spirit on it is not strong, but after all the quality is there, he can also burst out destructive power with this sword.

Liu Yidao has never practiced with the Holy Realm Supreme before. Today, he is afraid that this is a precedent.

"Stop coming"

Taking the initiative to step out of the formation, Liu Yidao appeared in the gloomy sea, and his voice carried a rolling sound wave, swept toward the few human monks.

"Well, someone" heard Liu Yidao's words, and these people stopped.

Originally they thought there was someone they were looking for, but when they compared the appearance of Liu Yidao with the portrait they knew, they realized that the person in front of them was not what they were looking for.

It can only be said that the art of stealing the sky is really powerful. Now Liu Yidao is standing face to face in front of them, but none of these people can be recognized.

Even this supreme can't recognize it.

Realizing that Liu Yidao's realm is only in the late reincarnation realm, the caution on these faces slowly dissipated.

"Does this sea area belong to you? You let us stop and stop," a monk sneered.

"It must be some treasure unearthed here, you are so." Another person sneered.

While they were talking, they were constantly looking at the place not far behind Liu Yidao, where was the entrance of Wangfeng Cave Mansion, and now Wang Feng was refining Ghost King Pill.

I didn't expect the process of refining Ghost King Pill to be so troublesome, so Liu Yidao was very worried now.

He doesn't know how long he can hold these people, but now he can only hold one second is one second.

"Presumptuous." Thinking of his own purpose, Liu Yidao's gaze immediately became extremely gloomy: "My lord is now in retreat. How can you bother you."

"Your lord" heard Liu Yidao's words, these people were really frightened.

According to what Liu Yidao said, it seems to be justified, because it is possible to radiate such destructive power, presumably its own realm is also very high, if there is really someone behind this retreat, it is really wrong to rush to interrupt .

Because it's totally disrespectful to disturb others while they are practicing.

"Since it is a retreat, why does it exude such a majestic destructive force, are you lying to us?"

"Is it a lie? You'll know if you go in and see for yourself." Seeing the hesitation in these people's eyes, Liu simply gave way.

People are all suspicious creatures. The more you show detention, the more likely others will not believe you, but once you behave openly, even a normal person will be fooled by you.

Sure enough, after Liu Yidao gave way, these people did not dare to go forward, because they were afraid that what Liu Yidao said was true.

Once they enter and disturb others' cultivation, their end may be extremely miserable.

Judging from this kind of destructive aura, the people in it are at least in the holy realm. Once such a person provokes them, there will be endless disasters.

"I want to remind you in advance, once you get into trouble, don't blame me for not reminding you." Liu said with a knife, and then he directly sat down in the sea.

"Tianshi, what should we do now" Several reincarnation monks look at me, I look at you, no one can get an idea, so at this time they can only focus on the old man, which is that Holy Land Supreme Body.

"Let me take a look." The celestial master said calmly, and then he took out a mirror with his palm.

"This is the legendary mirror of death." Seeing this mirror, these reincarnation cultivators were very surprised.

Since his debut, the Heavenly Master has helped people calculate their fate, and helped people see the past. The reason why he can rise to fame is because of the mirror of death in his hand.

Legend has it that this mirror can see through the past and the future. The heavenly master uses this thing to help people see many things that they can't see, and has gained a reputation.

The aura of destruction in the cave is absolutely there, even this celestial master does not want to rush in rashly, because he is afraid of offending people.

In a place like Nile Religion, his initial state of the Holy Realm was not strong at all, so he was always cautious in doing things.


The palm of his hand flicked the mirror, and suddenly scenes of blurred scenes appeared in the mirror of death.

I can see two people among them, one of them is Liu Yidao, and the other is Wang Feng, but Wang Feng's figure is very vague in the mirror, and they can't see clearly.

No matter what the celestial master did, Wang Feng's shadow was always incomparably vague, as if a layer of mist was covering him at all times, so that the celestial master could not see clearly.

This made the heavenly master very crazy, because this was the first weird thing he encountered since his debut. There was only a vague scene in the mirror of death. Such things shouldn't happen.

"I don't believe I can't see this person." While speaking, the heavenly master bit his and dropped a drop of blood directly on the smooth mirror surface.

The blood fell on the mirror of rebirth and was immediately absorbed, and after absorbing the blood of the celestial master, the mirror of rebirth suddenly burst out with a strong light.

Looking up, Wang Feng's face can be seen clearly, but the moment he saw the mirror, the heavenly master only felt an endless roar from his head, because he saw Wang Feng's eyes.

It was a pair of extremely cold eyes, just a pair of eyes, he had already suffered a tragic injury.


At the same time, many cracks appeared on the mirror surface of this reborn mirror, as if it was about to crack at any time.

"No." Seeing this scene of the celestial master screaming, this reborn mirror is very important to him, and he must not lose it.

It's just that no matter what he did, the mirror of rebirth exploded directly without holding two breaths in the cracking sound, a good artifact, now it has become a residue.


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