The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1193: Tianjiao Qizhi

"Junior Mu Bin has seen Patriarch Hua." The young man said, and bowed to the Patriarch of the Hua family.

"Since it's here, let's wait on the sidelines." Hua Family Patriarch said, there is no predecessor's shelf.

"It turned out to be Mu Bin." Many people were surprised when they heard this young man self-reported his name. The Nile Sea is vast, far more than the Jueluo Sea, but young people like Mu Bin are not supreme. But his reputation has already been established.

Before the age of forty, he already possesses the strength of a semi-sage, and even the supreme in the early stages of the holy realm may not be able to deal with him.

This person came from the Nile religion and was a very famous young talent in the world. Many people only heard of his name but did not see him. They did not expect that they would see his deity here today, but it was unexpected.

It's no wonder that he can break through the air directly. With the help of the Nile Sect, the Hua Family really dare not do anything to him.

In fact, these people just think a lot. As long as the people who receive the invitation from the Hua family have the function of automatically identifying the forbidden law, when these come here, the formation above the city will be automatically opened for them, so they can be different Ordinary people descend directly from the void.

"I heard the name of Fairy Flower for a long time, but I was turned away from coming here several times before. I didn't expect to finally see your dignity this time." As he spoke, a gust of wind suddenly started.

The scarf covering Hua Qianyan's head was slowly blown up at this moment, and he even dared to do so in front of the patriarch of Hua. This Mu Bin was also brave enough.

Shi Jian's brows wrinkled slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Because he can't afford to offend the Nile religion, and the person he wants to challenge is likely to come out of the Nile religion, so now that he can't be guilty is as much as possible.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of monks were all staring at Hua Qianyan intently, just waiting for the scarf on her head to be blown up.

"Is this your gentleman's demeanor?" Hua Qianyan spoke at this moment, her voice was so crisp that it made many people's bones crisp.

People are beautiful and their voices are beautiful. If you can embrace such beauties and return, even if you want them to live for a thousand years, they will not hesitate.

"Haha, I was too abrupt, I will apologize to you now." Hearing what the other party said, Mu Bin laughed, and then the gust of wind slowly calmed down.

He said it was an apology, but in his eyes, Wang Feng could see a sense of possessiveness. Obviously, he really wanted to get Hua Qianyan, but because of so many people, he was not easy to grab it.

Moreover, the Hua family also has a master such as Hua Shijian, and he might not be successful in grabbing.


At this moment, the void suddenly roared, and another young expert came here.

I saw this person carrying a big sword on his back, the whole person looked very miserable, and a chic and lonely breath radiated from him, as if he was out of place in this world.

"I dreamed that someone was coming." A sound from his mouth shocked many people.

Obviously they all know this person. This dream of missed destiny does not belong to the Nile religion, nor does it belong to several other great teachers. He is only a first-order casual cultivator with no background or identity. Even a few years ago many people did I don't know that there is still such a person in the Nile Sea that he has missed his dream.

He suddenly emerged a few years ago, and he swept many young talents with just a big sword, and even many talents of the Nile Sect had been defeated in his hands.

Many forces have thrown olive branches to him, but all the kind invitations of those people have been rejected by him. Originally, according to normal circumstances, it is difficult for a young talent to grow up without the cultivation of large forces.

Because they need to use a lot of things in their cultivation, such as pills and exercises are a big problem.

Casual cultivators have no training resources and no expert guidance, so it is very difficult for them to make progress in their cultivation.

But this dream of being missed is like breaking this routine. Although no one has guided him, and no one has given him cultivation resources, his realm has never stopped growing in recent years.

The Tianjiao among the big forces are rapidly improving their strength, and he is the same.

One person and one sword cross the world. This is everything that Mengwuyuan has. It can be said that the most valuable thing in him is that sword.

This sword looked quaint and unrecognizable, as if it was thrown in a pile of swords and couldn't be recognized.

However, only those who truly understand Dream Missing know that this sword may seem ordinary, but in fact this sword is a treasure.

No matter what kind of opponent Meng missed, he was fighting with this sword.

Even when he encounters the treasure used by the opponent, his great sword can still cut off the opponent's.

From this it can be seen that this seemingly ordinary sword is not ordinary. Many people have hit his idea with this sword, but it is a pity that those people have now become dead.

People who don't have a support, dream miss is easy to become prey in the eyes of others, but those people may not figure out that this dream miss is not someone who can easily provoke.

The more a person he is, the more terrifying he gets crazy, because he has no worries at all, he can't beat him, but once they slow down, perhaps what is waiting for you is the craziest revenge.

Therefore, I would rather provoke those forces than provoke such lunatics. This is the reason why people who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes.

If a force wants to deal with someone, it has to consider the consequences, but a person doesn't think so much, because he can do whatever he wants, and no one can hold his handle.

Being alone has disadvantages, but at the same time the benefits are self-evident.

Seeing this young man carrying a great sword, Wang Feng's eyes flashed slightly. He could see that this man was at most similar to his age, but he had already faintly possessed the demeanor of the early stages of the Holy Realm. Presumably, it was only for him to set foot in this realm. It's just a matter of time.

He had gone through untold hardships and reached the early stage of the holy realm after the last skyrocketing realm. If this were not the case, Wang Feng would not know how long it would take to reach the initial stage of the holy realm.

So in terms of talent for cultivation, this dream is not bad for missed opportunities.

"It is rumored that this dream missed a life without a Taoist companion. How did he think of coming to participate in the martial arts contest this time?" At this time, a monk whispered.

"I'm not here this time to recruit relatives, I'm just to come to fight." It seemed that after hearing these monks' comments, the dreamless mouth made a sound.

His voice resounded like thunder throughout the city, and as his voice fell, his fighting spirit rushed into the sky, shocking many people.

Meng Wuyuan is lonely, but at the same time he is also a fighting lunatic, because everyone who has fought with him is shocked by his spirit of never retreating.

He gave up all his defenses, and focused on offense. In such a crazy battle mode, few cultivators could resist.

It can be said that this is how the reputation of Meng Wuyuan came out.

"It's a good one to fight. Meng missed you. Do you really think that you are already invincible in our generation?" At this moment, a sneer came from the void, and then the whirlpool exploded, and a white-clothed youth stepped from the whirlpool. Out.

As soon as this person came out, the aura of supremeness immediately filled the world. At this moment, many people couldn't help their complexion flushed and they almost fell on their knees.

Because they cannot resist this supreme power.

"This is the city of our Hua family. I don't know if I can sell the old man a thin noodle, wait until the battle begins?" Hua Shijian said at this moment.

"Since Patriarch Hua spoke, I should obey." The white-clothed youth spoke, and then slowly took away his supreme breath.

He had never fought Meng before. No outsiders knew about the first battle. Only the two of them stood alone. At that time, the two men fought evenly, and they fought for five days and five nights without a single victory.

So since then, he has been practicing crazy until a month ago, he successfully broke into the holy realm and squeezed into the supreme circle.

Supreme and Semi-Holy are two completely different meanings. Supreme can call the wind and call rain, but half-Holy may not be enough. Wang Feng also came from Half-Holy, and he knew how big the gap between the two was.

Slowly withdrawing his breath, the white-clothed youth cast a contemptuous look at Meng Wuyuan, and then turned his gaze to Hua Qianyan.

"Since today is a martial arts contest to recruit relatives, presumably Patriarch Hua won't let Ling Yuan keep from seeing people like this, right?" the white-clothed youth said.

Hearing his words, many people agreed, because everyone wanted to see what the true face of Hua Qianyan was like.

"Wait a little longer, when everyone is here, I will naturally let her lift the scarf." The patriarch of the flower said, making the white-clothed young man's face sinking.

Obviously, somebody's face was so uncomfortable.

Just thinking of Hua Qianyan's unique physique, he could only bear it.

What kind of beauty do you want to reach their level?

Even a woman with a face like Hua Qianyan can be caught by reaching out. The reason why Hua Qianyan is famous in the Nile Sea is because she has a unique physique, which is called Jueyuan The physique, this physique is strange in the word Jueyuan.

This physique doesn't usually have any effect, and it will even seriously affect Hua Qianyan's own cultivation. She is also a younger generation, but her current realm is only in the Xuanming realm, which is quite different from the true young Tianjiao.

But once she gets along with the male monk, her physique will explode unimaginable benefits.

Not only will her cultivation speed be accelerated, but men who have **** with her can get huge benefits. If not, why are the many young talents of the Nile religion favoring her?

I waited for about ten The young Tianjiao came batch after batch, and they were almost over a hundred in total.

Seeing this scene, the face of the white-clothed youth was completely gloomy. He knew what Hua Shijian wanted to do, and even he had made a decision.

Just seeing the other party invite so many people to come at once, he has a feeling of being treated as goods.

Picking out the best from a large number of goods is what Hua Shijian wants to do.

If you want to get his daughter, you have to join their Huajia family. This is already stated in the invitation, and if these people dare to come today, it means that they are all prepared.

Looking at the many young Tianjiao in the sky, this Hua Shijian smiled slightly, and then said: "I think everyone is almost there. If this is the case, then I will not hide it. Since everyone wants to see My daughter, it is also an honor for my daughter to let you all do what you want today."

While speaking, he personally stretched out his hand to tear off the scarf on the top of Hua Qianyan's head.

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