The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1208: force


"You will pay for everything you do." Looking at Wang Feng, the lady said with a sneer.

"I don't know what the price is?" Wang Feng said calmly, looking at the lady.

To be honest, this lady looks very beautiful, even if she already has a son who looks more than 20 years old, but in terms of appearance, she still maintains the youngest and fullest time.

In particular, her eyes always contain spring feelings, and it is no wonder that old men like the Great Elder of the Nile Sect are also tempted.

If it were changed to when Wang Feng did not practice before, he must have seen such a woman as Shigeng, but now that the years have changed, Wang Feng is no longer in his twenties, he has experienced too many dangers, and he has also experienced There are too many worlds, so such a woman is actually not attractive at all in front of him.

"You will die, and you will die miserably." The lady cursed with a vicious expression on her face.

"Originally I sympathized with your experience, but I did not expect that you would have changed your heart after so many years. If you can just show your unyielding side, maybe I will let you go and give you the same freedom, but now It seems that it's just me thinking too much." Wang Feng said, shaking his head.

According to the memory of the Xianting elder, Wang Feng knew that this woman was not originally the concubine of the Great Elder of the Nile Sect. She was forcibly occupied by the Great Elder of the Nile Sect before giving birth to the man standing next to her.

Speaking of her, she is also a hard-failed person, but the hard-failed people nowadays no longer think that she is suffering, and she is also impressed by the comfort of life here, so such a person is not worthy of Wang Feng's rescue.

Why do you want to go?

"Mother, don't tell him, he will naturally die miserably when Dad rushes over." At this time, the young man next to the lady said, with a sneer on his face.

Although he can't cultivate, he knows that his father is extremely powerful, and he is also powerful when he is not outside. In these years, as long as he asks for something, there are few people who cannot get it.

So now even if he was reduced to a prisoner, he didn't have the consciousness that a prisoner should have.

"Do you know what will happen to me if you threaten me like this?" Looking at this young man, Wang Feng's eyes slowly moved to his lower body.

Seeing that little gadget that was almost invisible, Wang Feng showed a disdainful smile on his face, and he couldn't practice. The little brother is so short that he is almost out of sight. It is estimated that this person also knows his lack of ability. , So he will find ways to toss women.

He is so short, presumably his father is not much better, no wonder the Great Elder of the Nile Church has no heirs anymore, so short, it is so strange to have heirs.

"If you have the ability, kill me." Watching Wang Feng speak, the man suddenly roared.

"Liu Yidao, go and bet on his stinky mouth. I don't want to listen to him spraying manure here."

"Good." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Liu Yidao showed a grin on his face, and then his figure disappeared here in a flash. When he came back, he didn't know where he was looking for a bunch. Smelly socks.

"Hmph, I'll make you noisy and make you noisy." When he came to the young man's face, Liu Yidao stuffed all these stinky socks into his mouth in the face of the other person's horror.


Seeing this scene the great change in front of the lady, but with her little strength, how could she be able to stop Liu Yidao.

Not long after, the young man's mouth was completely blocked by the smelly socks, only to see his face turn pale for a while, probably because he wanted to vomit.

It's just that there are socks blocking his mouth, and he can't vomit it out. It is estimated that this person is about to cry.

If he doesn't speak, maybe everything is fine, and Wang Feng won't do anything to him. After all, he himself has not thought about how to treat these people, because their existence value is to draw out the great elders of the Nile religion.

It's just that this person has been spraying dung next to him, and he deserves it if he ends up like this now.

"Don't drag me here. If you don't let me go, believe it or not, you will end up in the same way as him." Liu Yidao shook off the lady's hand and shouted coldly.

"You..." Hearing Liu Yidao's words, although the lady wanted to refute, she could only choose to shut up when she saw the misery of her son.

"Stay here well." Glancing at the lady, Liu Yidao kicked the young man and returned to Wang Feng's side.

"The Great Elder of the Nile Religion will come, do you think I should avoid it for a while?"

The avoidance mentioned by Liu Yidao was naturally that he had entered Wang Feng's Dantian, and his realm was only in the late reincarnation realm. If half immortal fights, any aftermath is enough to kill him.

"Let's talk until the other party comes." Wang Feng said, and then silently closed his eyes.

Wang Feng did not ask the lady to notify the Nile elder, because Wang Feng believed that when he erased the marks on the souls of the servant girls, the other party had already sensed it.

The Great Elder of Nile Religion is not stupid, he must know that something has happened here, so if Wang Feng expected it well, the other party is already on the way to come.

It's just that he didn't know if the person who came would be the Great Elder of the Nile Sect.

After waiting here for about two minutes, Wang Feng's eyes suddenly opened: "Come!"


Almost as soon as his voice fell, there was a roar above his head, a whirlpool appeared, and a strong man was using this whirlpool to descend here.

The opponent's speed was too fast, it was completely like a bolt of lightning.

With a thought, Wang Feng directly took Liu Yidao into his dantian.

It was artificial, but the majestic half-immortal coercion had already diffused out of the whirlpool. Perceiving this breath, Wang Feng's expression was slightly solemn, because the coercion of the coming man seemed to be a lot stronger than the other half-immortals.

If you compare it with people, it is estimated that the people here are similar to the demon ancestor that day.

Oh oh...

Feeling the familiar breath coming over, the young man who was gagged by the smelly socks whimpered. If it weren't for Wang Feng's mouth being gagged at the moment, he might have screamed.

Finally, under Wang Feng's gaze, an old man slowly emerged from the whirlpool. According to the memory of the elder Xianting, this person is undoubtedly the great elder of the Nile religion.

"You are really slow." Wang Feng said calmly when he saw the person coming.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing the two people behind Wang Feng, the face of the Great Elder of the Nile Sect showed murderous intent. At this moment, he did not talk nonsense with Wang Feng at all.

In his opinion, it is too easy for him to slap a cultivator in the early stage of the Holy Realm with his palm.

It's just that he underestimated Wang Feng and overestimated himself. Seeing the palm of the other party, Wang Feng's expression was calm and he also punched his own fist.

The vast and surging power filled Wang Feng's fist, and the terrifying power made the Nile Sect Great Elder's expression instantly change.

He hadn't exerted all his strength in the palm just now, so when Wang Feng's punch hit, it was too late for him to dodge.


The fists and palms collided, Wang Feng did not retreat, but these Nile elders were blasted out and took more than 20 steps, and there was blood on the corners of their mouths.

"Unexpected, really unexpected, I underestimated you." Wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, the Elder Nile Sect showed a sneer on his face.

"It's still the old saying, it's just that you look at yourself too highly." Wang Feng said, not afraid of the Nile sect elder.

"Since you know this, then your identity must be the scholar we have been tracking down?" Nile Sect elder sneered.

"Is it right? I don't have to tell you, and even if you know, what can you do to me?"

"I think you brought me out this time, not just for fighting, right?"

"Smart." Seeing that the other party was doing this way, Wang Feng couldn't help but clicked a thumbs up for him in his heart. It was no trouble to talk to smart people.

"I know you once got Fen Tiansha. The purpose of my appearance here today is very simple. I just want to get this thing."

"Fen Tiansha?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Great Elder of the Nile Sect sneered: "Fen Tiansha has already been used by me. Even if you want it now, I can't get it out."

"is it?"

Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng's heart moved and he directly detained the man who had no power to bind the chicken in front of him.

"Prepare to say goodbye to you daddy." Wang Feng said, making the Nile Sect Great Elder's expression change drastically.


This sentence almost came out of his throat. He didn't care about his concubine, the elder of the Nile religion, but for his only son, he cherished even more than his life.

Because he is such a single seedling.

Although he can't practice, he can help himself to complete the important task of inheriting the family, if his son is gone, then his line can almost be called extinct.

At this moment, his murderous intent towards Wang Feng was overwhelming, but Wang Feng had a hostage in his hand, and he did not dare to mess around.

Because the other party can kill his son with a single thought.

"It's okay if you want me to stop, and Fen Tiansha will bring it." Wang Feng said, boldly.

It seems that the memory of the elder Xianting is really useful. This man with no power to bind the chicken is the weakness of the great elder of the Nile religion.

As long as the person is in his own hands, Wang Feng is not afraid that the other party will not give up.

"Give it to him, save our son." Just then the lady spoke with a pleading expression on her face.

"Shut up!" Glancing at the lady, the Great Elder of the Nile Sect was also angry now.

The role of Fen Tiansha is not limited to refining Ghost King Pill. In other respects, the Fen Tiansha is also astonishing. After all, the probability of appearance of this thing is too small.

Although he had Fen Tiansha in his hand, he was reluctant to take it out, because they had spent a lot of effort to obtain it.

"Give you five breaths of time to consider. Within five breaths, if you don't give me burn the then you are ready to extinct." Wang Feng said, making the expression of the Nile elder completely gloomy. Go down.

Now Wang Feng's existence is like a handful of salt on his wound.


Looking at each other, Wang Feng started the countdown directly.


"Uuuu..." Perceiving that Wang Feng's cold murderous intent had enveloped him, the man who had been caught by Wang Feng also trembled violently.

Obviously, the fear of death at this moment made him almost scared to pee.

He spit out all the smelly socks in his mouth when he patted this person on the back.

"Father, save me, save me." There was nothing to gag, and the man immediately yelled.

And this scene is exactly what Wang Feng wants to see.


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