The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1202: Self-righteous


"Are you sure it's worth it?" Wang Feng asked calmly looking at Hua Qianyan.

"In any case, he is also my father. He raised me, so if you want to kill him, then I will pay for it with my life. I only hope you can let him go." Hua Qianyan said, letting Wang Feng feel All sighed.

What a nice girl, but it's a pity that I met such an old man, who has poured coal in the black coal kiln for eight lifetimes.

Wang Feng rarely shot at women, especially beautiful women, and he had no grievances against this Hua Qianyan, how could he kill her.

Unless the hatred value is too high, otherwise Wang Feng would not choose to destroy the flower with his hand.

"Oh." For a long time, Wang Feng let out a sigh, and he retracted his fist.

"Old guy, thanks to her such a good daughter, otherwise you will definitely die today." After saying this, Wang Feng turned and left.

"You..." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this flower and stone was speechless.

What a sorrow it is, the Patriarch of the dignified flower family, the supreme in the middle of the holy realm actually needs his own daughter to rescue him.

If his daughter hadn't stopped in front of him just now, perhaps he had been killed by a punch from the opponent.

"Old guy, we should go." Looking at Liu Yidao, Wang Feng said.

The battle here has ended, and Wang Feng has already obtained what Liu Yidao wants for him, so there is no need for them to stay here and wait for someone to find them.

Putting Qin Tianya like that, this Nile sect will definitely come to target them. With his current strength, Wang Feng is not enough to fight the entire Nile sect, so he can only avoid the edge for the time being.

"Wait." Just then Meng missed a shout.

"I don't know what your name is?" Meng Wuyuan asked, looking at Wang Feng's back.

Hearing the words Meng missed, Wang Feng was taken aback, and many people present at the same time put their eyes on Wang Feng because they were all guessing who this man was.

Young is too young, but the strength is shocking. If such a person has no identity, they will definitely not believe it.

It's just that Wang Feng's next answer stunned them.

"I'm going to leave behind my clothes, I'm Lei Feng, I don't want to thank you." Wang Feng uttered a buzzword on the earth, which stunned many people present.

Because they have never heard of this name, they are not people on earth, and they don't know people on earth at all, so they just take this as Wang Feng's real name.

"Lei Feng?" Meng Wuyuan murmured his mouth, already remembering the name.

In any case, he owed Wang Feng two favors today, and he can only repay this favor later.


"Where to go!"

At this moment, the void suddenly exploded, and a fist quickly protruded from the collapsed space, exploding into the power of the late Holy Realm.

"Another one to die."

Looking at this fist, Wang Feng showed a sneer on his face, and then he also punched it up.

With a punch, the space rolls over like waves. This scene looks extremely astonishing, like the end of the world.

And the supreme in the void let out a scream at this moment, obviously seriously damaged.

"You can't walk away." Realizing that the person in the void wants to leave, Wang Feng looked cold and indifferent. He saw his palm stick out at this moment, and then after an unknown distance, this hiding in the void has not had time to show up. He was imprisoned abruptly by the late Saint Stage Supreme, and couldn't escape.

"Elder Xianting." Many people couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the person caught by Wang Feng.

This is a veteran supreme among the Nile religions, with a high reputation in the Nile Sea, no one would have thought that he was better than him now being held in the hands of Lei Feng.

Obviously only the strength of the early stage of the holy realm, but he can easily deal with Qin Tianya, and can easily bully Hua Shijian, but now even the elder of the Xian Ting in the late stage of the holy realm is pinched in his hands like a little chicken.

How strong is he? Is this still a human monk?

Glancing at the Nile religion costume this person was wearing, Wang Feng sneered: "I didn't expect your Nile religion to come so quickly."

"You're causing the fire." Although caught by Wang Feng, the elder Xianting didn't show the panic he imagined, because he had seen many big scenes at his age, so he couldn't control it at all. he.

"You have fallen into my hands and you are so stupid. I don't know if you are stupid or stupid." Wang Feng shook his head, and then he pressed his palm, and suddenly the elder Xianting's arm was directly broken by him.

It’s just that this kind of damage is not enough to make the old man scream, he still said coldly: "As long as you are still in the Jueluo Sea, you will not be able to escape the pursuit of our Nile Sect. If you are caught now, there may be a thread. vitality."

"I believe that the vitality is earned by yourself, not by you, and since you want to kill me, it means that you are also ready to die. What I hate most is your defiant ants. "

Above the word ant, Wang Feng increased his tone, and as his voice uttered, his terrifying power also broke out completely.

I would not be polite to Wang Feng of the Nile Sect, because the grievances between this Sect and him had already been settled. I let Qin Tianya go before just because Wang Feng didn't want to cause trouble when he came here.

But now a person who has fallen into his own hands dares to despise himself in this way. Is he really afraid to kill him?

"Remember, don't speak so horribly in the next life, because some people are not something you can provoke." During the speech, Wang Feng's power directly penetrated into the body of the elder Xianting, causing him to tremble.

His eyes were rapidly congesting blood because he felt an extreme pain, but thousands of years of cultivation made him bite his teeth at this moment, trying not to let himself make any noise.

"Oh, I almost forgot one thing." While speaking, Wang Feng's palm fell on the Tianling Gai of the Xianting Elder.

Now that Wang Feng is here in the Nile Sea, he always needs to know something about the Nile religion. It is too troublesome to ask others, so now he just asks for the memory directly from this person's head.

The pain of searching for the soul far exceeds the pain of the physical body. No matter how determined the old man's will is, he still uttered a painful scream under this soul searching technique.

The wailing resounded through the entire void at this moment, making everyone's heart chill. A supreme in the late stage of the holy realm was an unattainable existence in the eyes of many people.

Because such a person is enough to command any big power, but now the supreme in the late stage of the holy realm has fallen into such a fate, being forced to search for the soul.

"Unexpectedly, this Nile Sect has so many masters." The last time in the Jueluo Sea, those Nile Sect masters were basically killed by Wang Feng in seconds, and he did not search for their souls.

But now through this elder of the Xiantian, Wang Feng finally has some general understanding of this Nile religion.

Among the forces that Wang Feng knew well, the most sect was no more than a few supreme, and this sect was their natural gods.

However, the number of supreme Nile sects has reached more than one hundred. If such a force is going to sweep the middle three days, I am afraid that the whole three days will fall.

There are more than one hundred supreme elders, and there are also several super elders, such as the third elder, the second elder, and the great elder. They are all half immortals on the bright side, but in places that many people don’t know, there are actually several Nile A hidden elder too.

These elders used to be leaders of the Nile religion, but as they got older, they retreated behind the scenes after they abdicated. In the eyes of many people, they have already been sitting down, and only the real high-level leaders of the Nile religion. Only then did they know that they just closed the deadlock.

For Banxian, the biggest obstacle in front of them is to hit a star and become a real immortal.

It's just that through the ages, it is too difficult to break through to this realm. The Great Emperor Xuanyu also used his hundred generations of cultivation base to successfully break the shackles and become a star immortal.

Of course, the Nile Sect also has a real immortal, that person is their current leader of the Nile Sect. It is precisely because of the existence of this person that the Nile Sect can rule the Quartet, and no one dares to refuse.

In this person's memory, he has not seen their leader for more than a hundred years, but his worship of the leader has never stopped.

It is human nature for the weak to worship the strong, even if it is the supreme of the late Holy Realm.

The screaming screams gradually diminished, and under the vicious soul-searching technique, the elder of Xian Ting could no longer hold it.

His soul was fragmented by Wang Feng, even if he was still alive, he would be a fool in the future.

Even if a fool has the power of the late stage of the Holy Realm, a fool is a fool.

"Send you on the road." The role of the old man has been completely lost, so there is no need for Wang Feng to keep him.

With a palm shot, the body of the elder Xianting was torn apart by Wang Feng until it exploded into a cloud of blood.

When the soul was released, Wang Feng erased everything he had, leaving him without the ability to resurrect.

Reaching out and grabbing away his spatial ring, Wang Feng directly tore the void with Liu with a knife.

Right now he has wasted too much time here. If he waits for the Nile Sect's troops to come over, it will not be so easy for him to leave.

"This is for you." Void Wang Feng said, and handed Liu Yidao the horrendous sword.

"It's really a good weapon." After catching this big knife, Liu Yidao showed an expression of love. He used to be famous for knives, and he has a natural love for knives.

If it weren't the case, he wouldn't be able to make a desperate cut.

"By the way, I almost forgot one thing." While speaking, Wang Feng took the knife in Liu Yidao's hand, opened his eyes and exuded his soul power, until Wang Feng completely wiped Qin Tianya on the knife. Go, Wang Feng handed the knife to Liu Yidao.

"Change your appearance, this scholar is no longer suitable for appearing in this Jueluo" Liu nodded, and then he quickly became a big man, and beside him, Wang Feng also He changed his appearance quickly, and this time he became what he was.

No one knew his true face in the Luohai area, so he was not worried that the Nile church would find him.

"No, I have to change someone." Seeing Wang Feng's change back to his original appearance, Liu Yidao also shouted.

As his voice fell, Wang Feng suddenly became speechless, because Liu Yidao, the shameless shameless man, turned into another person.

The appearance is the same, the breath is the same, if it weren't for Wang Feng to know that it was Liu Yidao, this could almost all be false.

"I will use this look to deceive your little daughters-in-law in the future." Liu Yidao smiled wretchedly.


A big curse resounded in the void, and then quickly went away.


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